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Naditira Widya Vol 4, No 2 (2010): Oktober 2010
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/nw.v4i2.35


Abstrak. SIMBOLISME PERAHU DAN IDENTITAS SOSIAL DI MALUKU TENGGARA. Bagi masyarakat diMaluku Tenggara, perahu memiliki arti lebih daripada sekedar moda transportasi air. Perahu adalah kata kunciuntuk menggambarkan tema dominan dalam merekayasa beragam benda budaya di Maluku Tenggara. Tulisan inimembahas fenomena dari perspektif konstruksi dan materialisasi identitas sosial. Perahu telah menjadi mediumkomunikasi non-verbal bagi masyarakat sebagai sarana untuk menegosiasikan dan mengkomunikasikan identitassosial mereka. Dengan demikian, simbolisme perahu telah diadopsi sebagai cetak biru untuk membangun carapenyelenggaraan masyarakat di Maluku Tenggara.
Materialisasi Identitas: Monumen-Monumen Perahu Batu di Kepulauan Tanimbar. Ririmasse, Marlon NR
AMERTA Vol 31, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1219.279 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v31i1.149


Abstract. Materialization of Identity: Stone Boat Monuments in The Tanimbar Islands. Boat theme is one of main symbolic elements in islands between Timor and New Guinea. Community in this region has attached the philosophical value of boat in various cultural products that ranged from architechture to statues. The stone boat monument of Sangliat Dol in Tanimbar is one of the most popular representation of such Phenomenom. Recent archaeological studies in the Tanimbar Islands found that this model of stone boat monument is surprisingly widely adopted in this region. The eksistence of sites with these specific monuments refelected this condition. This paper tries to discuss the recent pictures of stone boat monuments in the Tanimbar Islands and aspects behind thedevelopment of this particular cultural products in the region. The theory of materialization ideology by DeMarrais has been adopted to explain the phenomenom. This research found that the essence behind the construction of these stone boat monuments is serve as the identity materialization of traditional groups in Tanimbar Islands. Abstrak: Tema perahu merupakan salah satu elemen simbolik yang digunakan secara luas di pulau-pulau yang membentang antara Timor dan Papua. Masyarakat di kawasan ini memang menyematkan segenap nilai filosofis perahu pada berbagai produk budaya mereka mulai dari aristektur hingga patung dan objek pemujaan leluhur. Salah satu representasi yang paling terkenal adalah keberadaan monumen perahu batu di Sangliat Dol, Tanimbar. Studi arkeologis terkini di Kepulauan Tanimbarmenemukan bahwa model monumen untuk tema perahu sebagai simbol ini juga ternyata digunakan pada cakupan yang lebih luas di wilayah ini. Eksistensi situs-situs serupa di beberapa bagian lain kepulauan ini merupakan cermin atas kondisi tersebut. Tulisan ini mencoba mendiskusikan gambaranterkini sebaran representasi monumen perahu batu di wilayah Kepulauan Tanimbar serta aspek-aspek yang melatarbelakangi berkembangnya model budaya khas dimaksud di kawasan ini. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa hakekat monumen perahu batu ini merupakan wujud materialisasi identitas kelompok-kelompok masyarakat tradisional di Kepulauan Tanimbar.
Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi Papua dan Papua Barat Vol 3, No 1 (2011): Juni 2011

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Maluku and Papua are two areas with the specific characters that geogaphically slocated close to each other. As an archipelagic region Maluku has a dominant maritime background while Papua shows a large and complex continent profile. The specific character as a region has made Maluku became the part of an ecological terminal between Asia and Australia known as Wallacea. Papua, which was the part of Greater Australia Continent in the past, has the similar role as a main corridor to the Pacific. This similarity has made the role of these two region is important in the study of cultural history of Southeast Asia , Australia and the Pacific Islands. This paper is a short review to observe the connecting aspects of Maluku Archipelago and Papua as a border area in the study of regional archaeology.
Jejak dan Prospek Penelitian Arkeologi di Maluku Ririmasse, Marlon NR
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 1 No. 1 Agustus 2005
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v1i1.15


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Recent Rock Art Research on East Seram, Maluku: A key site in the rock art of West Papua and South East Maluku Oktaviana, Adhi Agus; Lape, Peter Van; Ririmasse, Marlon NR
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 14 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v14i2.534


Gambar cadas di Indonesia mulai diteliti sejak sebelum abad 20. Sejumlah publikasi ilmiah sebelumnya mencatat keberadaan situs gambar cadas di Pulau Seram, Provinsi Maluku yaitu di tebing Sawai dan Sungai Tala. Survei arkeologi terkini di kawasan Seram Timur dan Seram Laut yang dilakukan oleh gabungan Tim Peneliti Indonesian-American berhasil menemukan Situs gambar cadas baru di pesisir Seram Timur. gambar cadas ini terlukiskan di permukaan dinding tebing bernama lokal tebing Watu Sika. Gambar cadas di Situs Watu Sika tampak mirip dengan sejumlah situs gambar cadas lainnya di Indonesia Timur yang sebagian besar terlukis di dinding tebing karst sepanjang wilayah pesisir. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode perekaman verbal dan piktorial dibantu aplikasi Dstretch untuk memperjelas gambar-gambar agar mudah diidentifikasi. Penelitian ini menganalisis sejumlah pola figuratif dan non figuratif pada motif-motif gambar cadas di Situs Watu Sika. Hasil identifikasi terhadap sejumlah motif gambar cadas di situs ini diketahui terdapat motif gambar cadas berbentuk figur manusia, hewan, ikan, perahu, hand stencils negatif, dan pola geometris. Penelitian ini juga membahas analisis latar belakang konteks sosial terhadap tradisi gambar cadas di wilayah sekitarnya, yaitu wilayah Laut Banda. Berdasarkan jaringan persebaran temuan gambar cadas di Indonesia Timur, maka menghasilkan pengetahuan baru bahwa analisis data sementara ini menunjukkan Situs Watu Sika merupakan kunci penghubung jalur persebaran gambar cadas yang berasal dari wilayah barat ke dua jalur, pertama jalur ke arah Timur Laut, yaitu wilayah Papua dan Jalur ke Selatan, yaitu ke arah Kepulauan di sekitar Laut Banda.Rock art in Indonesia has been investigated before the 20th century. A number of previous scientific publications noted the existence of rock art sites on Seram Island, Maluku Province, which was on the cliff of Sawai and Tala River. Recent archaeological surveys in the area of East Seram and Seram Laut conducted by a joint Indonesian-American Research Team discovered a new rock art site in the coast of East Seram. The rock art is painted on the cliff wall which is called by the locals as Watu Sika. Rock art on the Watu Sika Site is similar to a number of rock art at other sites in Eastern Indonesia which were mostly painted on karstic cliffs along the coast. This study used verbal and pictorial recording methods using the Dstretch application to clarify images to support identification. This study analyzed a number of figurative and non-figurative patterns of rock art motifs at Watu Sika Site. The results of the identification of a number of rock art motifs on this site show that there are several patterns including figures of human, animal, fish, boats, negative hand stencils, and geometric patterns. This study also discussed an analysis of the social context background of rock art tradition in the surrounding region, particularly at the Banda Sea region. Based on the distribution network of rock art findings in eastern Indonesia, new insights are generated that this interim data analysis show that Watu Sika Site is the key to connecting the distribution path of rock art originating from the western region into two lanes. The first lane to the Northeast, which is the Papua region and South Lane, expanding towards the Islands around the Banda Sea.