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Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Bibit Kopi Arabica (Coffea arabica) terhadap Lama Perendaman Ekstrak Bawang Merah dan Perbandingan Beberapa Media Tanam Refnizuida Refnizuida; Zamriyetti Zamriyetti; Linda Yusnita Siagian; Rohan Syahrizal Tambunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/agroplasma.v9i2.3334


Coffee is one of the most important commodities in the world and ranks second after crude palm oil (CPO). One of the efforts that can be done to increase coffee production is to improve the quality of seeds. There are many obstacles in this effort because coffee needs to use several ways to speed up germination. One of the characteristics of coffee that makes it difficult to germinate is that the seeds are slimy and hard, this can be overcome by using onion extract. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2 factors and 2 blocks to obtain 32 research plots. Factor I. . The soaking time of the shallot extract (B) consists of 4 levels, namely: B0 : 0 without soaking, B1 : 3 hours, B2: 6 hours, B3 :9 hours. Factor II. Comparison of planting media with the symbol (K) which consists of 4 levels, namely: K0: topsoil, K1: compost, K2: compost + cow dung fertilizer (1:1), K3: compost + cow dung + husk charcoal. (1:1: 1). The research procedure consisted of Making Shallot Extract, Making Coffee Skin Compost, Making Cow Manure Organic Fertilizer, Analysis of Coffee Skin Compost, Analysis of Cow Manure Organic Fertilizer, Selection of Coffee Seeds, Stages of Seedling, Duration of Soaking Red Onion Extract, Stage of Sowing Coffee Beans, Determination of Sample Plants, Maintenance. Keywords : Coffee, Extract, Onion, Compost
Penyuluhan Budidaya Tanaman Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) Di Desa Sambirejo Dusun II Kecamatan Binjai Kabupaten Langkat Refnizuida Refnizuida; Rosmaria Girsang; Meriksa Sembiring; Devi Andriani Luta
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Smart Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.188 KB) | DOI: 10.54314/jpstm.v1i2.751


Abstract: Community service activities aim to make the community aware of the cultiva-tion of the porang plant and also the benefits of the porang plant (Amorphophallus muelleri). Based on the problems presented, there is a lack of public understanding about the benefits of porang plants and porang cultivation. With the cultivation of the porang plant (Amorphophallus muelleri) it can increase the knowledge of the community in Sam-birejo Village, dusun II, Binjai District, Langkat Regency. can solve these existing prob-lems, then this activity will be carried out in the form of transfer of knowledge such as discussions, assistance on the cultivation of porang plants (Amorphophallus muelleri), training and practice. increasing knowledge about the cultivation of porang plants (Amor-phophallus muelleri) and their benefits, creating a form of synergistic cooperation between universities and the community in the form of community service.Keywords: extension; porang plant benefits; porang plant cultivation Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan agar masyarakat mengetahui budidaya tanaman porang dan juga manfaat dari tanaman porang (Amorphophallus muelleri). Berdasarkan permasalahan yang disampaikan adalah kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang manfaat tanaman porang dan budidaya tanaman porang. Dengan adanya budidaya tanaman porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) ini dapat menambah pengelahuan masyarakat di desa Sambirejo dusun II decamatan Binjai Kabupaten Langkat. dapat memecahkan masalah yang ada tersebut, maka kegiatan ini akan dilakukan dalam bentuk yaitu Transfer pengelahuan seperti diskusi, Pedampimngan tentang budidaya tanaman porang (Amorphophallus muelleri), Pelatihan dan praktek Melalui pengabdian ini diharapkan tujuan dan target yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan ini seperti: masyarakat dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang budidaya tanaman porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) beserta manfaatnya, terciptanya bentuk kerja sama yang sinergi antara perguruan tinggi dengan masyarakat dalam bentuk pengabdian masyarakat.Kata kunci : budidaya tanaman porang; manfaat tanaman porang; penyuluhan