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THE EFFECTS OF r-HDPE/r-PP FORMULATION RATIO INTO MECHANICAL, THERMAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF r-HDPE/r-PP POLYMERIC BLENDS Razak, Jeefferie Bin; Wahid, Siti Zaleha; Mohamad, Noraiham; Puspitasari, Poppy; Jaafar, Rosidah; Tutuko, Pindo
Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Jurnal, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2020.008.02.1


This study has reported the effects of different formulation ratio between recycled high density polyethylene (r-HDPE) and recycled polypropylene (r-PP) into the resulted mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of r-HDPE/r-PP polymeric blends. About five (5) different formulation ratio of r-HDPE/r-PP have been prepared and tested. The best combination ratio between r-HDPE and r-PP was determined in this work. It was found that the 70/30 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP blend possessed an outstanding mechanical and physical strength. About 59.80% and 2.30% of positive improvement in comparison to 0/100 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP was achieved for both of tensile strength and hardness, respectively. Interestingly, for 70/30 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP blend had also experienced major increased in their elongation at break up to 473%. The fracture morphological behavior of the tested samples that were observed via SEM observation, had established the interaction between the structure and properties of produced r-HDPE/r-PP blends, especially on the miscibility state between the r-HDPE and r-PP phases. Thermal evaluation by using the DSC had confirmed the partial miscibility state due to dominant peak shifting at 120 - 140°C and obvious melting peak reduction pattern. Overall, from this study, it was found that the blending between r-HDPE and r-PP into r-HDPE/r-PP blends are feasible to improve the properties of primary phase.
Kajian Persentase Ruang Terbuka Hijau pada Implementasi Revitalisasi Taman Kota Malang Juwito, Juwito; Wikantiyoso, Respati; Tutuko, Pindo
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 11, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Merdeka Malang University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v11i1.2686


The “Park Revitalization” program initiated by the Malang City Government with the privatesector is being implemented and the implementation of this program raises questions, namely theextent to which this physical intervention should be carried out, so that integration andsustainability have a positive impact, without reducing the existing green open space. This studyuses a quantitative methodology in the form of a Green Open Revitalization program reviewconducted in Malang City by assessing the percentage reduction in area. Operational definitionsof variables used in this research design are in the form of transfer functions or building additionsand the use of functional areas / materials or cover material. Analysis of the condition of objects byreferring to Area Revitalization. Objects of observation are analyzed using thematic maps andstatistical analysis. The results of the study show that there is a close correlation between theconversion of functions or the addition of buildings and the use of functional areas/material orcover material to the percentage of RTH. The selection of the right material with the theme andcharacteristics of green open space with sustainable technology is an integrated entity with continuous improvement in the quality and quantity of the environment. DOI:
Study of Residential Development in Urban Fairies Priyono, Eko Agus; Tutuko, Pindo
International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.797 KB)


The suburban area (pheri-urban) is a transition from the urban and rural areas that have different characteristics and attributes. This area is naturally formed due to developments and congestion that occur from the core city. One of the developmental factors is the interaction between the core cities and the peri peri urban areas. The greater the interaction that occurs the greater the development that occurs in the pheri pheri urban area. Interaction between urban and rural areas will naturally be bridged by the presence of urban pheri-urban areas. Population growth in the city center resulted in an increase in settlement requirements (serlin 2012) and that in the center of the city the developers have been unable to provide the need for settlement due to the high price of land in the city center and the limited land in the centers (Septanaya, 2012). This prompted the development of housing and settlement needs around the hinterland of the city center. With this sprinkling it will generate a snowballs effect, where with the existence of housing and settlement activities will arise ativitas and other needs such as social facilities needs, economic facilities needs, educational facilities, health facilities, office facilities etc. But in some locations there are also several factors that influence the growth of the pheri pheri, not only caused by the settlement of settlement needs from the city center but due to other factors, such as in Malang, the development of suburbs in Kedungkandang and Lowokwaru influenced by the existence of industrial activity. While the growth of suburbs in Banda Aceh (Ulee Kareng sub-district) is caused by the construction of new transportation line (Prof. Ali Hasyimi Street) thus the facilities and infrastructures or connectivity also influence the development of the periphery. In addition to the above matters more due to the activity that grows by itself there are important factors associated with the development of the periphery of government policy through Spatial Planning, where in each RTRW will be planned areas for residential areas for expansion of urban areas, in the area plan Strategic and spatial pattern will be directed towards the development of the city over the next 25 years, so that with the spatial is expected the development of the city will be directed, and easily controlled.
PLANNING PREFABRICATED HOMES USING THE FASTER, BETTER, CHEAPER CONCEPT Agung, Devie; Tutuko, Pindo; Budiyanto, Hery; Poerwoningsih, Dina
International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5154.72 KB)


