Moh Aris Munandar, Moh Aris
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Keterbukaan Informasi Publik Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Good Governance pada Pemerinah Kabupaten Tegal Fatullatifah, Menik; Ngabiyanto, Ngabiyanto; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research is motivated by the existence of freedom information which became one of the human rights that contained in the 1945 Constitution. The Public Information Openness existence is supported by the presence of UU KIP as legal security of information opennes in public agency. The existence of Public Information Openness (KIP) became one of the efforts to achieving Good Governance towards governmental that free from corruption. Tegal Regency Government have some significant corruption cases records from the Year 2011-2015. Based on this cases, It needs to do a research in the KIP of Tegal Regency Government. Based on the background, the research problem formulation, namely,  How is the Public Information Openness in  Tegal Regency Government and What kind of driving  factors and inhibiting factors of Public Information Openness in Tegal Regency Government. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The subject of of this research is the Vice Regent, Regional Secretariat of Public Relations, PPID, and Tegal Citizens. The results this research show the Public Information Openness of Tegal Regency Government seen from the governments efforts in providing information services, access to the documents, the existence financial transparency, and the existence of public aspirations shelters. Whereas the openness is not optimal due to the information services has not been supported by the local television media as the media which is more populist and have not establish a press center for media. The supporting factors of openness is the commitment of the leaders and the existence of legal protection. While the inhibiting factors of openness are the lack of socialization about KIP Act, lack of public knowledge about KIP, and the misuse of information. In order for public information openness on Tegal Regency Government run optimally, It is necessary to develop the information and communication media, such as local television media, It needs comprehension and public awareness about the right of public information with socialization and publication of the citizens right for information and mechanisms obtaining information, and it need for public participation in the use of Public Information Opennes to supervise the government.
Unnes Civic Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kedudukan dan peranan perempuan dalam pembangunan tampaknya semakin meningkat, baik di bidang politik, pendidikan, kesehatan maupun kesejahteraannya. Kepala sekolah adalah pemimpin pendidikan yang mempunyai peranan sangat besar dalam mengembangkan mutu pendidikan di sekolah. Salah satunya yaitu Kepala Sekolah, tidak sedikit Kepala Sekolah perempuan yang berhasil dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan mengambil lokasi di Universitas Negeri Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, peran kepemimpinan perempuan sebagai kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru, dilakukan melalui keteladanan, kerendahan hati, kelembutan, dan kedisiplinan yang dimiliki. Kepemimpinan perempuan sebagai kepala sekolah di SMA N 12  Semarang dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru berorientasi pada kepemimpinan dimensi perilaku tugas dengan menggunakan metode kedekatan sehingga bawahan menjadi terbuka pada atasan. Selanjutnya muncul rasa diterima serta diakui bawahan dan terbuka pada pemimpin akan hambatan yang mereka rasakan untuk meningkatkan kerjanya. Kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 12 Semarang memberikan bantuan, arahan, momongan, pengawasan, dan batas waktu disetiap tugas yang menjadi tanggung jawab guru, agar guru dapat terbiasa dengan kedisiplinan. Hal ini membuat para guru dapat termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kinerjanyaThe rank and the role of woman in the development seems more merease, in the politc, education, healthbas well as her prosperity. Principals are educational leaders who have a very large role in developing the quality of education in schools. One of them is the principal, not the least successful female Principal in carrying out their duties. This conditionrevealsthat some effort is needed to do for reducing or ommithing  the space between the rank and the role of man and woman in the development. The government’s gender centering is one of  the key to help reducing or ommithing the space between man and woman in the espect of access, role, control, function as well increase the participation from both man and woman in deciding the policy an controlling the developmental source
