Trisniartami Setyaningrum
Departemen/ SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit Dan Kelamin, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga/ RSU Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia

Published : 42 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Retrospective Study: The Use of Chemical Peeling with A Modified Jessners in Melasma Patients Effendy, Zada Febrial; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 27, No 2 (2015): BIKKK AGUSTUS 2015
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.654 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V27.2.2015.106-113


Background: Melasma is a hipermelanosis that lead to brownish or brownish-grey discoloration on the face. Chemical peeling is one of  the additional therapy for melasma. The right indication using modified Jessners solution give a good result for melasma. Purpose: To evaluate  new patients of melasma which underwent chemical peeling therapy with Jessners modified in Medical Cosmetics Division of Dermato-Venerology Department,  Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya in 2010-2013. Methods: Retrospective study of the new medical records of melasma, including the number of patients, age distribution, gender, occupation, risk factors, history of previous treatment, duration of treatment, location of melasma, color of melasma, size of melasma, additional test results, type of melasma, melasma side effects, the use of priming, chemical peeling, post-peels, and follow up. Results: The number of new patients with melasma which underwent chemical peeling were 108 patients from 1544 (14.2%) new melasma patients  visiting Cosmetics Division of Dermato-Venerology Department, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. All patients were women with the largest age group of 40-49 years, which is 66 (61.1%) patients. Highest risk factor was a mixture of sun exposure and use of cosmetics product, which is 56 (51.8%) patients. Most melasma type was mixed melasma. Patients who used a Jessners modified peels, mostly used alpha hydoxy acid (AHA), Kligmans formula, and tretinoin as priming as many as 28 (25.9%) patients and majority post-peels used a moisturizer, sunblock, hydrocortisone, which is 57 (52.8%) patients. Erythema after peeling were complained from 50  (46.3% ) patients. Conclusion: The use of chemical peeling is one of adjunctive therapy in melasma with a proper diagnosis.Keywords: melasma, chemical peeling, modified Jessners, retrospective.
Tinea Capitis Kerion Type: A Case Report Anggarini, Dyah Ratri; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 26, No 3 (2014): BIKKK DESEMBER 2014
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (612.892 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V26.3.2014.1-7


Background: Tinea capitis is a superficial fungal infection. Kerion is one of its form, which is an inflammation form due to a hypersensitivity reaction to fungal infection caused by group Mycosporum and Trichophyton. Purpose: To understand the clinical manifestation, species causing agent, and management of tinea capitis.  Case management: A four-year-old boy, 17 kg, came with a mass on the head, accompanied with pain, fever, and hair loss since 1 week before hospitalization, it appeared after playing with the neighbors pets. General examination showed enlargement of the right preauricular lymph node. Dermatological examination revealed a mass in the head 7 cm in size with pus, partially covered with crust, and there were also warm and pain on palpation. Wood lamp examination was negative, but in potassium hydroxide examination showed spores outside and inside the hair shaft. Result of fungal cultures was T. mentagrophytes. Routine blood tests obtained only leukocytosis, which was 12.390/µL. The patient was treated with griseofulvin, erythromycin, wet dressing, and ketokonazole shampoo. It was shown good results after therapy for 8 weeks. Conclusions: Tinea capitis caused by T. mentagrophytes presenting an inflammatory reaction, causing a fungal infection in the hair shaft. Auxiliary examination for the diagnosis of tinea capitis can be done in various ways, the easiest one is by potassium hydroxide 20% examination, fungal culture is then performed to determine the species causing the infection. Therapeutic use of griseofulvin is still the main choice.Key words: tinea capitis kerion type, T. mentagrophytes, griseofulvin.
Retrospective Study : Rosacea Profile Indraprasta, Shakti; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 27, No 2 (2015): BIKKK AGUSTUS 2015
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.323 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V27.2.2015.114-120


Background: Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder which characterized by erythema of the central face that has persisted for months. Primary features of rosacea include flushing, papules, pustules, and telangiectatic. Although rosacea is clearly visible to all, it is largely unknown to misunderstood by the general public. Knowledge relating to the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of this facial disorder is limited. Purpose: To evaluate the management of patients with Rosacea in the cosmetic division, dermatovenereology outpatient clinic Dr. Soetomo general hospital period 2010-2012. Methods: Retrospective study of new patients with Rosacea in cosmetic division during 2010-2012. Results: During the period of three years (2010-2012), there were 49 new patients in cosmetic division, dermatovenereology outpatient clinic Dr. Soetomo general hospital. The most common patient was female, with the highest age group of 25-44 years old, and the most clinical feature found were papulopustular rosacea and erythemato-telangiectatic rosacea. The most common treatment were metronidazole for topical treatment and doxycycline for systemic treatment. Conclusions: The most clinical feature were papulopustular and erythematotelangiectatic subtype, only few cases of phymatous subtype, while the ocular subtype was not found. There were so many varieties in the management of rosacea because there was no standard therapy yet for the management of this disease.Key words: rosacea, retrospective study, rosacea subtype.
Dermoscopy Supports the Diagnose of Papulosquamous Disorders Alinda, Medhi Denisa; Hutomo, Marsudi; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 26, No 3 (2014): BIKKK DESEMBER 2014
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.201 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V26.3.2014.1-7


