Fadly Hairannoor Yusran
Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Published : 24 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Found 24 Documents

Soil Organic Carbon Losses: The Balance between Respiration and Leaching, and Phosphorus Mobility in Lateritic Soils Yusran, Fadly Hairannoor
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 15, No 3: September 2010

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2010.v15i3.245-254


Soil Organic Carbon Losses: The Balance between Respiration and Leaching, and Phosphorus Mobility in Lateritic Soils (FH Noor): Organic matter (OM) application may contribute to managing lateritic soils by improving aspects of physical, chemical, and biological fertility.  However, the finite persistence of organic carbon (OC), the main component of soil organic matter (SOM), may limit the usefulness of OM addition because decomposition and C leaching promotes C loss from the soil, especially in tropical regions.  The main objectives of this study were to determine the balance and dynamics of soil OC (SOC) due to mineralisation and leaching processes and the relationship of these processes to P mobility in soil.  Two lateritic soils of Western Australia were used.  Both soils were packed into plastic columns and water was added to simulate two rainfall regimes: tropical (4,000 mm year 1) and subtropical (900 mm year 1).  Three types of OM (peat, wheat straw, and lucerne hay) were added at the equivalent of 80Mg ha 1.  Soils were watered weekly to supply one year’s rainfall over a period of six months.  Carbon loss from leaching contributed 1.4% of the total C, whilst respiration accounted for 10.4%.  The Ultisol with a sandy texture had more C loss in leachate than the Oxisol with higher clay content, for the simulated tropical rainfall.  The subtropical rainfall regime resulted in more respiration than the tropical rainfall regime.  Downward movement of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) changed the distribution of non-extractable phosphorus (NP) and bicarbonate phosphorus (BP) in the leaching column, as well as the dislocation of extractable Al and Fe.
Existing Versus Added Soil Organic Matter in Relation to Phosphorus Availability on Lateritic Soils Fadly Hairannoor Yusran
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 13, No 1: January 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2008.v13i1.23-34


Lateritic soils (Ultisols and Oxisols) are commonly characterised by high phosphate sorbing capacity due to the type of clay and present high content of aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides.  Addition of fresh organic matter (OM) may contribute to management of these soils by releasing more bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus (BP) through organic phosphorus (OP) transformation, or by the soluble component of OM additions desorbing phosphate by ligand exchange.  It is not known, however, whether BP results solely from addition of new OM (by either mineralisation or desorption) or from transformation of inherent or pre-existing in soil.  We considered that removing the existing soil OM and replacing it with an equivalent amount of new OM may help to resolve this issue, especially with respect to P transformation after OM additions.  Three lateritic soils of Western Australia (including a deep regolith material with very low inherent soil OM (SOM)) were used, and sub-samples of the three soils were combusted (450° C) to obtain soils effectively free from existing OM.  A further sub-sample of the soils was not combusted.  Both soil groups, receiving the same amount of organic carbon (OC, from 80 ton ha-1 biomass + soil OM or biomass equal to soil OM) from peat, wheat straw (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne hay (Medicago sativa L.), were incubated for nine months.  Soil bicarbonate-extractable P as well as non-extractable P (NP, measured as Total-P (TP)-BP) increased due to new OM application in the order lucerne hay>peat>wheat straw.  The correlation between BP with soil organic carbon (SOC) became more positive over time.  Microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) was not well correlated with the increase of NP content and phosphatase was not related to the increase in BP.  Overall, freshly applied (new) OM not only contributed to the increased level of P compared with the existing OM treatment.
The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content Said Ramadhan; Fadly Hairannoor Yusran; Abdul Haris; Suhaili Asmawi
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 19, No 3: September 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2014.v19i3.143-149


The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process of burning in peat. In addition, this study was also to examine the relationship between water content in peat and organic functional group after combustion (burning).  Peat drying was conducted in an oven at a temperature of 75°C with the interval of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours.  Each time interval had three replicates within two sets of experiments so that the total number of samples were 42 (experimental units).  Variables measured were moisture content, total acidity, COOH groups, and OH-phenolate.  The relationship between the water content with total acidity, COOH groups and OH-phenolate were determined by the equation y = bx + a.  The results showed that the relationship between the water content with organic functional group was linear.  While the relationship between peat water content with organic functional group after burning was irregular, although water levels through the process of burning have been greatly reduced. Keywords: Burning peat; organic functional groups; water content [How to Cite: Said R, FH Yusran, A Haris and S Asmawi. 2014. The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content. J Trop Soils 19: 143-149. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.143]    
Relationship between Organic-C and Available-P Due to Tidal Fluctuation in South Kalimantan Fadly Hairannoor Yusran
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 17, No 3: September 2012