Unnes Civic Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kota Tegal merupakan salah satu daerah pesisir di Jawa Tengah yang mempunyai potensi perikanan laut yang baik, namun dari potensi kekayaan alam tersebut belum dapat mensejahterakan masyarakatnya yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan. Mayoritas nelayan Kota Tegal bermukim di Kelurahan Muarareja Kecamatan Tegal Barat. Nelayan di Kelurahan Muarareja mayoritas nelayan kecil, permasalahan yang dihadapi nelayan di sana adalah kurangnya permodalan, minimnya fasilitas perikanan dan pemasaran hasil tangkapan. Penelitian ini mengkaji (1) peranan KUD Karya Mina dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota dan nelayan pada umumnya; (2) hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi KUD Karya Mina dan; (3) upaya yang dilakukan KUD Karya Mina dalam mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Subjek yang diteliti adalah pengurus, anggota KUD Karya Mina dan nelayan bukan anggota. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) observasi; (2) dokumentasi; dan (3) wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Digunakan teknik pemeriksaan lapangan dengan triangulasi untuk membuktikan keabsahan data. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peranan KUD Karya Mina antara lain memberikan pinjaman modal bagi nelayan yang membutuhkan, pengadaan solar bersubsidi bagi nelayan, menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas perikanan serta kegiatan dibidang sosial. Hambatan yang dihadapi KUD antara lain tingkat partisipasi anggota yang rendah, kredit macet, pengetahuan pengurus, pengawas dan manajer KUD yang masih rendah mengenai peraturan-peraturan dan hambatan yang muncul dari luar KUD seperti kompetitor. Upaya yang dilakukan KUD Karya Mina dalam mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut melalui pembentukan kelompok-kelompok nelayan, mengerahkan karyawan untuk menagih kredit macet, mengikutkan pengurus, pengawas dan manajer dalam pelatihan, pendidikan dan sosialisasi serta bekerjasama dengan pemerintah dan pihak ketiga.Tegal is one of the coastal areas in Central Java, which has a good potential for marine fisheries, however of the potential of these resources have not been able to prosper the people who work as fishermen. The majority of fishermen in Tegal living on Muarareja Tegal Barat Subdistrict. themajorityoffishermenonMuarareja is a poor fishermen, the problems faced by fishermen there is a lack of capital, facilities and marketing of fisheries catches. This research examines (1) the role of KUD Karya Mina in improving the welfare of members and fishermen in general, (2) the obstacles faced by KUD Karya Mina and, (3) the efforts made KUD Karya Mina in overcoming these obstacles. The subjects studied were administrators, members of KUD Karya Mina and fishermen are not members. Data collection methods used in this research are (1) observation, (2) documentation, and (3) interviews. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Triangulation techniques is used with field investigation to prove the validity of the data. The results obtained in this research indicate that the role of KUD Karya Mina include providing capital loans for fishermen, provision of subsidized diesel fuel for fishermen, provide fishing facilities and social activities. The obstacles faced by cooperatives among others, members of the low participation rate, non-performing loan, knowledge KUD management, supervisors and managers are still low the rules and constraints that arise from outside the cooperatives as competitors. The efforts are made by KUD Karya Mina in overcoming these obstacles through the establishment of fishermen groups, mobilizing employees to collect non-performing loan, to register administrators, supervisors and managers in training, education, socialization and working with governments and private sector. 
