Reini D. Wirahadikusumah, Reini D.
Staf Pengajar, Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Lab Manajemen dan Rekayasa Konstruksi, FTSL, Institut Teknologi Bandung,

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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 8, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract The need for mass transportation urges the government of Jakarta to build a monorail system. Monorail will increase the capacity of  public transportation system and give a new color to the urban transportation services. Users will have an additional mode choice and then make their preferences. User’s behaviour when choosing mode can be modeled using Stated Preference data. By using Stated Preference, monorail can be compared objectively to existing modes, namely private car, AC bus, non-AC bus, and busway using specific service attributes. Attributes used in this study are journey time, fare, frequency of departure, delay, and walking time to station. Stated Preference data were obtained from a survey to prospective passengers in the service area of the Green Line monorail corridor. Binary logit models were employed to model mode choices and the utility function was in a linear form. Calibration was done by multiple linear regression. Four mode choice models were then obtained, namely monorail versus private car model, monorail versus AC bus model, monorail versus non-AC bus model and monorail versus busway model. Keywords:  monorail, mode choice, service attribute, Stated Preference (SP) 
Estimasi Konsumsi Energi dan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca pada Pekerjaan Pengaspalan Jalan Wirahadikusumah, Reini D.; Sahana, Hengki Putra
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Sektor konstruksi adalah salah satu kontributor utama pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Namun di lain pihak, proses konstruksi serta penggunaan fasilitas infrastruktur dan bangunan adalah juga penyumbang emisi gas CO2 dan mengkonsumsi energi yang cukup besar. Inventarisasi dampak lingkungan akibat berbagai aktivitas konstruksi diperlukan agar upaya-upaya perbaikan dapat dilakukan lebih efektif. Salah satu aktivitas konstruksi yang diduga mengkonsumsi energi cukup besar adalah pekerjaan pengasplan jalan, khususnya yang menggunakan campuran aspal panas. Dengan mengumpulkan data mengenai konsumsi bahan bakar yang digunakan pada berbagai tahap pekerjaan pengasplanjalan pada dua studi kasus, dilakukan perhitungan estimasi konsumsi energi dan emisi GRK, yang mengacu pada prosedur IPCC. Kajian dibatasi pada aktivitas yang terkait langsung pada sektor jasa konstruksi, yaitu i). Tahap produksi campuran aspal panas, ii). Tahap transportasi material dan iii). Tahap pelaksanaan pekerjaan pengaspalan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa proses pengeringan agregat adalah proses yang paling dominan yaitu mengkonsumsi energi sekitar 68%, dan emisinya sekitar 70-75% dari keseluruhan tahapan. Estimasi ini lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan untuk berbagai skenario metoda pekerjaan pengaspalan jalan, sehingga dapat diketahui metoda yang melibatkan proses-prosesyang paling optimal dalam meminimalkan dampak lingkungan. Lebih jauh, perhitungan estimasi yang disajikan dapat memberikan gambaran umum mengenai kebutuhan energi dan emisi gas rumah kaca terkait pekerjaan pengaspalan jalan secara nasional.Abstract. While construction sector contributes to the national economic development, the construction process and building use consume significant energy and create substantial CO2 emissions. The first effort in this context is to understand to quantitative impacts of construction activities to the environment. This study attempts to provide some estimates on this issue, focusing on the road construction projects particularly using hot mix asphalt. The estimates of energy consumptions and CO2 emissions from two case studies were calculated based on IPCC guidelines. These estimates were limited to three phases of HMA road projects, i.e., the process of mixing at the AMP, the transportation to the sites, and the HMA application at project sites.The findings indicate that  aggregate drying process at the AMP is the most contributor to the energy consumptions (68%) and emissions (70-75%) of the overall three phases observed. The presented methodology can be used to calculate the environmental impacts of different scenarios in road construction projects and recommending the optimal application technique (selection of main construction machines and equipment’s). Furthermore, with larger data sets and complete variations of cases, similar estimates can be used and compiled to provide national projections of energy consumptions and emissions contributed by HMA road construction projects.
