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Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 8 No 15 (2018): Jurnal Agrimeta
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Bahan pangan merupakan salah satu komuditas yang paling unggul dalam system agribisnis,bahan pangan tersebut terdiri dari sayur-sayuran,biji-bijian dan umbi-umbian.Sayur mayur merupakan jenis makanan penting bagi manusia untuk menjaga kesehatan. Sayuran hijau seperti daun selada, bayam, buncis, kangkung, daun singkong, daun pepaya, dan yang lainnya ternyata memiliki beragam manfaat bagi kesehatan.Kandungan zat gizi alami dalam sayuran sangat banyak. Selain kaya dengan vitamin A dan C, sayuran hijau juga mengandung berbagai unsur mineral seperti zat kapur, zat besi, magnesium dan fosfor. Sayuran yang berwarna hijau tua merupakan sumber karotenoid (pigmen dalam tanaman yang terdapat pada tumbuhan) terbaik dan tergolong penting untuk memerangi radikal bebas. Sayur mempunyai berbagai macam manfaat bagi masyarakat, maka banyak tawaran penjualan sayur di berbagai macam pasar. Ada berbagai macam jenis pasar yang berada di Kota Denpasar yang menjual berbagai macam jenis sayuran segar. Salah satu pasar yang menawarkan produk sayur adalah pasar swalayan. Lokasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu di pasar swalayan Kota Denpasar (Ramayana Departemen store, Hardys Denpasar dan Tiara Dewata) meliputi atribut kemasan, harga, kepraktisan, promosi serta berat sayuran segar, dimana dari hasil penelitian kategori preferensi konsumen terhadap atribut ? atribut tersebut berada pada kategori sangat suka. Berdasarkan penelitian preferensi konsumen terhadap atribut produk sayuran segar berada pada kategori sangat suka, meskipun demikian konsumen mempunyai bebagai keluhan menyangkut penggunaan berbagai macam atribut pada produk sayuran segar, baik itu dari kemasan, harga, kepraktisan, promosi maupun Berat.
ANALISIS PENDAPATAN KOPI KINTAMANI KOPI KINTAMANI Nuriasih, Ni Nyoman; Viprianti, Ni Nyoman Utari; Tariningsih, Dian
Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 8 No 16 (2018): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Kopi Indonesia merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang telah di ekspor ke pasar dunia. 67%  produksi kopi yang dihasilkan oleh Indonesia, diekspor sedangkan sisanya 33%  untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Desa Binyan, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli memiliki beberapa desa penghasil kopi arabika. Daerah ini merupakan tempat yang cocok untuk kegiatan usahatani kopi, karena sesuai dengan keadaan iklim dan kondisi tanah dari komoditi tersebut. Beberapa tahun terakhir perkembangan produksi komoditi kopi arabika di Kabupaten Bangli mengalami penurunan. Sehingga penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Binyan untuk mengetahui pendapatan usahatani tanaman kopi di Desa Binyan, serta mengetahui  keunggulan komperatif komoditas kopi arabika kintamani.       Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Binyan, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli  menunjukkan bahwa: Pendapatan rata-rata yang diperoleh petani kopi Arabika Biji merah sebesar Rp 12.442.214. Sedangkan pendapatan petani dari kopi Arabika   biji kering diperoleh sebesar Rp 173.062.727 hal ini disebabkan oleh selisih biaya yang dikeluarkan antar kedua jenis biji kopi tersebut adalah 37%. Akan tetapi ketika petani menjual hasil panen kopinya dalam bentuk olahan biji kering, penerimaan petani lebih besar 89% dan pendapatannya pun lebih tinggi 93% dibandingkan menjual hasil panen langsung berupa biji petik merah. Kopi Arabika di Desa Binyan, Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli, memiliki keunggulan komparatif ditinjau dari produktivitas lahannya.
Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 9 No 17 (2019): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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The agricultural sector has an important roles in national development such as in economic development and equitable development. In Bali, the production of paddy was decreased significantly and it needs an innovation in order to solve this problem.The objective of this research was to find out the level accuracy of farmer adoption on planting padi jajar legowo system and finding out the problems that faced by applying this system in Subak Sengempel Desa Bongkasa, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung. By taking consideration, this research was taken place in Subak Sengempel as the farmer has been using planting padi jajar legowo system since 2012 until this time. This research was used purposive sampling method by implementing Slovin theory. The responded was 42 subjects of 274 farmers.The results of this research which was taken in Subak Sengempel showed that the mean score of planting padi jajar legowo system was 71.01% and it could be categorized as good. This category could be categorized as good because the farmers have been applied the system as what to be applied. However, the mean score of poor category was 28.99%. This problems happened because the farmers have not been understand yet on how using this system to plant padi jajar legowo; furthermore, they have different education background on it so it made they difficult to catch the point in implementing this system. The farmers still have problems in technical, economic and social.
Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 9 No 18 (2019): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Consumer demand for dragon fruit in Indonesia is quite large. These needs have not been able to be fulfilled, so the opportunity to cultivate dragon fruit is still very open, both for local and international markets. The purpose of this study was to determine farming income, analyze the level of R/C ratio of farming, and find out the marketing of dragon fruit in Antap Village, Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency. The study was conducted in Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency, Bali in 2018. The respondents in this study using the census method, as many as 25 people. The analytical method used in this study is income analysis and marketing channel analysis. The average total cost incurred for dragon fruit farming is Rp.1,733,300/ Area. The average revenue obtained from dragon fruit farming is Rp.2,868,000.00/ Area. The average income earned is Rp.1,134,300/ Area. The results showed that the potential income of dragon fruit development in Selemadeg had good prospects because in addition to being able to reduce fruit imports and have the opportunity to penetrate the export market, it also provided high economic benefits to farmers. This is indicated by the R/C ratio analysis of dragon fruit farming at 1.65 which means it is feasible. The dragon fruit distribution channel in Antap Village goes directly to market collectors who have collaborated in the local market in the Tabanan area, and some traders around Antap Village visit the Dragon Fruit plantation directly to buy the fruit and sell it to the end consumers.
AGRIMETA : Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 10 No 19 (2020): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Eco-Agro-tourism in Subak Sembung is one of Subak's cultural landscapes in the middle of Denpasar and which has unique characteristics with an environmentally friendly system and a rice mina system as well as security, beauty so that it can be made one of the identities of the city of Denpasar. the purpose of this research is to find out: 1) The extent of farmers' participation in the development of Eco-Agro Tourism and to find out 2). What factors are related to Participation This study was conducted for 3 months from October to December 2019. This location was chosen deliberately (purposive sampling). The data used are qualitative and quantitative data. The population is 132 farmers. By using Slovin and a sample of 57 people. Participatory data analysis methods with a Likert scale. To find out the factors, a Chi-square analysis was performed. The area of arable land and the factor of the number of family members have a significant relationship to the participation of farmers. The degree of relationship measured by the correlation coefficient of each of the arable land area factors is equal to Ï’ = + 0.422 and the factor of the number of family members is equal to Ï’ = + 0.402. This means that the direction of the relationship is positive and strong enough.
Strategi Pemasaran Madu Kele-Kele di Home Industri Bapak Yustika Desa Kuwum Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung Gregorius Ginting; Dian Tariningsih; Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari
AGRIMETA : Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 10 No 20 (2020): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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The role of the agricultural sector in the national economy is very important and strategic. This is mainly because the agricultural sector still provides employment for the majority of the population in rural areas and provides food for the population. Another role of the agricultural sector is to provide raw materials for industry and produce foreign exchange through non-oil exports. Indonesia is very suitable for beekeeping business, because the country of Indonesia is very rich in a variety of flowering plants and agricultural products that can be used as a source of bee food, so it can be cultivated throughout the year. With the vast potential of forest resources in Indonesia, Indonesia has an advantage over other countries (Novandra, 2013). The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze internal factors that are the strengths and weaknesses of the Mdu Kele-Kele Home Industry. Identifying and analyzing external factors that pose opportunities and threats to the Honey Honey Home Industry, Identifying marketing strategies and marketing strategies that are appropriate for the Honey Honey Home Industry. The number of samples in this study were 12 respondents, the method of determining the sample with the population or census method. The analysis technique uses SWOT analysis. This study aimed to identify internal structural factors in home industry of honey that became strong was to maintain the quality of honey honey and promotion of honey honey. While internal factors that became a weakness were production not every not every day, promotion was still lacking, road towards the location is still damaged. Strati in marketing the home industry of the honey kele-kele by using the SWOT matrix. The strategy by using the power that takes advantage of opportunities is (SO) namely complete facilities then (ST) skilled management, (WO) Location far from the crowd, (WT) ) Lack of bee feed in the dry season.
