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Vibration Analysis on the Bridge Structures Caused by Train Load Marpaung, Bangun; Kusumawardani, Rini
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v22i2.26849


Abstract: The Muktiharjo Kaligawe railway bridge or BH 9 which located in KM 3+450 is truss bridge that has a special function,that is as a railway network where the BH 9 is a bridge with the steel frame type. Tests and analysis are done on two points of the bridge structures, those are in one third span of the bridge’s structure and another in the middle span of the bridge’s structure. The acceleration of vibration when the sensor accelerometer placed in one third part of the bridge’s structure influenced Y the most. While the acceleration of vibration when the sensor accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge’s structure influenced Z the most. The maximum acceleration in the one third part of the bridge structure where the Argo Anggrek train with the speed of 47 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 1.346270 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 1.639314 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.315038 m/s2. Meanwhile the maximum acceleration where the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge, Argo Anggrek train with the speed of 49 mph has the maximum acceleration toward X of 1.053043 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 0.631594 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.191879 m/s2. The maximum acceleration when the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge, Maharani train with the speed of 45 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 1.231041 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 1.425204 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.319857 m/s2. Meanwhile the maximum acceleration when the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge where Maharani train pass with the speed of 46 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 0.509838 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 0.639036 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.073661 m/s2.
The Development of Calculating Work Volume Learning Video in the Implementation of Building Construction Nurfitriyani, Sintya Andryati; Kusumawardani, Rini; Sutopo, Yeri
Journal of Vocational and Career Education Vol 6, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jvce.v6i2.35173


The lack of learning media regarding the Bill of Quantity of Building Construction, Sanitation, and Maintenance reduces students' understanding of the learning material in calculating the work quantity in building construction process. It results in unsatisfactory students learning outcomes.The use of learning media in accordance with technological developments is expected to be a breakthrough to increase the students’ interest. This study aims to develop a video-based learning media to calculate the work quantity in building construction and to analyze its effectiveness. The research method used was Research and Development with the ADDIE approach. This study used the intraclass correlation coefficients method assisted by SPSS v.19 software to analyse the adequacy and practicality validation and used the t-test to analyse the effectiveness of the video learning. The results of the development and data analysis of the video learning were stated by the content experts with a score of 4.03 (adequate) and by the media experts with a score of 4.28 (very adequate). From the practical aspect, the learning video was tested by the students with a reproducibility coefficient score of 0.9 (very practical). The data analysis results of the effectiveness test showed that the average N-Gain score for the experiment class was 56.73% (quite effective). The results of the t-test showed a significant difference between before and after using the video learning, with an increasing score of 11.23. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the video learning is very adequate, very practical, and quite effective to increase the students’ competence on the work quantity calculation in building construction.
FUNNY HAND PUPPET STORY TELLING SEBAGAI METODE PENGENALAN BENCANA LONGSOR Kusumawardani, Rini; Andiyarto, Hanggoro Tri Cahyo; Fansuri, Muhammad Hamzah; Anggraini, Kurnia Dwi; Mindiastiwi, Tigo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 18, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v18i1.6691


Indonesia, as a tropical region, shows high potential for rainfall. At highlands, enormous rainfall triggers both soil and coastal erosion. Landslides are frequently occured in Semarang in which some of whose areas are indicated as highlands with unstable soil. This study was carried out in DeliksariSukerejo, Gunungpati sub-district of Semarang. Various effort have been done to prevent the disaster such as socialization of preventing landslide given by government, private institutions, colleges, and non-governmental organizations. However, most of those method only involve for the adults, involving of the children in effort to understandthe disaster mitigation concept are less. One of the effort used was FHP (Funny Hand Puppet) Story Telling. This method tried to draw children’s attention by handy-puppets shows, so the the purpose which is hoped could be well-transferred. As many as 24 children attended this shows. From the pre-test, it was gained 84.3% of those who did not know simple ways to avert the landslide. After the socialization had been given, post-test results showed 94.8% of the children significantly understood the danger of landslide. From the results depicted the increasing of landslide awareness as 10.5%. All respondent were children between 4-13 years old.This method provided broader education about landslide happening in their surroundings.  Indonesia sebagai negara tropis memiliki potensi curah hujan yang tinggi. Pada daerah perbukitan, curah hujan yang tinggi merupakan faktor pemicu terjadinya longsoran baik pada tanah maupun batuan. Bencana longsor juga sering terjadi di kota Semarang yang sebagian wilayahnya perbukitan dengan kondisi tanah yang tidak stabil. Dilaksanakan penelitian yaitu di kawasan Dukuh Deliksari, Kelurahan Sukorejo, Kecamatan Gunungpati Semarang. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan dalam pencegahan bencana tersebut, misalnya sosialisasi pencegahan bencana longsor yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, swasta, perguruan tinggi, dan LSM. Kebanyakan upaya tersebut hanya melibatkan orang dewasa, sehingga anak-anak belum memiliki pemahaman sejak dini mengenai lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka yang rawan longsor. Salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah FHP (Funny Hand Puppet) Story Telling. Metode ini mencoba menarik perhatian anak-anak dengan menggunakan boneka tangan yang ditujukan kepada anak-anak sehingga pesan yang dibawa dapat tersampaikan dengan baik. Sebanyak 24 anak-anak yang mengikuti metode ini didapatkan dari hasil pre test 84,3% belum mengetahui cara sederhana menangani bencana longsor. Hasil dari post testmenunjukkan bahwa 94,8% anak-anak menjadi lebih paham. Dengan hasil tersebut anak-anak mengalami peningkatan sebesar 10,5%. Melalui metode ini, sesungguhnya anak-anak mendapatkan pendidikan yang jauh lebih luas tentang bencana longsor yang benar-benar terjadi di tempat mereka tinggal. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v18i2.7480


