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JURNAL EDURELIGIA Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Internalisasi Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid

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Penelitian ini membahas secara umum tentang konsep dasar kurikulum, karena kurikulum merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat menentukan dalam suatu sistem pendidikan, karena itu kurikulum merupakan alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan dan sekaligus sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pengajaran pada semua jenis dan tingkat pendidikan. Pendidikan agama Islam bermakna upaya mendidikkan agama Islam atau ajaran Islam dan nilai-nilainya agar  menjadi pandangan dan sikap hidup seseorang. Dari aktivitas mendidikkan agama Islam itu bertujuan  untuk  membantu  seseorang atau  sekelompok  anak didik dalam menanamkan dan atau menumbuhkembangkan ajaran Islam dan nilai-nilainya untuk dijadikan  sebagai  pandangan hidupnya.
Metode-Metode Praktis dan Efektif dalam Mengajar Al-Quran bagi Anak Usia Dini Ummah, Siti Sumihatul; Wafi, Abdul
ACIECE Vol 2 (2017): Annual Conference on Islamic Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Al-Quran merupakan kalam Allah yang wajib untuk dipelajari dan ajarkan bagi ummat Islam karena Al-Quran tersebut merupakan pedoman hidup untuk mencapai ketaqwaan dan keselamatan dunia akhirat. Pembelajaran al-qur’an harus dilakukan sedini mungkin demi mencetak generasi Qur’ani yang mencintai , menjaga dan mengamalkan Al-Quran.Masa anak usia dini merupakan masa keemasan (golden age) dimana masa tersebut merupakan masa perkembangan dan pertumbuhan yang sangat pesat. Sangat diperlukan metode-metode yang praktis, efisien dan efektif agar mereka bisa berkembangn dan tumbuh dengan baik dan sempurna. Pembelajaran Al-Quran mengalami perkembangan dari waktu ke waktu. Berbagai metode digunakan dan diujicobakan untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal dan efektif. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis termotivasi untuk membahas dan menyajikan informasi tentang beberapa metode-metode pembelajaran Al-Quran yang dianggap praktis, efisien, dan efektif dengan harapan bisa dijadikan sebagai pertimbangan untuk menggunakan metode pembelajaran Al-Quran di Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran khususnya pada anak usia dini.
Insilico Prediction of Biological Activity of Secondary Metabolites of Amphora sp.: for Development of Natural Medicines Khumaidi, Ach.; Wafi, Abdul; Muqsith, Abdul
Journal of Aquaculture Science Vol 6, No 1IS (2021): Vol 6 Issue Spesial 2021 Journal of Aquaculture Science
Publisher : Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31093/joas.v6i1IS.163


Diatom Amphora sp. is a type of aquaculture product that has various types of metabolites with very good potential to be used as basic ingredients for drugs or other health products. Insilico analysis of extracts of Amphora sp. was carried out to predict biological activity that can be used as a basis for developing the use of aquaculture products. The research was conducted by extracting Amphora sp. using ethanol solvent with sonication method, the extraction results were analyzed by LC-HRMS, and the metabolite readings were then analyzed for drug potential and biological activity online using swissADME, Protox II, and Way2Drug applications. The results of the LC-HRMS analysis showed that the extracted Amphora sp. showed the highest abundance of valine compounds with 17.6% as well as other compounds L-Norleucin, stearamide, palmitoleic acid, isotretinoin, and arachidonic acid. The results of the ADME/T analysis showed that the six compounds of Amphora sp. extract had quite good potential according to the Lipinski rule of five. Biological activity also shows potential as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and antineoplastic agent with Pa values ranging from 0.260 to 0.873. These results indicate that the production development of Amphora sp. and its use is very wide, including in the health sector.Keyword: ADME/T, PASSonline, Amphora sp., sonication, aquaculture
Techniques for Reducing Iron (Fe) Content in Groundwater: an Article Review Yazid, Edy Agustian; Wafi, Abdul; Saraswati, Arina
Journal of Islamic Pharmacy Vol 6, No 1 (2021): J. Islamic Pharm.
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jip.v6i1.12078


