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PEMIKIRAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Joebagio, Hermanu; Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 26, No 2 (2016): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v26i2.6697


According to the historical event of the Mangkunegaran dinasty said that of entrepreneurship is more striking than the Mataram kingdom such as Kasunanan Surakarta and Kasultanan Yogyakarta Reign. From the time  Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegara IV were successful in plugging the power base of the civil economy proves that the civil Mangkunegaran as one kingdom in Kejawen in the field of entrepreneurship is more advanced than in other Javanese kingdoms. For that reason , this study wanted to find the root network entrepreneurial thinking Mangkunegaran as the focus of the study . This study takes the subject of Mangkunegara thought starting Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegaran IV. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth network thought what are strongly held by Sri Mangkunegara I until IV in developing civil entrepreneurial base . The research method used is the historical multidimensional method. The result in this study is that the success of the civil Mangkunegaran in building economic power is highly correlated with entrepreneurial thinking of Mangkunegaran. The thought of Mangkunegara I to IV into civil spirit in building the ethos of entrepreneurship as well as the existence of the family and the kingdom . Although it is epistemological, each kings who ruled  differently .Secara historis keberadaan Praja Mang-kunegaran yang unggul dalam bidang kewirausahaan memang lebih maju dari pada kutub-kutub kerajaan Mataram lainnya seperti Kasunanan Surakarta dan Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini ingin mendalami dasar pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran yang bersumber pada ajaran filosofis Mangkunegara I sampai IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam pemikiran dan nilai-nilai filosofis yang di pegang teguh oleh Sri Mangkunegara I sampa IV dalam mengembangkan basis kewirausahaan praja. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode sejarah dengan pendekatan multidimensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesuksesan Praja Mangkunegaran dalam membangun kekuatan ekonomi sangat berkorelasi dengan pemikiran filosofis ajaran leluhur Mangkunegaran. Pemikiran filosofis dari Mangkunegara I sampai IV menjadi spirit praja dalam membangun kewirausahaan serta eksistensi trah dan kerajaannya. Walaupun secara epistimologis, masing-masing raja yang memerintah mengaktualisasikannya secara berbeda-beda.    
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 24, No 2 (2016): Agama, Politik dan Kebangsaan
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.24.2.974


The history of the collapse of the Majapahit showed the discourse of power. In this context  rule has been supporting a particular version of historical knowledge. Applying  historical method and multi-dimensional approach, this study aims to find out why the knowledge about the collapse of Majapahit spreading among community members was more tended toward the version that Girindra-wardhana  as a single actor who overthrow Prabu Brawijaya V. The results of this study indicated  that the knowledge  among Javanese  community about the collapse  of Majapahit that stated Girindrawardhana as the sole actor that attacked  and subverted  the kingdom of Majapahit which at the time was ruled by King Kertabhumi (Brawijaya V) is supported by a wide range of all power of the ruling elite that were largely due to ideological motives. Power and ideology are used as a means of legalizing knowledge.***Sejarah runtuhnya Majapahit memunculkan diskursus yang menampilkan ke­kuasaan. Dengan demikian kekuasaan telah menyokong versi pengetahuan sejarah tertentu. Dengan menggunakan metode sejarah dan pendekatan multi-dimensional, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa penge­tahuan tentang peristiwa runtuhnya Majapahit yang berkembang dalam masyarakat lebih me­nisbatkan pada versi Girindrawardhana sebagai aktor tunggal yang melengserkan kekuasaan Prabu Brawijaya V. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjuk­kan bahwa pengetahuan masyarakat Jawa mengenai peristiwa runtuhnya Majapahit yang meletakkan Girindrawardhana sebagai aktor tunggal yang menyerang dan menumbangkan kerajaan Majapahit yang pada waktu diperintah oleh Prabu Kertabhumi (Brawijaya V) disokong oleh berbagai ke­kuataan elit penguasa yang sebagian besar karena motif ideologi. Kekuasaan dan ideologi digunakan sebagai alat legalisasi pengetahuan.
BISNIS KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Joebagio, Hermanu
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Ekonomi (Bisnis) Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.24.1.975


