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Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 18 No 02 (2018): Jurnal Islamika Volume 18 No 02
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pegabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.743 KB) | DOI: 10.32939/islamika.v18i02.308


Abstract: The Sammaniyah Order was the largest in the archipelago and became the driver of jihad fi sabilillah against the Dutch colonial. The involvement of the Sammaniyah Congregation in the political world has denied various views that claim the tarekat as the bearer of setbacks and chaos. This reason is the basis of this tarekat and political study. To find answers to the grand problem of the relationship between the Sammaniyah Congregation and the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate, historical research methods are used with steps such as heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. This study can conclude that between the Sammaniyah Congregation and the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate had a very close relationship the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate was the protector of the congregation in the sultanate region so that the religious system in Palembang would continue, while the Sammaniyah Congregation as the community elite became a driver of Islamic practice.
Strategi Diplomasi Indonesia dalam Pembebasan Papua Tahun 1949-1963 Susetyo, Berlian; Ravico
Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ishlah.v2i1.14


Masa perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam upaya pembebasan Papua menjadi agenda besar dalam penghapusan kolonialisme. Sehingga upaya diplomatik dilakukan baik itu diplomasi terbuka maupun tertutup. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut dilakukan penelitian sejarah dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah metode penelitian yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian meliputi diplomasi terbuka dengan cara melalui sidang umum PBB tahun 1954-1957, Konferensi Asia-Afrika 1955 dan kebijakan kofrontasi. Selanjutnya Diplomasi Tertutup melalui diplomat Amerika Serikat Ellsworth Bunker yang diperintah langsung oleh Sekjen PBB U Thant, usulan ini menjadi jalan keluar menuju perdamaian untuk menghentikan perselisihan antara Indonesia dan Belanda atas masalah Papua.
Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam Vol 15 No 2 (2015): Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Raden Fatah

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Effected by the conflict which is very crucial in the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam good political conflicts between the family of the sultan as well as fellow of the colonial never done since the year 1803 to Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam experienced the fall of the year 1821. In this research historical methods with its procedure used in. This study is a research library (library research) by using the methods of descriptive analysis. From the results of the analysis note that the political elite divided the ruling political elite and non-elite to rule. The ruling political elite was the sultan and the priyayi. They have a role regulating stability in society and create policies. While the non-ruling political elite is United Kingdom and Netherlands colonial. The colonial was originally cast as traders who try to monopolize trade and then intervened in the Affairs of Government. The next conflict interen between Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II to Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II was the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II disappointment with treason committed by his brother Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II, the internal conflicts of colonial so stimulated by internal conflicts are increasingly complex. While the conflict with the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam differences caused by the colonial interests. Sultanate of Palembang are trying to break away from colonial and gaining sovereignty.
Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam Vol 19 No 1 (2019): Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Raden Fatah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/tamaddun.v19i1.3395


Introduction: This article discusses the oral tradition of the people of Koto Majidin village, namely parno adat Data Cellection Method: The stages in oral tradition research include literature studies and observation. Analysis Data: To trace the traditional parno tradition of Koto Majidin Village, qualitative research was used with a descriptive method, namely trying to describe and explain traditional customs so that they could know the substance of the parno. Furthermore, this study uses a cultural theme analysis. Results and Dicussions: Oral tradition is a tradition that has been passed down from one generation to the next. With the progress of the development of human life and the development of science, the oral tradition has been eliminated from people's lives. In the lives of urban people, this oral tradition has begun to disappear. But the existence of this oral tradition can still be found in rural areas. One of them is in Koto Majidin Village, Kab. Kerinci, namely the parno adat oral tradition. Parno adat whose existence still exists in traditional community celebrations, if not reviewed. So it is feared that there will be extinction. Conclusion: This analysis is used to conduct culture-oriented research by looking for red threads that are related associated with values, ethos, and culture. The results of this study, if viewed from the values contained in the customary community of Koto Majidin Village are religious, agrarian and humanist societies. Furthermore, the values of the traditional parno wisdom of Koto Majidin Village relate to ideological values and advice.
Merekonstruksi Sejarah SUB Komandemen Sumatera Selatan Ravico Ravico
Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam Vol 20 No 1 (2020): Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Raden Fatah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/tamaddun.v20i1.5744


