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Korelasi antara asupan serat, asupan lemak, dan status gizi dengan kadar kolesterol total remaja usia 18-20 tahun Pondagitan, Alpinia S.; Mayulu, Nelly; Lestari, Hesti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.12.2.2020.29429


Abstract: Intake behavior in students was influenced by a variety of complex factors that involve exposure to high stress, which can cause intake to increase or decrease that can result in a dependency on fast food that has a low nutritional value but is high in fat and sugar. The study aims to determine the correlation between fiber intake, fat intake, and nutritional status and its effect on Total Cholesterol (TC) levels in adolescents. This is an Analytical Observational study with Cross Sectional Approach conducted at FK Unsrat on February-April 2020, and using Total Population Sampling Technique. Data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Test and Simple Linear Regression. There was a positive correlation between fiber intake and TC levels (p=0,020; R=0,199). There were no correlation between fat intake and nutritional status with TC levels (p=0,914, 0,522; R=0,009, -0,056) respectively. The simple linear regression equation was: Y=2,20+0,003 X. There was a positive correlation between fiber intake and TC levels, while fat intake and nutritional status have no correlation with TC levels. For every 1 gr of fiber intake elevation will be followed by 0,003 mg/dL elevation on TC levels.Keywords: fiber intake, fat intake, nutritional status, total cholesterol levels, adolescents  Abstrak: Perilaku asupan pada mahasiswa dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor kompleks yang melibatkan paparan terhadap stress yang tinggi sehingga menyebabkan asupan yang meningkat atau menurun yang dapat berakibat terjadinya ketergantungan terhadap makanan cepat saji yang memiliki nilai gizi yang rendah tetapi tinggi akan lemak dan gula. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara asupan serat, asupan lemak, dan status gizi serta pengaruhnya terhadap kadar kolesterol total remaja. Jenis penelitian yaitu Observasional Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional yang dilakukan di FK Unsrat pada Februari-April 2020, dan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Total Sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Korelasi Pearson dan Regresi Linier Sederhana. Terdapat korelasi positif antara asupan serat dengan kadar kolesterol total (p=0,020; R=0,199). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara asupan lemak dan status gizi dengan kadar kolesterol total (p=0,914, 0,522; R=0,009, -0,056) secara berurutan. Persamaan regresi linier sederhana mendapatkan rumus: Y=2,20+0,003 X. Terdapat korelasi positif antara asupan serat dengan kadar kolesterol total, sedangkan asupan lemak dan status gizi tidak memiliki korelasi dengan kadar kolesterol total. setiap peningkatan asupan serat 1 gr akan diikuti dengan peningkatan kadar kolesterol total sebesar 0,003 mg/dL.Kata kunci: asupan serat, asupan lemak, status gizi, kadar kolesterol total, remaja
Early Childhood Nutrition Education Mentoring for Parents and Teachers at PAUD Samratulangi in Manado City Alpinia Pondagitan; Rakhmawati Agustina
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.498 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v5i2.2387


Balanced nutrition in early childhood is very important in achieving optimal growth and development, because in this period children begin to learn what, when and how to eat either through direct experience or seeing other people which will have an impact on their developmental health.  Increased in health problems on children mainly caused by various factors including parent economic status, parenting patterns, and the level of knowledge and awareness of healthy and nutritious food on children. This will potentially lead to new health problems and will have an impact on children’s growth and development which will affect their productivity in the future. The purpose of this community service is to carry out mentoring for early childhood nutrition education for parents and teachers at PAUD Samratulangi in Manado City. The targets are parents and teachers at PAUD Samratulangi in Manado City. The activity was held on June 11th, 2022 with several stages including preparation stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. The preparation stage is carried out by conducting survey location and obtaining permits at the activity site. Implementation is carried out by providing balanced nutrition assistance to parents and teachers. Evaluation is carried out by collecting data from the impelentation activities, in this case by providing a knowledge questionnaire about balanced nutrition for early childhood. The result of this activity is the impelentation of balanced nutrition assistance to parents and teachers. The implementers of this community service activities are lecturers and undergraduate students form the Nutrition Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Manado