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Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku menggunakan Metode Min-Max Stock pada Perusahaan Konveksi Gober Indo Abdus Salam; Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman
Jurnal EMT KITA Vol 2 No 1 (2018): JANUARY-JUNE 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET) - Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/emt.v2i1.69


Inventory of raw materials is the company's current assets that are used for production activities on the company continuously. Convection companies need to control inventory because it influences the smooth production process. Lack of inventory can result in disruption of the production process. While excess inventory can cause waste because companies need to spend more capital on inventory costs. The purpose of this study is to find out whether CV. Gober Indo Group has properly controlled the inventory of raw materials. The raw material inventory control method used in this study is the min-max stock method. This method determines how many safety supplies, minimum inventory, maximum inventory, and order quantity. After doing research, CV. Gober Indo Group has excess inventory of raw materials. The amount of inventory controlled by using the min-max stock method produces results that are more efficient when compared to the amount of the company's final inventory.
IbM Pelatihan Microsoft Office Dalam Rangka Membentuk Masyarakat Yang Profesional Abdus Salam; Taufiq Iqbal
Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional (JPN) Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jpni.v1i1.2


Pemanfaatan TIK sudah menyentuh hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Termasuk salah satunya dalam mendukung pengelolaan sekolah. Rencana Strategis Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, secara eksplisit menyebutkan tiga pilar kebijakan pendidikan nasional, yaitu: (1) perluasan dan pemerataan akses, (1) peningkatan mutu, relevansi dan daya saing, dan (3) penguatan tata kelola, akuntabilitas dan citra publik pendidikan, untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang bermutu, akuntabel, murah, merata dan terjangkau rakyat banyak. Peran strategis TIK untuk pilar pertama, yaitu perluasan dan pemerataan akses pendidikan, diprioritaskan sebagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh. Sedangkan untuk pilat kedua, peningkatan mutu, relevansi dan daya saing, peran TIK diprioritaskan untuk penerapan dalam pendidikan/proses pembelajaran. Terakhir, untuk penguatan tata kelola, akuntabilitas dan citra publik, peran TIK diprioritaskan untuk sistem informasi manajemen secara terintegrasi. Materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan ini terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, dan Microsoft Excel 2013. Materi pembekalan yang diberikan pada kelompok Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 adalah pengenalan lembar sebar, mulai dari lembar kerja, sampai dengan penggunaan fungsi dan rumus-rumus untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Kegiatan dilakukan berdasarkan pembagian tingkat kemampuan atau skill masing-masing masyarakat. Masyarakat yang telah mahir dikelompokkan tersendiri dari masyarakat yang masih awam tentang komputer supaya pelatihan lebih intensif. Masyarakat yang masih awam dibimbing dan ditemani instruktur mulai dari prosedur menyalakan komputer, membuka file, menyimpan file, menggunakan mouse, mengetik dasar, pengenalan bagian-bagian komputer sampai pada prosedur mematikan komputer. Pengenalan materi lembar sebar diawali dengan menjelaskan lembar kerja, fungsi-fungsi menu, dan cara membuat border, pengenalan cell alignment, serta pengenalan rumus dan fungsi Microsoft Excel untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah/kasus tertentu.
IbM Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan dan Menggali Ide Usaha Baru Ismail Ismail; Fauzan Putraga Fauzan Putraga Al-Bahri; Lukman Ahmad; Abdus Salam
Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional (JPN) Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jpni.v1i1.3


Gampong Keubang merupakan sebuah gampong yang terletak tidak jauh dari pusat Kecamatan Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie. Potensi pengembangan dan penumbuhan jiwa keriwausahaan sangat besar di Gampong Keubang tersebut, meskipun demikian pengembangan dan pembinaan jiwa kewirausahaan masih belum optimal karena pembinaan di Gampong Keubang tersebut berfokus pada pembinaan keagamaan bukan pembinaan yang bersifat pembekalan kemandirian ekonomi. Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, perlu diadakan pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi masyarakat khususnya genarasi muda untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan menggali potensi yang ada. Dengan diadakan pelatihan kewirausahaan diharapkan mampu memunculkan usaha baru dan memberikan efek positif pada pengembangan mental kemandirian generasi muda. Pelatihan ini ditujukan pada Gampong Keubang Kecamatan Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie. Tujuan kegiatan PPM ini adalah; menumbuhkan spirit, motivasi, dan kreativitas berwirausaha kepada para masyarakat di Gampong Keubang, dan memberikan pengetahuan yang memadai untuk membuat business plan kepada masyarakat di Gampong Keubang. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian Kegiatan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan bagi masyarakat Gampong Keubang secara umum berlangsung dengan baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan; tumbuhnya spirit, motivasi, dan kreativitas masyarakat Gampong Keubang untuk menggali ide potensi usaha, dan dapat disusunnya business plan usaha baru yang akan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat di Gampong Keubang.
Pelatihan Internet dan Power Point untuk Guru-Guru di Sekolah Dasar 23 Kota Sabang Munawir; Syamsul Rizal; Abdus Salam; Ismail Ismail
Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional (JPN) Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jpni.v2i1.19