Rainfall event is a stochastic process, so to explain and analyze this processes the probability theory and frequency analysisare used. There are four types of probability distributions.They are normal, log normal, log Pearson III and Gumbel. To find the best probabilities distribution, it will used goodness of fit test. The tests consist of chi-square and smirnov-kolmogorov. Results of the chi-square test for normal distribution, log normal and log Pearson III was 0.200, while for the Gumbel distribution was 2.333. Results of Smirnov Kolmogorov test for normal distribution D = 0.1554, log-normal distribution D = 0.1103, log Pearson III distribution D = 0.1177 and Gumbel distribution D = 0.095. All of the distribution can be accepted with a confidence level of 95%, but the best distribution is log normal distribution. Kejadian hujan merupakan proses stokastik, sehingga untuk keperluan analisa dan menjelaskan proses stokastik tersebut digunakan teori probabilitas dan analisa frekuensi. Terdapat empat jenis distribusi probabilitas yaitu distribusi normal, log normal, log pearson III dan gumbel. Untuk mencari distribusi probabilitas terbaik maka akan digunakan pengujian metode goodness of fit test. Pengujian tersebut meliputi uji chi-kuadrat dan uji smirnov kolmogorov. Hasil pengujian chi kuadrat untuk distribusi normal, log normal dan log pearson III adalah 0.200, sedangkan untuk distribusi gumbel 2.333. Hasil pengujian smirnov kolmogorov untuk distribusi normal dengan nilai D = 0.1554, distribusi log normal dengan nilai D = 0.1103, distribusi log pearson III dengan nilai D = 0.1177 dan distribusi gumbel dengan nilai D = 0.095. Seluruh distribusi dapat diterima dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, tetapi distribusi terbaik adalah distribusi log normal.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 17, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v17i1.6896


Liquefaction phenomenon could be analysed using strain-controlled loading method where informations about sands pore water pressure build-up were presented. Maintaining small deformation values whenever the soil was subjected to cyclic loading, this non-destructive method presents clearly the information about the increasing sands pore water pressure. It is concluded that liquefaction occurs whenever the pore water pressure reaches the same value with the soil effective stress (σ3’). Strain-controlled loading method introduces a fundamental parameter for undrained cyclic loading tests on fully saturated sands: shear strain treshhold (γt). This parameter divides the pore water pressure into two distinct zones, namely the constant pore water pressure and the increasing one. When cyclic shear strain amplitude (γ) is set up lesser than γt then pore water pressure stays constant. Contrastly, a larger set up of γ than γt results the increasing pore water pressure. Laboratory test on clean sand using relative density (Dr) 25%, 60 % and 80%, with effective pressure σ3’ = 100 kPa and frequency (f) applied 0.05 Hz and 0.1 Hz,  shows that γt = 1,5. 10-2  %. Whilst other test using Dr = 60% and f = 0.1 Hz confirms that γt = 1,5. 10-2  %  (50 ≤ σ3’ (kPa) ≤ 100) and γt = 5. 10-2  % (σ3’ = 200kPa). Last test using Dr = 60% and f = 0.05 Hz reveals γt = 1,2. 10-2  %  (50 ≤ σ3’ (kPa) ≤ 100) and γt = 2. 10-2  % (σ3’ = 200kPa).Fenomena likuifaksi dapat dianalisis menggunakan metode strain-controlled loading method. Metode ini merupakan metode non destruktif pada benda uji yang dapat menyajikan seluruh informasi kenaikan tekanan air pori secara lengkap. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara mempertahankan nilai small deformation ketika diterapkan pembebanan secara siklis. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh hasil bahwa likuifaksi terjadi ketika tekanan air pori mencapai nilai sebanding tekanan efektif tanah (σ3’). Metode ini menghasilkan parameter cyclic shear strain treshhold (γt). Parameter ini membagi grafik tekanan air pori menjadi dua zona yaitu zona konstan dan zona kenaikan tekanan air pori. Ketika amplitudo cyclic shear strain (γε) lebih rendah dari γt maka tidak akan ditemui kenaikan tekanan air pori. Tetapi sebaliknya jika γε γt maka akan muncul kenaikan tekanan air pori. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian pada pasir murni dengan kepadatan relatif (Dr) sebesar 25%, 60% dan 80% dengan penerapan tekanan kekang sel σ3’ = 100 kPa dan frekuensi pembebanan (f) = 0.05 Hz dan 0,1 Hz tampak bahwa nilai γt sebesar 1,5. 10-2  %. Uji lain dengan menggunakan kondisi batas Dr = 60% dan f = 0.1 Hz menghasilkan nilai γt sebesar 1,5. 10-2  %  (50 ≤ σ3’ (kPa) ≤ 100) dan γt = 5. 10-2  % (σ3’ = 200kPa). Serta pengujian dengan kondisi batas Dr = 60% dan f = 0.05 Hz menunjukan hasil  γt sebesar 1,2. 10-2  %  (50 ≤ σ3’ (kPa) ≤ 100) dan γt = 2. 10-2  % (σ3’ = 200kPa).
Sediment Characteristic of Pagai Strait, Mentawai Mutmainah, Herdiana; Kusumawardani, Rini
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik SIpil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i1.19914


