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Uji Kepekaan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Hasil Isolasi Dari Urin Pasien Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Terhadap Antibiotik Golongan P-Laktam Sri Harnanik; Sri Mulyaningsih; Asih Triastuti
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2005)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Uncontrolled use of antibiotic caused the emergence of bacteria strain resistant toward of antibiotic. The sensitivity assay of E. coli toward p-lactam antibiotic has been done. The sensitivity assay was started with isolated bacteria from patients urine at Dr. Sardjito hospital followed by count total of colony/number of germ which growth and identified the bacteria. The Kirby Bauer method was performed. Antibiotic impregnated disk (ampicillin 30 ng, sulbactam/ampicillin 20 ng, cefotaxim 30 ng, ceftazidime 30 jig, ceftriaxon 30 ng, cefpirom 30 ng, cefepim 30 ng and imipenem 10 ng) were placed on agar plate previously streaked with suspension of E. coli (1.10 CFU/ml). The plates were incubated for 18-24 hours at 37° C. The diameters of the zone inhibition were measured, and compared to standar interpretive zone sizes. The result of the study showed that all of E. coli resistant toward antibiotic ampicillin; 65% resistant toward antibiotic sulbactam/ampicillin; 50% still sensitive toward antibiotic third cefalosporin generation that is cefotaxim, ceftazidime, ceftriaxon; more than 50% sensitive toward fourth cefalosporin generation like cefepim, cefpirom and all of pathogen bacteria E. coli sensitive toward antibiotic imipenem.
Potensi Ekstrak Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia purpurata K. Schum) sebagai Cairan Pencuci Buah: Red Galangal Extract’s (Alpinia purpurata K. Schum) Potential as Fruit Washing Liquid Sri Mulyaningsih; Agustriyanata Vieri Ansharullah
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan Vol. 4 No. SE-1 (2022): Spesial Edition J. Sains Kes.
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v4iSE-1.1689


Mencuci buah merupakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan sebelum mengkonsumsi buah. Pencucian buah dilakukan dengan air atau cairan lain untuk membersihkan kotoran atau bakteri yang menempel. Ekstrak lengkuas merah dilaporkan mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti ekstrak etanol rimpang lengkuas merah dalam menginaktivasi jumlah bakteri total dan Escherichia coli serta mengetahui potensinya sebagai cairan pencuci pada buah. Analisis kandungan ekstrak dilakukan dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas spektroskopi massa. Ekstrak diperoleh dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 0,5%, 1%, dan 5% selanjutnya digunakan untuk merendam buah takokak selama 5 menit. Penentuan jumlah bakteri menggunakan metode total plate count (TPC) pada media plate count agar (PCA) dan eosin methylene blue (EMB) Agar. Data dianalisis statistik menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann-whitney. Hasil GCMS komponen ekstrak lengkuas merah merupakan golongan fenol, ester, asam lemak dan minyak atsiri seperti eugenol, trans-kariofilen, dan b-farnesen. Jumlah bakteri total dari air rendaman buah takokak dari ketiga konsentrasi tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif. Sementara penurunan jumlah bakteri E. coli akibat perlakuan ekstrak rimpang laos merah berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif maupun kontrol positifnya. Kesimpulannya, ekstrak rimpang lengkuas merah berpotensi sebagai cairan pencuci mengurangi jumlah E. coli, tetapi kurang efektif menurunkan jumlah bakteri total.
Sifat Fisika Kimia dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Kefir Susu Kacang Hijau dengan Kombinasi Jahe Merah Sri Mulyaningsih; Muhammad Sa’id Nugroho
Jurnal Kesehatan Farmasi Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Farmasi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (650 KB) | DOI: 10.36086/jpharm.v4i1.1240


