Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta, Akhmad Yogi
Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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Suspectable Risk Factors of Congenital Anomaly in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia Yudiasari, Pradistya Syifa; Pramatirta, Akhmad Yogi; Gondodiputro, Sharon
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.152 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1095


Background: Congenital anomaly is a disease of structural or functional alteration since birth. The cause of congenital anomaly is genetic, environtment, and unknown. The cause of congenital anomaly is unknown, made congenital anomaly is difficult to detect. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the suspectable risk factors of congenital anomaly.Methods: This was a descriptive study. About 78 samples were taken by purposive sampling from medical records of patients with congenital anomaly in pediatric surgery ambulatory unit at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (RSHS), Bandung from September to November 2014. From the selected medical records, an interview was carried out to the parents’ patient to identify some suspectable risk factors. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables.Results: From 78 medical records,  hirschprung disease was the highest among all type of congenital anomaly (29%). The characteristic of congenital anomaly was mothers in the age of 20–35 years (65%), fathers’ age was  more than 20 years old, family history of congenital anomaly was 1%, there was no history of previous congenital anomaly in previous pregnancy, infection history was 3%, history of medication was 11.5%, mother’s BMI was in normal term (18.5─24.9) as much as 65%, no history of radiation, there was no history of chronic alcohol. History of smoking/passive smoking was high (65%).Conclusions: Hirschprung disease is the highest rate disease in congenital anomaly and smoking is a highest suspectable risk factor contribute to congenital anomaly. DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1095
Suspectable Risk Factors of Congenital Anomaly in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia Pradistya Syifa Yudiasari; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Sharon Gondodiputro
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.152 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1095


Background: Congenital anomaly is a disease of structural or functional alteration since birth. The cause of congenital anomaly is genetic, environtment, and unknown. The cause of congenital anomaly is unknown, made congenital anomaly is difficult to detect. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the suspectable risk factors of congenital anomaly.Methods: This was a descriptive study. About 78 samples were taken by purposive sampling from medical records of patients with congenital anomaly in pediatric surgery ambulatory unit at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (RSHS), Bandung from September to November 2014. From the selected medical records, an interview was carried out to the parents’ patient to identify some suspectable risk factors. The collected data were analyzed and presented in tables.Results: From 78 medical records,  hirschprung disease was the highest among all type of congenital anomaly (29%). The characteristic of congenital anomaly was mothers in the age of 20–35 years (65%), fathers’ age was  more than 20 years old, family history of congenital anomaly was 1%, there was no history of previous congenital anomaly in previous pregnancy, infection history was 3%, history of medication was 11.5%, mother’s BMI was in normal term (18.5─24.9) as much as 65%, no history of radiation, there was no history of chronic alcohol. History of smoking/passive smoking was high (65%).Conclusions: Hirschprung disease is the highest rate disease in congenital anomaly and smoking is a highest suspectable risk factor contribute to congenital anomaly. DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1095
Pengaruh Likopen terhadap Kadar Soluble FMS-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 pada Preeklamsi Vaulinne Basyir; Prima Nanda Fauziah; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Yanwirasti Yanwirasti; Johanes C. Mose; Fadil Oenzil
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 9, No 4 (2020): Online December 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v9i4.1513


