ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effect of soaking beef on liquid smoke on the physical properties and shelf life ofbeef. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of four treatments, using liquid smoke withconcentrations of 0% (P0 – control), 10% (P1), 20% (P2), and 30% (P3). Each treatment was repeated three times so thattwelve trial units were used in this study. The results show that panelists favored beef immersed in 20% concentration of liquidsmoke (P2) with mean preference scores of color, aroma, and texture reached 4.19 (like), 4.16 (like), and 4.03 (like),respectively. Organoleptic descriptive results show that the average color scores were Quality 1: P0 (2.71), P1 (3.57), and P2(4.57). Meanwhile, the average scores of aroma and texture were 4.27 (smokey aroma) and 4.28 (soft). Beef has pH levels of6.15, 5.63, 5.43, and 4.92 in P0, P1, P2, and P3 treatments, respectively. Meanwhile, the respective water binding capacity inP0, P1, P2, and P3 treatments reached 45.97, 57.11, 73.52, and 87.58 while the respective water contents reached 82.34%,84.89%, 87.18%, and 89.72%. The higher the concentration of liquid smoke, the lower the pH value but the higher the waterbinding capacity and water contents. Beef shelf-life test with H2S showed a positive (+) value with the latest initial decay signthat appeared at P3 treatment (Day 2). Keyword :Beef, Liquid Smoke, shelf life, Physical Properties. ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mempelajari pengaruh perendaman daging sapi pada asap cair terhadap sifat fisik dan masa simpan daging sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari empatperlakuan, penggunaan asap cair P0 (control 0%), P1 (10 %), P2 (20 %) dan P3 (30 %) masing–masing perlakuan diulangsebanyak 3 kali sehingga di peroleh 12 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa panelis menyukai daging sapidengan perendaman pada asap air konsentrasi P2 (20 %), dengan rerata kesukaan warna sebesar 4.19 (suka), aromasebesar 4.16 (suka), dan tekstur sebesar 4.03 (suka). Hasil deskriptif organoleptik menunjukan bahwa rerata penilaian skorwarna Mutu 1 P0 (2.71), P1 (3.57), P2 (4.57), aroma sebesar 4.27 (berbau asap), dan tekstur sebesar 4.28 (empuk). DagingSapi memiliki kadar pH P0 (6.15), P1 (5.63), P2 (5.43) dan P3 (4.92) memiliki nilai daya ikat air (DIA) P0 (45.97), P1 (57.11), P2(73.52) dan P3 (87.58) dan Kadar Air ) P0 (82.34%), P1 (84.89%), P2 (87.18%) dan P3 (89.72%). Semakin tinggi konsentrasiasap cair maka nilai pH makin menurun, Daya Ikat Air meningkat dan kadar air juga meningkat. Uji masa simpan daging sapidengan H2S menunjukan positif (+) mengalami awal tanda pembusukan paling lama yaitu pada perlakuan P3 (Hari ke 2). Kata kunci: Daging Sapi, Asap Cair, Masa Simpan,Sifat Fisik.