Background: The diagnose of papulosquamous skin disorder was established by clinical symptoms. However, some of papulosquamous manifestation are alike with each other and lead to misdiagnostic. Histopathology examination usually can help to establish diagnose but this method is invasive and time consuming. Purpose: To evaluate dermoscopic features of papulosquamous disorder. Methods: Descriptive observasional cross sectional study, total sampling in ward and out patient clinic of Dermato-venereology Department Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. Twenty four samples were included in the study, followed by the procedures from anamnesis, physical examination, dermoscopy procedures, and histopathology examination. Results: From 24 samples, 19 samples showed plaque psoriasis describing 12 ring patterns, 1 cluster pattern, 2 patchy patterns, 2 reguler patterns, and 2 unspesific patterns; 3 samples showed nummular dermatitis describing 2 cluster patterns and 1 unspesific pattern; and 2 samples showed pityriasis rosea describing 2 pheripery patterns. Conclusion: Dermoscopy can support the diagnosis of papulosquamous skin disorder especially plaque psoriasis.Key words: papulosquamous disorder, dermosocopy, histopathology examination, plaque psoriasis.
Gambaran Histopatologi Nekrobiosis Lipoidika Sari, Maylita; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami; Sandhika, Willy
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 26, No 1 (2014): BIKKK APRIL 2014
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1210.161 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V26.1.2014.1-8


Latar belakang: Nekrobiosis Lipoidika (NL) merupakan keadaan dermatologis idiopatik yang menjadi masalah secara kosmetik dan berhubungan erat dengan penyakit diabetes mellitus. Pemahaman tentang patogenesis dan diagnosis NL sangat penting karena adanya komplikasi yang bisa terjadi seperti ulserasi dan karsinoma sel skuamosa, disamping kesulitan penegakan diagnosis NL melalui histopatologi. Tujuan: Memahami patofisiologi, gambaran klinis, dan histopatologi NL serta diagnosis banding granuloma non infeksi. Telaah kepustakaan: Perubahan vaskular dan degenerasi kolagen serta faktor lain adanya Antibody Mediated Vasculitis diduga terjadi pada patogenesis NL. Prinsipnya didapatkan kerusakan mikrosirkulasi pada individu non diabetik dengan NL. Pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan terdapat granuloma interstitial dan palisade yang melibatkan jaringan subkutan dan dermis. Granuloma tersusun berlapis-lapis (tierlike, layered) dan bercampur dengan area degenerasi kolagen, terdiri dari histiosit, beberapa diantaranya limfosit berinti banyak, sel plasma, dan eosinofil. Penebalan dinding pembuluh darah dan pembengkakan sel endotel pada dermis bagian tengah sampai dalam. Imunofluoresens direk didapatkan immunoglobulin M, Ig A, C3, dan fibrinogen pada pembuluh darah. Manifestasi klinis ditandai dengan plak berbatas jelas dengan area atrofi kekuningan pada tengahnya dan tepi menonjol berwarna merah sampai ungu, yang bisa mengalami ulserasi, bilateral, dan multipel. kesimpulan: NL merupakan suatu penyakit degeneratif kronis pada jaringan konektif dermis, dengan etiologi yang tidak diketahui dan terjadi hampir seluruhnya pada penderita diabetes mellitus. Diagnosis ditegakkan secara klinis dan histopatologi. Gambaran histologi NL hampir sama dengan granuloma annulare, namun manifestasi klinis berbeda.Kata kunci: nekrobiosis lipoidika, diabetes melitus, histopatologi, granuloma.
Uji Difusi Sefiksim terhadap Neisseria gonorrhoeae pada Servisitis Gonore tanpa Komplikasi Astindari, Astindari; Lumintang,, Hans; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 26, No 2 (2014): BIKKK AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.151 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V26.2.2014.1-5