AGRIMETA : Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 11 No 21 (2021): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Most Indonesians depend on agriculture, whether agriculture comes from the production process in rice fields, fields, farm farming or more broadly by breeding, searching for forest products, and the fishery sector. Horticultural subsectors are part of the agricultural sector that has the potential to be a source of economic growth in Indonesia. One of the horticultural plants that have high economic value is the flower plant (floriculture). Sibang village is a village that most of the population makes a living in the agricultural sector. One of the agricultural products in Sibang Gede Village is lotus flower. The location of this study is determined purposively i.e. the determination of the research location intentionally. The number of respondents in this study was 60 people. The data collection method in this study uses census method. Based on research data, lotus farming in Subak Saradan, Sibang Gede Village contributes 30.03 percent to the total household income of farmers, with the average income of lotus farming per one planting period Rp. 5,252,318. Lotus farming efficiency as measured by R/C ratio is 3.8. Thus, lotus cultivation in Sibang Gede Village is profitable and worth developing. Based on this, the Badung Regency Government plans the development of Agrotourism Jogging Track tourism in the Subak Saradan area because the potential of tourist attractions in subak consists of natural beauty, agricultural commodities, and ritual activities that can attract the interest of the public.
Partisipasi Petani Terhadap Program Ketahanan Pangan Di Subak Pulagan, Desa Tampaksiring, Kecamatan Tampaksriring, Kabupaten Gianyar Yustina Sidim; Ni Gst. Ag. Gde Eka Martiningsih; Dian Tariningsih
AGRIMETA : Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem Vol 11 No 22 (2021): Agrimeta: Jurnal Pertanian Berbasis Keseimbangan Ekosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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This research is about farmer participation in food security program in Subak Pulagan, Tampaksiring Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency. This study aims to find out how farmers participate in food security programs, what factors influence farmer participation in food security programs in Subak Pulagan, Tampaksiring Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency. Determination of respondents in this study using a simple random sampling method (randomly) with the number of respondents 35 people, this study uses the methods: (1) Likert scale Farmer participation in food security programs., (2) using multiple linear regression method to determine the factors - What factors influence the participation of farmers in the food security program in Subak Pulagan, Tampaksiring Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency. The results showed that the participation of farmers in the planning, implementation and utilization of food security programs in Pulagan subak was high, while their participation in the evaluation was still in the medium category. Overall, farmers' participation in the food security program in Pulagan subak is high, with an average score of 3.89% on average. Farmers' age and formal education have no significant effect on their participation in food security programs. The number of family members and the area of ​​land cultivated by farmers have a very real influence on their participation in food security programs. The higher the number of family members and the area of ​​land cultivated by farmers, the higher the participation in food security programs
Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pengerajin Industri Minyak Kelapa Tandusan Di Desa Bebandem Karangasem Dian Tariningsih; Luh Kadek Budi Martiningsih; Ni Wayan Arni Sardi; I Wayan Wesna Astara
Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek No. 2 Vol. 2 April, 2021
Publisher : Denpasar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52232/jasintek.v2i2.60


Bebandem village has a vision as a trade and service center supported by the potential of agriculture and community industry, facing the problem of low income, so that efforts are needed to empower the community. The purpose of writing this paper is to determine the impact of empowering women craftsmen on the productivity of the coconut oil industry Bebandem Village, Karangasem. The methods used are training and mentoring. The empowerment results found an increase in knowledge, infrastructure and facilities such as a coconut grater machine, a coconut squeezer and an increase in the productivity of women craftsmen in the coconut oil industry