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THE PHYSICAL TESTS FOR 13-15 YEAR OLD TABLE TENNIS PLAYERS Liskustyawati, Hanik; Sulaiman, Sulaiman; Rachman, Hari Amirullah
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

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The achievement of high performance and optimal physical quality is the requirement that can not be ignored by a coach because every sport requires physical quality levels that vary according to the required physical qualities of the sport. Today, there are many types of tests to determine physical capabilities that are used for identifying the talent of table tennis players of all age groups. The available physical tests have not been tested empirically against the physical performance of a table tennis player. This study aimed to develop appropriate physical tests for men and women’s table tennis players aged 13-15 years. The method used was research and development. The development steps included 1) a preliminary study, 2) needs analysis, 3) expert validation, 4) empirical validation, 5) evaluating the effectiveness. The research samples consisted of 73 men’s players and 68 women’s players aged 13-15 who were enrolled in the Indonesia table tennis club (PTMSI) in Central Java; the age chronologically following the practice for at least 2 years and the frequency of exercise being 3 times a week. The data were analyzed using inter-correlation and research instruments consisting of observations with the Likert scale in the form of a rating scale. The results of the research and development show that the appropriate physical tests for men and women’s players aged 13-15 years consist of 6 test items including arm span, hands reaction speed, a tennis ball catching-throwing test, shuttle run, 20-meter sprint and multistage running. The conclusions of this research are:  the developed physical tests are appropriate for men and women’s table tennis players aged 13-15 years, including the length of arm span, speed of reaction hand, tennis ball catching-throwing test, shuttle run, 20-meter sprint, and multistage run tests.
Physical Test Table Tennis Domain for 13-15 Years Age Group Liskustyawati, Hanik
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Every sport requires a different level of physical qualities with the other, but very important note is the physical quality of players needed to achieve peak performance when desired. In the world of sport, to achieve high performance, optimal physical quality is a requirement that cannot be ignored. The value of minimum standards for each sport varies in accordance with the necessary physical qualities of the sport. Many types of physical ability test that is used for identification and development of the physical domain of table tennis game, but have not tested how much effectiveness against the appearance of table tennis. This preliminary study design is a development of this kind of research that is the development of  table tennis test aged 13-15 years Central Java  PTMSI player. In the limited testing performed tests a number of players made up 61 players that consist of 27 men and 31 women. From the results of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) trainers recommend as many as 25 kinds of tests for measuring the physical domain of table tennis. Based on the analysis of data using part-whole correlation analysis of the results obtained from Guilford: Validity and reliability test for men and women players  are not different, both of  them are on average of very good category.
JURNAL PENJAKORA Vol 3, No 2 (2016): September 2016

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Cabang olahraga tenis meja, dalam mencapai prestasi yang tinggi kualitas fisik yang optimal merupakan syarat yang tidak dapat diabaikan. Banyak jenis tes kemampuan fisik yang digunakan untuk keperluan  pengembangan fisik pemain tenis meja, namun belum diuji domain fisik apa saja yang melekat pada penampilan tenis meja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menyusun tes fisik  pemain kadet (13-15 tahun) pada permainan tenis meja dengan perspektif domain fisik, dan (2) menyusun norma instrumen tes fisik  pemain kadet tenis meja berdasarkan perspektif domain fisik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan berupa pengembangan tes fisik tenis meja usia 13-15 tahun pemain PTMSI Jawa Tengah. Dari hasil Fokus Group Discussion (FGD) para pakar, ahli, dan  pelatih merekomendasikan dilakukan tes sejumlah 21 item tes fisik. Uji terbatas untuk pengukuran domain fisik tenis meja dengan jumlah pemain 21 orang terdiri dari pemain putra 10 orang dan pemain putri 11 orang. Uji keefektifan produk menggunakan data sampel terbatas dilakukan pada para atlet dan non-atlet tiap kelompok diambil 4 orang atlet dan 4 orang non-atlet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian pada uji skala terbatas menggunakan analisis interkorelasi elemen intrumen dan kriteria diperoleh hasil bahwa tes fisik pemain putra meliputi tes: (1) rentang lengan; (2) kecepatan reaksi tangan, (3) koordinasi mata-tangan, (4) shuttle run; (5) multistage fitness test (MFT). sedangkan hasil tes fisik untuk putri meliputi tes: : (1) rentang lengan; (2) kecepatan reaksi tangan, (3) koordinasi mata-tangan; (4) shuttle run; (5), lari 40 meter (6)  multistage fitness test (MFT). 
KEBUGARAN JASMANI LANJUT USIA MASA COVID DI SURAKARTA Liskustyawati, Hanik; Utomo, Tri Aprilijanto; Mukholid, Agus; Manshuralhudlori, Manshuralhudlori; Lelono, Sarjoko
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33061/awpm.v5i1.4629


