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Analisis Dan Implementasi Honeypot Dalam Mendeteksi Serangan Distributed Denial-Of-Services (DDOS) Pada Jaringan Wireless Suartana, IMade; Indriyani, Tutuk; Mardiyanto, Bagus
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2016): September 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (912.819 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2016.v1i2.63


The development of network technology, especially networking security system, demands the security system to evolve. Honeyd is honeypot with low interaction type which has smaller risk than high interaction type. It is because the interaction to honeypot does not directly engage with the real system. In this research, honeyd is integrated with iptables implemented to local network by trying several attacks, such as scanning host, DoS, and Ddos. From the result of honeyd log, the gained information data is processed with honeyd-viz and is expected to become an inputand solution to decide the security policy in network and make the system safer. The experiment showed that honeyd was able to detect the attack by Netscan android by doing scanning host in network. In Ddos attack experiment using Loic, average cpu load before the attack was 15.25%, while after the attack cpu load was 45.98%, and after attack deflection the cpu load was 30.83%. 
Kontrol Jarak Jauh Sistem Irigasi Sawah Berbasis Internet Of Things (IoT) Sugiono, Sugiono; Indriyani, Tutuk; Ruswiansari, Maretha
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2017): September 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.744 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2017.v2i2.178


. Irrigation  systems in Indonesia are mostly carried out manually in which opening and closing of irrigation channel to rice field are done in traditional way. Internet of Things (IoT)-based control system on irrigation with Wemos D1 ESP8266is a device designed for assisting farmers to ease water irrigation to their rice fields from far away in the real-time. This device aims at improving the farmer effectiveness in working. It used servo motor as the hardware for portal functioning to obtain data from the water height by HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor as well as serving the control centre by Wemos D1 ESP8266 microcontroller. The control system of irrigation portal was carried out by android application which connected to node controller trough apy key from web hosting. After the portal was opened, the data of water height from controller node was sent and displayed in application. The process of system controlling can be done wher ever and whenever as long as there is a real-time internet connection. The system testing used rice field prototype as the test parameter for the success of control and connectivity functionality. The test employed 3 different connectivity which yielded control delay average with different provider speeds i.e 5.819 seconds, 3.545 seconds, and 7.333 seconds after the controlling process from application.Keywords : android, apy key, Internet of Things, internet, Wemos D1 R2, control.
Analisa Quality Of Service Dan Implementasi Voice Over Internet Protocol Dengan Menggunakan IPSEC VPN Melyana, Ingrid; Indriyani, Tutuk
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2016): September 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.753 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2016.v1i2.65


At present technology, specifically in telecommunication sector, develops very rapidly, and mainly adopts Internet Protocol (IP) to support the communication network. In IP networks it involves voice communication commonly called Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). It the development of telephone communication using IP networks as paths of data transfer. As it is an open source, its network security becomes a crucial issues in VoIP. One of the ways to cope with the security problems is to adopt Intenet Protocol Security (IPSec) in VoIP networks. The communication trials used two different bandwidths – 375 kbps and minimum bandwidth standard – codec G.711 u. The result of the analysis showed that the trial using minimum bandwidth standard – codec G.711 u was not suitable to be applied in VoIP IPSec network, as in average it had package loss by 58.75%. Accordingly, the VoIP IPSec networks with 375 kbps bandwidth were more superior. In average, with delay rate (3,4956 ms), jitter (6,8894 ms) and package loss (0,00%). In conclusion, VoIP IPSec networks requires large bsndwidth, i.e. : minimally 375 kbps in its operation.
Deteksi Microaneurysms Pada Citra Retina Mata Menggunakan Matched Filter Santoso, Muhammad; Indriyani, Tutuk; Putra, Ricky Eka
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2017): September 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.328 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2017.v2i2.180


Diabetic retinopathy is one of diabetes mellitus on eyes which causes permanent blindness. Microaneurysm becomes its sympthom which is signed by a spot with dark red in circle shape. A detection system on microaneurysms is designed to help medical experts. This research employed matched filter method to detect microaneurysms. Matched filter refers to one of matching template techniques. Microaneurysms have intencity profile in Gaussian, therefore a Gaussian matched filter can be used for detecting them. The searching on the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy was calculated by ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics). The research results obtained from 30 retina images of DIAETDB1 showed the average levels of sensitivity 64.53%, specificity 99.94%, and accuracy 99.90%.Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Microaneurysm, Matched Filter, Gaussian Matched Filter, ROC, DIARETDB1.
Implementing Hidden Markov Model to Predict Foreign Exchange Movement Himawan, Tri Swasono; Indriyani, Tutuk; Rahmawati, Weny Mistarika
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.096 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2018.v3i1.140


