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PERANCANGAN KONTROL ROBOT PEMOTONG RUMPUT Hutagalung, Jhonson Efendi; Dahriansah, Dahriansah
Riau Journal Of Computer Science Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : Riau Journal Of Computer Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.635 KB)


To open a new land, it is necessary to clear land from grass plants that surround the land, so we need to cut grass quickly. If you still use traditional equipment, the work will be long and require a lot of workers to complete it. So the author here makes a machine or robot that can later finish cutting the grass quickly and also does not require many workers even though the land is so vast. This robot is controlled by a voice command so that the robot can move in accordance with the commands we take to the smartphone. As long as the robot moves forward, turn, turn left and turn right then the grass cutter knife will spin to cut the grass. The results of this study are a prototype / miniature of a lawn mower robot that has been tried by cutting grass but on a mini scale because it is still the initial model of the system that will be planned to be real for future research
Sistem Pakar Dengan Metode Backward Chaining Untuk Pengujian Transistor Di Laboratorium Elektronika Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Jeperson Hutahaean
RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Riau Journal Of Computer Science
Publisher : RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.388 KB) | DOI: 10.30606/rjocs.v1i1.483


The expert system is an artificial intelligence, expert systems is a program to store and process knowledge for a particular area, that's why they were able to answer questions and solve problems, according to the consensus of the experts. Backward Chainning models in reverse of the hypothesis, a potential or conclusion which must be proved by the facts that support the hypothesis.Backward Chainning also well described in the form of reasoning began with the goal to the subgoal reach the goal of understanding means fulfilling subgoal. Decision tree is the result of a tracking process that can be used to explain the answer to the question of questions. Chainning Backward algorithm uses primary data structure in the formation of the decision tree. In the knowledge base necessary rules which will be stored in the database. For the rules on the formation of the expert system can be made based on the facts mentioned above. To rule pin test rules that generate multimeter to measure the use of transistors is right and wrong. Read the scale rule is a rule of the final results of the test transistors are good, leaking or broken so it can not be used anymore
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v2i3.2542


Kemajuan teknologi telah membawa perubahan besar bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, perkembangan teknologi itu menimbulkan ancaman dan rasa khawatir sekaligus memiliki keuntungan. Misalnya, kecerdasan buatan atau  artificial intelligence (AI), salah satu teknologi yang saat ini banyak digunakan dan dikembangkan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, salah satunya ilmu hukum. Internet atau interconnection networking merupakan media penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan memberikan banyak manfaat khususnya informasi lebih cepat dan mudah di dapatkan. Manfaat tersebut menjadikan internet sebagai media yang menghubungkan manusia di seluruh belahan dunia untuk berinteraksi tanpa batas. Transaksi e-commerce atau belanja di Toko Online memungkinkan terjadinya hal-hal yang melanggar hukum. Perspektif hukum teknologi informasi mencoba melihat hal-hal yang mungkin dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam memahami kemungkinan-kemungkinan penyelesaian ketertinggalan perundang-undangan dibandingkan pertumbuhan teknologi informasi.
Journal Of Informatic Pelita Nusantara Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Computer Science
Publisher : STMIK Pelita NUsantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.926 KB)


implementation  to do our tasks activity for staff employees at AMIK royal, which we are needed  that can help their work. So that it can be done quickly and effectively in completing tasks for structuring the files needed. The file arrangement is done by transferring files from the beginning of the third floor to the AMIK Royal for this academic . we need for these tools is to create a tool or robot that can do the job of lifting the item. And also to help human work, the actual tools or robots are made that are no longer miniature or prototypes. In controlling this robot, it uses a microcontroller with a Bluetooth connection system which is controlled by an Android smartphone. Then it will produce a robot that can work with voice commands to move forward, backward, turn left and turn right. And it can also stop according to the work needed while the robot is lifting the goods. Keywords: Robot, Bluetooth, Prototype, Smartphone, Android
Flood Detection Control System Design Based on SMS Gateway Iqbal Kamil Siregar; Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Bachtiar Efendi; Herman Saputra
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v4i2.1803


Flood concern everybody in every flood area. It makes the researchers interest to take the research about flood detection system, especially in rivers by using mobile phone facilities. The procedure of this tool is if the flood rise due to overflow of the river, then the river guard will receive SMS to tell the people to anticipate the flood by sounding the alarm until the entire riverbank area. This SMS delivery is via connection to telecommunications network using SMS gateway module. This tool can be used as a flood emergency which is installed at river location points where sensors and control devices are permanently installed. This research has been successful and has been well tested in its implementation.
JUTSI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Royal Kisaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jutsi.v2i1.1153