Preeklamsi merupakan penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas baik maternal maupun perinatal. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh pemberian likopen terhadap kadar sFlt-1 secara in vitro pada sel trofoblas model preeklamsi. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental di Laboratorium Genetika Molekuler dan Kultur Sel Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran selama periode 2017-2018. Sampel serum diperoleh dari RS. Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien yang telah didiagnosis preeklamsi berdasarkan pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan protein urin, dan kriteria eksklusi adalag pasien yang tidak datang kontrol atau tidak bisa dihubungi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap, pertama ditentukan nilai LD50 likopen terhadap sel trofoblas kemudian dijadikan dasar nilai konsentrasi yang akan digunakan, selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan sFlt-1 menggunakan metode Elisa pada kultur sel trofoblas kondisi normal dan preeklamsi dengan analisa data menggunakan analisis varians (Anova) dan uji Duncan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar variabel. Hasil: Nilai LD50 adalah 250 ug/ml dan serial konsentrasi yang digunakan mulai dari 1,953 sampai dengan 125 ug/ml. Didapatkan kadar sFlt-1 menurun secara signifikan (p0,05) dari 39,5445 menjadi 31,1342 pg/ml pada sel trofoblas yang diinduksi dengan serum preeklamsi setelah pemberian konsentrasi likopen sebesar 15,625-31,25 ug/ml yang nilainya mendekati keadaan pada sel trofoblas yang diinduksi serum kehamilan normal. Pemberian likopen dapat menurunkan kadar sFlt-1 pada sel trofoblas preeklamsi. Simpulan: Likopen dapat merubah kadar sFlt-1 dan perubahannya dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan jenis serum.Kata kunci: likopen, preeklampsi, sFlt-1 
Correlation between fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 (sFlt-1) Cell-Free Messenger RNA Expression and fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 (sFlt-1) Protein Level in Severe Preeclampsia and Normal Pregnancy Jeffry Iman Gurnadi; Johanes Cornelius Mose; Budi Handono; Prima Nanda Fauziah; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta
International Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3043.857 KB)


Objective: Preeclampsia is still a problem in Indonesia due to the high maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Placental soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), an antagonist of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and placental growth factor (PIGF), is considered as one of the etiology factors that cause endothelial damage in preeclampsia due to increased sFlt-1 level modulating vascular endothelial integrity. This study aims to analyze sFlt-1 and sFlt-1 mRNA levels in severe preeclampsia and normal pregnancy, and the correlation between both in occurrence of severe preeclampsia.Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytic observational study involving 18 subjects with severe preeclampsia and 19 subjects with normal pregnancy as controls who met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Levels of sFlt-1 and sFlt-1 mRNA were measured with ELISA and RT PCR. Statistical analysis was performed with Chi square test, Fisher’s exact test, T-test, Mann-Whitney test, and Spearman’s rank correlation test.Results: This study showed no significant difference (p>0.05) in characteristics of maternal age, gestational age, and parity in both study groups. Mean level of sFlt-1 mRNA in severe preeclampsia was higher (6.3404 pg/mL) compared to its level in normal pregnancy (5.9701 pg/mL). There is a not significant (p>0.05) positive correlation between sFlt-1 mRNA with sFlt-1 level in normal pregnancy, and a not significant (p>0.05) negative correlation between both level in severe preeclampsia.Conclusions: sFlt-1 mRNA levels in severe preeclampsia are higher than its level in normal pregnancy. There is no correlation between sFlt-1 mRNA level and sFLt-1 protein level in severe preeclampsia. There is a not significant positive correlation between sFlt-1 mRNA with sFlt-1 level in normal pregnancy, and a not significant negative correlation between both in severe preeclampsia.Keywords: Normal pregnancy, severe preeclampsia, sFlt-1 mRNA DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v3n2.586
Postpartum Anxiety Factors Involved in Subjects Undergoing Cesarean Section as Analyzed by Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scale Akbar Rahmat; Lucky Saputra; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Udin Sabarudin; Sofie Rifayani Krisnadi; Herman Susanto; Jusuf Sulaeman Effendi
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 1 Nomor 1 Maret 2018
