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Strategic : Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis Vol 16, No 1 (2016): Strategic
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/strategic.v16i1.7067


West Java province dominates the growth rate of universities in Indonesia, but the number of college students has decreasing. Similarly, the people's preference for universities in West Java as an excellent college and the best universities in Indonesia is still low. These problems show that customer based brand equity of colleges in West Java is not optimal. This study conducted in 2013-2014 and uses a management science approach of marketing. The method used in this study is descriptive survey and explanatory survey. The data used primary and secondary data that was collected through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis used Stuctural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this study revealed that the marketing mix of educational services has a positive influence on the customer based brand equity of higher education in West Java. The dimensions of customer-based brand equity, especially brand performance dimension, should be getting more attention in order to increase performance and the factors are: facilities, meeting the students need, the speed of service, courtesy, and tuition money. This research is part of my dissertation.
Strategic : Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis Vol 16, No 2 (2016): Strategic
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/strategic.v16i2.7600


West Java province dominates the growth rate of universities in Indonesia, but the number of college students has decreasing. Similarly, the people's preference for universities in West Java as an excellent college and the best universities in Indonesia is still low. These problems show that customer based brand equity of colleges in West Java is not optimal. This study conducted in 2013-2014 and uses a management science approach of marketing. The method used in this study is descriptive survey and explanatory survey. The data used primary and secondary data that was collected through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis used Stuctural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this study revealed that the marketing mix of educational services has a positive influence on the customer based brand equity of higher education in West Java. The dimensions of customer-based brand equity, especially brand performance dimension, should be getting more attention in order to increase performance and the factors are: facilities, meeting the students need, the speed of service, courtesy, and tuition money. This research is part of my dissertation. Keywords: Marketing Mix of Education Services; Customer Based Brand Equity.
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Jasa Pendidikan Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa serta Dampaknya Terhadap Upaya Peningkatan Citra Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Menuju World Class University (Studi pada Mahasiswa Asing di ITB, UNPAD, dan UPI) Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
JURNAL ILMU MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis. September 2012
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jimb.v3i2.1039


Pendidikan merupakan salah satu alat yang yang paling efektif untuk mengubah manusia. Seiring dengan globalisasi yang terus terjadi dengan kecepatan tinggi yang menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan manusia secara global menyentuh pula pendidikan. Perubahan ini membuat pasar dan persaingan perguruan tinggi menjadi lebih luas dari sebelumnya dan relatif bergerak lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan kemampuan perguruan tinggi untuk meresponnya. Saat ini telah ada pemeringkatan universitas-universitas di dunia yang bertandar internasional yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga yang diakui oleh dunia, perguruan tinggi di Indonesia tidak termasuk 50 universitas terbaik dunia baik versi Webometrics maupun QS World University Rankings. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa masih lemahnya daya saing perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan perguruan tinggi di luar negeri yang pada akhirnya daya saing perguruan tinggi ini akan membangun citra perguruan tingginya. Citra memiliki arti yang sangat penting bagi institusi. Citra adalah sebuah faktor yang penting yang saling berhubungan dengan kepuasan konsumen dan loyalitas. Pengalaman langsung mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap citra Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah descriptif survey dan explanatory survey terhadap sampel berukuran 100 orang mahasiswa asing di tiga perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung yaitu ITB, UNPAD dan UPI. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan kuesioner. Sedangkan untuk mengukur besarnya pengaruh kualitas layanan jasa pendidikan terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa serta dampaknya terhadap upaya peningkatan citra perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung digunakananalisis SEM (Structural Equation Modelling). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kualitas layanan jasa pendidikan berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa dan pengaruh kepuasan mahasiswa berpengaruh positif terhadap citra perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung. Atribut layanan yang harus diprioritaskan atau yang harus mendapat perhatian lebih atau diperbaiki sehingga kinerjanya meningkat antara lain: asrama mahasiswa, Infrastruktur TI, fasilitas medism, dan potensi-potensi staf seperti etos kerja, fleksibilitas, ketelitian, kedisiplinan, kreatif dan inovasi, integritas dan tanggung jawab.
The International Journal of Business Review (The Jobs Review) Vol 1, No 2 (2018): The International Journal of Business Review. December 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/tjr.v1i2.14475