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2012.v17i3.253-257


Tidal fluctuation creates different soil chemical properties which is totally deviate from normal circumstances.  Organic matter decomposition occurs with limited O2 supply, hence disturbing Carbon cycle which has a central role in the process and nutrient mineralisation.  The research aimed was  to describe the relationship between organic-C and available-P due to tidal fluctuation in South Kalimantan.  Ten undisturbed composite samples were collected in top-soil and sub-soil.  Results showed that there was no direct effect from organic-C in P availability as in other mineral soils.  However, there was an indication that the relationship was influenced by maturing process of the soil.  In other words, the relationship between organic-C and available-P was typical for every type of swampland and was not related to the tidal fluctuationKeywords: Available-P, organic-C, P-transformation, tidal water fluctuation [How to Cite: Yusran FH. 2012. Relationship between Organic-C and Available-P Due to Tidal Fluctuation in South Kalimantan. J Trop Soils 17 (3) : 253-257. doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.3.253] [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2012.17.3.253] 
The Relationship between Phosphate Adsorption and Soil Organic Carbon from Organic Matter Addition Fadly Hairannoor Yusran
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 15, No 1: January 2010

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2010.v15i1.1-10


The Relationship between Phosphate Adsorption and Soil Organic Carbon from Organic Matter Addition (FH Yusran): The application of organic matter (OM) can increase soil phosphorus (P) availability via soil mineralisation. In lateritic soils, however, soluble organic carbon (OC) from OM may also reduce phosphate adsorption capacity, a process that also releases P in soil solution. In these soils, competitive adsorption could be dominant compared to mineralisation. The main objectives of this study were to study phosphate adsorption in three lateritic soils which have been treated with different types and amounts of organic amendment, and had intrinsic OC removed by combustion. The adsorption isotherms showed that OM addition could reduce phosphate adsorption and that this reduction could last up to nine months after application. Lucerne hay was more effective than peat and wheat straw additions in reducing phosphate adsorption capacity. The bicarbonate phosphorus (BP) release through mineralisation occurred despite the increase of phosphate adsorption capacity due to the combustion of soil samples. Peat treatment was predicted to be more effective in creating organo-metal complexes with Al and Fe. Overall, mineralisation from added organic amendment was effective in minimising P adsorption in lateritic soil. 
Pengaruh Pemberian Sekam, Bokashi Dan Trikopukan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Jurkani Jurkani; Fadly Hairannoor Yusran; Antar Sofyan
Agroekotek View Vol 2, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/agtview.v2i3.1218


This research aims to determine which treatment has significant effect using organic materials such as Husk, Bokashi and Trikopukan, so that later the research results can provide information to farmers to apply to the field and other students to make reference material for further research. The formulation of the problem is whether Three are differences in effect of the application of organic matter to growth and result of the okra and on which organic ingredients have the best or real influence. The research was conducted on at the Land Owned by  Wahana Kalimantan Institute, North Loktabat, Banjarbaru. The time for conducting this study lasted three months, starting from September to November 2017. In this study using a randomized block design method consisting of five treatments including controls and four replications namely T0: control, T1: 1.5 kg husk, T2: 1, 5 kg of bokashi, T3: 1.5 kg of trichopukan and T4 of 1.5 kg composite. The research results obtained after the observation were that organic matter with a dose of 10 t ha-1 could increase the growth rate and yield of okra plants, especially organic matter fermented with trichoderma microorganisms able to show a very significant effect on all observation variables, while the best treatment was indicated by treatment trichopukan.
EnviroScienteae Vol 11, No 1 (2015): EnviroScienteae Volume 11 Nomor 1, April 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.019 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/es.v11i1.1950


This study aims to identify the causes, prevention, and analyze the characteristics of the relationship with the peoples of the community efforts around the scene of the fire. The samples were the people residing in the District Basarang taken using Slovin formula with 10 % percent inaccuracy. In identifying the causes of the fire based on what is know to the respondents while prevention efforts using parameters : the creation of firebreaks, clean the fuel under forest stands/land, controlled burning and noticed the burning time. Characteristics of respondents to prevention using three characteristics such as age, education and occupation. The results showed that the fires in the District Basarang caused by agricultural land clearing by burning, throwing cigarette butts carelessly, the presence of fuel/dry combustible materials, sparks coming from the region and due to natural factors such as long dry season. Efforts to prevent fires by creating firebreaks dominated 88.8%, clean the fuel under forest stands/land 72.4%, conduct controlled burn 71.4%, and 53.1% of the time of burning. The variables of age, education, and community work towards making firebreaks and burning have a relationship that is being controlled. The variables of age, education, and community work against efforts to clean the fuel under forest stands/land and of the time of combustion have a pretty strong and powerful
KAJIAN STATUS KUALITAS AIR SUNGAI RIAM KANAN Studi Kasus Sungai Riam Kanan Di Desa Awang Bangkal Kecamatan Karang Intan Kabupaten Banjar Lestari Fatria Wahyuni; Mijani Rahman; Fadly H. Yusran; Eka Iriadenta
EnviroScienteae Vol 7, No 2 (2011): EnviroScienteae Volume 7 Nomor 2, Agustus 2011
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v7i2.464