Local history is often underestimated, so many primary sources of history are neglected and damaged. Therefore, the need for the existence of the museum as a container for the preservation of historical sites. For example, the Museum Subkoss Garuda Sriwijaya, which stores objects of community struggle in Southern Sumatera against the Dutch Colonial. However, lack of interest and information so that many collections in the museum are considered as insignificant data. Therefore, the need to reconstruct the history behind the museum collection as a first step. This research uses historical research methods with steps, namely; heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. To analyze the data obtained, the archeological approach is used to study historical heritage objects to find the facts behind the objects. The results of this study confirm that this museum building has a long historical value from its function as a government office during the Dutch and Japanese colonial periods and was once a sub -oss headquarters. In the fight against invaders, there are some relics such as the C3082 steam locomotive, Jeep Willys STD 156 car, flat cannon and landmijn. All of these objects have a long history of maintaining independence. Keywords : Museum, History and Subkoss
Sejarah Pembangunan Jalur Kereta Api Sebagai Alat Transportasi Di Sumatera Selatan Tahun 1914-1933 R Ravico; Berlian Susetyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/ajsp.v11i1.8052


Abad 18-19 yang menjadi momentum revolusi industri, dan berkembangnya kapitalis Kolonial Belanda. Berdampak bagi kehidupan di Hindia Belanda khususnya Kerisidenan Palembang sebagai wilayah koloni Belanda. Salah satu dampaknya ialah dibangunnya alat transportasi kereta api. Prioritas pembangunan kereta api sebagai upaya pemangkasan biaya angkut dan mempersingkat waktu dalam mengankut hasil bumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sejarah pembangunan rel kereta api dan di Sumatera Selatan tahun 1914-1933. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian sejarah dengan langkah-langkah: heuristik yaitu mengumpulkan sumber data, kemudian memverifikasi data, tahapan berikutnya menginterpretasi dan terakhir adalah menuliskan sejarah secara objektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan rel kereta api di Sumatera Selatan dimulai tahun 1914 melalui rute Kertapati, Palembang. Kemudian diteruskan hingga ke Prabumulih, Muara Enim dan Lahat yang selesai tahun 1924. Jalur kereta api terakhir di Lubuk Linggau pada tahun 1933. Tujuan awal pembangunan rel kereta api adalah untuk memangkas biaya trasporatsi pengangkutan hasil bumi seperti karet, batu bara, emas, kopi dan lainnya. Namun dalam perkembangannya kereta api tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai moda angkutan hasil bumi akan tetapi juga sebagai moda transportasi penumpang.
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 9 No 2 (2021): History and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v9i2.23250


Saat memasuki masa politik open the door policy (politik pintu terbuka), ini membuka kran swastanisasi perkebunan dan pertanian seluas-luasnya. Daerah Moesi Oeloe muncul sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil ekonomi masa kolonial Belanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana keadaan Onder Afdeeling Moesi Oeloe pada masa kolonial, bagaimana keadaan masyarakat dan kependudukan Onder Afdeeling Moesi Oeloe pada masa kolonial, serta bagaimana sejarah perkebunan dan pertanian di Onder Afdeeling Moesi Oeloe sebagai pendongkrak ekonomi di uluan Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode sejarah, dengan tahapan: heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Onder Afdeeling Moesi Oeloe menjadi salah satu wilayah kekuasaan Belanda di bawah pemerintahan Residentie Palembang di uluan. Masyarakat awalnya berasal dari daerah Rejang yang telah memiliki budaya sendiri setelah pergi ke luar daerah Rejang dengan menuruni dataran tinggi menuju sungai-sungai seperti Kelingi, Lakitan, dan Beliti. Pada saat kolonial Belanda menempatkan Musi Ulu sebagai daerah penghasil ekonomi, beberapa aspek vital seperti perkebunan dan pertanian menjadi fokus pemerintah untuk mengeksploitasinya. Diantaranya perkebunan karet di Belalau dan di Temam, perkebunan kelapa sawit di Taba Pingin, kemudian pertanian di Tugumulyo.
Peran Kolonel Maludin Simbolon Sebagai Panglima Sub Teritorium Sumatera Selatan (Subkoss) di Lubuklinggau Tahun 1947-1948 Berlian Susetyo; Ravico Ravico
Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v9i1.8115