Abstract. The marine sediment is important indicator of the seafloor. The characteristics of marine sediments can be seen from grain size, type and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS). Sediments derived from organic and non-organic particles are carried by the sea currents, waves, streams and tidal process in the coastal areas. At very high levels, sediments can cause pollution or vulnerability such as decreasing of dissolved oxygen, coral bleaching, and increased the eurotrification processes. Pagai Strait is located between North Pagai Island and South Pagai. This strait has enormous potential and it is used by the surrounding community for various activities such as port and sea transportation, fishery, marine aquaculture and tourism. This study aims to determine the characteristics of sediment in Pagai Strait. The field survey was conducted in September 2016 for waves, currents, water quality and sediment samples with purposive sampling method. The results showed that the average of sediments in Pagai Strait is D35 sized 0.155 mm; D50 sized 0.273 mm; and D90 sized 1.574 mm with specific gravity 2.665 gr/cm3 and dominated by sand 66.88%. TDS between 51.6 to 55.0 mg/L, appropriate for port and mangrove. Scale of sediment, A = 0.119 and sediment velocity is 0.002 m/s. Sediment transport approximately is 0.389 m3/day.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 11, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v11i1.6961


Liquefaction is defined as a phase of soil transition; a form of transformation from solid to liquefied state in such condition of poor drainage during a cyclic loading. This transformation is triggered by the pore water pressure accumulation, which then decreases the effective stress of soil and thus reaches a ruptured condition. The escalating pore water pressure in an undrained loading circumstance is the main factor of all phenomena of liquefaction. The previous studies considered only the sand or deposits of sand that are possible to give the affect of liquefaction. But the earthquake in Mexico (1985) revealed that the deposits of clay could also instigate liquefaction. It stimulates researchers to observe comprehensively the characteristics of clay latent as a set of liquefaction.Liquefaction didefinisikan sebagai perubahan fase tanah dari fase padat menjadi fase cair diakibatkan karena kondisi drainasi yang tidak bagus ketika diberikan beban siklik. Perubahan ini dipicu adanya peningkatan tekanan air pori sehingga mengakibatan terjadinya penurunan tekanan efektif tanah dan  akhirnya mencapai kondisi keruntuha tanah. Peningkatan tekanan air pori dalam keadaan tidak terdrainasi adalah penyebab utama terjadinya  fenomena liquefaction. Penyelidikan-penyelidikan sebelumnya hanya menyatakan bahwa fenomena liquefaction hanya terjadi pada tanah pasir atau deposit tanah. Tetapi gempa bumi di Mexico (1985) menunjukkan bahwa deposit tanah lempung  juga bias menjadi pemicu liquefaction. Hal tersebutlah yang menjadi pemicu para peniliti untuk menganalisis secara menyeluruh tentang liquefaction yang bias dipicu oleh keberadaan tanah lempung pada suatu lapisan tanah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v18i2.7482


