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International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.957 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v2i2.1745


Males representing female beauty without experiencing to be real females in post-New Order era become the background of this study. This study is aimed: (1) to identify female beauty in post-New Order era represented by male writers, (2) to identify factors forming the representation. To achieve the aims, the study is done by applying Stuart Hall's representation theory which is not only about meaning produced through language and knowledge produced through discourse, but also about revealing patriarchal structure containing in discourse. After applying Stuart Hall's representation theory, it is found that female beauty in post-New Order era is not the same as the one in New Order era. Male writers represent that beautiful females in post-New Order are the ones whose body attracting other people and who struggle for freedom. The representation is formed by male writers in relation with males in post-New Order era and in discursive formation in post-New Order siding with males to keep masculine domination.DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.2019.020204
International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v2i2.1745


Males representing female beauty without experiencing to be real females in post-New Order era become the background of this study. This study is aimed: (1) to identify female beauty in post-New Order era represented by male writers, (2) to identify factors forming the representation. To achieve the aims, the study is done by applying Stuart Hall's representation theory which is not only about meaning produced through language and knowledge produced through discourse, but also about revealing patriarchal structure containing in discourse. After applying Stuart Hall's representation theory, it is found that female beauty in post-New Order era is not the same as the one in New Order era. Male writers represent that beautiful females in post-New Order are the ones whose body attracting other people and who struggle for freedom. The representation is formed by male writers in relation with males in post-New Order era and in discursive formation in post-New Order siding with males to keep masculine domination.
Prostitute Praising Represented by Male Novelists in Post-1998 Religious Society Lelu Dina Apristia
POETIKA Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Issue 2
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v10i2.74534


Prostitute praising is represented by Remy Sylado in novel titled Ca-Bau-Kan: Hanya Sebuah Dosa (1999)  and Arswendo Atmowiloto in novel titled Dewi Kawi (2008). Prostitute praising in the novels written by males in religious society in the midst of discourse about freedom of expression flowing in post-1998 era in Indonesia becomes problem of this research. Regarding the problem, this research aims to identify: (1) how prostitute praising is represented by males in their novel, (2) why male novelists produce such representations by applying Stuart Hall’s representation theory in relation to production of meaning through language and production of knowledge through discourse. The theory application reveals that male novelists represent prostitute praising in private and public domain which are mixed up and that there is relation between male and female in the domains siding with male as constructed by post-1998 discursive formation involving the state and religions to uphold masculine domination.
PELATIHAN PERAWATAN KENDARAAN DENGAN APLIKASI SMART SERVICE UNTUK DRIVER ONLINE DI KOTA SEMARANG Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Andri Setiyawan; Lelu Dina Apristia; Sarwi Asri; Doni Yusuf F; Rizal Alvindo; Muhammad Syamsuddin N.I
JURNAL PENGABDIAN MANDIRI Vol. 1 No. 9: September 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kebutuhan akan moda transportasi yang instan dan dapat diandalkan semakin tinggi. Dalam periode 5 tahun terakhir perkembangan driver online sangat cepat seperti hadirnya Gojek, Grab, dan Maxim. Perlunya pengetahuan tentang service kendaraan bagi driver online untuk kesehatan kendaraan yang digunakan sehari hari. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi secara langsung. Hasil yang didapat dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, terdapat 10 driver online dari mitra yang berbeda yang mengikuti pelatihan perawatan kendaraan. Driver Online mendapatkan pelatihan terkait dasar service kendaraan atau Basic Knowledge of Service sebagai saran meningkatkan awareness terhadap kendaraan. Terdapat peningkatan sebesar 83% pada aspek pengetahuan dasar service kendaraan
IMPLEMENTASI DIAGNOSA SISTEM INJEKSI SELF-DIAGNOSE KENDARAAN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI BERBASIS ANDROID Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Andri Setiyawan; Lelu Dina Apristia; M. Hilman Gumelar Syafei; Adhitya Muhammad Firdaus; M Bagus Isnen; Doni Yusuf Firdaus; Febry Putra Rochim
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3: Agustus 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/jabdi.v3i3.6279


Pengetahuan dan keterampilan mekanik merupakan aspek utama yang wajib dimiliki untuk menjadi mekanik profesional. Teknologi yang semkain berkembang menuntuk mekanik harus ditingkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya terutama pada diagnose kendaraan. Kegiatan ini merupakan serangkaian pengabdian masyarakat. Tahapan kegiatan antara lain: perencanaan, persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pada artikel ini fokus pada tahapan perencanaan dan persiapan kegiatan. Hasil perencanaan dan persiapan ditunjukkan dengan rencana kegiatan dan hasil rata-rata tes awal mekanik terkait pengetahuan dasar diagnose kendaraan
Electronic Learning Media E-Module Open Source-Based on Planetary Type Starter System for Vocational Students Andri Setiyawan; Doni Yusuf Firdaus; Suwahyo Suwahyo; Lelu Dina Apristia; Sanli Faksi; Muhammad Syamsuddin Nurul Iman; Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori; Guillermo Bautista
Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : Department of Electronic and Informatic Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/elinvo.v9i1.66448


Post-pandemic COVID-19 learning that is carried out in a hybrid manner experiences problems, one of which is minimal self-learning supplements, which affect students' understanding of the material. This study aims to develop an e-module using Sigil software on planetary-type starter system material. Hopefully, it can support improving students' knowledge of the material. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method with the ADDIE model. The results of this product were tested on a limited basis by using a one-group pretest-posttest design in class XI TKRO-A with 30 students. The results showed that the E-module that had been developed received a very decent category from media experts, who scored 89.26%, and from material experts, who scored 95.5%. The e-module developed can increase the understanding of the material with a gain value of 0.64 with a moderate category, and a score of 93.75% from the students' responses showed that the e-module is feasible. The conclusion is that the e-module developed is very feasible to use in independent learning and the learning process at school.