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Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Vol 8, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah
Publisher : Research Center for Regional Resources-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2SDR-LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (864.882 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jkw.v8i1.759


Relation between Indonesia and The Netherlands, particularly in the tourism sector has been established long time ago. The relation has been built since Indonesia still part of Dutch colony until now. Relation in the tourism sector had disconnected between the beginning of Second World War until the 1950s. This article tries to trace the relation and the contemporary situation of the tourism sector in Netherland. The discussion focuses on the Netherlands as a tourism destination for the Dutch East Indies’ verlofgangers (those who furlough) and for Indonesian tourists. The question is how Netherlands promote their country as tourist destination and the reason why they promote their country to Dutch East Indies and Indonesian tourists. The data sources for this article are from Dutch’s newspapers and magazines during the colonial period, archives of tourism agencies in the Netherlands as well as Dutch contemporary newspapers,.Keywords: The Netherlands, Indonesia, Dutch East Indies, tourism, promotionAbstrakHubungan antara Indonesia dengan Belanda dalam sektor kepariwisataan sudah terjalin lama. Hubungan tersebut terjalin sejak Indonesia masih Hindia-Belanda dan berada di bawah kepemimpinan Belanda hingga Indonesia merdeka. Hubungan di sektor kepariwisataan itu sempat terputus pada masa awal Perang Dunia II hingga tahun 1950-an. Artikel ini membahas jejak hubungan dan situasi kontemporer sektor kepariwisataan di kedua negara. Bahasan dititikberatkan pada Belanda sebagai negara tujuan wisata bagi penduduk Hindia Belanda yang ketika itu disebut verlofgangers (orang yang mengambil cuti) dan wisatawan Indonesia pada saat ini. Pertanyaan yang akan dijawab pada studi ini adalah bagaimana Belanda mempromosikan negerinya serta alasan di balik promosi itu. Sumber yang digunakan adalah arsip surat kabar dan majalah pada periode tersebut, arsip dari lembaga pariwisata di Belanda. serta surat kabar kontemporer terbitan Belanda.Kata kunci: Belanda, Indonesia, Hindia-Belanda, kepariwisataan, promosi
Kabar dari Koloni: Pandangan dan Pemberitaan Surat Kabar Belanda tentang turisme di Hindia Belanda (1909-1940) Achmad Sunjayadi
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah
Publisher : Research Center for Regional Resources-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2SDR-LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.055 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jkw.v5i1.123


This paper discusses the views regarding tourism, especially the role of Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV)-Association of tourism- in the Netherlands Indies from the newspapers published in the Netherlands. The newspapers are Het Vaderland (HV), Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (NRC), Algemeen Handelsblad (AH) during the period of 1909 to 1940. From the three newspapers, the articles about promotion of tourism in the Netherlands Indies, are found to be dominant. They provide also an overview of criticism and suggestion about tourism in the Netherlands Indies, which can be understood because the three newspapers were the liberal newspapers.Keywords: the views of the Netherlands newspapers, colonial tourism, the Dutch East Indies
Karsten Plan: Peran Ir. Thomas Karsten dalam Pengembangan Pemukiman Eropa di Buitenzorg 1903-1942 Widdy Nuril Ahyar; Ahmad Sunjayadi
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Pengembangan Materi dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v5i2.50941