The history of economic development of Javanese community has experienced a very unique dynamic. In the XV and XVI centuries, trading tradition has been done by Javanese community along the north coastal of Java. But, the trading tradition getting dimmer in line with the strategy of economic centralization carried out by Sultan Agung prohibiting the people to trade in foreign countries. In the XIX century, that’s econdition is change, Mangkunegara IV restore the entrepreneurial tradition through various strategies. In addition, to restoring the entrepreneurial tradition of Javanese society, Mangkunegara IV also broke the old tradition of kepriyayinan (Javanese aristocrate) to want to do business, not just live in pleasure as breeds nobility or gentry class. Therefore, reviewing to the business strategy of Mangku­negaran IV becomes important, as part of the history of economic develop­ment Javanese community. By using the historical method and a multi­dimensional approach, through a variety of primary sources such as Mangku­negara IV literature, the study found that the Mangkunegaran IV’s business strategy conducted by building a centers of sugar cane farm and modernization of sugar factories on a large scale, so as to obtain additional revenue for the Mangkunegaran IV family. The successfull of his business, demonstrates to the Javanese nobility that he was a king who had a strong entrepreneurial spirit.***Sejarah perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat Jawa mengalami dinamika yang sangat unik. Pada abad XV dan XVI, tradisi berdagang telah dilakukan oeh masyarakat Jawa di sepanjang pantai utara Jawa. Akan tetapi tradisi tersebut se­makin meredup seiring adanya strategi sentralisasi ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh Sultan Agung yang melarang rakyatnya berdagang ke manca negara. Pada abad XIX, Mangkunegara IV mengembalikan tradisi wirausahawan tersebut melalui berbagai strategi. Selain itu, Mangku­negara IV juga mendobrak tradisi “kolot kepriyayinan” Jawa agar mau melakukan bisnis, bukan hanya hidup dalam ke­senangan sebagai trah bangsawan. Karena itu, mengkaji strategi bisnis keluarga Mangkunegaran IV menjadi penting, sebagai bagian dari sejarah perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat Jawa. Dengan metode penelitian sejarah dan pendekatan multidi­mensional, melalui berbagai sumber primer seperti karya-karya sastra Mangkunegara IV, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi bisnis keluarga Mangkunegaran IV dilakukan dengan membangun pusat-pusat perkebunan tebu dan modernisasi pabrik gula secara besar-besaran, sehingga memperoleh pen­dapatan tambahan bagi praja. Kesukses­an bisnis ini menunjukkan kepada para bangsawan Jawa bahwa dia adalah seorang raja yang memiliki jiwa entrepreneur­ship yang kuat.
PEMIKIRAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Joebagio, Hermanu
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 26, No 2 (2016): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v26i2.6697


According to the historical event of the Mangkunegaran dinasty said that of entrepreneurship is more striking than the Mataram kingdom such as Kasunanan Surakarta and Kasultanan Yogyakarta Reign. From the time  Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegara IV were successful in plugging the power base of the civil economy proves that the civil Mangkunegaran as one kingdom in Kejawen in the field of entrepreneurship is more advanced than in other Javanese kingdoms. For that reason , this study wanted to find the root network entrepreneurial thinking Mangkunegaran as the focus of the study . This study takes the subject of Mangkunegara thought starting Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegaran IV. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth network thought what are strongly held by Sri Mangkunegara I until IV in developing civil entrepreneurial base . The research method used is the historical multidimensional method. The result in this study is that the success of the civil Mangkunegaran in building economic power is highly correlated with entrepreneurial thinking of Mangkunegaran. The thought of Mangkunegara I to IV into civil spirit in building the ethos of entrepreneurship as well as the existence of the family and the kingdom . Although it is epistemological, each kings who ruled  differently .Secara historis keberadaan Praja Mang-kunegaran yang unggul dalam bidang kewirausahaan memang lebih maju dari pada kutub-kutub kerajaan Mataram lainnya seperti Kasunanan Surakarta dan Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini ingin mendalami dasar pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran yang bersumber pada ajaran filosofis Mangkunegara I sampai IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam pemikiran dan nilai-nilai filosofis yang di pegang teguh oleh Sri Mangkunegara I sampa IV dalam mengembangkan basis kewirausahaan praja. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode sejarah dengan pendekatan multidimensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesuksesan Praja Mangkunegaran dalam membangun kekuatan ekonomi sangat berkorelasi dengan pemikiran filosofis ajaran leluhur Mangkunegaran. Pemikiran filosofis dari Mangkunegara I sampai IV menjadi spirit praja dalam membangun kewirausahaan serta eksistensi trah dan kerajaannya. Walaupun secara epistimologis, masing-masing raja yang memerintah mengaktualisasikannya secara berbeda-beda.    