Isu Strategis pada Pengadaan Pengusahaan Jalan Tol dalam Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta Wirahadikusumah, Reini D.; Sapitri, Sapitri; Susanti, Betty; Soemardi, Biemo W
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 20, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Studi mengenai permasalahan terkait investasi jalan tol telah banyak dilakukan, namun kajian ini fokus pada tahap pengadaan pengusahaan jalan tol. Berdasarkan studi literatur  teridentifikasi delapan isu pada tahap tersebut yaitu: i) proses pengadaan, ii). penilaian prakualifikasi dan seleksi, iii). metode pemberian konsesi, iv). kontrak konsesi, v). pengadaan tanah, vi). penentuan tarif, vii). permasalahan investasi, dan viii). aspek legal. Selanjutnya, dilakukan wawancara terstruktur dengan para pelaku yaitu dengan BPJT sebagai perwakilan pemerintah, dengantiga BUJT, dan dengan wakil dari Asosiasi Jalan Tol. Pada wawancara didiskusikan dan diperoleh penajaman pemahaman terhadap delapan aspek pengadaan pengusahaan jalan tol. Di samping masalah klasik pembebasan lahan, kajian ini telah mengidentifikasi potensi perbaikan pada tahap pengadaan pengusahaan jalan tol. Waktu lelang dapat dipersingkat dengan memperbaiki proses penyusunan dokumen lelang. Di samping itu, perlu dikaji bobot penilaian aspek finansial/teknis yang dapat meningkatkan keseimbangan antara kepentingan investor dan pemerintah. Penentuan tarif tol diharapkan dapat mencakup pertimbangan risiko utama secara lebih terukur. Terdapat kebutuhan dari investor untuk mendapatkan kepastian ketentuan terkait risiko-risiko utama agar diatur dengan lebih spesifik dan kontrak konsesi. Kajian ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa berbagai upaya pemerintah (diantaranya dalam rangka pembebasan lahan melalui dana bergulir BLU) dianggap oleh para BUJT sebagai suatu kemajuan, namun implementasi penegakan aspek legal masih belum optimal.Abstract. Challenges in toll road investments have been explored in numerous studies; this paper focuses on the issues during procurement stage of investors. Based on initial study, eight issues related to procurement were identified, i.e., i). the process, ii). the evaluation on prequalification and selection stages, iii) the method of concession award, iv). the contract, v). the land acquisition, vi). the calculation of initial tariff, vii). the requirement for investments, and viii). legal/law enforcement. These issues were then confirmed to the relevant parties: the toll road authority (i.e., BPJT), three major investors, and the association of toll road investors (i.e. ATI). In-depth interviews with representatives of these stakeholders were conducted to gain more substantial resolution on the eight issues of procurement. While investors agree that the procurement controlled by the toll road authority has improved, the solution to the classic problem of land acuisitions is still ineffective. The procurement process is taking too long, risking inflating construction costs. The much higher weighting of financial aspect to technical aspect used bid in evaluation is critized. Investors believe that tariff calculation should reflect better risk allocation and the concession contract should be more unbiased in order to attract wider investments much needed for Indonesian toll road sector.