Investment refers to personal bussiness. So many people have got profit from investment both real and non real sectors. Foreign Exchange (FOREX) is the example of non real sector. The currency fluctuation of FOREX usually occurs and this causes many investors fooled by the pattern of currency fluctuation. Finally, they get lost and even lost capital. Hidden Markov Model was implemented in this research to predict the movement of FOREX of 8 currencies. The data were trained by Baum-Welch algorithm and predicted by Forward algorithm. The trial obtained the average MAPE (Mean Absolute Precentage Error) of 8 currencies which was relatively small (0.0038082% belongs to high and 0.0040706% belongs to low), less than 1%. The currency of USD/IDR has the smallest error score among the other tested currencies. Its average MAPE was 0.0032624% and the average deviation was 42. Thus, this system is well proven to predict the movement of currency.
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.843 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2018.v3i2.141


Client’s request for traffic problems is so huge that causes the single server difficult in handling the traffic load. Therefore, the system of load balancing is required as it is a technique to equally distribute the traffic load on the two or more connection lines so that the traffic can run optimally. Thus, the load balancing is crucial to implement by using Modified Weighted Round Robin-Retrieve Packet on the Software-Defined Networking. Based on the parameter of average response-time in time limits 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 seconds, the scores were 0.016-0.04, 0.02-0.04, and 0.014-0.032 seconds consecutively. Based on the parameter of data transaction per second in time limits 0.1; 0.2, and 0.3 seconds, the scores respectively were 49.614-111.306, 41.678-107.032, and 37.806-102.84 data transaction/second. 
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan Pendekatan Multidisiplin Menuju Teknologi dan Industri yang Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.971 KB)


Pada mitra 1(satu) Ibu-ibu PKK dusun Krajan desa Rawasan kecamatan Jenu Kabupaten Tuban, selama ini kegiatan- kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Ibu-ibu PKK meliputi Arisan bulanan, Pengajian, pengumpulan sampah kering, jimpitan (kegiatan sosial), Posyandu, sampai sekarang tidak ada perningkatan yang dilakukan hanya kegiatan itu saja. Pada mitra 2 (dua) Karang Taruna dusun Krajan desa Rawasan kecamatan Jenu kabupaten Tuban terbentuk pada tahun 2012 yang memiliki Visi mewujudkan kemandirian masyarakat pedesaan umumnya dan khususnya dusun Krajan agar mampu mendayagunakan potensi sumberdaya lingkungan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dan sampai sekarang Visi tersebut masih belum tercapai atau belum terlaksana. Dari kelompok Karang Taruna tersebut ingin memiliki ketrampilan atau kerajinan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada di lingkungan desa. Permasalahannya kelompok mitra yaitu Ibu-ibu PKK dan Karang Taruna adalah ke 1 (satu) Banyaknya limbah jerami padi yang tidak termanfaatkan, kelompok mitra berkeinginan untuk membuat kerajinan dari limbah jerami padi tersebut, ke 2 (dua) Banyaknya waktu yang terbuang oleh ibu PKK dan Karang Taruna, karena kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap tahun monoton tidak ada kegiatan yang lainnya.3 Belum ada pendapatan dikalangan Ibu PKK dan Karang Taruna dusun Krajan. Hal ini menarik untuk dilakukan pengolahan limbah jerami padi yang dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bantal kursi yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Kata kunci : Jerami padi, Bantal sofa / kursi dari jerami padi, Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM), Ibuibu PKK dusun Krajan, Karang Taruna dusun Krajan.
Implementasi Algoritma Clustering Untuk Pengelompokan Pelanggan Retail Berdasarkan Skor Recency, Frequency, Dan Monetary Chanafi, Moch Irfan; Hapsari, Dian Puspita; Hapsari, Rinci Kembang; Indriyani, Tutuk
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan 2019: Menuju Penerapan Teknologi Terbarukan pada Industri 4.0: Perubahan Industri dan Transformasi P
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.833 KB)


