Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung

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Implementasi Counter Production Monitoring pada Mesin Tekstil berbasis Mikrokontroler RACHMAT, HENDI HANDIAN; ASRIL, HARIANDI
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Elkomika
Publisher : Jurnal Elkomika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Sistem Counter Production Monitoring (CPM) diimplementasikan untuk menghitung secara otomotis kecepatan mesin, kecepatan produksi, dan jumlah produksi.Sistem ini digunakan pada mesin pemintal benang di industri tekstil untuk mengetahui efisiensi kerja mesin dan hasil produksi benang.Sistem terdiri dari perangkat keras dan lunak berbasis mikrokontroler dan personal komputer (PC) untuk mengukur putaran mesin guna menghitung ketiga besaran hasil produksi. Inductive proximity sensor dan encoder gear dipasang dengan jarak 1 mm pada shaft mesin yang berputar untuk mendeteksi jumlah putaran mesin berdasarkan jumlah pulsa yang dideteksi oleh sensor selama durasi tertentu. Mikrokontroller menghitung tiga besaran produksi dan menampilkan hasil pada display LCD melalui pengaturan 3 buah tombol serta mengirimkan ke PC melalui komunikasi serial untuk ditampilkan. Hasil pengujian selama 3 hari menunjukkan terjadi perbedaan antara sistem CPM dan perhitungan manual (Tachometer) yaitu antara 0.35-0.4 HANK.Perbedaan terjadi karena pada perhitungan manual, mesin diasumsikan selalu berjalan. Padahal pada kenyataannya terjadi proses dopping (penggantian cone benang). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem CPM telah dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui efisiensi kerja mesin dan hasil produksi secara otomatis. Kata kunci: counter production monitoring, encoder gear, Inductive Proximity Sensor, mikrokontroler, personal komputer.   Abstract A Counter Production Monitoring (CPM) system was implemented to calculate automatically a machine speed, a production speed and a total production. This system was employed on a spinning machine in a textile industry to know machine efficiency and a number of thread productions. The system consists of some microcontroller-based hardware and software modules to detect machine rotation. Inductive proximity sensor and encoder gear were installed with a rotary machine shaft in 1 mm distance. A number of machine rotation was calculated from the number of pulses that detected by sensor for a certain time duration. Microcontroller calculated three production values and displayed on LCD by controlling three different push buttons. Subsequently, the data transferred to PC via serial communication to be displayed on PC. From three days testing, the system showed a different result of 0.35-0.4 HANK total production between CPM system and manual procedure using Tachometer. The different was due to the machine was assumed still working during dopping (change thread cone) process in the manual procedure. As a conclusion, CPM system can be used to know the machine efficiency and the number of thread production automatically. Keywords: counter production monitoring, encoder gear, Inductive Proximity Sensor, microcontroller, personal computer.
Implementasi Counter Production Monitoring pada Mesin Tekstil berbasis Mikrokontroler RACHMAT, HENDI HANDIAN; ASRIL, HARIANDI
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 2, No 2 (2014): ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v2i2.115


ABSTRAKSistem Counter Production Monitoring (CPM) diimplementasikan untuk menghitung secara otomotis kecepatan mesin, kecepatan produksi, dan jumlah produksi.Sistem ini digunakan pada mesin pemintal benang di industri tekstil untuk mengetahui efisiensi kerja mesin dan hasil produksi benang.Sistem terdiri dari perangkat keras dan lunak berbasis mikrokontroler dan personal komputer (PC) untuk mengukur putaran mesin guna menghitung ketiga besaran hasil produksi. Inductive proximity sensor dan encoder gear dipasang dengan jarak 1 mm pada shaft mesin yang berputar untuk mendeteksi jumlah putaran mesin berdasarkan jumlah pulsa yang dideteksi oleh sensor selama durasi tertentu. Mikrokontroller menghitung tiga besaran produksi dan menampilkan hasil pada display LCD melalui pengaturan 3 buah tombol serta mengirimkan ke PC melalui komunikasi serial untuk ditampilkan. Hasil pengujian selama 3 hari menunjukkan terjadi perbedaan antara sistem CPM dan perhitungan manual (Tachometer) yaitu antara 0.35-0.4 HANK.Perbedaan terjadi karena pada perhitungan manual, mesin diasumsikan selalu berjalan. Padahal pada kenyataannya terjadi proses dopping (penggantian cone benang). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem CPM telah dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui efisiensi kerja mesin dan hasil produksi secara otomatis.Kata kunci: counter production monitoring, encoder gear, Inductive Proximity Sensor, mikrokontroler, personal komputer. ABSTRACTA Counter Production Monitoring (CPM) system was implemented to calculate automatically a machine speed, a production speed and a total production. This system was employed on a spinning machine in a textile industry to know machine efficiency and a number of thread productions. The system consists of some microcontroller-based hardware and software modules to detect machine rotation. Inductive proximity sensor and encoder gear were installed with a rotary machine shaft in 1 mm distance. A number of machine rotation was calculated from the number of pulses that detected by sensor for a certain time duration. Microcontroller calculated three production values and displayed on LCD by controlling three different push buttons. Subsequently, the data transferred to PC via serial communication to be displayed on PC. From three days testing, the system showed a different result of 0.35-0.4 HANK total production between CPM system and manual procedure using Tachometer. The different was due to the machine was assumed still working during dopping (change thread cone) process in the manual procedure. As a conclusion, CPM system can be used to know the machine efficiency and the number of thread production automatically.Keywords: counter production monitoring, encoder gear, Inductive Proximity Sensor, microcontroller, personal computer.