Unnes Civic Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Masyarakat Samin Desa Klopo Duwur Kabupaten Blora sudah mengikuti pendidikan formal sejak dulu, tetapi mereka tidak mengikutinya secara serius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat Samin dalam wajib belajar sembilan tahun, bentuk-bentuk partisipasi masyarakat Samin dalam program wajib belajar sembilan tahun, serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang menghambat partisipasi masyarakat Samin dalam program wajib belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di jaman yang sudah maju ini pendidikan formal bagi mereka adalah hal yang harus dilakukan sebagai upaya meraih kesejahteraan. Berbagai hal yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Samin dalam mengikuti pendidikan formal baik dari luar maupun dari dalam diri mereka sendiri, ada yang dipengaruhi dari lingkumgan dan ada juga yang dipengaruhi oleh keinginan mencari kesejahteraan. Larangan untuk mendidik anak mengikuti pendidikan formal sudah terhapuskan, sekarang mereka sudah dapat mengikutinya sesuai kemampuan mereka masing-masing. Sekarang sekolah merupakan prioritas orang tua untuk mendidik anak-anaknya, meskipun tidak sepenuhnya keturunan Samin mendapatkan pendidikan dari sekolah. Hanya saja masih ada faktor penghambat yang membuat anak Samin tidak mengikuti wajib belajar, yaitu dari segi ekonomi dan dari sosial budaya di Desa Klopo Duwur Kabupaten BloraSamin’s Community in Klopo Duwur Village Blora Regency have taken formal education in a long time, but they didn’t seriously take it. This research aimed to know the level of participation of Samineses in the nine-year educational program, the forms of participation of this society in the nine-year educational program, and acknowledge factors that hamper this community’s participation in the nine-year educational program. The result of this research shows that in this modern era, formal education is something that this society’s need to reach their wellfare. Many things that influence this society in order to follow the formal education whether from the outsiders or from their own people, whether they are influenced by their environment or the hopes to reach the wellfare. The prohibition to educate their children to join the formal education has been removed. Nowadays, they have joined it as well as their own capability. Nowadays, Formal education is the priority of parents to educate their children, even if some children of this society still haven’t got the formal education. But, there are still another factor that make these Saminese children don’t follow this nine-year educational program. They don’t have the capability in terms of economical and socio-cultural background in Klopo Duwur village, Blora Regency
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 40, No 2 (2013): December 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/fis.v40i2.5361


This research is motivated by the widespread of village women who wish to work as migrant workers. Data from the Department of Employment and Transmigration PPKLN in 2007 showed that the number of women migrant workers had reached 4 million people , an increase of 25 % per year where 78.3 % work as domestic workers . This phenomenon can also be seen by the increasing number of Indonesian Manpower Services Company (agency) opening its branch in villages. Problems examined in this study is what kind of characters attached to women who are willing to work as migrant workers abroad , both physically as level of education , skill level , who is invited and how she could be willing to work as migrant workers abroad, the status in the household , and non-physical character as mental resiliance. This study used descriptive qualitative research methods. Data were analyzed by using Weft QDA taxonomy. Women workers who work abroad are more likely elementary and junior high school graduates than and senior high school or university graduates . This is due to the fact that foreign consumers are more likely to make them work in informal sector than the formal one. Women migrant workers have the following problems : a ) problem of skills , b ) problem of departure money, c ) problem in the destination country, d ) problems of law protection, and e ) financial management problems. Departure money for women migrant workers is more likely to be obtained by either an individual loan or bank loan. Some of them also sell agricultural land to finance their overseas departure . The success of women migrant workers can be seen from how they can pay off their debts, and how their income can be used for productive activities.