Retail atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia disebut ecerean merupakan sebuah teknik untuk memasarkan produk yang dilakukan oleh penjual ke pelanggan. Para pembisnis retail biasanya memperhatikan masalah umum yang terdapat pada bisnis ini, seperti pelanggan mana yang setia. Berdasarkan kasus tersebut, pembisnis retail mulai tertarik untuk menerapkan proses penambangan data untuk mengelompokan pelanggan berdasarkan karakteristik pelanggan yang serupa dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan antar kelompok.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki masalah pemetaan pelanggan yang kaitannya dengan customer relationship management. Pada penelitian ini akan diterapkan metode RFM analysis untuk melakukan penilaian pelanggan berdasarkan skor recency, frequency, dan monetary. Selanjutnya diterapkan metode klustering DBSCAN dan Fuzzy C-Means untuk melakukan pengelompokan data pelanggan retail. DBSCAN merupakan sebuah metode klustering yang mengelompokan data berdasarkan tingkat kerapatan data yang tinggi dengan yang rendah, sedangkan Fuzzy C-Means mengelompokan data berdasarkan derajat keanggotaan setiap data. Data pelanggan akan dikelompokan dengan 2 metode tersebut menjadi masing ? masing metode 5 kelompok. Selanjutnya hasil setiap proses klustering baik DBSCAN dan Fuzzy C-Means akan dinilai validitas klusternya dengan menggunakan metode Silhouette Index. Dimana untuk DBSCAN pada kluster 2 sampai 5 memiliki nilai SI 1 sedangkan untuk Fuzzy C-Means memiliki kluster dengan nilai validitas tertinggi yaitu kluster 4 dengan nilai 0.5584288019243665.
Penggunaan Jaringan Fungsi Basis Radial Termodifikasi untuk Analisis Sefalometri H, Luky Agus; Farida, Farida; H, Rinci Kembang; Indriyani, Tutuk
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan 2019: Menuju Penerapan Teknologi Terbarukan pada Industri 4.0: Perubahan Industri dan Transformasi P
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.429 KB)


Perawatan orthodontic merupakan pilihan untuk dapat memanipulasi jaringan tulang keras sehingga didapat bentuk rahang seperti yang diinginkan dan dimungkinkan. Seorang pasien yang melakukan perawatan orthodontic, terlebih dahulu harus menjalani analisis sefalometri. Karena dengan adanya analisa akan didapatkan informasi tentang kondisi pasien yang bisa disimpan dalam bentuk computer database dan digital videography yang dapat digunakan dokter gigi untuk strategi perawatan orthodontic.Jaringan fungsi basis radial yang dimodifikasi, yaitu jaringan fungsi basis radial yang proses pembelajarannya menggunakan algoritma new EM-based training. Dengan algoritma new EM-based training diharapkan proses mendapatkan pembobot dalam pembelajaran menjadi lebih cepat. Penelitian ini mengusulkan tentang analisis sefalometri dengan menggunakan jaringan fungsi basis radial yang dimodifikasi. Adapun analisa akan dilakukan pada foto sefalometri. Dari analisa tersebut maka akan didapatkan informasi untuk strategi perawatan orthodontic.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan Inovasi Teknologi Infrastruktur Berwawasan Lingkungan
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

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Pada perguruan tinggi, penjadwalan kuliah sangat penting dalam proses perkuliahan, karena aktivitas dosen dan mahasiswa tergantung pada jadwal kuliah. Untuk mengatasi masalah, menggunakan Vertex Graph Coloring dan Simulated Annealing. Pada Vertex Graph Coloring, mencari vertex bertetangga dan tidak bertetangga. Sedangkan pada Simulated Annealing, mencari ruang dan bertukar posisi secara acak. Penggabungan Vertex Graph Coloring dan Simulated Annealing bertujuan untuk membuat jadwal kuliah secara optimal dengan melihat hard constraint dan soft constraint. Pengujian dilakukan di Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, dengan membuat jadwal dari manual menjadi komputerisasi, sehingga diharapkan dapat membuat jadwal secara optimal dan mampu menghindari hard constaint dan soft constraint.