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Analisis Penerapan Gerakan Literasi sekolah di MIS Al_Husna Curug Kabupaten Tangerang Dadang Kurnia; Fitri Siti Sundari; Shabrina Qurotu Ayuningtyas
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 6 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling: Special Issue (General)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i6.9693


Pada saat ini kemampuan literasi membaca siswa Indonesia berada pada peringkat 75 dari 80 negara yang disurvey oleh PISA (sepuluh besar terendah di dunia, hal ini diketahui berdasarkan hasil survey PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) pada tahun 2018. Untuk mengatasi hal ini pemerintah melakukan suatu Gerakan untuk meningkatkan literasi membaca siswa yang Bernama Gerakan Literasi sekolah (GLS) . Dalam penerapannya di sekolah GLS menemui banyak kendala dan hambatan yang apabila tidak diatasi akan membuat tujuan program GLS ini gagal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan apasaja kendala atau hambatan dalam penelapan GLS di MIS Al-Husna Curug Kabupaten Tangerang, dan aapakah penerapan GLS ini sudah sesuai dengan tujuan yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek/target penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas V MIS Al-Husna Curug Kabupaten Tangerang yang berjumlah 40 siswa. Teknik pengambilan data dalam peneltian ini menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gerakan Literasi sekol;ah di MIS Al-Husna Curug Tangerang telah dapat meningkatkan minat baca, menambah wawasan dan menuju prose membangun budaya membaca pada diri siswa. Namun belum seluruh siswa memiliki minat membaca yang baik ,karena masih ada siswa yang malas dan kurang antusias untuk membaca. Hambatan yang ditemukan dalam penerapan Gerakan Literasi di MIS Al-Husna Curug Tangerang adalah kurangnya sarana prasarana antara lain kurang luasnya area pojok baca pada tiap kelas, kirangnya koleksi buku di pijoknya, kurang serta menariknya penataan ruang membaca.
Analisis Peranan Guru Kelas dalam Membina Budi Pekerti Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Arrahmah Depok Nur Hikmah; Ade Wijaya; Dadang Kurnia; Syarif Hidayatullah
Tematik: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1172.028 KB) | DOI: 10.57251/tem.v1i1.360


The research used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The research was conducted at SDIT Arrahmah Depok City, West Java, Indonesia. Of the total population of students in grade IV and V totaling 50 people, the samples taken were 30 students from class V. The method of collecting research data in the field uses a survey method while the statistical method of data analysis uses quantitative data techniques, frequency distribution, and data interpretation. Based on the calculation results, the research results obtained are: that 7 people (23.33%) from 30 students of SD Islam Terpadu Arrahmah Depok stated that the Role of Classroom Teachers was categorized as having a high Role, namely in the range of 57 to 63, 17 people (56.67%) of students stated that the role of the classroom teacher was included in the category of having a moderate role. This can be seen from the respondents 'answers in the score range 29 to 56, while as many as 6 students (20.00%) students stated that the Role of Classroom Teachers was included in the category of having a low Role, seen from the respondents' answers in the range of 22 to 28. Based on the results According to the calculation above, it can be concluded that the role of the classroom teacher in building character at SDIT Arrahmah which is done in the Medium category or in other words is Good.
Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Volume 09 No 01, Maret 2023
Publisher : STKIP Subang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36989/didaktik.v9i1.742


This study aims to find out whether the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with the cooperative method of make a match type can improve the learning outcomes of Indonesian language students in class IVB semester II SD Negeri Sindangsari 1 Bogor City in the 2022/2023 academic year. This can be seen in the pre-cycle the number of students who have completed is 52.3% of students and 47.6% of students are still below the KKM. The completeness of the learning outcomes of the first cycle reached 71.4% and the completeness of the learning outcomes in the second cycle reached 90.4% with a very good category. The teacher's observation score from cycle I with a score of 92 increased in cycle II to 90.4 in the very good category. Furthermore, the student attitude scores from cycle I and cycle 2, namely 95.2, increased to 99 in the very good category. Meanwhile, student activities scored 88.3 in cycle I and scored 92.5 in cycle II in the very good category