Kebutuhan orang untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas email internet semakin meningkat, seiring dengan pertumbuhan internet yang ada di instansi-instansi baik pemerintah maupun non pemerintah. Di SD ada beberapa yang telah memiliki jaringan internet sebagai sarana koneksitas dengan dunia luar. Namun beberapa kendala masih ada mengingat persentase guru yang mampu memanfaat internet dan power point masih kecil. Seperti dicontohkan di SD N 23 Kota Sabang, hanya sekitar 2 orang guru yang biasa memakai internet dan power point, sedang guru lainnya belum bisa mengoperasikan internet. Sasaran dalam program pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensi guru-guru di SD N 23 Kota Sabang dalam menerapkan teknologi informasi yaitu dengan pelatihan internet sehingga mampu memanfaatkan sarana yang ada di internet untuk kepentingan komunikasi (E-mail), serta meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensi guru dalam media pembelajaran melalui pelatihan power point untuk sarana presentasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan evaluasi terlihat guru-guru mengikuti pelatihan dengan sangat antusias. Pelatihan internet dan power point ini telah dilaksanakan selama 2 hari yaitu pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2014 dengan jumlah peserta 10 guru, dan tanggal 31 Agustus 2014 dengan jumlah peserta 10 guru. Guru yang mengikuti program pelatihan ini memiliki disiplin ilmu yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan mata pelajaran yang diampunya. Selama 2 hari tersebut, pada hari pertama peserta yaitu para guru SD N 23 Kota Sabang telah berhasil mempraktikkan materi internet yaitu Browsing, Searching, Downloading, dan Email. Pada hari kedua, peserta juga telah berhasil mempraktikkan materi power point dengan membuat tulisan, membuat rancangan tampilan, mengatur animasi tampilan untuk presentasi.
Network Security to Protect Negative Web: A Case Study of the Government of Aceh Syafrinal Syafrinal; Abdus Salam
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The specific objectives of the research include evaluating the extent to which information governance management has been carried out at the Aceh Communications, Information and Encryption Service, and negative web protection that is accessed through the aceh government network in all OPDs and districts/cities throughout Aceh. This research will use 4 (four) stages of information system security audit including; audit planning, preparation, implementation, and reporting. Information system security audit. There are several conclusions drawn based on the discussion on the results of the analysis. The conclusions drawn from this study are 1) Based on the results obtained from this practical work course project, almost all HTTP and HTTPS protocol websites can be blocked using the filtering techniques available on MikroTik, 2) Using a VPN is almost impossible to block using MikroTik because the settings proxy to block VPN is very complicated, and 3) Mikrotik device is able to block almost all websites using Layer7 and mangle and can't turn off VPN traffic.
Student Final Project Recommendation System Model Using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Method Abdus Salam; Fathurrahmad Fathurrahmad
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study is to develop a student final project recommendation system model that can be used to improve the quality of final assignments in universities, especially AMIK Indonesia, and compare it with similar applications currently used. Agile Development Methods (ASD) is used in software development where this method is widely used for software development because it can produce system requirements data that is more descriptive and easy to implement into software. The researcher also uses the Case-Based Reasoning algorithm, which will later be implemented as the basic concept of developing a recommendation system prototype. The results of the study found that; 1) In knowing the topic or research theme in the student's Final Project with an expert system, it can be seen from the themes and sub-themes and valid calculations are carried out in helping students to quickly find out the research title for the final project, 2) By applying the Case-Based Reasoning method in detecting research topics or themes at AMIK Indonesia can produce valid calculations that are the same as manual calculations so that the selection process can be carried out quickly and accurately, and 3) in designing this application it consists of the main menu page, a list of research topics, FAQs and about applications using PHP, ReachJS and MySQL programming languages ??as data processors in the recommendation of a student's final project
E-Library at Aceh Provincial Language Center Sahruddin Sahruddin; Abdus Salam
International Journal Education and Computer Studies (IJECS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MAY 2021
Publisher : Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.463 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/ijecs.v1i1.328