Pola Supply Chain pada Proyek Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung Wirahadikusumah, Reini D.; Susilawati, Susilawati
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Salah satu penyebab rendahnya efisiensi industri konstruksi adalah tingkat fragmentasi yang tinggi. Fragmentasi bukan merupakan suatu fenomena yang harus dicegah, namun perlu dicari solusinya. Salah satu cara adalah melalui penerapan konsep supply chain. Dalam praktek penyelenggaraan konstruksi, persaingan yang terjadi bukan lagi persaingan antar perusahaan secara individu, namun merupakan persaingan antar jaringan supply chain konstruksi. Bahkan disain suatu jaringan supply chain yang buruk dapat meningkatkan biaya pelaksanaan proyek secara signifikan. Di Indonesia, berbagai upaya dalam penerapan konsep supply chain dan pengelolaannya secara efisien perlu didukung oleh suatu pemetaan pola jaringan supply chain konstruksi yang terdapat dalam praktek penyelenggaraan konstruksi. Pemetaan ini dilakukan melalui suatu studi kasus yang meninjau enam proyek yang mencakup tiga perusahaan kontraktor BUMN dan dua lokasi berbeda (Bandung dan Jakarta). Studi kasus dibatasi pada proyek bangunan gedung. Berdasarkan wawancara di lokasi proyek dan di tingkat perusahaan, ditemukan pola umum dan pola khusus jaringan supply chain konstruksi, sebagai refleksi dari jaringan supply chain konstruksi yang terbentuk pada dua kota yang berbeda. Pola umum yang dimaksud adalah pola yang mewakili keenam proyek dalam studi kasus, sedangkan polakhusus adalah pola yang membedakan antara satu proyek dengan proyek-proyek lainnya. Hasil analisis dari kedua kota ini selanjutnya dibandingkan kembali untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum dari enam proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung yang dilakukan oleh tiga kontraktor. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa peran pengguna jasa dalam pembentukkan jaringan supply chain konstruksi sangat besar.Abstract. The construction industry is highly fragmented, and this has caused inefficiency. Fragmentation in the industry cannot be avoided, rather it should be managed. The application of supply chain concept in construction has significant potentials in dealing with this issue. In the construction industry, the competion among contractors has evolved into competitions among construction supply chains, and an efficient construction supply chain can reduce construction costs. In Indonesia, in order to implement the concept and develop efficient supply chain, the industry first needs to have in-depth descriptions of the various networks depicting construction supply chains. This paper discusses a study investigating a range of patterns of construction supply chains identified in high-rise building projects. A multiple-case study has been performed. The study included six projects involving three experienced contractors in two different cities (Jakarta and Bandung). Based on comprehensive interviews, the study found two different patterns: general patterns (common within the six projects) and specific patterns (distinctive of each project). A comparison analysis was succeeded to identify overall description of the six projects, despite the differences in the locations and in the construction companies. Another finding is the fact that owners play considerable role in structuring the construction supply chains.
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 3 No 1 (2015): The 17th FSTPT of International Symposium
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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Performance Based Contract (PBC) is one strategy to improve the effectiveness of road maintenance. PBC recently applied in Indonesia in 2011 and driven by Performance-Based Budgeting system. Through this budgeting system, expenditures for national road maintenance projects should be carried out as efficiently as possible and provide a long service life. But the national road agency still do not have an instrument that can be used to assess the efficiency of road maintenance costs for the project which will be delivered using PBC approach. Appropriate method used to assess the life cycle cost (LCC) efficiency of an infrastructure asset is using Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA).This study aims to develop an assessment framework to specifically assess LCC for road maintenance project which will be contracted usingPBC schemes. LCC assessment framework generated in this study takes into account the road agencies and road users cost, with input variables consist of road design, LCCA analysis period, the road performance prediction, and the road maintenance strategies.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 8, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (115.354 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v8i2.1842.%p


Abstract The need for mass transportation urges the government of Jakarta to build a monorail system. Monorail will increase the capacity of  public transportation system and give a new color to the urban transportation services. Users will have an additional mode choice and then make their preferences. User’s behaviour when choosing mode can be modeled using Stated Preference data. By using Stated Preference, monorail can be compared objectively to existing modes, namely private car, AC bus, non-AC bus, and busway using specific service attributes. Attributes used in this study are journey time, fare, frequency of departure, delay, and walking time to station. Stated Preference data were obtained from a survey to prospective passengers in the service area of the Green Line monorail corridor. Binary logit models were employed to model mode choices and the utility function was in a linear form. Calibration was done by multiple linear regression. Four mode choice models were then obtained, namely monorail versus private car model, monorail versus AC bus model, monorail versus non-AC bus model and monorail versus busway model. Keywords:  monorail, mode choice, service attribute, Stated Preference (SP)Â