The construction of Building F Universitas Pekalongan consists of 8 levels. It used Contruction and Planning regulation of SK SNI T-15-1991-03 especially about structural concrete works. This Building F construction will be reviewed its construction planning using SNI 03-2847-2013 (Requirements Procedures of Structural Concrete for Building), SNI 1726-2012 (Procedures of Earthquake Resistance Planning for Building). The review will focus on upper structure including columns, beams, plates and ladder. Modeling analysis for upper structure uses software SAP 2000 v.17.  This construction used dead loads, live loads and seismic loads. The objective of this SNI review is comparing the formulation procedures of concrete structures and understanding the review procedures of SNI. The results showed that in the upper structure calculation was increasing in 1,43% of beams and columns dimensions. The analysis using SAP2000 v.17 showed bigger dimensions which means that the Building F structural elements were save  with seismic loading (based on analysis). Proyek Pembangunan Gedung F Universitas Pekalongan ini terdiri dari 8 lantai. Pada perencanaannya menggunakan pedoman pelaksanaan pekerjaannya dengan SK SNI T-15-1991-03 terutama yang menyangkut pada pekerjaan beton struktur, sedangkan dalam hal ini akan diperbaharui dengan meninjau ulang perencanaan pembangunannya dengan mengacu pada SNI 03-2847-2013 (Tata Cara Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung), SNI 1726-2012 (Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Bangunan Gedung). Proyek Pembangunan Gedung F Universitas Pekalongan ini akan meninjau ulang pada struktur atas. Struktur atas meliputi kolom, balok, pelat, dan tangga. Analisis permodelan struktur atas dengan menggunakan software SAP 2000 v.17. Beban yang digunakan untuk Proyek Pembangunan Gedung F Universitas Pekalongan pada elemen strukturnya yaitu beban mati, beban hidup dan beban gempa. Tujuan dari perbandingan SNI ini adalah membandingkan tata cara perhitungan struktur beton, mengetahui tata cara yang di perbaharui pada SNI. Pada perhitungan struktur atas terjadi kenaikan terhadap dimesi balok dan kolom yaitu sebesar 1,43 %. Perhitungan analisis dengan menggunakan program SAP2000 v.17 dan  menghasilkan dimensi yang lebih besarmenunjukkan bahwa elemen struktur Gedung F Universitas Pekalongan ini aman secara analisis dengan pembebanan gempa.
Ground Vibration Analysis of Railroad Dynamic Loads on Rail Structure Kusumawardani, Rini; Zelin, Mufita Aulia; Kusbiantoro, Arief
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i2.20957


The railroad structure consists of rail steel, sleepers, fastening, ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade. The load of the passing train at a certain speed can produce vibrations channeled through the train wheels to the railway steel to be forwarded to the sleepers then to the ballast and distributed to the subgrade. The amount of vibration caused by the train can be seen from the value of the acceleration, amplitude and frequency of the vibration. In this study, the accelerometer sensor was used to detect the magnitude of the vibration acceleration. The vibration acceleration data was then processed using Geopsy software to obtain the value of natural frequency and vibration amplitude using the HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) method. The value of acceleration due to railroad vibration of 0.14 g - 0.64 g with a position placed 1.5 m sensor from the edge of the rail. The biggest vibration acceleration is 0.26 g x direction, 0.39 y direction and 0.29 z direction caused by Maharani trains that pass at a speed of 65 km / h and a load of 728 tons. The natural frequency of vibration obtained value 2.4077 Hz - 5.392 Hz. The highest natural frequency was caused when the Maharani train, which was 5.392 Hz. Train speed and load affected the vibration of the rail structure. The acceleration of vibration increased when the train speed and load increased
Vibration Analysis on the Bridge Structures Caused by Train Load Marpaung, Bangun; Kusumawardani, Rini
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v22i2.26849


Abstract: The Muktiharjo Kaligawe railway bridge or BH 9 which located in KM 3+450 is truss bridge that has a special function,that is as a railway network where the BH 9 is a bridge with the steel frame type. Tests and analysis are done on two points of the bridge structures, those are in one third span of the bridge’s structure and another in the middle span of the bridge’s structure. The acceleration of vibration when the sensor accelerometer placed in one third part of the bridge’s structure influenced Y the most. While the acceleration of vibration when the sensor accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge’s structure influenced Z the most. The maximum acceleration in the one third part of the bridge structure where the Argo Anggrek train with the speed of 47 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 1.346270 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 1.639314 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.315038 m/s2. Meanwhile the maximum acceleration where the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge, Argo Anggrek train with the speed of 49 mph has the maximum acceleration toward X of 1.053043 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 0.631594 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.191879 m/s2. The maximum acceleration when the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge, Maharani train with the speed of 45 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 1.231041 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 1.425204 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.319857 m/s2. Meanwhile the maximum acceleration when the accelerometer placed in the middle part of the bridge where Maharani train pass with the speed of 46 mph has the maximum acceleration towards X of 0.509838 m/s2, the maximum acceleration towards Y is 0.639036 m/s2, and the maximum acceleration towards Z is 1.073661 m/s2.