Latar belakang: Gonore merupakan salah satu infeksi menular seksual yang sering ditemukan. Resistensi terhadap beberapa antibiotik banyak ditemukan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sefalosporin generasi ketiga seperti sefiksim dan seftriakson merupakan pilihan terapi lini pertama di berbagai negara, namun penurunan kepekaan sefiksim sudah ditemukan dan mulai menyebar. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi kepekaan sefiksim terhadap Neisseria gonorrhoeae secara difusi. Metode: Penelitian laboratorium yang bersifat deskriptif observasional, potong lintang mulai November 2012-Januari 2013. Terdapat 12 isolat N. gonorrhoeae dari 68 sekret serviks yang dilakukan uji kepekaan sefiksim secara difusi. Hasil: Uji kepekaan sefiksim secara difusi terhadap N. gonorrhoeae didapatkan 3 dari 12 isolat (25%) resisten terhadap sefiksim dan 9 dari 12 isolat (75%) sensitif terhadap sefiksim. Empat dari 9 isolat (44,5%) yang sensitif terhadap sefiksim mempunyai zona hambat dengan diameter 31 mm yang merupakan batas kemampuan sefiksim untuk menghambat pertumbuhan N. gonorrhoeae. Simpulan: Ditemukan strain N. gonorrhoeae yang menunjukkan, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut berupa uji kepekaan secara dilusi untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan resistensi N. gonorrhoeae terhadap sefiksim.Kata kunci: sefiksim, uji kepekaan secara difusi, N.gonorrhoeae.
Pemeriksaan Imunohistokimia untuk Mengungkap Patogenesis Vitiligo Sandhika, Willy; Novarina, Ryski Meilia; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 43, No 10 (2016): Anti-aging
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v43i10.872


Vitiligo merupakan penyakit kulit yang ditandai dengan area putih yang makin luas. Patogenesis penyakit vitiligo melibatkan berbagai etiologi yang saling berkaitan seperti genetik, autoimun dan inflamasi. Pemeriksaan imunohistokimia pada bahan biopsi kulit penderita vitiligo meliputi pemeriksaan antibodi CD3, CD8, TNF-α, IL-17 dan IL-17RA, CD117, NALP1, Langerin serta CD11c dapat mengungkap patogenesis penyakit sehingga dapat membuka jalan untuk terapi yang sesuai.Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by progressive white macules. The pathogenesis involves various interrelated etiologies such as genetic, autoimmune and inflammation. Immunohistochemical examination on skin biopsy using antibody CD3, CD8, TNF-α, IL-17 and IL-17RA, CD117, NALP1, Langerin and CD11c may reveal the pathogenesis of the disease to facilitate appropriate therapy.
Gray Patch Tinea Capitis Caused by Microsporum canis Pratiwi, Febrina Dewi; Setyaningrum, Trisniartami
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 47, No 10 (2020): Optalmologi
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.55 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v47i10.1087


Background: Tinea capitis (TC) is the most common dermatophytosis of childhood. Case: A 3-year-old boy came with a three-week history of whitish rash and baldness. Physical examination found whitish, ill-defined patches and plaques with focal area of scaling and hyperkeratosis on the scalp (vertex region) and alopecia. Woods light examination revealed green fluorescence of infected hairs, and KOH prep revealed an ectothrix pattern of hair shaft invasion by fungal elements. Fungal growth by culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide for 3 weeks found growth of M. canis. The treatment was griseofulvin 1x375 mg and ketoconazole 2% shampoo twice weekly. Complete clinical clearance was obtained after 8 weeks .Latar Belakang: Tinea Kapitis (TK) adalah dermatofitosis terbanyak pada anak. Kasus: Anak berusia 3 tahun dengan keluhan bercak putih dan botak di kepala sejak 3 minggu. Pemeriksaan fisik mendapatkan bercak keputihan, batas jelas dengan sisik tipis dan hiperkeratosis di area vertex kepala dan alopecia tanpa pustul, erosi, indurasi, atau inflamasi berat. Pemeriksaan lampu Wood menunjukkan floresensi hijau terang dan pemeriksaan KOH menunjukkan pola ectothrix elemen jamur pada sampel batang rambut. Kultur jamur pada Sabouraud dextrose agar dengan kloramfenikol dan sikloheksimid selama 3 minggu ditemukan pertumbuhan jamur Microsporum canis. Terapi griseofulvin oral 1x375 mg dan shampo ketoconazol 2% dua kali seminggu. Pasien sembuh setelah pengobatan 8 minggu.
Skin Rejuvenation Profile in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya Lutfia Ariska Ramadhani; Trisniartami Setyaningrum; Etty Hary Kusumastuti
Health Notions Vol 3, No 12 (2019): December
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn31204


Skin aging is a condition in which cell and tissue changes occur due to mechanism abnormalities and a decrease in function of a tissue which can be triggered by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor is an aging process which originates from the body of an individual itself while extrinsic factor is an aging process caused by factors from the outside, such as excessive exposure to the UV light, smoking, or poor nutrition. Skin rejuvenation therapy, hopefully, would be able to restore or even slow down the aging process itself. This research was a descriptive observational using retrospective approach based on patients’ medical record in the Outpatient Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology Department in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya in January to December 2017. This study obtained 203 samples (198 women/females and 5 men/males) with the most age group ranging from 45-
Gambaran Histopatologi Nekrobiosis Lipoidika Maylita Sari; Trisniartami Setyaningrum; Willy Sandhika
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 26 No. 1 (2014): BIKKK APRIL 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1210.161 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V26.1.2014.1-8