Latar Belakang: Susu kacang hijau merupakan susu nabati yang dapat dijadikan alternatif bahan baku pembuatan kefir. Jahe merah mengandung senyawa polifenol yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sifat fisika kimia dan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Escherichia coli dari kefir susu kacang hijau yang ditambah jahe merah, serta mengetahui konsentrasi optimal penambahan jahe merah terhadap kefir susu kacang hijau. Metode: Formula kefir susu kacang hijau dibuat dengan konsentrasi kefir 10% dan konsentrasi glukosa 10% yang ditambahkan jahe merah 5%, 10%, 15% v/v. Kemudian dilakukan uji sifat fisik kimia meliputi uji organoleptik (rasa, aroma, warna, konsistensi), nilai pH dan kadar total asam dengan metode titrasi. Uji aktivitas antibakteri dengan metode difusi cara sumuran. Data yang diperoleh dibandingkan antara kefir yang tidak ditambahkan jahe merah dan yang ditambahkan jahe merah 5%, 10%, 15% v/v dan dianalisis statistik dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Hasil uji organoleptik meliputi aroma, rasa, dan konsistensi kefir susu kacang hijau dengan kombinasi jahe merah 5%, 10%, 15% v/v sesuai dengan SNI susu fermentasi berperisa. Nilai pH kefir susu kacang hijau kombinasi jahe merah konsentrasi 0%, 5%, 10% 15% v/v sebesar 3,52; 3,44; 3,51; 3,58. Kadar total asam kefir yang diperoleh sebesar 0,84%−0,94%, memenuhi persyaratan kefir menurut Codex Alimentarius (WHO). Diameter zona hambat kefir susu kacang hijau kombinasi jahe merah konsentrasi 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% v/v berturut-turut sebesar 7,0; 7,7; 6; dan 6 mm. Kefir susu kacang hijau kombinasi jahe merah konsentrasi 5% v/v memiliki aktivitas antibakteri paling besar. Kesimpulan: Kefir susu kacang hijau yang ditambah jahe merah memiliki sifat fisika kimia yang memenuhi persyaratan kefir, dan meningkatkan aktivitas antibakterinya terhadap E.coli. Penambahan jahe merah yang optimal pada kefir susu kacang hiaju adalah 5%.
Pola Pengobatan Mandiri (Swamedikasi) Dan Edukasi Penggunaan Obat Berbasis "Dagusibu"Pada Diaspora Indonesia Di Kairo Mesir Sri Mulyaningsih; Ginanjar Zukhruf Saputri; Hendy Ristiono; Susan Fitria Candradewi; Dwi Utami; Suparman; Nadia Istiqomah
SNHRP Vol. 5 (2023): Seminar Nasional Hasil Riset dan Pengabdian (SNHRP) Ke 5 Tahun 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana

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Data Badan Pusat Statistik 2023 merilis persentase masyarakat Indonesia yang melakukan swamedikasi sangat tinggi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup agar swamedikasi dilakukan dengan tepat, aman dan rasional supaya tidak menimbulkan permasalah an saat swamedikasi. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran penggunaan swamedikasi serta melakukan edukasi swamedikasi di kalangan diaspora Indonesia di Mesir. Pengabdian dilakukan secara hybrid, pengisian kuisioner dilakukan secara tatap muka. Edukasi (penyuluhan) swamedikasi dan DAGUSIBU dilakukan secara daring dengan media leaflet. Swamedikasi diaspora Indonesia di Mesir dilakukan umumnya oleh mahasiswa dengan rentang usia dari 17 sampai 30 tahun. Swamedikasi ditujukan untuk diri sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri dengan tujuan sebagai langkah pertama terhadap penyakit yang diderita. Adapun riwayat obat yang banyak digunakan swamedikasi adalah obat penurun demam.
Effect of ethanol solvent concentrations in pepino melon fruit (Solanum muricatum Aiton) extraction on total flavonoid, phenolic, and beta-carotene content Girly Risma Firsty; Nining Sugihartini; Sri Mulyaningsih
Pharmaciana Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v13i2.25226


The quality of an extract is determined by the type and level of compounds contained therein. The solvent is one of the elements that influences the extract's quality. Therefore, extraction must be carried out using a solvent that can extract bioactive substances. This study was aimed at obtaining the optimal concentration of ethanol in extracting flavonoids, phenolics, and beta-carotene from pepino melon fruit. In this study, dried pepino melon fruit was extracted using ethanol of 50%, 70%, and 96%. The extracts were analyzed qualitatively for phenolic and flavonoid using thin layer chromatography (TLC), and quantitatively using a spectrophotometry. Meanwhile, beta-carotene levels were determined using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The data of level flavonoid, phenolic, and beta-carotene were statistically analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed that 50%, 70%, and 96% ethanol solvent produced extracts with a yield value of 51.8%; 87.4%; 54.6%; total flavonoid content of 0.298 ± 0.04 mgQE/g; 0.559 ± 0.03 mgQE/g; 0.289 ± 0.01 mgQE/g; total phenolic content of 4.763 ± 0.08 mgGAE/g; 3.631 ± 0.12 mgGAE/g; 3.317 ± 0.10 mgGAE/g; beta-carotene level of 0.157 ± 0.02 mg/g; 0.910 ± 0.16 mg/g; 1.054 ± 0.13 mg/g, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in different ethanol concentrations in extraction with the content of total flavonoids, total phenolics, and beta-carotene (p<0.05). The optimal ethanol solvent for extracting flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and beta-carotene from pepino melon fruit was 70% ethanol.
Determination of the Active Chemical Compounds and the Antibacterial Activity of Various Fractions of Lawsonia inermis L. Sri Mulyaningsih; Febriyati Adji Rachmadani
Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022): Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/bjop.v5i3.3221