Prefabrication as a technology that has long been used in Europe, have a big potential to help fulfill the housing backlog in Indonesia. Project time and cost efficiency along with multiple other benefits have proven that prefabrication system is a valid alternative to the conventional construction system. One of the biggest problem delaying the implementation was the perception of construction practitioners and home buyers about the structural and visual quality, and a prefabricated home owners’satisfaction when compared to a conventionally built home owners’. Faster, Better, Cheaper concept may be the guide to planning a house building project that can be finished faster, be more cost efficient, while achieving higher user satisfaction.
CIRI KHAS ARSITEKTUR RUMAH BELANDA (Studi Kasus Rumah Tinggal Di Pasuruan) Pindo Tutuko
Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 4, No 1 (2003): September 2003
Publisher : Architecture Department University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.329 KB) | DOI: 10.26905/mintakat.v4i1.1954


Arsitektur rumah tinggal sebagai hasil kebudayaan adalah perpaduan suatu karya seni dan pengetahuan tentang bangunan, dengan demikian arsitektur juga membicarakan berbagai aspek tentang keindahan dan konstruksi bangunan. Dalam menelaah rumah-rumah kolonial tidak terlepas dari gaya arsitektur yang dibawa oleh Belanda pada saat itu.  Ada tiga ciri yang harus diperhatikan untuk dapat memahami struktur ruang lingkup sosial kota kolonial, yaitu budaya, teknologi dan struktur kekuasaan kolonial. Keterbukaan sebuah kota pusat pemerintahan dan perdagangan mengharuskan adanya perkembangan komunikasi dan teknologi pada awal abad XX. Kota-kota lama di Jawa sampai dengan abad XVIII tidak mengalami perkembangan yang berarti. Kota-kota yang tidak mempunyai fungsi perdagangan umumnya menjadi kota pusat pemerintahan daerah. Sebagai studi, dipakai kota Pasuruan untuk pengamatan bangunan kolonialnya. Berkenaan dengan adanya industri gula, maka Kota Pasuruan digunakan sebagai pusat penelitian gula pada masa itu.  Belanda masuk ke Pasuruan pada tahun 1743, maka semestinya pembuatan rumah yang bergaya Belanda juga berkiblat pada gaya arsitektur asli di Belanda. Tulisan ini dibatasi pada gaya arsitektur yang terjadi pada masa arsitektur modern sampai dengan berpindahnya ibukota Karesidenan Pasuruan ke Malang (Juli 1928) dan runtuhnya industri gula (1930). Akibat perkembangan industri dan pengingkaran-pengingkaran terhadap keindahan karya seni, serta berbagai unsur yang tumbuh dalam kehidupan sosial dengan tidak adanya kontrol yang ketat, terlepaslah ikatan akan kebiasaan mencipta bangunan dengan menyertakan ragam hias. Sudah barang tentu masalah ini melibatkan berbagai masalah dan pandangan akan nilai-nilai yang sangat kompleks. Tidak semua ciri arsitektur yang ada di Belanda diterapkan pada bangunan yang dibangun Belanda di Pasuruan. Terdapat 2 periode pembangunan rumah di Pasuruan, yaitu masa sebelum adanya Pusat Penelitian Gula dan sesudahnya. Adanya sistem rumah induk dan doorloop yang menghubungkan dengan fungsi service. Adanya penyesuaian terhadap iklim tropis di Indonesia pada rancangan rumah tinggal. Bahan utama untuk dinding yang digunakan adalah Bata, dengan ketebalan pasangan 1 bata. Cenderung sederhana permainan strukturnya dan minim ornamen.
Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 18, No 1 (2017): Maret 2017
Publisher : Architecture Department University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (916.58 KB) | DOI: 10.26905/mintakat.v18i1.1414