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v8n1.p33-52


Socio-historically the silver business has been the identity of the creative economy industry in Kotagede. This study aims to find a causal relationship between the business behaviors of silver HS silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede with family education values. In addition, this study want to find the process of inheritance business values in the family of silver HS Silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede. This design uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The procedure of this study focuses on the study of the phenomenon of the behavior of silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede Silver HS. The results of this study include the existence of a causal relationship between business success and Javanese cultural values applied in the family. Second, the founder of the HS company. Silver in daily practice inherits and instills the character values of good business education with families and all employees through examples in doing business. The values of business education include: honest, patient, humble, clean, neat, thorough, strong intention, innovative, and hard work. Third, the development of HS. Silver is increasingly advanced because the quality of management used is very good and the products produced always adjust to market developments.Keywords: Values, Education, Family Business, Entrepreneurs, Silver. 
The Business Ethics of Kotagede’s Silver Entrepreneurs from the Kingdom to the Modern Era Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Permana, Septian Aji
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 30, No 2 (2020): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v30i2.20691


The silver business since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII has gained its position in driving the economic progress of Kotagede’s people. The silver industry, besides its economic values, is also a cultural asset of the people of Yogyakarta. From 1935-1938, there were more than 78 silver entrepreneurs with a total annual production of 25 tons of silver. This study aims to determine and to analyze the history of the silver business in Kotagede and the values inherited from the kingdom period to the modern era. This research used the historical method by describing data on the development of silver business in Kotagede in a descriptive, chronological manner combined with a phenomenological approach. This research shows the success of the silver industry in Kotagede from the kingdom to the colonial era. It is supported by the collective power of the craftsmen community and silver entrepreneurs. It was also encouraged by the local government which helped to open the silver market network both at national and international levels. During the old order until the new order, the role of business actors in each founder of the silver business in building marketing networks both nationally and internationally became one of the main factors in running the silver industry in Kotagede. Third, the ethics inherited include honest, patient, simple, clean, neat, conscientious, healthy intentions, innovative, hard work. Bisnis perak sejak era pemerintahan Sri Sultan HB VIII telah mendapatkan posisi tersendiri dalam mendorong kemajuan ekonomi masyarakat Kotagede. Industri perak selain bernilai ekonomis tinggi dan potensial di pasar domestik maupun mancanegara juga menjadi aset budaya masyarakat Yogyakarta. Sejak 1935- 1938 terdapat lebih dari 78 pengusaha perak dengan total produksi tiap tahun 25 ton perak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis sejarah perkembangan bisnis perak di Kotagede beserta nilai-nilai yang di wariskan dari era kerajaan sampai era modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan memaparkan data-data perkembangan bisnis perak di Kotagede secara deskriptif, kronologis yang digabungkan dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan sebagai berikut. Pertama, kesuksesan perkembangan perak di Kotagede pada era kerajaan sampai kolonial selain ditopang oleh kekuatan kolektivitas komunitas pengrajin dan pengusaha perak juga didorong oleh pemerintah lokal yang membantu membuka jejaring pasar perak baik level nasional maupun internasional. Kedua, pada masa orde lama sampai orde baru peranan aktor-aktor bisnis pada masing-masing pendiri usaha perak dalam membangun jaringan pemasaran baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional menjadi salah satu faktor utama dalam menjalankan roda bisnis perak di Kotagede. Ketiga, etika yang diwariskan dalam bisnis perak diantaranya adalah: jujur, sabar, sederhana, bersih, rapi, teliti, niat kuat, inovatif, kerja keras. 
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 41, No 2 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/fis.v41i2.5387


Social science plays an important roles in the development ofIndonesian educational system. It supports the students to gain the competency of well human being and citizenship.The reconstruction of the curriculum for several times makes the teacher of social science studiesthink an alternative methodology of teaching. This alternative methodology shoul be constructive and critical. To stimulate the students learning interest, they are needed to be brought closer to the social issues around their environtment. It is expected to construct their critical awareness to their communities. They are not longer dominated by the teacher in the learning process. The teacher just provides the discourse and facilitates them to have some critical pedagogy activities.The aim of this article is togive an overview of Social Science learning process based on theconstructivism model. This theory supports a critical pedagogydevelopment which brings the students become a good critically and responsibility citizen. Education , Social Studies, Constructivism , School
Peranan Ulama Muhammadiyah dalam Pembentukan APS (Askar Perang Sabil) di Yogyakarta Tahun 1947-1949 Hidayah, Siti Nurul; Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Kreativitas dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.883 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v5i1.34537