Jumlah penduduk lanjut usia ( lansia) di Indonesia terus bertambah. Hingga 2019 ini, lansia sudah mencapai 7 persen dari total penduduk. Angka ini diperkirakan akan bertambah hingga 9,9 persen atau 27 juta jiwa setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan sehingga memerlukan pelayanan yang lebih baik, terutama dari keluarga maupun pemerintah. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut diatas maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Tingkat kebugaran jasmani para lansia di klub jantung sehat Surakarta; (2) Indeks Massa Tubuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik survey dan pengukuran di lapangan. Peserta yang menjadi subyek penelitian ini sebanyak 83 orang lanjut usia, pengumpulan data kebugaran jasmani dengan menggunakan tes Rock Port sejauh 1600 m, cek denyut nadi sebelum dan sesudah melakukan tes, pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan.
THE PHYSICAL TESTS FOR 13-15 YEAR OLD TABLE TENNIS PLAYERS Liskustyawati, Hanik; Sulaiman, Sulaiman; Rachman, Hari Amirullah
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The achievement of high performance and optimal physical quality is the requirement that can not be ignored by a coach because every sport requires physical quality levels that vary according to the required physical qualities of the sport. Today, there are many types of tests to determine physical capabilities that are used for identifying the talent of table tennis players of all age groups. The available physical tests have not been tested empirically against the physical performance of a table tennis player. This study aimed to develop appropriate physical tests for men and women’s table tennis players aged 13-15 years. The method used was research and development. The development steps included 1) a preliminary study, 2) needs analysis, 3) expert validation, 4) empirical validation, 5) evaluating the effectiveness. The research samples consisted of 73 men’s players and 68 women’s players aged 13-15 who were enrolled in the Indonesia table tennis club (PTMSI) in Central Java; the age chronologically following the practice for at least 2 years and the frequency of exercise being 3 times a week. The data were analyzed using inter-correlation and research instruments consisting of observations with the Likert scale in the form of a rating scale. The results of the research and development show that the appropriate physical tests for men and women’s players aged 13-15 years consist of 6 test items including arm span, hands reaction speed, a tennis ball catching-throwing test, shuttle run, 20-meter sprint and multistage running. The conclusions of this research are: the developed physical tests are appropriate for men and women’s table tennis players aged 13-15 years, including the length of arm span, speed of reaction hand, tennis ball catching-throwing test, shuttle run, 20-meter sprint, and multistage run tests.
Smart Sport Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Jurnal SmartSport
Publisher : Smart Sport

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.696 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/rumi.v15i1.43076


Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  mengetahui:  (1)  Untuk  mengetahui hubungan  antara  kelincahan  dengan  keterampilan  menggiring  bola  peserta  PSB Bonansa  UNS  Surakarta.  (2)  Untuk  mengetahui  hubungan  antara  power  otot  tungkai dengan keterampilan menggiring bola peserta PSB Bonansa UNS Surakarta. (3) Untuk mengetahui  hubungan  antara  koordinasi  mata  kaki  dengan  keterampilan  menggiring bola  peserta  PSB  Bonansa  UNS  Surakarta.  (4)  Untuk  mengetahui  hubungan  antara kelincahan,  power  otot  tungkai  dan  koordinasi  mata  kaki  dengan  keterampilan menggiring  bola  peserta  PSB  Bonansa  UNS  Surakarta.  Penelitian  ini  menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan studi korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa peserta  PSB  Bonansa  UNS  Surakarta.  Penelitian  ini  menggunakan  sampel  27  orang. Teknik  pengambilan  sampel  yang  digunakan  adalah  Total  Sampling.  Teknik pengumpulan  data  yang  digunakan  adalah  dengan  menggunakan  tes  dan  pengukuran. Uji prasyarat instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji normalitas, dan uji linieritas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji hipotesis untuk mengetahui seberapa besar jawaban pada setiap  soal.  Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian  menggunakan  taraf  signifikansi  0,05  ini diperoleh  simpulan  bahwa:  (1)  Ada  hubungan  positif  antara  kelincahan  dengan keterampilan menggiring bola (dribbling) pada siswa PSB BONANSA UNS Surakarta. Pernyataan  tersebut  dibuktikan  berdasarkan  uji  korelasi  product  moment  yang menunjukkan signifikasi hitung sebesar 0,001 yang lebih kecil dari signifikasi 0,05, dan hasil  koefisien  korelasi  sebesar  +0,602,  positif  berarti  searah,  sehingga  semakin  tinggi kelincahannya  maka  akan  semakin  tinggi  pula  keterampilan  menggiring  bolanya.  (2) Ada hubungan negatif antara power otot tungkai dengan keterampilan menggiring bola (dribbling) pada siswa PSB BONANSA UNS Surakarta. Pernyataan tersebut dibuktikan berdasarkan uji korelasi  product moment  yang menunjukkan signifikasi  hitung  sebesar 0,014 yang lebih kecil dari signifikasi 0,05, dan hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,466, negatif  yang  berarti  berbeda  arah,  sehingga  semakin  tinggi  hasil  power  yang  didapat maka diikuti oleh semakin rendah catatan waktu keterampilan menggiring bolanya. (3) Ada  hubungan  negatif  antara  koordinasi  mata  kaki  dengan  keterampilan  menggiring bola  (dribbling)  pada  siswa  PSB  BONANSA  UNS  Surakarta.  Pernyataan  tersebut dibuktikan  berdasarkan  uji  korelasi  product  moment  yang  menunjukkan  signifikasi hitung sebesar 0,000  yang  lebih kecil  dari signifikasi  0,05, dan hasil  koefisien korelasi sebesar  -0,689,  negatif  yang  berarti  berbeda  arah,  sehingga  semakin  banyak  angka koordinasi  mata-kaki  maka  diikuti  oleh  semakin  rendah  catatan  waktu  keterampilan menggiring  bolanya.  (4)  Ada  hubungan  antara  kelincahan,  power  otot  tungkai,  dan koordinasi mata kaki dengan keterampilan menggiring bola (dribbling) pada siswa PSB BONANSA  UNS  Surakarta.  Pernyataan  tersebut  dibuktikan  berdasarkan  uji  regresi ganda  yang  menunjukkan  signifikasi  hitung  sebesar  0,000  yang  lebih  kecil  dari signifikasi 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi ganda diketahui bahwa sumbangan efektif dari  variabel  Kelincahan,  power  otot  tungkai,  dan  Koordinasi  mata  kaki  dengan keterampilan menggiring bola sebesar 69% dan sisanya 31% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak ada dalam penelitian ini.Kata kunci :  Kelincahan,  Power  Otot  Tungkai,  Koordinasi  Mata  Kaki,  menggiringBola, Sepakbola, PSB Bonansa UNS Surakarta  
The Implementation of Football Sports Coaching Management at Darul Huda Mayak Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School Brian Kurniawan Widianto; Agus Kristiyanto; Hanik Liskustyawati
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, Novemb
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v3i4.1511


Management is an activity process that is efficient, effective, and coordinated to maximize results. Sports management is a combination of management and sports science. Football achievement coaching is carried out at the Darul Huda Mayak Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo, Indonesia. There is a decrease and an increase in achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of football management, the causes of decline and increase in achievement and the obstacles faced from 2015-2020 by the Perasda Achievement Development Team, Darul Huda Mayak Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. To find out how the management of football achievement coaching for Darul Huda Mayak, Ponorogo, Indonesia from 2015-2020. The results of this research team management are very good. In 2015-2020 there was no change in the management of the Persada football team. However, the decline in achievement occurred in 2017-2020 due to the weak ability of the Persada team in terms of penalties, besides that the Persada team's mainstay players had passed and the team split into two teams that took part in the National Santri League in 2018 and 2019.
Contribution Leg Muscle Strength, Dynamic Balance and Hip Joint Flexibility to the Accuracy of Football Shooting Aminudin Aminudin; Sugiyanto Sugiyanto; Hanik Liskustyawati
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, May
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v3i2.985


