Nizam Burhanuddin
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Jurisdictional Consequences of Government Administration Law on the Implementation of Duties and Authorities of the Financial Audit Agency Nizam Burhanuddin; Dwi Putri Cahyawati
Journal Equity of Law and Governance Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Warmadewa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55637/elg.2.2.5765.132-138


In the perspective of administrative law, the existence of a state agency BPK is a manifestation of the existence of another form of power from state power, namely the power of supervision of state finances or power of inspection. In carrying out its duties and authorities to examine the management and responsibilities of state finances, BPK is often faced with problems that are closely related to the dynamics of law and legislation. Authority disputes, overlapping regulations, to technical matters related to inspection procedures are examples of some of these problems. Problems that have been and will continue to exist along with development developments that demand the birth of new legal dynamics that are increasingly complex. To the development of administrative law. Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration which applies to all government functions contained in Ministries and Institutions has juridical consequences from this to the implementation of government administration contained in BPK, thus regarding the delegation of authority from BPK to BPK Implementers must be clearly regulated in BPK's legal products.
Al-Qisth Law Review Vol 6, No 2 (2023): AL-QISTH LAW REVIEW
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/al-qisth.6.2.156-178


AbstrakSalah satu terobosan dalam pelaksanaan tugas pokok kepolisian yang dilakukan oleh Kepolisian Resort Bau Bau adalah pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi melalui aplikasi K Polisi. Dengan keberadaan aplikasi K Polisi, masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengakses layanan kepolisian melalui fitur Tombo Darurat, E-Lapor, dan Surat kehilangan. Keberadaan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat menungkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan tugas kepolisian. Peneltian ini dimaksudkan untuk meneliti dampak dari penggunakan aplikasi K Polisi terhadap penganggulangan kejahatan di wilayah hukum kepolisian resort Bau Bau pada tahun 2019. Untuk meneliti hal tersebut, penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris, sebagai salah satu jenis penelitian hukum yang menganalisis dan mengkaji bekerjanya hukum dalam masyarakat. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa terdapat korelasi berupa dampak penggunaan aplikasi K Polisi terhadap penurunan tingkat kejahatan di di wilayah hukum kepolisian resort Bau Bau pada tahun 2019 sebesar 16,9%, dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Adapun faktor penghambat belum efektifnya penggunaan aplikasi K Polisi di antaranya adalah adanya lebih dari satu aplikasi, masih lemahnya sosialisasi aplikasi K Polisi kepada masyarakat, adanya kendala dalam hal pendanaan, dan masih minimnya sarana dan prasarana penunjang bagi masyarakat dalam mengoperasionalkan aplikasi K Polisi.Kata Kunci: K Polisi, Pengaruh, Kejahatan, dan, Kepolisian Resort Bau Bau. AbstractOne of the breakthroughs in carrying out the main police duties carried out by the Bau Bau Resort Police is the use of technological advances through the K Polisi application. With the existence of the K Polisi application, public can easily access police services through the Emergency Tombo, E-Report, and Letter of Loss features. The existence of this application is expected to improve the quality of carrying out police duties. This research is intended to examine the impact of using the K Polisi application on crime prevention in the jurisdiction of the Bau Bau Resort police in 2019. For examination, this research uses empirical legal methods, as a type of legal research that analyzes and examines the operation of law in society. As the results of the study, it was found that there was a correlation in the form of the impact of using the K Polisi application on a decrease in crime rates in the jurisdiction of the Bau Bau Resort Police in 2019 by 16.9%, compared to the previous year. The inhibiting factors for the ineffective use of the K Polisi application include the existence of more than one application, the waek socialization of the K Polisi application to the community, there are constraints in terms of funding, and the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure for the community in operating the K Polisi application.Keywords: K Polisi, Impact, Crime, and Bau Bau Resort Police.