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Application Design Implementation Scheduling Overhaul Production Machinery At PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Atmaningtyas, Linggar; Setyawan, Henry; Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 9, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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PT Semen Indonesia in its production, has a variety of machines that each day will perform a poction. With the continuous machine performance of PT Semen Indonesia will do the Overhaul of the machine owned. For now in the stage of scheduling Overhaul conducted by the company is still in a stage that lacks support because the software used can not update directly with SAP and still use Excel. In scheduling using SAP there is an issue where Software cannot determine the number of days present in the scheduling, unable to determine Shift, without filling in the PIC field and the Vendor Activity field keep running following Shift. The impact of the problem is that the process is disadvantaged at the time of the report generation and the lack of information. With such problems the company wants to create and implement a system scheduling Overhaul production machines. In the system can determine the number of days, can determine the Shift and also application demands to provide information at the time of the report generation.                Based on the test results of the Overhaul scheduling application with the Staff Department Of ICT and Staff Management Service Development, the results of the system can be easier to determine the number of days and Shift and the system can determine The selected vendor.Keyword: Website, Scheduling, production machinery, overhauls.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencatatan Barang Masuk Dan Barang Keluar Pada Gudang PT Telkom Akses Surabaya Kurniawan, Wahyu Budi Adi; Setyawan, Henry; Soebijono, Tony
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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Abstract: System for recording incoming goods, transfer of goods, and re-filing order goods inventory at the warehouse PT. Telkom Akses Surabaya still using manual systems. The lack of systems that store and archive evidence for a history of the demand for goods. Re-filing goods orders due to inaccurate calculations done using estimates warehouse clerk, inventory resulting void because the goods ordered are yet to come.Need a system that can be used to manage incoming goods, goods out, and re-filing order goods, so inventories of goods in warehouse PT. Telkom Surabaya access can run optimally and not experience emptiness inventory. The system can also print the form of demand for goods that can be used as archival storage.With this system implemented, no longer experienced warehouse inventory vacancy. Reports generated to cleanly and accurately.
Bhamada: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan (E-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2014)

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Kegiatan Evaluasi Program Pengendalian Penyakit ISPA di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang seringkali berjalan kurang baik karena informasi yang berasal dari pelaporan rutin sebagai bahan utama yang diperlukan belum dapat mendukung kegiatan evaluasi. Ada beberapa permasalahan pada sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia sebelum dikembangkan yaitu petugas kesulitan melakukan perubahan maupun mengakses kembali informasi pneumonia, informasi yang dihasilkan belum lengkap dan belum jelas serta pelaporan tidak tepat waktu. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia berbasis web pada Program Pengendalian Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (P2 ISPA) di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang. Desain penelitian adalah pra eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest, pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques). Subjek penelitian ada dua yaitu pengguna sistem di Dinas Kesehatan dan empat puskesmas percontohan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam dan kuesioner tertutup, pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi dan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Penelitian menghasilkan suatu sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia berbasis web untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada sistem informasi yang lama. Hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kualitas informasi yang signifikan dilihat dari aspek kemudahan (p=0,0001), aspek kelengkapan (p=0,0001), aspek kejelasan (p=0,0001) dan aspek ketepatan waktu (p=0,0001) antara sebelum dan sesudah sistem informasi dikembangkan. Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang agar membangun komitmen untuk memanfaatkan sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia yang dikembangkan secara optimal.
ODONTO : Dental Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/odj.8.2.32-42


ABSTRACTBackground: Oral and dental health service facilities are very at risk of infection. It found an increase in the frequency of microorganisms before 33.3% and after 80% of treatments in the air of the practice room and an increase in microorganisms before 18.3% and after 70% treatment on the surface of the dental unit.Method: This study aim to report integratively on infection prevention and control guidelines in dental and oral health facilities. The literature review used in this article uses the Systematic Literature Review method by analyzing 618 articles on the scientific search engines Science Direct, ProQuest, Google Schoolar and Pubmed with the criteria for articles related to keywords and 14 articles were collected as literature studies related to material. Result: Guidelines for the implementation of infection prevention in dental and oral health facilities.Conclusion: Effective and efficient infection control efforts in dentist practice can reduce the spread of infectious diseases in dental and oral health care facilities.