Abstract: SUBKOSS was formed on May 17, 1946 as a result of the Republic of Indonesia Army Conference (TRI) in Bukit Tinggi which was led by the Commander of the Sumatra Command, Mayjend Suhardjo Hardjowardoyo. However, the determination to start the SUBKOSS was retroactive starting January 1, 1946. Then the city of Lubuklinggau was one of the areas that became the military seat of SUBKOSS during the Second Dutch Military Aggression led by Colonel Maludin Simbolon. This study uses a historical research method with the following steps: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that Colonel Maludin Simbolon had attended Gyugun military education in Pagaralam in 1943 during the Japanese occupation, then he was appointed commander of the third South Sumatra Sub-Command, then during the Dutch Military Aggression II issued a policy of "Beleid Operation Commander of the South Sumatra Sub Territory" , henceforth to become guidelines and guidelines for all Indonesian National Armed Forces in the South Sumatra Sub-Territory.Keywords: Maludin Simbolon, SUBKOSS, Dutch Military Aggression II.
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 18 No. 02 (2018): Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/islamika.v18i02.308


Abstract: The Sammaniyah Order was the largest in the archipelago and became the driver of jihad fi sabilillah against the Dutch colonial. The involvement of the Sammaniyah Congregation in the political world has denied various views that claim the tarekat as the bearer of setbacks and chaos. This reason is the basis of this tarekat and political study. To find answers to the grand problem of the relationship between the Sammaniyah Congregation and the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate, historical research methods are used with steps such as heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. This study can conclude that between the Sammaniyah Congregation and the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate had a very close relationship the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate was the protector of the congregation in the sultanate region so that the religious system in Palembang would continue, while the Sammaniyah Congregation as the community elite became a driver of Islamic practice.
Kota Lubuklinggau Dalam Kurun Waktu 1825-1948 Berlian Susetyo; Ravico Ravico
Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jc.v10i1.12902


Abstrak: Kajian tentang Kota Lubuklinggau berdasarkan kronologis sejarah masih belum ada kajian yang komprehensif, sehingga terjadi kegagalan pemahaman generasi muda dalam memahami sejarah Kota Lubuklinggau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kota Lubuklinggau pada masa Kolonial Belanda, masa pendudukan Jepang, masa setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan serta masa agresi militer pertama dan kedua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode sejarah, antara lain heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Lubuklinggau Tahun 1929 menjadi dusun kedudukan marga Sindang Kelingi Ilir, kemudian dikembangkan menjadi ibukota Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe masa kolonial Belanda Tahun. Pada masa Jepang Tahun 1942, Lubuklinggau menjadi ibukota Bunshu Musikami Rawas. Pada masa setelah kemerdekaan Tahun 1945, Lubuklinggau menjadi Kawedanaan Musi Ulu sekaligus menjadi ibukota Kabupaten Musi Ulu Rawas. Kemudian pada masa agresi militer Belanda I Tahun 1947 dan agresi militer Belanda II Tahun 1948, Lubuklinggau menjadi pusat pemerintahan Karesidenan Palembang sekaligus pusat pemerintahan militer Sub Teritorium Sumatera Selatan (SUBKOSS). Kata Kunci: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, LubuklinggauAbstract: The study of Lubuklinggau City is based on historical chronology, there is still no comprehensive study, so that there is a failure in understanding the young generation in understanding the history of Lubuklinggau City. Furthermore, this study aims to describe the city of Lubuklinggau during the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese occupation period, the period after the proclamation of independence and the period of the first and second military aggression. The research method used is the historical method, including heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results showed that Lubuklinggau in 1929 became the hamlet of the Sindang Kelingi Ilir clan, then it was developed into the capital of Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe during the Dutch colonial period. During the Japanese period in 1942, Lubuklinggau became the capital of the Bunshu Musikami Rawas. In the period after independence in 1945, Lubuklinggau became Kawedanaan Musi Ulu as well as the capital of Musi Ulu Rawas Regency. Then during the Dutch military aggression I in 1947 and Dutch military aggression II in 1948, Lubuklinggau became the center of the Palembang Residency government as well as the center of the South Sumatra SubTerritory (SUBKOSS) military government. Keywords: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, Lubuklinggau