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Penguatan Potensi Lokal Utami, Dwi; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tugas Kepala Desa adalah mengenali apa saja potensi lokal yang dimiliki daerahnya. Kepala Desa memiliki peran dalam penguatan potensi lokal di Desa Grogol Kecamatan Weru Kabupaten Sukoharjo yaitu peran Kepala Desa sebagai motivator sebagaimana kepala desa telah melaukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, peran Kepala Desa sebagai fasilitator sebagaimana kepala desa telah mengupayakan pendanaan guna memfasilitasi Tenun Sari dan peran Kepala Desa sebagai dinamistator sebagaimana kepala desa mengadakan paradiga guna mengkoordinasikan pengembangan potensi desa bersama seluruh aparatur desa pada umumnya dan seluruh anggota masyarakat pada khususnya. Strategi yang dilakukan kepala desa dalam memajukan Tenun Lurik yaitu dengan cara mengajarkan kepada tenun Sari cara memmasarkan lurik dengan internet sehingga Lurik dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Kepala Desa juga giat dalam memperkenalkan lurik kepada tamu-tamu desa agar Lurik desa grogol sendiri dikenal dikalangan pejabat setempat dan akan mudah dalam hal pengajuan bantuan. Kendala dalam pengembangan Lurik sendiri berasal dari masyarakat yang masih beranggapan bahwa menenun atau bergabung dengan Tenun Sari sendiri belum bisa dijadikan pendapatan hidup yang menjadikan dan lebih memilih untuk menggarap sawah. Ditambah lagi potensi desa yang terdapat di desa Grogol tidak hanya Lurik saja melainkan ada beberapa potensi lain seperti mebel,wuwung,genteng press dan lain-lain. Saran yang diberikan adalah agar Kepala Desa lebih intens lagi dalam upaya mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat dan dilakukannya sosialisasi secara menyeluruh ke anggota masyarakat agar seluruh anggota masyarakat mau bergabung dengan organisasi yang dibuat pemerintah desa guna memajukan potensi desa. The duty of the village chief is to recognize what lokal potential the region has.Village Head has a role in strengthening lokal potential in Grogol Village, Weru Sub-district, Sukoharjo Regency, namely the role of the Village Chief as a motivator, such as the village chief having conducted outreach to the community, the role of the Village Chief as a facilitator such as the village chief has sought funding in order to facilitate Tenun Sari, and the role of the Village Chief as a leader like held a paradiga in order to coordinate the development of the village potential together with all village officials in general and all members of the community in particular. The strategy undertaken by the village chief in advancing Lurik Weaving is by teaching Tenun Sari how to sell Lurik on the internet hence Lurik can be known by the wider community. The village chief is also active in introducing Lurik to village guests hence Grogol Village Lurik itself is known among lokal officials and will be easy in terms of propose aid, as in funding. The obstacles in the development of Lurik itself come from people who still think that weaving or joining Tenun Sari itself cannot be used as living income that makes them and prefers to work as farmer. In addition, the potential of the village found in the village of Grogol is not only Lurik, but there are several other potentials such as furniture, wuwung, tile press and others. The suggestion given is that the village chief is more intense in his efforts to get closer to the community and conduct a comprehensive socialization to community members hence all members of the community want to join the organization created by the village government to advance the village’s potential.
Unnes Civic Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Masyarakat penganut Islam Rifa’iyah merupakan Komunitas yang memiliki perbedaan yang mendasar dengan islam lainnya. Perbedaan tersebut berada dalam rukun Islam, rukun islam Rifa’iyah hanya ada satu sedangkan islam umumnya memiliki rukun islam lima sehingga oleh sebagian orang dianggap sesat. Persamaan agama Islam dan perbedaan dalam rukun Islam antara penganut Islam Rifa’iyah dengan non Rifa’iyah  menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana  interaksi sosial anatara kedua belah pihak. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimanakah interaksi sosial penganut Rifa’iyah dengan msyarakat sekitar di Kecamatan Limpung? (2) Apa saja yang menjadi Faktor- faktor pendorong interaksi sosial penganut Rifa’iyah di Kecamatan Limpung dengan masyarakat sekitar? (3)Apa saja yang  menjadi faktor kendala interaksi sosial penganut Rifa’iyah di Kecamatan Limpung dengan masyarakat sekitar? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui interaksi sosial masyarakat penganut Rifa’iyah di Kecamatan Limpung. (2) Untuk mengetahui faktor pendorong interaksi sosial masyarakat penganut Rifa’iyah di Kecamatan Limpung . (3) Untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat interaksi sosial masyarakat penganut Rifa’iyah di Kecamatan Limpung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Validitas data penelitian menggunakan teknik Triangulasi sumber.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah Interaksi sosial Penganut Islam Rifa’iyah khususnya dalam sosial agama berjalan Harmonis. Inklusifisme dari kedua belah pihak sudah mulai tumbuh meskipun Ekslusifisme dari kedua belah pihak masih tersisa. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat Interaksi sosial Penganut Islam Rifa’iyah.Islamic Rifa’iyah society is a community which has a fundamental difference with others Islamist. The difference is in the pillars of Islam itself, the pillars of Islam Rifa’iyah is only one whereas in general, Islam has five pillars, so that this community is considered as heretical by some others people. The similarities and differences between the adherent of Islam Rifa’iyah and non Rifa’iyah raise a question, that is, how social interactions between both sides. The problems of this study are: 1) How is the social interactions between Rifai’yah adherents and surrounding inhabitants in Limpung district? 2) What are the social interactions encouraging factors between Rifa’iyah adherent and inhabitants in Limpung district? 3) What are the constraint factors of social interaction’ between Rifa’iyah adherents and surrounding inhabitants? The purposes of this study are: 1) to know the social interactions of Rifa’iyah adherents in Limpung district. 2) to investigate the encouraging factors of social interactions of Rifa’iyah adherents. 3) to identify the inhibiting factors of social interaction of Rifai’yah adherents in Limpung district. This study uses quantitative method. Techniques of data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of this study uses data source triangulation techniques. The result of this study is the social interaction of Rifa’iyah adherents especially in religious and social relationship. Inclusivism of both parties have been raising although the exclusiveness of the both is still remaining. The encouraging and inhibiting social interaction factors of Islamic Rifa’iyah adherents
Keterbukaan Informasi Publik Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Good Governance pada Pemerinah Kabupaten Tegal Fatullatifah, Menik; Ngabiyanto, Ngabiyanto; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upsj.v1i2.20102


This research is motivated by the existence of freedom information which became one of the human rights that contained in the 1945 Constitution. The Public Information Openness existence is supported by the presence of UU KIP as legal security of information opennes in public agency. The existence of Public Information Openness (KIP) became one of the efforts to achieving Good Governance towards governmental that free from corruption. Tegal Regency Government have some significant corruption cases records from the Year 2011-2015. Based on this cases, It needs to do a research in the KIP of Tegal Regency Government. Based on the background, the research problem formulation, namely, How is the Public Information Openness in Tegal Regency Government and What kind of driving factors and inhibiting factors of Public Information Openness in Tegal Regency Government. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The subject of of this research is the Vice Regent, Regional Secretariat of Public Relations, PPID, and Tegal Citizens. The results this research show the Public Information Openness of Tegal Regency Government seen from the government's efforts in providing information services, access to the documents, the existence financial transparency, and the existence of public aspirations shelters. Whereas the openness is not optimal due to the information services has not been supported by the local television media as the media which is more populist and have not establish a press center for media. The supporting factors of openness is the commitment of the leaders and the existence of legal protection. While the inhibiting factors of openness are the lack of socialization about KIP Act, lack of public knowledge about KIP, and the misuse of information. In order for public information openness on Tegal Regency Government run optimally, It is necessary to develop the information and communication media, such as local television media, It needs comprehension and public awareness about the right of public information with socialization and publication of the citizens' right for information and mechanisms obtaining information, and it need for public participation in the use of Public Information Opennes to supervise the government.
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Penguatan Potensi Lokal Utami, Dwi; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upsj.v5i1.42367