The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the contribution of each independent variable (leg muscle strength, dynamic balance and hip joint flexibility) to the accuracy of football shooting and to find out how meaningful the contribution of the independent variables together to the accuracy of football shooting. This study uses a quantitative descriptive correlational approach with regression analysis design. The sample was extracurricular high school football students in Sidareja with a total of 65 from a total population of 65. Data analysis techniques used regression analysis with the help of SPSS 20. The results of the analysis showed that: (1) X1 made a significant contribution to Y. (2) X2 made a contribution which is significant to Y. (3) X3 gives a significant contribution to Y. (4) X4 gives a significant contribution to Y. In this study it can be concluded that the leg muscle strength variable contributed 22.96%, the variable of diamonic balance is 24 , 28%, the hip joint flexibility variable was 41.26%, while all the independent variables contributed 96.5% to the accuracy of football shooting.
Development of Boccia Cerebral Palsy's National Athlete Achievement in the Indonesian National Paralympic Committee Mustafa Al Haris; Muchsin Doewes; Hanik Liskustyawati
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, May
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v3i2.940


Achievement is the goal for all sports development achievements, the coaching process will affect the results that will be generated. In Indonesia, NPCI is the only organization that facilitates sports with special needs at the international level. Same with normal sports, sports with special needs also have many benefits for each athlete. Boccia is a sport with special needs for children with cerebral palsy in the world. Boccia is a precision sport that anyone can do. Disorders included such as ataxia, hypertonus, atetosis, and limitations in coordination become eligible criteria for boccia sports. The purpose of this research is to find out the fostering of the achievement of the boccia cerebral palsy national altet in the Indonesian National Paralympic Committee. This study uses a qualitative method which was carried out in two places, namely at the NPCI headquarters and the Indonesian national athlete's Boccia Cerebral Palsy Sports Hall in March 2020. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documents. The technique of taking research subjects with purposive sampling with a sample of five people. The results of this study are that the fostering of the achievement of the boccia cerebral palsy national altet in the Indonesian National Paralympic Committee is already in the good enough category but it is still not perfect.
PHEDHERAL Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v14i1.50551


Tujuan penelitian adalah “untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar Gerak Dasar Lari pada peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 02 Karangmojo tahun pelajaran 2016/2017”.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dengan setiap siklus terdiri dari dua pertemuan. Subjek Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini adalah peserta didik Kelas V SD Negeri 02 Karangmojo tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Yang berjumlah 22 peserta didik, terdiri dari 9 peserta didik putra dan 13 peserta didik putri. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan observasi, tes dan hasil belajar. Validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Analisis data menggunakan kuantitatif.Hasil analisis yang diperoleh terdapat peningkatan pada siklus I dan siklus II yaitu hasil belajar gerak dasar lari. Hasil belajar gerak dasar lari pada siklus I diperoleh hasil nilai psikomotor yang tuntas adalah 36,35% atau 8 peserta didik, dari nilai afektif yang tuntas adalah 45,45% atau 10 peserta didik, dari nilai kognitif yang tuntas adalah 68,2% atau 15 peserta didik, dan yang tergolong dalam kategori tuntas adalah 40,9% dengan jumlah peserta didik yang tuntas adalah 9 peserta didik. Pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan presentase hasil belajar gerak dasar lari peserta didik dalam kategori tuntas sebesar 90,9% dengan jumlah peserta didik yang tuntas adalah 20 peserta didik, dari nilai psikomotor yang tuntas adalah 72,7% atau 16 peserta didik, dari nilai afektif yang tuntas adalah 90,9% atau 20 peserta didik, dan dari nilai kognitif yang tuntas adalah 100% atau 22 peserta didik tuntas semua.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan pendekatan bermain dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar gerak dasar lari pada peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 02 Karangmojo Kec. Tasikmadu Kab. Karanganyar tahun pelajaran 2016/2017.