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penemuan adanya pola perkembangan hunian rumah produktif kampung Sanan “Tempe” (Tutuko, 2004). Pada penelitian kali ini akan diteliti perubahan yang terjadi pada aspek permukiman dan lingkungan hunian Usaha Berbasis Rumah Tangga (UBR) UKM. Harapan yang akan dicapai adalah menemukan pola spasial kampung akibat perkembangan UBR dan kondisi permukiman dari aspek fisik. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian kualitatif ini adalah metoda penelitian perkembangan. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk melakukan studi tentang perkembangan rumah produktif adalah dengan menggunakan teori pengembangan rumah oleh Silas (1993). Sedangkan untuk menelusuri hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan, hasilnya  ditampilkan dalam bentuk diagramatis, ditunjang oleh kognisi lingkungan yang dikemukakan oleh Rapoport (1977). Hasil penelitian adalah mengkategorikan faktor-faktor perkembangan pola spasial kampung berdasarkan 5 aspek, yaitu: 1) Perkembangan bentuk dan pola permukiman; 2) Ruang dan lahan dalam permukiman dan perkembangannya; 3) Prasarana dasarpermukiman; 4) Aspek permukiman; dan 5) Pembangunan oleh masyarakat. DOI:
Community Attachment pada Transformasi Desain Bangunan Permukiman di sekitar Kawasan Pecinan Pindo Tutuko
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 2, No 4 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v2i4.1384


Orang Cina mayoritas sebagai pedagang, jadi kawasan Pecinan merupakan pusat perdagangan dari dulu sampai sekarang. Salah satu yang menarik di kawasan Pecinan adalah peninggalan Arsitekturnya yang sekarang masih ada meskipun ada perubahan akibat perkembangan kawasan dan fungsi dari permukiman tersebut. Permukiman orang Cina sebagai pusat perdagangan banyak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tampilan bangunan maupun perubahan fungsi dari bentuk permukiman rumah-rumah orang Cina. Perubahan yang terjadi dapat dilihat dari tampilantampilan rumah Cina yang ada sampai sekarang. Community attachment warga pecinan terhadap tempat tinggalnya melibatkan seluruh pengaruh dari afeksi dan emosi, pengetahuan dan kepercayaan serta perilaku dan tingkah laku mereka dalam proses bermukim. Pendekatan Traditional Environment/settlement menurut Amiranti (2002) dan aspek-aspek koalitas lingkungan menurut Rapopot (1983), dipakai dalam mengamati penerapan konsep Community Attachment warga Pecinan di Kota Pasuruan dan Kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perubahan dalam tampilan bangunan, penataan ruang dalam bangunan, dan penataan ruang luarnya. Schemata yang terjadi dipersiapan untuk kegiatan usaha pada masa yang akan datang dan rumah dianggap sebagai suatu bagian dari ekonomi. Budaya Cina dipakai dalam tolok ukur untuk menentukan faktor menguntungkan suatu lingkungan hunian, dan itu menjadi pertimbangan utama.
THE EFFECTS OF r-HDPE/r-PP FORMULATION RATIO INTO MECHANICAL, THERMAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF r-HDPE/r-PP POLYMERIC BLENDS Jeefferie Abd Razak; Siti Zaleha Wahid; Noraiham Mohamad; Poppy Puspitasari; Rosidah Jaafar; Pindo Tutuko
Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Jurnal, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2020.008.02.1