Iron is a chemical element that is found in almost every place on earth, including in well water or groundwater. Iron can be suspended in water with organic substances or inorganic solids in the form of ferrous cations (Fe2+) and ferries (Fe3+). The presence of iron that exceeds the threshold can cause detrimental effects such as corrosion of the piping, the color of the water turns brown, smells bad, and can cause health problems. The iron content in groundwater can be reduced so that it can be used as water that is fit for consumption or use in everyday life. This study aims to determine several types of techniques used to reduce iron in groundwater or well water through literature studies. Techniques covered include filtration, aeration, adsorption, coagulation, electrocoagulation, and cascade aerators. The results showed that the greatest reduction in efficiency was found in the combination type of adsorption technique and filtration technique by more than 99.1%, then followed by the electrocoagulation technique of  99.74%. From all the techniques studied in this study, it can be concluded that all techniques can reduce iron levels in which the combination of adsorption and filtration techniques is the most effective.Keywords: Technique, reduction, iron content, groundwater
Work Islamic Ethics, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation on Citizenship Organization Behavior and Employees Performance at Bank Aceh Sharia Yuliusdharma, Yuliusdharma; Likdanawati, Likdanawati; Khalsiah, Khalsiah; Wafi, Abdul
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.3713


Influence of Islamic work ethics, motivation on Organizational Citizenship behaviour and employee performance at Bank Aceh Syariah.  This study focused on all Islamic banking branch offices in Aceh Province, which amounted to Banda locations. By using primary data through interviews and questionnaires. Using the stratified proposition technique, namely the random sampling method and the structural inquiry model (SEM), and intervening variables. The study results show that commitment and loyalty significantly affect work culture values in Islamic Bank employees. The main fundamental principle is the Islamic work ethics created in Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, and Fatanah is the main basic principle. The work ethic becomes a mirror for employee performance. It shows a positive and significant influence on organizational culture and performance that can incentivize improving the climate positive corporate culture. Good. Furthermore, these factors will be analyzed and studied by examining the trends and leading features of the community's expertise. The researcher will conduct a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to examine the findings. The achievement targets of this research are the publication of indexed international journals with the status of Submitted and International Proceedings Scopus Publish and Copyright with granted status. In the end, this research will produce a social policy that can use in Islamic banking services. The OCB factor has a very positive influence on trust in Islamic banks, which will make BPD Bank as mainstream Sharia the only one belonging to the people of Aceh and become the sole property of the Acehnese people.
PKM Pelatihan Desain Grafis berbasis Vektor bagi Mahasiswa Universitas Nurul Jadid Probolinggo Purnomo, Eko; Hafid, Abdul; Mafacir, A Dimas Alil; Abdulllah, Abdulllah; Abdullah, Abdullah; Ulum, Muhammad Miftahul; Wafi, Abdul; Mutawakil, Abdul Hak; Zuhri, Rifqi Alfian
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Pendampingan Sektor Pendidikan, Teknologi, Kesehatan, dan Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v2i3.2552


Perkembangan desain grafis telah dipercaya untuk sebuah karya seni rupa teknologi yang memiliki peran penting untuk beragam industri digital. Desain grafis merupakan suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin. Desain grafis sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempromosikan atau menyampaikan suatu produk, layanan, materi perkuliahan, dan laporan oleh perusahaan ataupun instansi pendidikan. Workshop pelatihan desain grafis berbasis vector ini dilaksanakan untuk mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Universitas Nurul Jadid. Pelatihan ini bagi peserta untuk mempelajari atau memperdalam keilmuan di bidang desain grafis. Dengan memiliki bekal keterampilan desain grafis mahasiswa dapat menyajikan informasi ataupun produk secara efektif, bahkan menjadi penyediakan jasa desain ataupun hanya sekedar mampu memilih gambar yang terbaik sehingga informasikan dapat disajikan dengan efektif. Pelatihan dan pemdampingan desain grafik peserta lebih cepat memahami dibandingkan dengan belajar mandiri, disertai modul yang dapat menjadi panduan meski pelaihan telah usai. Penggunaan aplikasi desain grafis berbasis open source (inkscape) dapat menghasilkan karya terbaik seperti halnya aplikasi desain lainnya.