This study was executed to analyze the water quality of  Riam Kanan River, especially  at Awang Bangkal village, Karang Intan District, Banjar County.  The analysis using the purposive sampling method was done at four stations; at a station before any activities involved in the river and surroundings,   at after the presence of aquaculture activities, at after the presence of some settlements, and at after some activities of coral sand mining and aquaculture.   The incite and laboratory analysis result for 13 parameters of the fourth stations showed that there were 3 parameters (BOD, COD, and DO) at Station I-III and 5 parameters (TSS, BOD, COD, DO and oil/fat) at Station IV which have exceeded the first grade water quality standard according to PPRI No. 82 2001 and the decree of South Kalimantan Governor  No.05 2007.  Based on the status of water quality standard,  it can be determined that the Riam Kanan River, especially Awang Bangkal Village, Karang Intan District, Banjar County was included in moderate- contaminated, whereas at the station after the coral sand mining was heavy contaminated.  It can be concluded that in general, the Riam Kanan River, especially Awang Bangkal Village, Karang Intan District, Banjar County was unfit to be used as drinking water.
EnviroScienteae Vol 18, No 1 (2022): ENVIROSCIENTEAE VOLUME 18 NOMOR 1, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v18i1.12973


The formation of AMW is basically unavoidable in mining activities, AMW can be formed in pit and disposal area that are contaminated with potential acid forming material (PAF). The magnitude of the potential impact that AMW can have on mining activities certainly encourages every business actor to conduct a study on various preventive measures that are effectively implemented in AMW management, one of which is covering method. This thesis research aims to analyze the preventive covering method in the management of AMW and its effectiveness in meeting quality standards of liquid waste in coal mining activities. The Object of research is surface water that is in contact with covering treatment area (soil) which is also given additional treatment by planting cover crops and pioneer plants at OPD Sitarum. Surface water quality was tested in the laboratory with reference to BMLC standard of South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 36 of 2008. The results of the laboratory tests were then calculated for effectiveness and proved statistical analysis using normality test, homogeneity test, CRD test and DMRT to be able to conclude the effect of covering treatment in the management of AMW. The results showed that the application of covering method in OPD Sitarum was able to have a positive and significant effect on improving surface water quality. Where based on the results of laboratory tests, the SA4 and SA5 treatments have met the BMLC standard of the South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 36 of 2008. The laboratory results are strengthened by statistical data which shows that all treatment data are normally distributed and homogeneous, the results of CRD and DMRT analysis show the parameters of pH, TSS, and total-Fe was significantly different between SA2, SA3, SA4, and SA5 treatments against SA1 (control). Meanwhile, total-Mn parameter stated that SA2 and SA3 were not significantly different from the control, SA4 and SA5 were significantly different from the control. And for Cadmium (Cd) parameter, all treatments (SA2, SA3, SA4, and SA5) were not significantly different from the control. The conclusion of this research, the covering method applied in OPD Sitarum is considered effective in the management of AMW in a preventive manner. This is proven in SA4 treatment (covering + cover crop + Pioneer 1-2 years), where the results of the surface water quality test have met the BMLC standards of the South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 36 of 2008 with values: pH 6.95; TSS 159 mg L -1 ; total-Fe 1.93 mg L-1 ; total-Mn 0.031 mg L-1 ; and Cd 0.0045 mg L-1 . And the best covering treatment and effectiveness were found in SA5 treatment (covering + cover crop + 3-4 years pioneer plant) with values: pH 6.67; TSS 76.5 mg L-1 (97.22%); totalFe 1.13 mg L-1 (88.71%); total-Mn 0.019 mg L-1 (87.58%); and Cd 0.0058 mg L-1 (8.00%).
EnviroScienteae Vol 7, No 1 (2011): EnviroScienteae Volume 7 Nomor 1, April 2011
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v7i1.368


The aim of this research was to find out the best combination between the bacteria origin, lime, and organic matter for Cr(VI) reduction.  The other objective was to look out the change pattern from Cr(VI) concentration on several period, with hypothesis that bioremediation technology on bacteria, lime, and organic matter combination reduces more Cr(VI) effectively. The results showed that the combination of P.MA origin bacteria with six day period of incubation reduced Cr(IV) for  61,59%.  Other, the combination of I.AB origin bacteria with period of 10, 17 and 24 day incubation, reduced Cr(VI) for 76,67, 73,10, and 80,64%, respectively.  Analysis of variance for all incubation periods showed significant differences with six and 24 day period were the best treatments. However, a field experiment is needed in order to find the best interaction possible between the origin of the bacteria, lime, and organic matter combination, so that optimum recommendation can be determined for the best possible treatments.