LELAKI SEKS LELAKI: AKTIVITAS SEKSUAL DAN BAGAIMANA MEREKA MEMULAINYA? Forman Novindo Sidjabat; Henry Setyawan; Suharyo Adisaputro Setyawan
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Jember

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Pendahuluan: LSL akan mudah terkena HIV akibat perilaku hubungan seksual yang tidakaman, baik yang dilakukan secara anal maupun oral. Hubungan seksual melalui anal (analintercourse) yang banyak dilakukan oleh LSL merupakan teknik hubungan seks yangpaling berisiko menularkan HIV/AIDS. Kasus HIV/AIDS pada kelompok LSL terusmeningkat tiap tahun sementara tidak banyak data dan penelitian dilakukan.Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktifitas seksual dan bagaimanaproses kelompok LSL memulai aktifitas seksualnya.Metode Penelitian: Metode penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan explanatory researchyang dilakukan di Kota Semarang dengan sampel 108 orang LSL yang diambil denganteknik consecutive sampling. Semua responden adalah laki-laki berhubungan seks denganlaki-laki minimal satu kali. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode field research denganmelakukan observasi dan berinteraksi di dalam lingkungan sosial.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menemukan LSL melakukan aktifitas seksual berisikotinggi untuk mendapatkan sensasi dan kepuasan seksual. Aktivitas seksual yang dilakukandiantaranya memasukkan jari ke dubur dan menjilati dubur pasangan, memakai obatpembangkit gairah saat melakukan seks grup serta melakukan dan mendapatkankekerasan saat berhubungan seksualyang akan menyebabkanperlukaan/peradangan/infeksi yang memudahkan penularan HIV. Aktifitas seksualdimulai dengan mencari pasangan seksual melalui pertemuan komunitas atau LSL baru lainnya di pertemuan rutin, tempat umum atau tempat khusus gay lain yang lebih dahulumereka temui secara viral dimedia sosial atau jejaring sosial internet gay lainnya. Kata Kunci: Lelaki Seks Lelaki, Aktivitas Seksual, Kesehatan Reproduksi
Information System Development for Web Based Routine Reporting of Pneumonia in Acute Respiratory Infection Control Program at Semarang District Health Office Yohanes Oktavianus Dolu; Henry Setyawan Susanto; Atik Mawarni
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Agustus 2015
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (763.179 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.3.2.2015.%p


ABSTRAKKegiatan evaluasi Program Pengendalian Penyakit ISPA di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang seringkali berjalan kurang baik karena informasi yang berasal dari pelaporan rutin sebagai bahan utama yang diperlukan belum dapat mendukung kegiatan evaluasi. Ada beberapa permasalahan pada sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia yang saat ini berjalan yaitu petugas kesulitan melakukan perubahan maupun mengakses kembali informasi pneumonia, informasi yang dihasilkan belum lengkap dan belum jelas serta pelaporan yang tidak tepat waktu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia berbasis web pada Program Pengendalian Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (P2 ISPA) di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest, pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques). Subjek penelitian ada dua yaitu pengguna sistem di Dinas Kesehatan dan empat puskesmas percontohan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam dan kuesioner tertutup, pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi dan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia baru yang berbasis web untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada sistem informasi yang lama. Hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kualitas informasi yang signifikan dilihat dari aspek kemudahan (p=0,0001), aspek kelengkapan (p=0,0001), aspek kejelasan (p=0,0001) dan aspek ketepatan waktu (p=0,0001) antara sebelum dan sesudah sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia dikembangkan. Perlu adanya komitmen dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang untuk memanfaatkan sistem informasi pelaporan rutin pneumonia yang baru ini secara optimal. Selain itu, data-data yang dilaporkan dari puskesmas ke Dinas Kesehatan hendaknya benar-benar akurat dan sesuai fakta di lapangan.Kata kunci : Sistem informasi, pelaporan rutin pneumonia, Program P2 ISPAABSTRACTEvaluation activities for a program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control at Semarang District Health Office were not optimal because required information from a routine report could not be used to support evaluation activities. Some problems existing on current information system of pneumonia routine reporting were as follows: an officer had a difficulty to change or re-access pneumonia information, resulted information was incomplete and unclear, and submission of a report was not timely. This research aimed to develop information system of Pneumonia routine reporting based on web on the program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control at Semarang District Health Office.Design of this research was pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest approach. In addition, development of the system