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Bagaimana Gambaran umum Yogyakarta Pada Masa Revolusi Fisik di Indonesia (2) Bagaimana Gambaran Umum Ulama Masa Revolusi Fisik di Yogyakarta (3) Bagaimana Peranan Ulama Muhammadiyah dalam Pembentukan APS (Askar Perang Sabil) di Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Literatur dengan lima tahapan, yakni: (1) Pemilihan topik, menentukan pokok-pokok masalah yang akan diteliti, (2) Heuristik, (3) Kritik sumber, (5) Historiografi, penyusunan sejarah secara kronologis sehingga tersusunlah penulisan sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) Revolusi Fisik di Yogyakarta terjadi karena beberapa hal yaitu, Agresi Militer Belanda I, Pemberontakan PKI di Gunungkidul, Agresi Militer Belanda II dan Serangan Umum 1 Maret, (2) Pada masa Revolusi Fisik di Yogyakarta, Para ulama seperti NU, MIAI memiliki peranan dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan salah satunya yaitu dalam mendirikan laskar-laskar islam seperti Hisbullah dan Sabilillah (3) para ulama di Yogyakarta yaitu Muhammadiyah juga ikut berpartisipasi pada masa Revolusi Fisik yaitu dalam pembentukan APS dan dalam memberikan latihan-latihan Fisik, Idiologi dan Kerohanian. 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v8n1.p33-52


Socio-historically the silver business has been the identity of the creative economy industry in Kotagede. This study aims to find a causal relationship between the business behaviors of silver HS silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede with family education values. In addition, this study want to find the process of inheritance business values in the family of silver HS Silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede. This design uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The procedure of this study focuses on the study of the phenomenon of the behavior of silver entrepreneurs in Kotagede Silver HS. The results of this study include the existence of a causal relationship between business success and Javanese cultural values applied in the family. Second, the founder of the HS company. Silver in daily practice inherits and instills the character values of good business education with families and all employees through examples in doing business. The values of business education include: honest, patient, humble, clean, neat, thorough, strong intention, innovative, and hard work. Third, the development of HS. Silver is increasingly advanced because the quality of management used is very good and the products produced always adjust to market developments.Keywords: Values, Education, Family Business, Entrepreneurs, Silver. 
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.819 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v9i2.5002


Abstrak. Pengampu mata pelajaran IPS-Sejarah sebagai salah satu matapelajaran yang mengembangkan kecerdasan sosial peserta didik memerlukanterobosan pendekatan pengajaran yang lebih merangsang minat peserta didikdalam belajar sejarah di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, para perserta didik harusdidekatkan dengan isu-isu sosial di sekitar lingkunganya sehingga timbulkesadaran kritis dalam memandang persoalan-persoalan sosial dalam masyarakat.Dalam hal inilah model pendidikan IPS sejarah di sekolah haruslah berbasiskritis. Peserta didik dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran tidaklah lagiterdominasi oleh setiap instruksi dan wacana pemikiran dari guru. Namun,peserta didiklah yang akan mengkonstruksi pengetahuanya sendiri secara sadardan kritis tanpa dominasi dari siapapun. Artikel ini ingin memberikan pandanganpemikiran tentang model pendidikan IPS sejarah berbasis critical pedagogy disekolah. Pendekatan critical pedagogy dapat mengantarkan peserta didik menjadipribadi warga negara yang baik.Kata-kata kunci: Pembelajaran, IPS Sejarah, Critical Pedagogy, SekolahAbstract. The teacher of social studies-history as a subject to develop pupils’social quotient needs an alternative of teaching approach. This would stimulatespupils’ motivation in learning history. Therefore, pupils have to be engaged withsocial issues to encourage the critical awareness. The teaching model of socialstudies-history should be based on the critical thinking. The pupils should not bedominated by the thinking of teachers. However, the pupils should construct theirown knowledge. This article wants to give a perspective on the teaching model ofsocial studies-history based on critical pedagogy. This approach could lead thepupils to be the well citizensKeywords : Learning, Social Studies, Critical Pedagogy, School