This research is motivated by economic learning conditions that have not involved the value of sustainability. Sustainability values need to be developed in economic learning because economic activities have a great opportunity to behave in an environmentally unfriendly manner that has a broad impact. The application of sustainable values to students is realized through meaningful learning, one of which is by applying the inquiry work field learning model that emphasizes direct experience through field research. Thus this study aims to design learning models with the ADDIE approach (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). To design the design of this learning model, a needs analysis was conducted and design was designed by conducting surveys, observations and literature studies on the learning model. The results of this study reveal the current conditions of economic learning, the results of the needs analysis for the preparation of learning models and the design of learning models. It is hoped that from this research, it can be an input for meaningful economic learning through direct experience that is able to foster environmentally friendly behavior in the long term.
Ekspektasi Pengunjung Situs Reservasi Hotel Online: E-wom dalam Menciptakan Keputusan Pembelian Hijrianti, Rina A.; Wibowo, Lili Adi; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Strategic : Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis Vol 19, No 1 (2019): Strategic
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/strategic.v19i1.17668


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of e-wom toward purchase decision on online hotel reservation visitors in Indonesia. A total of 200 respondents were selected using probability sampling. A questionnaire was used as a resreach instrument to collect data from respondents. The analysis tehnique by using frequency distribution.
Pengaruh Brand Authenticity Terhadap Brand Trust (Survei pada pengunjung Website Business to Consumer JD.ID di Indonesia) Margana, Andika Alvin; Wibowo, Lili Adi; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Journal of Business Management Education (JBME) Vol 4, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Business Education Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.916 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jbme.v4i3.20160


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan pengaruh brand authenticity terhadap brand trust. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif, dan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survei dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 268 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah path analysis (analisis jalur) dengan alat bantu program SPSS 24.0 for windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gambaran brand authenticity dalam kategori cukup tinggi, gambaran brand trust dalam kategori tinggi, dimensi brand authenticity yang memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi terhadap brand trust adalah dimensi consistency, sedangkan dimensi yang memiliki pengaruh terendah adalah dimensi originality. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disarankan dalam brand authenticity perusahaan untuk meningkatkan originality guna meningkatkan brand trust. Sehingga diharapkan brand authenticity dapat diperhatikan lebih lanjut oleh perusahaan di industri e-Commerce dalam meningkatkan brand trust pada perusahaan.Kata Kunci: Brand Authenticity, Consistency, Customer Orientation, Quality Commitment, Originality, Brand Trust.
Journal of Business Management Education (JBME) Vol 4, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Business Education Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.194 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jbme.v4i3.22562


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of e-service quality and perceived value on customer loyalty in member of online retail Alfacart in Jawa Barat. A total of 200 respondents were using probability sampling. A questionnaire was used a research instrument to collect data from respondents. The analisis technique used is a verification technique using of structure equation model (SEM). The research shows that e-service quality and perceived value has an influence on customer loyalty
Journal of Business Management Education (JBME) Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Business Education Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.395 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jbme.v3i1.14242


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of brand experience and brand love.Design / methodology / approach - The design of this study is cross sectional. This research uses descriptive approach with survey explanatory method as much as 83 respondents. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect data from respondents. Analytical technique used is descriptive technique by using frequency table.Findings - Based on the results of the research using descriptive analysis, the result of the experience brand is in the high category with with a score of representative 94.18% and the love brand is in high category with with a score of representative 64.60%.Originality / value - This research provides is condusted on telecommunication industry with the object of research is a product from famous brand. The dimensions and indicators used to measure of variablethe are theories consumer-brand relationship.
Prediksi keterikatan tempat: motivasi, peringkat hotel berbintang, dan kualitas interaksi layanan karyawan Kusumah, Echo Perdana; Suryadi, Edi; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
FORUM EKONOMI Vol 22, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.964 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jfor.v22i1.6747


Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi efek langsung dan tidak langsung variabel motivasi wisatawan terhadap keterikatan tempat. Pengaruh tidak langsung dimoderasi oleh peringkat hotel berbintang dan kualitas interaksi layanan karyawan hotel. Sampel berjumlah 320 responden yang merupakan wisatawan nasional dan model penelitian ini diuji melalui structural equation model. Sedangkan peringkat hotel berbintang sebagai variabel mediasi menggunakan analisis multi-group PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi secara langsung memberikan nilai positif terhadap keterikatan tempat, sedangkan kualitas interaksi layanan memediasi hubungan antara motivasi wisatawan dan keterikatan tempat. Analisis multi-group menemukan bahwa hubungan antara konstruk berbeda menurut peringkat bintang hotel. Temuan ini memiliki implikasi penting bagi manajer hotel dan citra destinasi suatu daerah wisata.
Level of Use and Satisfaction of E-Commerce Customers in Covid-19 Pandemic Period: An Information System Success Model (ISSM) Approach Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi; Hidayat, Yusuf Murtadlo; Mahphoth, Mohd Halim; Nugraheni, Rury
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5, No 2 (2020): IJOST: VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2, 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijost.v5i2.24617