The book data information system at the Aceh Provincial Language Center still uses conventional methods in book data collection. The large number of printed manuscripts that were entered and the transaction process caused many difficulties in controlling bookkeeping. In addition, data processing also takes a long time. From the background description, the authors define the problem only in how the E-library Database Management System at the Aceh Provincial Language Headquarters and the design of the E-library Database Management System at the Aceh Province Language Center Office are web-based. The purpose of the discussion is to find out the E-library Database Management System at the Aceh Provincial Language Headquarters and to design a web-based E-library Database Management System at the Aceh Province Language Headquarters. For the perfection of this report, the authors collected data using several data collection methods, including using field studies and literature studies. The E-library Database Management System makes it easy for the Aceh Provincial Language Headquarters to evaluate the handling of e-libraries and with this application, it can overcome problems that exist at the Aceh Provincial Language Head Office because it speeds up reporting and reduces human errors.
Information System of Achievement Scholarship Recipients (Case Study: SDN I Glp Minyeuk Sigli) Muhammad Al Qushary; Abdus Salam
International Journal Education and Computer Studies (IJECS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MAY 2021
Publisher : Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.051 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/ijecs.v1i1.332


Achievement scholarship is one of the SDN I Glp Minyeuk Sigli programs which is managed by a school that has the aim of helping children who excel but are less well off financially in school, it is hoped that with this achievement scholarship program many children cannot afford the cost but have academic achievement can continue school without having to be confused or worry about cost issues. This achievement scholarship program is aimed at children of SDN I Glp Minyeuk Sigli in particular so that this program will manage a lot of children's data, in order to be able to manage large children's data quickly and accurately, an information system for receiving achievement scholarships is needed to help in performance so will be fast in processing, processing, and making reports. The purpose of this study was to determine the information system for the Achievement Scholarship Recipients of SDN I Glp Minyeuk Sigli, and to design a desktop-based Information System for the Achievement Scholarship Recipients of SDN I Glp Minyeuk Sigli. Based on the results of observations and the author can draw a conclusion which includes the following, namely; use of the information system for the data collection of outstanding scholarships at SDN 1 Glp. Miyeuk Sigli is expected to be able to help make Achievement Scholarship Information data that is accurate and effective, and the existence of an information system, it makes it easy for SDN 1 Glp. Miyeuk Sigli for speeding up general information and reducing errors.
Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi (JIMIK)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


On the other hand, the system currently running at PT. Mestika Aceh, especially in the goods distribution section, in data processing errors often occur, delays in ordering goods due to stock monitoring which is still done manually with the large number of items available. even if the goods that consumers are looking for are in empty stock, because delays in inputting stock of goods can result in decreased sales, goods that should be able to be sold cannot be sold. The purpose of this research is to design a goods distribution information system at PT. Mustika Aceh. There are two methods that the author uses to collect data, namely Field Studies and Library Studies and for the application development method used is waterfall. From the results of research and observations that have been made at PT. Mestika Aceh, it can be concluded that with the existence of the Goods Distribution Information System Program, the information system at PT. Aceh mustika be precise, and accurate, especially in the distribution of goods. And to obtain information about the distribution of these goods becomes easier and this information system is able to overcome problems that often occur at PT. Mestika Aceh is difficult to control and oversee the distribution of goods and planning the procurement of goods. This information system for procurement of goods can avoid the distribution of excess goods and overcome the scarcity of goods which is certainly highly expected by business actors so that an information system program is created in order to obtain quality information
Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi (JIMIK)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jimik.v3i2.86


As a DPD organization the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) Aceh Province requires an information system to improve performance in this organization. In the member data processing system and cadre identity index in the DPD Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) Aceh Province, all data is stored in spreadsheet worksheets. The process of organizing data between regions and commissariats certainly has a relationship with each other, so that in urgent situations it is possible to have difficulties in organizing member data due to different data formats, different reporting formats, and searching for member information which is difficult because it is still manual, it is necessary an application that can store and organize data so that it is easily accessible by cadres/members. Seeing these problems, the authors want to develop a web-based membership information system that allows users to maintain, renew, maintain alignment of data collection formats, report and find member information easily and quickly. The system development method that the author uses is Rapid Application Development (RAD). In the end, it is hoped that this system will provide convenience in organizing member data effectively and efficiently. The results of the research are the availability of applications that can be used to process data on cadre members in the DPD KNPI Aceh Province and used as an alternative tool for processing data on cadre members in the DPD KNPI Aceh Province.