Abstract:The potential for livestock in Asahan district is very good. Besides the situation and conditions there are supportive, the geographic location of Asahan Regency also supports the District Animal Husbandry Office in the livestock sector because the area mostly covers land, so that the Asahan District Animal Husbandry Service staff in the field of livestock can help potential types of livestock based on certain areas. In addition, officers can also classify livestock birth data by district in order to increase the potential of existing livestock. The potential of livestock in Asahan district is not well managed and there is no informative mapping and monitoring that utilizes modern computer technology. Mapping and monitoring cannot be done because there is no education about the geographic information system and monitoring of the Asahan District Animal Husbandry Office and the current system is still conventional, so information about livestock does not reach the wider community, especially the Asahan area which results in a lack of knowledge. and information on the distribution of existing livestock. Therefore, the solution to increase public insight and knowledge of the potential of livestock in Asahan, a geographic information system and monitoring will be made to map the number of points of livestock distribution. Keywords: GIS; Distribution of Farm Point Locations; PHP and MySQL  Abstrak: Potensi ternak di kabupaten Asahan sangat bagus. Selain situasi dan kondisi disana mendukung, letak geografis kabupaten Asahan pun juga mendukung untuk Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten bidang peternakan dikarenkan wilayahnya sebagian besar meliputi daratan, sehingga petugas Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Asahan bidang peternakan dapat membantu jenis ternak yang berpotensi berdasarkan wilayah tertentu. Selain itu petugas juga bisa mengelompokkan data kelahiran ternak per kecamatan guna meningkatkan potensi ternak yang ada.Potensi ternak di kabupaten Asahan tidak dikelola dengan baik dan belum ada pemetaan yang informatif serta monitoring yang memanfaatkan teknologi komputer modern. Pemetaan dan monitoring belum bisa dilakukan dikarenakan belum adanya edukasi tentang sistem informasi geografis dan monitoring terhadap pihak kantor Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Asahan dan sistem yang dijalankan saat ini pun masih konvensional, sehingga informasi tentang ternak tidak sampai ke masyarakat luas khususnya wilayah Asahan yang berdampak pada minimnya pengetahuan dan informasi terhadap sebaran hewan ternak yang ada. Oleh karena itu solusi untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap potensi ternak yang ada di Asahan, maka akan dibuatkan sistem informasi geografis dan monitoring untuk memetakan jumlah titik sebaran ternak. Kata Kunci : GIS; Sebaran Lokasi Titik Peternakan; PHP dan MySQL
Sistem Pakar Deteksi Awal Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Rama Danil Fahri Nasution; Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Wan Mariatul Kifti
Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.008 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/bits.v4i1.1508


Data on the development of Covid-19 cases globally and in Indonesia and predictions of an increase in the number of cases, of course, it is necessary to take several steps in dealing with Covid-19, the community must implement physical distancing and maintain personal hygiene and the surrounding environment as preventive measures to suppress the spread of Covid-19. This is in accordance with WHO's appeal regarding strategic steps in dealing with the global Covid-19 pandemic. As in other countries, suspect Corona (people who show symptoms of being infected with COVID-19 and are suspected of having had contact with positive COVID-19 patients) are increasing in Indonesia so that requests for specimen tests at laboratories that have been appointed by the government have also increased. For this reason, another way is needed to detect COVID-19 that is more practical and faster by analyzing data using the Certainty Factor method. With the Covid-19 Early Detection expert system, so that it can provide convenience for Aek Kanopan Regional General Hospital (RSUD) doctors and patients in carrying out the Covid-19 Early Detection process in the database. Can help the Regional General Hospital Doctor (RSUD) Aek Kanopan and provide services to patients in terms of the existing Covid-19 Early Detection and successfully conclude the early symptoms of covid-19 and their handling solutions
DIAGNOSIS OF HUMAN SKIN FUNGI USING FORDWARD CHANING METHOD BASED ON hafzihan ihwana Zihan; Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung jhons; Mardalius Dalius
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): JUTIF Volume 3, Number 3, June 2022
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jutif.2022.3.3.233