used the methods of Framework for the Application of System Techniques (FAST). Subjects consisted of a system user at District Health Office and four pilot health centers. Data were collected using methods of observation, indepth interview, and a closed-ended questionnaire. Furthermore, data were analyzed using content analysis and Wilcoxon test. This research resulted information system of Pneumonia routine reporting based on web on the program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control to solve problems happened in the old system. The result of Wilcoxon test revealed that there were any quality differences of information in terms of the aspect of easiness (p=0.0001), the aspect of completeness (p=0.0001), the aspect of clarity (p=0.0001), and the aspect of timeliness (p=0.0001) before and after developing the information system.As a suggestion, Semarang District Health Office needs to have commitment to optimally operate the new system. Additionally, data reported from health centers to District Health Office must be accurate in accordance with reality in the fields.Keywords : Information System, Pneumonia Routine Reporting, A Program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Clinical Pathway Pasien Hyperbilirubinemia Neonatus Di Rumah Sakit Hermina Pandanaran Semarang Edwin Sanjaya; Tjahjono Kuntjoro; Henry Setyawan
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.107 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.6.1.2018.75-80


Hyperbilirubinemia neonatus adalah suatu kondisi peningkatan kadar bilirubin dalam darah pada bayi baru lahir, baik oleh faktor fisiologik maupun faktor non-fisiologik, yang dapat menyebabkan kematian pada bayi. Lama rawat pasien hyperbilirubinemia neonatus di RS Hermina Pandanaran 4,3 hari (± 0,675) tidak sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan yaitu 3 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui alasan-alasan tenaga kesehatan melakukan atau tidak melakukan prosedur sesuai dengan clinical pathway.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang disajikan secara explanatory design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Informan utama pada penelitian ini adalah 3 dokter spesialis anak dan 3 perawat pelaksana, dan Informan triangulasi yaitu manajer pelayanan medis, kepala instalasi dan kepala perawat ruang perinatologi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode content analysis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 kasus yang diamati, rata-rata kepatuhan sebesar 92,18% (±1,77). Pemeriksaan uji Coomb dan G6PD tidak dilakukan karena pemeriksaan tersebut tidak bisa dilakukan di RS Hermina Pandanaran dan hanya 70% dari dilakukan pemeriksaan ulang bilirubin total karena alasan biaya. Sosialisasi belum berjalan dengan baik karena baru dilakukan di awal saat masuk bekerja. Belum dilakukan pengecekan sarana dan prasarana secara rutin. Tidak ada tim dan Standar Operasional Prosedur untuk monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan Clinical pathway.Disarankan agar pihak Rumah Sakit  mensosialisasikan kembali Clinical Pathway yang telah disusun, membentuk tim monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan Clinical Pathway dan membuat Standar Operasional Prosedur  monitoring dan evaluasi Clinical pathway.
Factors That Related with Incomplete Children Immunization in Kuala Tungkal II Health Center Yundri Yundri; Mexitalia Setiawati; Suhartono Suhartono; Henry Setyawan; Kamilah Budhi
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V5I32017.361-370


Complete basic immunization coverage in West Tanjung Jabung Barat District has not reached the Millennium Development Goals standard (> 93%). Data from the Health Office shows that the achievement of complete basic immunization in West Tanjung Jabung District was 89% and the working area of the Public Health Center (PHC) of Kuala Tungkal II in West Tanjung Jabung District was 78%. The main causes of the low achievement of basic immunization are the characteristics and behavior of the mother. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the incompleteness of basic immunization status. This research is a mixed-methods research which includes cross-sectional and qualitative studies using in-depth interviews. The study was conducted in the working area of PHC of Kuala Tungkal II, West Tanjung Jabung District. The population in this study is all mothers who have children aged 12 to 24 months. Sampling is done through a random sampling probability technique. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between maternal knowledge (p=0,000; OR=45.25; 95%CI=13.23-154.72), the attitude of mothers in need of immunization (p=0,000; OR=94.55; 95%CI=22.13-403.87), maternal motivation in taking immunization time (p=0,000; OR=37.00; 95%CI=11.40-119.99) is related to the child's basic immunization status. The conclusion of the research is that the three variables are related to the incompleteness of immunization. Research suggestions are addressed to the health department to increase the knowledge of health workers in training related to basic immunization, so as to provide counseling to the public about the importance of basic immunization in children.