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.383 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia.v1n1.59


AbstractObjective: postpartum mother who underwent cesarean section may experience anxiety. The risk factors associated with anxiety include age, education and income level, parity, social and cultural factors, delivery methods, as well as the history of pregnancy.Method: This study used analytic, cross-sectional method. Postpartum mother (n=194) were recruited for this study. All participants consented to fill a questionnaire, to determine the subject’s parameters and anxiety levels. Severity of postpartum anxiety was determined based on the Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). Result: Postpartum anxiety (SAS ≥45) were mostly found in the group experiencing emergency cesarean section (71.13%) compared to the group with scheduled cesarean section (32.1%) (p<0.001). Forty-seven subjects (82.5%) women aged <20 years old experienced postpartum anxiety, while 32.1% women aged ≥20 years old were found to have similar condition (p<0.001). Subjects with lower education levels had a higher prevalence of postpartum anxiety than those with higher education levels (73.4% vs 12.9%, p<0.001). Different income levels  had 47.2% and 46.3% prevalence of postpartum anxiety respectively, but not statistically significant. Conclusion: there was a correlation between anxiety score on women who experienced an emergency and scheduled cesarean section with age and education level.Beberapa Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kecemasan Pasien yang Menjalani Seksio Sesarea dengan Pemeriksaan Zung Self Rating Anxiety ScaleAbstrakTujuan: Kondisi pascaseksio sesarea dapat menimbulkan kecemasan ibu. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi timbulnya kecemasan antara lain usia, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, paritas, faktor sosial budaya, faktor jenis persalinan, dan riwayat persalinan yang lalu. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik cross-sectional. Wanita pasca seksio sesarea yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian (n=194) dengan kuesioner. Tingkat kecemasan dinilai berdasarkan derajat Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS).Penelitian dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, RSUD Ujung Berung, RSKIA Kota Bandung, RSUD Soreang Kabupaten Bandung dari bulan Maret sampai dengan April 2017.Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kecemasan postpartum (SAS ≥45) lebih banyak ditemukan pada pasien yang menjalani operasi sesar darurat (71,13%) dibandingkan dengan pasien yang telah dijadwalkan terlebih dahulu (32,1%) (p <0,001). Empat puluh tujuh pasien (82,5%) wanita usia <20 tahun mengalami kecemasan pasca melahirkan, sementara 32,1% wanita berusia ≥ 20 tahun ditemukan memiliki kondisi yang sama (p <0,001). Tingkat pendidikan ≤ SLTP memiliki prevalensi kecemasan lebih tinggi dibandingkan > SLTA (73,4% vs 12,9%, p <0,001). Tingkat pendapatan yang berbeda (lebih rendah dari UMR, sama atau lebih tinggi dari UMR) memiliki prevalensi pasca melahirkan sebesar 47,2% dan 46,3%, namun tidak signifikanberbeda  secara statistik. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kecemasan pasca seksio sesarea pada kelompok  seksio sesarea segera dibandingkan terencana dengan usia dan tingkat pendidikan.Kata kunci: Seksio sesarea, usia, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, paritas, Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale
Rasio Low Density Lipoprotein dan High Density Lipoprotein pada Preeklamsi Berat dibandingkan dengan Kehamilan Normal di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Amran Amrullah; Budi Handono; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 2 Nomor 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2349.542 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia.v2n1.79


AbstractObjective: This study aims to distinguish level of  (LDL/HDL)  and Low Density Lipoprotein/High Density Lipoprotein  ratio in severe preeclampsia patient compared to normal pregnancy.Method:  The study design was comparative cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling method that compared the laboratory results of LDL, HDL and ratio LDL/HDL that met the inclusion criteria. Subjects of this study were severe preeclampsia and normal pregnancy patient that fulfilled the inclusion criteria (n=60) in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung during August-September 2017.Result: It is revealed that the differences in level of LDL and LDL/HDL ratios in both groups were significant with p value ≤ 0,05. But