Pandemic outbreaks of COVID-19 have made customers take drastic steps to help world governments to prevent further spread, one of which is by social distancing. This policy made buying and selling online a convenient option to fulfill the needs for goods and/or services. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of use and satisfaction of e-commerce customers in the COVID-19 pandemic period with the information system success model (ISSM) approach that was formed through system quality, information quality, and service quality. The research method used a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to respondents of 206 e-commerce costumers. Data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) where the results confirm that system quality, information quality, service quality, affected the level of use and user satisfaction of e-commerce customers. E-commerce companies are recommended to maintain, even improve system quality and information quality because information that is less interesting, less relevant, and difficult to understand results in low information quality, which in turn, can reduce the level of use and customer satisfaction.
Co-Authors Aam Rachmat Mulyana Abdul Muhaimin Elyusufi Adiya Agustin Eka Saputri Saputri Adzkia Marwa As-siisi Agus Rahayu Agus Rahayu Agus Rahayu Agus Rahayu Agustini, Kamelia ANGGA MARTHA MAHENDRA, ANGGA Anggraeni, Tuti Ani Rakhmanita Anneu Suryani Annisa Megaswara Ardelia Azhar Arifianti Arifianti, Ardelia Azhar Asaretkha Adjane Annisawati Asep Bayu Ekawijaya Ashshaumi, Muhammad Hisyam Aynie, Rahmi Qurrota Ayus Ahmad Yusuf Bambang Widjajanta Bambang Widjajanta Bayu Indra Setia Bella Shafiera Anandita D. Disman Disman, Disman Edi Suryadi Edi Suryadi, Edi Erik Syawal Alghifari Ernawati Ernawati Erry S.R Pangestu Fadilla Nur Fajri Faizal Fardhani Sigarlaki Fajar Gumelar Maulana Fajar Ramadhan Ferany Nur Amalia Andini Fitriana Dewi Sumaryana Gunardi Gunardi Gusni Gusni Hadi Ahmad Sukardi Hadi Nasbey Hanifah, Silvana Hidayat, Yusuf Murtadlo Hijrianti, Rina A. Ihda Farhatun Nisak Ira Valentina Silalahi Julia Famor Pratami Kosidin S.T., M.Kom. Kusumah, Echo Perdana Lili Adi Wibowo Lili Adi Wibowo, Lili Adi Lunia Nur Larasati M Sandi Marta Mahphoth, Mohd Halim Margana, Andika Alvin Masharyono Masharyono Maula, Farij Ibadil Maulana, Teguh Nurakmal Mira Rahmi Mirza Abdi Khairusy Misyaida Ayunda Putri Mohamad Reza Nurpratama Mubdi Mulya Isfahami Muhamad Bayu Pramesta Muhammad Muchtar Muhammad Zaky Yamin Nabilah Ramadhan Nandi Nandi, Nandi Neng Susi Susilawati Sugiana Ni Putu Nurwita Pratami Wijaya Ningsih, Nurul Hutami Nugraheni, Rury Pepen Supriatna Supriatna Pranadita, Nugraha Prasetyo Hartanto Prihadi, M Dana Pupung Puad Hasan Putri Hestiningrum Rahmawati, Yuli Diani Rahmi Qurrota Aynie Ratih Hurriyanti Ratih Hurriyati Ratih Hurriyati Ratih Hurriyati Ratih Hurriyati Ratih Hurrriyati Ratih Nurriyati Raya Sulistyowati Rini Larasati Irawan Rivaldi Arissaputra Safroni Isrososiawan SATRIYAS ILYAS Senny Luckyardi Septyan Budy Cahya Siregar, Herbert Sukmayana, Dodi Surya Nugraha Susanti Kurniawati, Susanti Thalita Syifa Fatimah Triyono Adi Tristanto Ulfia Wahdatul Nurfuadah Uus Muhamad Husni Tamyiz Vanessa Gafar Wawan Setiawan Wawan Setiwan Widjadjanta, Bambang Yasir Maulana Yogi Suprayogi Yulita Pujiharti Yusuf Murtadlo Hidayat Zhixin Li