Hubungan Kualitas Tidur dengan Kontrol Glikemik pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus : Systematic Review Ulfa Nur Azizah; Moh Arie Wurjanto; Nissa Kusariana; Henry Setyawan Susanto
Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 7, No 1: Februari 2022
Publisher : Master of Epidemiology, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jekk.v7i1.13310


Background: People with Diabetes Mellitus often wake up at night to urinate, thereby reducing the quality of sleep. Sleep quality is related to HbA1c levels. There are many studies regarding the relationship between sleep quality and glycemic control with the results that there is a relationship or no relationship.Methods: This study uses the Systematic Review method with PRISMA guidelines without meta-analysis. Databases used: ScienceDirect, PubMed, Scopus and Portal Garuda. The selected articles were critically assessed with Joanna Briggs Institute questionnaire.Result: There were 17 articles deserved to be analyzed. Many studies state that there is a relationship between global PSQI scores and sleep duration with HbA1c. PSQI is a predictor of HbA1c. The relationship between sleep duration and HbA1c is U-shaped.Conclusion : This study shows that sleep quality is related to glycemic control.
Faktor Risiko yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Status Kontrol Glikemik pada Kehamilan dengan Diabetes Melitus (Studi Kasus Kontrol Pasien di Beberapa RS di Kota Semarang) Resna Meiwarnis; Ariawan Soejoenoes; Heri Nugroho; Suharyo Hadisaputro; Henry Setyawan
Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 1, No 2: Agustus 2016
Publisher : Master of Epidemiology, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.292 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/j.e.k.k.v1i2.3947


Background : The number of diabetes patients was higher in women than men. The high prevalence in women occurs in pregnant women because of the increasing age of childbearing. Commonly, pregnancy in women with diabetes was associated with morbidity and mortality.  Data obtained from Diabetic  Department  King’s  College  Hospital mentioned that  during  pregnancy, a good control of maternal diabetes cause a progressive decline in blood glucose control. The purpose of this research is to explain some risk factors related to glycaemic control status in pregnancy with diabetes mellitus. Methods : This research was an observational study using case control design by using retrospective approach. The population of this study is all cases of pregnancy with diabetes with  the number of sample was 62 people, consist of 31 cases and 31 control with consecutive  sampling. In this research, cases sample selection was chosed from pregnant women with diabetes who come to Tugurejo Hospital, Semarang City Hospital and Roemani Hospital during 2015. Control sample selection was chosed from non pregnant women with diabetes who come to Tugurejo Hospital, Semarang City Hospital and Roemani Hospital during 2015. Results : The pattern of taking medications that was not good (p= 0,002; aOR= 7,2; 95%CI= 1,9-17,2) was risk factors of poor glycaemic control status with probability event amounted was 70,0%. Conclusion : The risk factors to glycaemic control status in pregnancy with diabetes was the pattern of taking medications that was not good. Background  :Thenumber  ofdiabetes  patients  washigher  inwomen  thanmen.Thehigh prevalence   in   women   occurs   in   pregnant   women   because   of   the   increasing   age   of childbearing.  Commonly,  pregnancy  inwomen  withdiabetes  wasassociated  withmorbidity andmortality.  