Bangunan dan kawasan permukiman Eropa berkembang pesat seiring dengan meningkatnya kedatangan orang Eropa ke Hindia Belanda pada awal abad ke-20. Oleh karena itu, dirancanglah kawasan hunian Eropa di Buitenzorg yang memiliki keunikan tersendiri sejalan dengan status Kota Bogor sebagai pusat pemerintahan Hindia Belanda, kediaman setiap pejabat gubernur jenderal. Di Buitenzorg permukiman Eropa menempati lokasi yang strategis. Dalam perkembangan permukiman Eropa di Buitenzorg, Ir. Thomas Karsten menyusun paket lengkap untuk membangun berbagai kota yang berisi rencana kota, rencana rinci dan peraturan bangunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah. Selain menggunakan pendekatan historis, penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan studi analitik. Beberapa rumusan masalah yang diangkat adalah: Apa peran Ir. Thomas Karsten dalam perkembangan permukiman Eropa di Buitenzorg dan apa dampak perkembangan permukiman Eropa terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Bogor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian historis yang dilakukan, ditemukan bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa perluasan permukiman Eropa di sebelah utara dan timur Buitenzorg telah dimulai pada 1917 dengan membuat rancangan perluasan kota dan mulai dilaksanakan pada 1920 hingga 1942. Ir. Thomas Karsten merancang suatu area perkotaan mandiri yang dikelilingi oleh sabuk hijau (green belts) berdasarkan konsep “Garden City”.
Melacak Akar Kreativitas di Kota Bandung Masa Kolonial Sunjayadi, Achmad
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In 2007 Bandung was designated as a pilot project for the creative cities of Asia Pacific, and in 2015 Bandung was included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. It is related to the development of the city of Bandung and the creativity of the population. Its creativity is formed through a process. This article traces the roots of this creativity since the beginning of its formation in the early 19th century to become the city of Bandung in the early 20th century. The method used is the historical method supported by creative cities’ and voluntary organization’s concepts. Primary sources were official government archives, tourist guidebooks, magazines, and newspapers. The result shows that the roots of the creativity of the Bandung population have been formed since the colonial period, both individually and in groups. Through the synergy between the community and leaders in the city of Bandung, they are incorporated into organizations whose initial goals are for the welfare of the people of Bandung, then develop introducing the city of Bandung for people from outside Bandung in tourism activities. They prepared several infrastructure facilities and built tourism objects for both citizens and tourists.
The Early Tourist Guidebooks to the Dutch East Indies and Malaya in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Sunjayadi, Achmad
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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At the end of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century, International tourists have begun visiting the Dutch East Indies and Malaya. Therefore, guidebooks about the Dutch East Indies and Malaya were published for travellers and tourists. Using the historical method, this article discusses which information, how and why the information presented in the early tourist guidebooks. The result shows that the guidebooks provide various information not only about the objects that can be visited, but also about natural scenery, peoples, culinary, flora, fauna, and customs in the regions. They presented in a long narrative and practical text with illustrations. The illustrations in the Indies’ tourist guidebooks are more varied and accentuate nature and culture compared to Malaya’s guidebooks. Both of them presented exotics objects with the aim to attract western tourists in particular.
Aspek Islam dalam Turisme Kolonial di Jawa Sunjayadi, Achmad
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Despite some vital and interwoven cultural elements of the colonial Dutch East-Indies, the existence of Islam has never been brought up as part of the local culture. Since Islam in the colony was perceived with prejudice, the colonial government considered that it was not important to mark the contribution of Islam in the culture of the Indies. The paper reveals that there has been little information published by the colonial travel bureau on the Islamic spiritual aspects, despite the fact that there were some records written by foreign tourists who were interested in the practice of Islam. The tourist bureau favored Islamic architecture and featured the Hindu influence on Islam
Akulturasi dalam Turisme di Hindia Belanda Sunjayadi, R Achmad
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As a form of cultural process, acculturation serves as an important factor in tourism. Usually, the hosts borrow the results of acculturation generated from tourism activities more than the tourists or guests do. Acculturation in tourism occurs not only in tourism practices today, but also in those in the past, including the tourism practices in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era. This article discusses acculturation which became part of tourism activities in the Dutch East Indies by applying historical methods and Nunez’s concept of acculturation in tourism. By using guidebooks, newspapers, magazines, postcards, photographs, and travelogues as data sources, this article traced the result of acculturation at that time. Results show that acculturation really took place in the tourism activities in the Dutch East Indies. There were material objects and customs which served as tourism facilities and could be seen, performed, and enjoyed by the tourists. It can be concluded that at that time the tourists or guests borrowed the results of acculturation more than the hosts did.
Ronit Ricci (2019), "Banishment and belonging; Exile and diaspora in Sarandib, Lanka, and Ceylon" Sunjayadi, Achmad
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 23, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Djoko Soekiman, Kebudayaan Indis; Dari zaman Kompeni sampai Revolusi. Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011, 185 pp. ISBN 979-3731-974. Price: IDR 65,000 (soft cover). Sunjayadi, Achmad
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 15, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Susan Blackburn, Jakarta; Sejarah 400 tahun. Translated by Gatot Triwira. Depok: Masup Jakarta, 2011, 416 pp. ISBN 978-602-96256-3-9. Price: IDR 95,000 (soft cover). Sunjayadi, Achmad
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 14, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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