Latar belakang: Nekrobiosis Lipoidika (NL) merupakan keadaan dermatologis idiopatik yang menjadi masalah secara kosmetik dan berhubungan erat dengan penyakit diabetes mellitus. Pemahaman tentang patogenesis dan diagnosis NL sangat penting karena adanya komplikasi yang bisa terjadi seperti ulserasi dan karsinoma sel skuamosa, disamping kesulitan penegakan diagnosis NL melalui histopatologi. Tujuan: Memahami patofisiologi, gambaran klinis, dan histopatologi NL serta diagnosis banding granuloma non infeksi. Telaah kepustakaan: Perubahan vaskular dan degenerasi kolagen serta faktor lain adanya Antibody Mediated Vasculitis diduga terjadi pada patogenesis NL. Prinsipnya didapatkan kerusakan mikrosirkulasi pada individu non diabetik dengan NL. Pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan terdapat granuloma interstitial dan palisade yang melibatkan jaringan subkutan dan dermis. Granuloma tersusun berlapis-lapis (tierlike, layered) dan bercampur dengan area degenerasi kolagen, terdiri dari histiosit, beberapa diantaranya limfosit berinti banyak, sel plasma, dan eosinofil. Penebalan dinding pembuluh darah dan pembengkakan sel endotel pada dermis bagian tengah sampai dalam. Imunofluoresens direk didapatkan immunoglobulin M, Ig A, C3, dan fibrinogen pada pembuluh darah. Manifestasi klinis ditandai dengan plak berbatas jelas dengan area atrofi kekuningan pada tengahnya dan tepi menonjol berwarna merah sampai ungu, yang bisa mengalami ulserasi, bilateral, dan multipel. kesimpulan: NL merupakan suatu penyakit degeneratif kronis pada jaringan konektif dermis, dengan etiologi yang tidak diketahui dan terjadi hampir seluruhnya pada penderita diabetes mellitus. Diagnosis ditegakkan secara klinis dan histopatologi. Gambaran histologi NL hampir sama dengan granuloma annulare, namun manifestasi klinis berbeda.Kata kunci: nekrobiosis lipoidika, diabetes melitus, histopatologi, granuloma.
Co-Authors Abdul Karim Ade Fernandes Afif Nurul Hidayati Afria Arista Afria Arista Afria Arista Afria Arista, Afria Agatha Anindhita Ayu Ardhaninggar Alphania Rahniayu Amanda Gracia Manuputty Anasya Putri Ramadhina Arifa Mustika Artaria Tjempakasari Astindari Astindari Astindari Astindari Astindari Astindari, Astindari Aulia Rafikasari Budiono Budiono Christina Avanti Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa Cita Rosita SP Damayanti Damayanti - Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Deasy Fetarayani Diah Mira Indramaya Dinar Witasari Dwi Murtiastutik Dyah Ratri Anggarini Dyah Ratri Anggarini, Dyah Ratri Eden Leonita Ester Chateline Susanto Eva Lydiawati Evy Ervianti Febrina Dewi Pratiwi Gondo Mastutik Hans Lumintang Hans Lumintang, Hans Lumintang,, Hans Hari Sukanto Hening Laswati Irfiansyah Irwadi Irmadita Citrashanty Iskandar Zulkarnain Iskandar Zulkarnain KUSUMASTUTI, ETTY HARY Linda Astari LINGGA, FEBRINA DEWI PRATIWI Lisa Aditama, Lisa Lutfia Ariska Ramadhani M. Yulianto Listiawan Marsudi Hutomo Marsudi Hutomo, Marsudi Maylita Sari Maylita Sari, Maylita Medhi Denisa Alinda Medhi Denisa Alinda, Medhi Denisa Menul Ayu Umborowati Menul Ayu Umborowati Menul Ayu Umborowati Menul Ayu Umborowati Nabiha Missaoui Rahmadewi Rahmadewi Renata Mayangsari Ridha Ramadina Widiatma Riezky Januar Pramitha Ryski Meilia Novarina Ryski Meilia Novarina Ryski Meilia Novarina, Ryski Meilia Samsriyaningsih Handayani Shakti Indraprasta Shakti Indraprasta, Shakti Shelma Maharani Shinta Dewi Rahmadhani Soetojo Suhartono Taat Putra Sylvia Anggraeni Tasya Wikassa Willy Sandhika Willy Sandhika Yasmin Adzra Nabila Yosi Charly Yuli Wahyu Rahmawati Zada Febrial Effendy Zada Febrial Effendy, Zada Febrial