Dataobtained  fromDiabetic  Department  King’s  College  Hospital  mentioned that  during  pregnancy,  agood  control  ofmaternal  diabetes  cause  aprogressive  decline  in bloodglucosecontrol.Thepurposeof thisresearchisto explainsomeriskfactorsrelatedto glycaemiccontrolstatusinpregnancywithdiabetesmellitus.Methods  :Thisresearch  wasanobservational  studyusingcasecontrol  design  by  using  a retrospective  approach.  Thepopulation  ofthisstudyisallcasesofpregnancy  withdiabetes with  the  number  of  sample  was  62  people,  consist  of  31  cases  and  31  control  with consecutive  sampling.  In  this  research,  cases  sample  selection  was  chosed  from  pregnant women   with   diabetes   who   come   to  Tugurejo   Hospital,   Semarang   City   Hospital   and Roemani  Hospital  during  2015.  Control  sample  selection  was  chosed  from  non  pregnant women   with   diabetes   who   come   to  Tugurejo   Hospital,   Semarang   City   Hospital   and RoemaniHospitalduring2015.Results:Thepatternoftakingmedications  thatwasnotgood(p=0,002;aOR=7,2;95% CI=1,9-17,2)was   risk  factors   of  poor  glycaemic   control   status  with  probability   event amountedwas70,0%.Conclusion  :Theriskfactorstoglycaemiccontrolstatusinpregnancywithdiabeteswasthe patternoftakingmedicationsthatwasnotgood.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Agus Suwandono Agus Suwandono Ajeng Sri Pujasari Anggit Vikasari Ani Margawati Anies Anies Anies Anies Anisah Nur Aini Annisa Bekti Rohmatus Antonius Raga Wida Dirgantara Ari Suwondo Ari Udijono Ari Udiyono Ari Udiyono Ari Udiyono Ari Udiyono Ari Udiyono Ariawan Soejoenoes Arie Wuryanto Arnandy, Didiet Arnandy, Didiet Astri Aditya Atik Mawarni Atmaningtyas, Linggar Ausy Hawais Monasel Ayu Dya Puspaning Tyas Ayun Sriatmi Bagoes Widjanarko Binti Sabrina Budi Palarto Cherinita Hamida Christanto Ismu Priyo Boka Wayeni Diah Ajeng Pratiwi Diajeng Sri Andriani Permatasari Dwi Sutiningsih Edwin Sanjaya Eka Oktaviarini Erent Ersantika Sari, Erent Ersantika Fajar Istiqomah Fany Fanana Mahdia Firdianita Nuria Orbanida Flora Theodora Parapat Forman Novindo Sidjabat Hanifah Ardiani Hasriyani Hasriyani Ietje Nazaruddin Indah Nisrina Sarahfatin Irayanti, Irayanti Julia Pertiwi, Julia K. Heri Nugroho HS, K. Heri Kamilah Budhi Kamilah Budhi Kamilah Budhi Kinanti Fajar Cahyaning Tyas Kumalasari Kumalasari Kurniawan, Wahyu Budi Adi Kurniawan, Wahyu Budi Adi Lintang Dian Saaraswati Lintang Dian Saraswati Lukmono, Djoko Tri Hadi M. Arie Wuryanto M. Sakundarno Adi Maria Mexitalia Maria Ulfah Martha Irene Kartasurya Martini Martini Martini Martini Mateus Sakundarno Adi, Mateus Sakundarno Mexitalia Setiawati Mexitalia Setiawati Mexitalia Setiawati Moch Ardyan Pratama Putra Moh Arie Wurjanto Moh. Arie Wurjanto Mohammad Arie Wurjanto Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro Nanang Qosim Nissa Kusariana Norra Hendarni Wijaya Nur Fitriah Nur Khamilatusy Sholekhah Nur Solichah Prakosa, Anugerah Syaifullah Prakosa, Anugerah Syaifullah Putri Septyarini Rafsanjani, T.M. Rahayu, Khasanah Budi Raras Sekti Pudyasari Ratna Susanti Realita Nurhanani Resna Meiwarnis Retno Hestiningsih Rina Rina Rindi Maylia Faramita Sabilla Ananda Aulia Selvy Soejono Silfiya Silfiya Sri Widuri Retnoningrum Utami Jatiputri Sri Yuliawati Sri Yuliawati Sri Yuliawati Stanislaus Kristiyanto Suhartono, Suhartono Suharyo Adisaputro Setyawan Suharyo Hadisaputro Suryani, Norma Dewi Tjahjono Kuntjoro Tjokorda Gde Dalem Pemayun Tony Soebijono Trihadi Lukmono, Djoko Ulfa Bariroh Ulfa Nur Azizah Via Diarisma Anggarika Vrishelli Setiadi Putri Wahid Marlisa Wahyu Estining Tyas Wahyuni Christiany Br Sinaga Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Woeryanto, Moh Arie Yohanes Oktavianus Dolu Yohanes Oktavianus Dolu Yuliani Setyaningsih Yundri Yundri Yundri Yundri Ziyaan Azdzahiy Bebe