Expert systems are the process of adopting human knowledge to computers, so that computers can provide solutions like doctors can. The high cost and takes a long time to consult with a skin specialist at the hospital and skin diseases are classified as complaints that can be treated alone. So we need an expert system that makes it easier for experts to diagnose this fungal disease. This research uses qualitative research methods and is included in descriptive research. The method used in this study is the forward chaining method and the search method used is forward data tracing to find conclusions. Data collection techniques through interviews and literature study. This research uses PHP programming language with MySQL database. Based on the results of the comparison between literature studies and interviews, it was found that 4 skin diseases were infected due to fungi so that early symptoms of the disease were diagnosed along with their causes and solutions.
Implementasi Speedometer Digital pada Mobil Listrik Menggunakan Arduino Uno Selvia Rani; Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Ari Dermawan
J-Com (Journal of Computer) Vol 1, No 3 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Royal Kisaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.292 KB) | DOI: 10.33330/j-com.v1i3.1412


Abstract:  At STMIK Royal Kisaran, research has been carried out for the manufacture of an electric motor prototype which is still in the development stage so that it requires the application of an automatic system that helps the work of the desired electric car system according to the needs of the user. At this time the prototype that has been designed has not used a car speed meter. Where digital measuring instruments have advantages over analog measuring instruments, where the readings of digital measuring instruments are clearer and more accurate and digital measuring instruments when viewed from an aesthetic point of view, digital measuring instruments are more attractive, and in motor vehicles digital speedometers are very rarely used, mostly motorized vehicles. still using an analog speedometer. It is necessary to apply a sensor system to detect the speed of the wheel mechanics of the electric car and connect it to the Arduino Uno microcontroller to control the value of the vehicle and display it on the LCD. By using this tool, it can determine the speed of the electric car vehicle so that the driver can calculate the speed of the vehicle and can be a reference for safety in driving. Keywords: Microcontroller; Arduino Uno; Sensor; Electric Car Prototype  Abstrak:   Pada  STMIK Royal Kisaran telah dilakukan penelitian untuk pembuatan Protipe motor listrik yang masih dalam tahap pengembangan sehingga memerlukan penerapan sistem otomatis yang membantu kerja dari sistem mobil listrik yang diinginkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemakai. Pada saat ini untuk prototipe yang telah dirancang belum menggunakan alat pengukur kecepatan mobil. Dimana alat ukur digital mempunyai keunggulan dibanding alat ukur analog, dimana pembacaan alat ukur digital lebih jelas dan lebih teliti serta alat ukur digital jika dipandang dari segi estetika maka alat ukur digital lebih menarik, dan dalam kendaraan bermotor speedometer  digital sangat jarang digunakan, kebanyakan kendaraan bermotor masih menggukan speedometer  analog. Perlu dilakukanpenerapan dari sistem sensor untuk mendeteksi kecepatan dari mekanika roda dari mobil listrik tersebut dan dihubungkan ke mikrokontroler Arduino Uno untuk mengendalikan besar nilai dari kendaraannya dan ditampilkan pada LCD. Dengan menggunakan alat ini dapat mengetahui kecepatan kendaraan mobil listrik sehingga pengendara dapat memperhitungkan laju kendaraan serta dapat menjadi acuan keamanan dalam berkendaran. Kata Kunci: Mikrokontroler; Arduino Uno; Sensor; Prototipe Mobil Listrik.
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.247 KB) | DOI: 10.33330/jurdimas.v3i1.435


Meningkatnya permintaan akan sumberdaya pangan laut di Indonesia telah mendorong pemerintah untuk mengambil langkah-langkah menambah produksi pangan laut dengan mengembangkan budidaya perikanan air payau di wilayah pesisir. Salah satunya dengan pengembangan usaha tambak masyarakat sistem terpal bundar. Pemilihan sistem terpal bundar dianggap salah satu solusi yang cukup efektif dan efisien mengingat adanya beberapa kendala atau keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat khususnya di Desa Paluh Manan. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut diantaranya adalah keterbatasan jumlah dan kesesuaian lahan, modal, kualitas benur, pertumbuhan penyakit, informasi dan teknologi. Selain itu, adanya anggapan di masyarakat bahwa budidaya udang vaname akan menguntungkan jika dibudidayakan secara semi intensif dan intensif yang dalam pengoperasiannya memerlukan investasi cukup besar. Menjawab permasalahan ini, melalui penerapan budidaya udang vaname menggunakan terpal bundar maka masyarakat secara langsung sudah memangkas biaya pembelian lahan dan pembuatan tambak. Selanjutnya, melalui penerapan teknologi pendeteksi kualitas air pada aplikasi probiotik maka kekhawatiran akan tingkat keberhasilan yang rendah karena benur rentan mati baik akibat ketidaksesuaian air maupun akibat penyakit (virus dan bakteri) dapat diminimalisir semaksimal mungkin.