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Journal of Local Government Issues (logos) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Government Studies of Muhammadiyah Malang University/AIPPTM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.v3i1.10987


Innovation and policy in the public sector are two terms that complement each other. Every policy, in principle, must in principle contain new innovations. This study aims to determine the innovation of E-Governmment-based educational policies through the application of E-Panrita on online attendance for teachers at SMAN 3 Luwu. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive research type with data collection techniques direct observation to the study site, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that the innovation of the E-Panrita application is seen in the product, where in the E-Panrita application product there is a change in teacher absenteeism which previously teachers absent with a manual system is now now with an online system to facilitate the Disdik in monitoring teachers every day and the pre-existing facilities have met but still need improvement. Now the teachers can do the absence simply by using their mobile phones or gadgets. Furthermore, the method, in the form of a strategy in the innovation of E-Panrita policies such as socialization in each region. The supporting and inhibiting factors of E-Panrita application education policy innovation in online absenteeism for teachers at SMAN 3 Luwu are supporting factors including resources, regulations, teacher commitment and technology. Inhibiting factors include the network and individual understanding of the teacher.Keywords: Educational Policy, E-Government, E-Panrita
Kesetaraan Gender dalam Perspektif Politik di Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bone Amin, M; Amran, Tenriawaru Septiananinda; Mustari, Nuryanti
Jurnal Analisis Sosial Politik Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Analisis Sosial Politik
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jasp.v3i1.36


Gender equality is both male and female both as servants, and together can gain access, control, participation, and benefit in development, seeing the reality that is happening now that the political system has not run smoothly about women's involvement in parties politics, in Muhammadiyah is very open about gender equality. This article discusses gender equality in a political perspective that only becomes a discourse in the life of democracy, for example the current period of women's representation in political parties from 2014 to 2019 is 17.6%, meaning Law No. 8 of 2012 article 8 paragraph (2) concerning representation 30% women have not yet reached their role. This article uses a type of qualitative descriptive research, and the topics studied are gender equality in a political perspective in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah Bone District, the location of this research is at the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership Secretariat of Bone Regency. The data collection techniques carried out are interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study showed that Muhammadiyah was not practicing politics, but that did not mean that this agreement was anti-political and did not understand politics. Seeing gender equality in Muhammadiyah organizations is not really a problem, but in the political sphere gender equality in a political perspective is still just a discourse, because based on Law No. 8 of 2012 concerning political party regulations that require political parties at least 30% for female candidates as election conditions, but its role is still very far away. Kesetaraan gender adalah laki-laki dan perempuan sama-sama sebagai hamba, dan sama-sama dapat memperoleh akses, kontrol, partisipasi, dan manfaa dalam sebuah pembangunan, melihat realita yang terjadi sekarang ini bahwa sistem politik belum berjalan dengan mulus tentang keterlibatan perempuan dalam partai politik, di Muhammadiyah sangat terbuka tentang kesetaraan gender. Artikel ini membahas tentang kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif politik yang hanya sekedar menjadi wacana dalam kehidupan demokrasi, misalnya periode sekarang keterwakilan perempuan dalam partai politik dari tahun 2014 sampai 2019 sebesar 17,6% artinya UU No 8 tahun 2012 pasal 8 ayat (2) tentang keterwakilan perempuan 30% belum sampai pada perannya. Artikel ini menggunakan tipe penelitian fenomenologi yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran secara jelas mengenai masalah yang diteliti berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah dialami informan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini di lakukan secara deksriptif kualitatif dan interpretatif untuk mendapatkan suatu makna yang sesuai dengan kajian budaya di harapkan, dan topik yang diteliti adalah Kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif politik di persyarikatan Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bone, lokasi penelitian ini bertempat di Sekretariat Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bone. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Muhammadiyah tidak berpolitik praktis, namun bukan berarti persyarikatan ini antipolitik dan tidak paham politik. Melihat kesetaraan gender dalam organisasi Muhammadiyah sebenarnya tidak dipermasalahkan, namun di lingkup politik kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif politik masih sekedar wacana, karena berdasarkan Undang-undang No 8 Tahun 2012 tentang peraturan partai politik yang mengharuskan partai politik minimal 30% untuk caleg perempuan sebagai syarat pemilu, namun itu masih sangat jauh perannya.
The Development of Learning Inquiry Model to Improve Students’ Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skills) during The Covid 19 Pandemic Muhiddin, Amir; Mustari, Nuryanti; Syamsidah, Syamsidah
Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies Vol 24, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ijes.v24i2.29796


This study aims to determine the stages of developing Inquiry Learning (IL) model learning tools to improve students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). In addition, the purpose of this study is to find out the learning tools with the inquiry learning (IL) model that are valid, effective, and practical. The research method used is development research. This development research adopted the modified Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel models. The four stages include define, design, develop, and disseminate. The results showed: 1). The stages of developing learning tools have been conducted using the IL model, which refers to the 4 D model, including defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The learning tool is valid because it obtains an average score of 3.08 from three experts. The learning tools are practical because the observation' results of the IL Model implementation in the experimental class show that the stages of the model have been implemented perfectly with a percentage of 100%. In the data regarding the practicality of the IL model from the aspect of student activity in learning with IL, the results show that students are actively involved in learning with an average score of 3.40 (high activity). The average score of students taught using the IL model (experimental group) was higher than students in the conventional class (control group). The average score of students in the experimental group was 80.6, while the control group was 74.5. It means that the application of IL can improve students' HOTS thinking skills.
Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Kabupaten Gowa Muliasari, Nur; Mustari, Nuryanti
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i1.3619


Penyebaran Covid-19 mewajibkan setiap pemerintah kabupaten untuk menyiapkan strategi kebijakan yang baik. Perbedaan kesiapan setiap daerah dalam mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19 menyebabkan kebijakan harus sesuai dengan kapasitas daerah. Kebijakan keseragaman penanggulangan Covid-19 menyebabkan pemerintah Kabupaten Gowa melakukan penyesuaian kebijakan dengan pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah pusat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan literatur-literatur yang berkaitan. Dalam hasil penelitian ditilik dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebijakan pemerintah Kabupaten Gowa dalam rangka pencegahan Covid-19 di daerah Gowa telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik dalam hal disposisi dan sumber daya. Namun pada implementasinya, indikator komunikasi dan fragmentasi kebijakan masih lemah.