Tugas Kepala Desa adalah mengenali apa saja potensi lokal yang dimiliki daerahnya. Kepala Desa memiliki peran dalam penguatan potensi lokal di Desa Grogol Kecamatan Weru Kabupaten Sukoharjo yaitu peran Kepala Desa sebagai motivator sebagaimana kepala desa telah melaukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, peran Kepala Desa sebagai fasilitator sebagaimana kepala desa telah mengupayakan pendanaan guna memfasilitasi Tenun Sari dan peran Kepala Desa sebagai dinamistator sebagaimana kepala desa mengadakan paradiga guna mengkoordinasikan pengembangan potensi desa bersama seluruh aparatur desa pada umumnya dan seluruh anggota masyarakat pada khususnya. Strategi yang dilakukan kepala desa dalam memajukan Tenun Lurik yaitu dengan cara mengajarkan kepada tenun Sari cara memmasarkan lurik dengan internet sehingga Lurik dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Kepala Desa juga giat dalam memperkenalkan lurik kepada tamu-tamu desa agar Lurik desa grogol sendiri dikenal dikalangan pejabat setempat dan akan mudah dalam hal pengajuan bantuan. Kendala dalam pengembangan Lurik sendiri berasal dari masyarakat yang masih beranggapan bahwa menenun atau bergabung dengan Tenun Sari sendiri belum bisa dijadikan pendapatan hidup yang menjadikan dan lebih memilih untuk menggarap sawah. Ditambah lagi potensi desa yang terdapat di desa Grogol tidak hanya Lurik saja melainkan ada beberapa potensi lain seperti mebel,wuwung,genteng press dan lain-lain. Saran yang diberikan adalah agar Kepala Desa lebih intens lagi dalam upaya mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat dan dilakukannya sosialisasi secara menyeluruh ke anggota masyarakat agar seluruh anggota masyarakat mau bergabung dengan organisasi yang dibuat pemerintah desa guna memajukan potensi desa. The duty of the village chief is to recognize what lokal potential the region has.Village Head has a role in strengthening lokal potential in Grogol Village, Weru Sub-district, Sukoharjo Regency, namely the role of the Village Chief as a motivator, such as the village chief having conducted outreach to the community, the role of the Village Chief as a facilitator such as the village chief has sought funding in order to facilitate Tenun Sari, and the role of the Village Chief as a leader like held a paradiga in order to coordinate the development of the village potential together with all village officials in general and all members of the community in particular. The strategy undertaken by the village chief in advancing Lurik Weaving is by teaching Tenun Sari how to sell Lurik on the internet hence Lurik can be known by the wider community. The village chief is also active in introducing Lurik to village guests hence Grogol Village Lurik itself is known among lokal officials and will be easy in terms of propose aid, as in funding. The obstacles in the development of Lurik itself come from people who still think that weaving or joining Tenun Sari itself cannot be used as living income that makes them and prefers to work as farmer. In addition, the potential of the village found in the village of Grogol is not only Lurik, but there are several other potentials such as furniture, wuwung, tile press and others. The suggestion given is that the village chief is more intense in his efforts to get closer to the community and conduct a comprehensive socialization to community members hence all members of the community want to join the organization created by the village government to advance the village’s potential.
Unnes Civic Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kedudukan dan peranan perempuan dalam pembangunan tampaknya semakin meningkat, baik di bidang politik, pendidikan, kesehatan maupun kesejahteraannya. Kepala sekolah adalah pemimpin pendidikan yang mempunyai peranan sangat besar dalam mengembangkan mutu pendidikan di sekolah. Salah satunya yaitu Kepala Sekolah, tidak sedikit Kepala Sekolah perempuan yang berhasil dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan mengambil lokasi di Universitas Negeri Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, peran kepemimpinan perempuan sebagai kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru, dilakukan melalui keteladanan, kerendahan hati, kelembutan, dan kedisiplinan yang dimiliki. Kepemimpinan perempuan sebagai kepala sekolah di SMA N 12  Semarang dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru berorientasi pada kepemimpinan dimensi perilaku tugas dengan menggunakan metode kedekatan sehingga bawahan menjadi terbuka pada atasan. Selanjutnya muncul rasa diterima serta diakui bawahan dan terbuka pada pemimpin akan hambatan yang mereka rasakan untuk meningkatkan kerjanya. Kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 12 Semarang memberikan bantuan, arahan, momongan, pengawasan, dan batas waktu disetiap tugas yang menjadi tanggung jawab guru, agar guru dapat terbiasa dengan kedisiplinan. Hal ini membuat para guru dapat termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kinerjanyaThe rank and the role of woman in the development seems more merease, in the politc, education, healthbas well as her prosperity. Principals are educational leaders who have a very large role in developing the quality of education in schools. One of them is the principal, not the least successful female Principal in carrying out their duties. This conditionrevealsthat some effort is needed to do for reducing or ommithing  the space between the rank and the role of man and woman in the development. The government’s gender centering is one of  the key to help reducing or ommithing the space between man and woman in the espect of access, role, control, function as well increase the participation from both man and woman in deciding the policy an controlling the developmental source