there were no differences in HDL level. Increased level of LDL/HDL ratio in pregnancy was related to increased risk of preeclampsia with cut-off point> 2,632. If the increased level of LDL/HDL above cut-off point then the insident of severe preeclampsia increased 21,36 times.Conclusion: It was concluded that level of LDL and LDL/HDL ratios in severe preeclampsia were higher than in normal pregnancy. The increased LDL/HDL ratio of > 2.632 increased the risk of severe preeclampsia by 21.36 times.Perbandingan Rasio Low Density Lipoprotein/High Density Lipoprotein antara Preeklamsi Berat dan Kehamilan Normal di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin BandungAbstrakTujuan: Penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari perbedaan rasio Low Density Lipoprotein/High Density Lipoprotein (LDL/HDL) pada preeklamsi berat dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normal sebagai faktor risiko timbulnya preeklamsi.Metode: Rancangan penelitian kasus kontrol membandingkan LDL, HDL, dan rasio LDL/HDL penderita preeklamsi berat dan kehamilan normal (n=60) bulan Agustus-September 2017 di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan kadar LDL dan rasio LDL/HDL pada kedua kelompok secara bermakna dengan nilai p ≤0,05. Namun tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada kadar HDL. Peningkatan kadar LDL dan rasio LDL/HDL berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko terjadinya preeklamsi dengan nilai cut-off > 2,632. Bila terjadi peningkatan rasio LDL/HDL diatas nilai cut-off maka risiko tejadinya preeklamsi berat sebesar 21,36 kali.Simpulan: Kadar LDL yang tinggi dan nilai cut-off rasio LDL/HDL >2,632 meningkatkan risiko terjadinya preeklamsi berat 21,36 kaliKata kunci: Preeklamsi, LDL, HDL, Rasio LDL/HDL
Hubungan Luaran Maternal dan Perinatal Terhadap Tingkat Keparahan Infeksi COVID-19 FM. Dicky Fitraendi; Dini Hidayat; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 5 Nomor 1 Maret 2022
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v5n1.345


Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan luaran maternal dan perinatal terhadap tingkat keparahan infeksi COVID-19 pada ibu bersalin di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan studi analitik observasional retrospektif dengan rancangan potong lintang menggunakan data rekam medik selama periode Maret 2020 hingga Juni 2021. Karakteristik subjek meliputi usia ibu, jumlah paritas, tingkat pendidikan, dan usia kehamilan. Luaran maternal meliputi hipertensi pada kehamilan, ketuban pecah dini, dan kejadian persalinan prematur. Hasil: Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan pada angka kejadian ketuban pecah dini (p-value 0,128) dan persalinan prematur (p-value 0,324) terhadap tingkat keparahan infeksi COVID-19.  Pada ibu dengan infeksi COVID-19 derajat ringan memiliki luaran perinatal asfiksia ringan sebanyak 132 bayi (89,3%), asfiksia sedang 43 bayi (32,6%) dan asfiksia berat 5 bayi (3,8%). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara derajat asfiksia pada janin dengan tingkat keparahan infeksi COVID-19 (p-value 0,013).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kejadian hipertensi dalam kehamilan dan tingkat mortalitas ibu terhadap tingkat keparahan infeksi COVID-19. Derajat asfiksia pada bayi baru lahir memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat keparahan infeksi COVID-19. Correlation Of Maternal And Perinatal Outcomes with the Severity Of Covid-19 InfectionAbstractObjective: This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between maternal and perinatal outcomes with the severity of COVID-19 infection in women giving birth at Dr. Hasan Sadikin BandungMethods: This study was a retrospective observational analytical study with a cross-sectional design that used medical record data between March 2020 to June 2021. Subject characteristics include maternal age, parity, education level, and gestational age. Maternal outcomes consist of hypertension in pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, and the incidence of preterm labor. Results: There was no significant relationship between the incidence of premature rupture of membranes (p-value 0.128) and preterm delivery (p-value 0.324) on the severity of COVID-19 infection. Mothers with mild COVID-19 infection had mild asphyxia perinatal outcomes as many as 132 infants (89.3%), moderate asphyxia in 43 infants (32.6%), and severe asphyxia in 5 infants (3.8%). There is a significant relationship between the degree of asphyxia in the fetus and the severity of COVID-19 infection (p-value 0.013).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy and maternal mortality with the severity of COVID-19 infection. The degree of asphyxia in newborns has a significant relationship with the severity of COVID-19 infection.Key words: Maternal outcome, perinatal, severity, COVID-19 infection