This study has reported the effects of different formulation ratio between recycled high density polyethylene (r-HDPE) and recycled polypropylene (r-PP) into the resulted mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of r-HDPE/r-PP polymeric blends. About five (5) different formulation ratio of r-HDPE/r-PP have been prepared and tested. The best combination ratio between r-HDPE and r-PP was determined in this work. It was found that the 70/30 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP blend possessed an outstanding mechanical and physical strength. About 59.80% and 2.30% of positive improvement in comparison to 0/100 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP was achieved for both of tensile strength and hardness, respectively. Interestingly, for 70/30 wt.% of r-HDPE/r-PP blend had also experienced major increased in their elongation at break up to 473%. The fracture morphological behavior of the tested samples that were observed via SEM observation, had established the interaction between the structure and properties of produced r-HDPE/r-PP blends, especially on the miscibility state between the r-HDPE and r-PP phases. Thermal evaluation by using the DSC had confirmed the partial miscibility state due to dominant peak shifting at 120 - 140°C and obvious melting peak reduction pattern. Overall, from this study, it was found that the blending between r-HDPE and r-PP into r-HDPE/r-PP blends are feasible to improve the properties of primary phase.
Transformasi Ojek Tradisional ke Ojek Online Roesdijanto Roesdijanto; Pindo Tutuko; Ronald David; Elta Sonalitha
Jurnal Studi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Juni
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jsmb.v3i1.2571


Kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini lebih dinamis dibandingkan dengan era sebelum teknologi informasi berkembang pesat. Berbagai macam kesibukan masyarakat seolah kekurangan waktu untuk melakukan beberapa pekerjaan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kesibukan yang paling dirasakan menyita waktu antara lain pengiriman paket dalam kota, pengantaran ke tempat tujuan yang biasanya terkendala macet dan angkutan umum, antri yang menyita waktu, dan belanja kebutuhan. Di kehidupan masyarakat, kita temui para pekerja yang berkesempatan untuk menawarkan jasa antar menggunakan motor yang dimiliki yang disebut Tukang Ojek. Tukang ojek tradisional hanya melayani jasa antar saja. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan berupa jasa kurir, belanja, antar dan antri. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pelatihan bagi para pekerja jasa antar guna peningkatan pelayanan prima, Safety riding, dan strategi pemasaran jasa melalui media online sehingga diharapkan dapat melakukan pelayanan yang memuaskan terhadap pelanggan. Sistem yang dirancang diharapkan mampu menunjang kemandirian dan kewirausahaan sehingga dapat menambah penghasilan untuk memberi kontribusi tambahan terhadap ekonomi keluarganya. 
EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION Sustainable Development Goals 2030: Challenges and Its Solutions Diana Zuhroh; Dina Poerwoningsih; Pindo Tutuko; Sari Yuniarti
International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.037 KB)


According to United Nations Development Programme, the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are auniversal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that allpeople enjoy peace and prosperity. The goals listed in Sustainable DevelopmentGoals 2030 (SDGs) are an action plan for people, the planet and prosperity. It alsoseeks to strengthen universal peace in greater freedom. We are all aware thateradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty,is the greatest global challenge and the indispensable requirement for sustainabledevelopment (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment). Under the agenda, all countries and all stakeholders, acting incollaborative partnerships, will implement the plan. On the agenda it wasdecided to free humanity from the tyranny of poverty and desire and to heal andsecure our planet. Furthermore, 17 Goals of SDGs seek to build the MillenniumDevelopment Goals and resolve what is not achieved, which is to achieve allhuman rights and to achieve gender equality and empowerment of all womenand girls. It should be integrated and inseparable and balancing the threedimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.