Lawsonia inermis L., or henna leaves, are usually used to treat wounds on the skin. Lawsonia inermis contain naphthoquinones, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. The antibacterial activity of L. inermis leaf extract in various solvents has been extensively studied. However, which component is responsible for the antibacterial activity is still unknown. This study was intended to investigate the antibacterial effect of L. inermis fractions against Staphylococcus aureus and to discover the antibacterial chemical class in the most active fraction. The methanol extract was fractionated with n-hexane and ethyl acetate subsequently. The antibacterial activity of various fractions was tested using the well diffusion method. TLC-bioautography was used to identify the class of active chemicals as antibacterial agents. Antibacterial activity against S. aureus was highest in the ethyl acetate fraction. TLC-bioautography of the ethyl acetate fraction showed inhibition areas at Rf values of 0.25 and 0.53, respectively, indicating the naphthoquinones and phenolic compounds groups. In conclusion, naphthoquinones and phenolic compounds are suggested to contribute to the antibacterial effect of the ethyl acetate fraction of L. inermis leaves.
Antibacterial Effect of Cinnamon and Citronella Oils Combination Against Acne-Related Bacteria Sri Mulyaningsih; Arya Guna Ramadhan; Widyasari Putranti
Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/bjop.v6i3.4735


Acne vulgaris is a dermatological disease whose pathogenesis is due to high sebum secretion, hyperkeratinization, hormonal changes, or bacterial infections. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus are bacteria that can induce inflammation in acne. Cinnamomum burmannii and Cymbopogon nardus essential oils have been reported to have antibacterial activity against S. epidermidis and S. aureus. This study aimed to obtain the type of interaction of a combination of C. burmannii and C. nardus oils in inhibiting bacteria associated with acne. Essential oil components were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). Optimize the combination of C. burmannii and C. nardus oils using the checkerboard method. Furthermore, the Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index (FICI) value is calculated to determine the effect of a combination that is synergistic, additive, not different or antagonistic. The main components of C. burmannii oil identified are cinnamaldehyde, eucalyptol, cinnamyl acetate, α-limonene, and α-terpineol. While C. nardus oil contains the five largest components: geraniol, citronellal, citronellol, citral, and geranyl acetate. Cinnamomum burmannii oil yielded 0.28%, with a refractive index of 1.5237. Meanwhile, the yield of C. nardus oil was 0.26%, with a refractive index of 1.4667. The combination of both oils yielded a FICI value of 1.5. The conclusion of this study shows that the combination of the two essential oils produces an indifferent effect against both S. epidermidis and S. aureus.
Medical Sains : Jurnal Ilmiah Kefarmasian Vol 9 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37874/ms.v9i2.1202


Hair is the crown for everyone because hair functions aside from providing warmth, protection, beauty, and support. Hair loss that can cause baldness is one of the most serious problems for everyone. This study aimed to determine the activity of Hair Tonic combination formulations of kelor leaf ethanol extract (Moringa oleifera Lam.) and ethanol extracts of Fragrant Pandan  leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) on rat hair growth compared to single use. The method began with the maseration process of ethanol extract of kelor leaves and ethanol extract of Fragrant Pandan leaves, characterization of extracts (specific and non-specific parameters), chemical content testing of extracts and formulation of Hair Tonic preparations consisting of F1 (positive control), F2 (6% kelor leaf extract), F3 (6% ethanol pandan extract), F4 (combination of 2% kelor leaf extract with 4% ethanol pandan extract), F5 (3% kelor leaf ethanol extract and 3% ethanol pandan leaf extract), F6 (combination of 4% kelor leaf ethanol extract and 2% ethanol pandan leaf extract). The rat hair growth activity was divided into 8 groups: each rat's back was shaved to a size of 4 × 4 cm, the rats were left for 24 hours and then testing was carried out by spraying each formula, and hair growth was observed for 28 days. ...