Gambaran Kematian Maternal di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Tahun 2019 Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Rizna Tyrani Rumanti
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 3 Nomor 2 September 2020
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v3n2.200


Tujuan: Penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai kematian maternal yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin tahun 2019Metode: Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh kematian maternal selama bulan 2019 di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional yaitu cara pendekatan, observasi atau pengumpulan data dimana pengumpulan data tersebut dilakukan pada saat yang bersamaanHasil: Karakteristik kematian maternal terbanyak adalah usia reproduksi (88,8%), paritas terbanyak adalah multipara (58,3%), berpendidikan cukup tinggi (94,5%), seluruh pasien kematian maternal memiliki kontak antenatal dengan tenaga kesehatan (100%) namun sebagian besar hanya melakukan kontak antenatal <8 kali (74,4%), dan penyebab terbanyak dari kematian adalah hipertensi dalam kehamilan (63,9%)Kesimpulan: Kematian maternal berkaitan dengan kontak antenatal yang kurang adekuat. Kontak antenatal yang tidak adekuat menyebabkan penanganan pasien dengan risiko tinggi menjadi kurang baik, terutama pasien dengan faktor risiko preeklampsiaDescription of Maternal Death in  Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in 2019AbstractObjective: The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of maternal deaths that occurred at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in 2019Method: The subjects of this study were all maternal deaths during 2019 at Hasan Sadikin Hospital. This research was conducted with descriptive survey, cross sectional research design that is a way of approaching, observing or collecting data where the data collection was carried out at the same timeResult: The characteristics of the most maternal deaths are reproductive age (88.8%), most parity is multiparaous (58.3%), highly educated (94.5%), all maternal death patients have antenatal care with health workers (100%) but most only had antenatal care <8 times (74.4%), and the most common cause of death was hypertension in pregnancy (63.9%)Conclusion: Maternal deaths are associated with inadequate antenatal care. Inadequate antenatal care causes poor management of patients with high risk, especially patients with risk factors for preeclampsiaKey words: Maternal death, antenatal care
Hubungan Kadar Asam Urat, Laktat Dehidrogenase, Aspartat Aminotransferase Serum Penderita Preeklamsi Berat Disertai Komplikasi dan tanpa Komplikasi Galih Apriadi; Budi Handono; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Jusuf S. Effendi; Tita Husnitawati Madjid; Adhi Pribadi
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 3 Nomor 1 Maret 2020
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.094 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v3n1.195


Tujuan: penelitian ini untuk mencari perbedaan kadar asam urat, laktat dehydrogenase (LDH) dan aspartat aminotransferase (AST) pada serum penderita preeklamsi berat disertai komplikasi dan tanpa komplikasi dan mengukur kuatnya hubungan peningkatan kadar asam urat, LDH dan AST dengan peningkatan risiko terjadinya komplikasi pada pasien preeklamsi berat. Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian comparative cross sectional dengan metode consecutive sampling. Subjek penelitian adalah penderita preeklamsi berat disertai komplikasi dan tanpa komplikasi (n=68). Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan kadar asam urat, LDH dan AST pada kedua kelompok secara bermakna dengan nilai p ≤ 0,05. Peningkatan kadar asam urat, LDH dan AST berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko terjadinya komplikasi dengan nilai cut off kadar asam urat > 6,5 mg/dL sebesar 33 kali, LDH > 573 U/L sebesar 8,95 kali dan AST > 30 U/L sebesar 5,19 kali. Jika terjadi peningkatan seluruh kadar asam urat, LDH dan AST diatas nilai cut off maka risiko terjadinya komplikasi sebesar 98,1%.Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menyimpulkan kadar asam urat, LDH, AST pada preeklamsi berat disertai komplikasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan preeklamsi berat tanpa komplikasi dan peningkatan kadar asam urat, LDH, AST berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko terjadinya komplikasi pada preeklamsi berat. Relations of Uric Acid, Lactat Dehydrogenase, and Aspartat Aminotransferase Serum LevelIn Severe Preeclampsia with and Without ComplicationsAbstractObjective: This study compared level of uric acid, LDH, and AST level between severe preeclampsia patients with complication and without complication, and measured correlation between the rise level of uric acid, LDH and AST towards the increased risk of complication in patient with severe preeclampsia.Method: The study design was comparative cross sectional study with consecutive sampling method that compare the results of laboratorium uric acid, LDH, AST between complications and without complications group. Subjects of this study were severe preeclampsia patients with and without complication that fulfilled study criteria (n=68). Result:    It is revealed that the differences level of uric acid, LDH, and AST in both groups were significant with p value ≤ 0.05. Increase level of uric acid, LDH, and AST were related to inreased risk of complication in severe preeclampsia occurence with cut off point of uric acid level of > 6.5 mg/dL by 33 times, LDH level of > 573 U/L by 8.95 times, and AST level of > 30 U/L by 5.19 times. If all uric acid, LDH, and AST level rise above the cut off value so the risk of complication of severe preeclampsia will rise by 98.1%. Conclusion: It is concluded that level of uric acid, LDH, and AST in severe preeclampsia with complication were higher than severe preeclampsia without complication and the rise of uric acid, LDH, and AST were related with the rise of complication risk on severe preeclampsia.     Key word: Severe preeclampsia, complication, uric acid, LDH, AST  
Validasi Ultrasonografi Transabdominal pada Luaran Kelainan Kongenital Janin di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Tahun 2018 Yoga Paripurna; M. Rizkar Arev Sukarsa; Hanom Husni Syam; R. M. Sonny Sasotya; Adhi Pribadi; M. Alamsyah Aziz; Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta; Amillia Siddiq
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 3 Nomor 2 September 2020
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v3n2.215


Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validasi ultrasonografi transabdominal dalam mendeteksi luaran kelainan kongenital janin di RSHS Bandung.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan cross-sectional retrospective. Sampel diperoleh dari seluruh pemeriksaan ultrasonografi transabdominal dengan luaran bayi yang lahir di RSHS bulan 1 Januari−31 Desember 2018. Teknik sampling menggunakan consecutive sampling, didapatkan minimal sampel 196 kasus. Pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS dengan analisis uji Chi-kuadrat.Hasil: Hasil yang didapatkan adalah kelainan kongenital Central Nervous System 18,9%, Abdominal wall defect 9,8%, Facial & Neck anomalies 7,6%, Skeletal system 6,8%, Hidrop Fetalis 5,3%, Genito-urinary, Congenital heart disease dan Gastrointestinal system masing-masing sebanyak 2,3%, Thorax anomalies sebanyak 0.8%. Kesimpulan: Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan seluruh ukuran pada analisis diagnostik menunjukkan kategori di atas cukup kuat, didapatkan validasi yang baik ultrasonografi transabdominal pada luaran kelainan kongenital janin.Validation of Transabdominal Ultrasound for Fetal Congenital Abnormalities at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital in 2018AbstractObjective: The purpose of this study was to determine transabdominal ultrasound validation in detecting fetal congenital abnormalities in RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Methods: This was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional retrospective method. Samples obtained from all transabdominal ultrasonographic examinations with outcome of newborn in RSHS from January 1st-December 31st 2018. Sampling technique was consecutive sampling with minimum sample of 196 cases obtained. Data processing using SPSS with Chi-square analysis transabdominal ultrasonographic.Result: The results obtained are congenital abnormalities of Central Nervous System type 18.9%, Abdominal wall defect 9.8%, Facial & Neck anomalies 7.6%, Skeletal system 6.8%, Fetal Hydrops 5.3%, Genito-urinary, Congenital heart disease and Gastrointestinal system respectively 2.3%, Thorax anomalies 0.8%. Conclusion: All measures in the diagnostic analysis show all categories are quite strong, therefore good ultrasound validation is obtained in the outcome of fetal congenital abnormalities.Key words: Transabdominal ultrasonography, validation, congenital abnormalities