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Al AHKAM: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Al-Ahkam
Publisher : Al AHKAM: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah

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Salah satu pernyataan orientalis, salah dalam catatannya menilai bahwa para Sarjana Muslim zaman dahulu tidak berpikir bahwa mereka harus mendamaikan unsur-unsur yang bertentangan kebenaran mereka dalam usaha untuk melindungi hukum dalam bentuk idealnya, karena hukum bertindak sebagai standar keputusan dan secara otomatis mengesampingkan unsur-unsur yang bertentangan. Syari’ah sebagai hukum yang diturunkan Tuhan harus dipelihara dalam bentuk idealnya sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh Allah dalam surah QS. Al-Maidah (5):47, sebab apabila tidak dipelihara maka akan kehilangan kemampuannya untuk mengontrol masyarakat yang menjadi tujuan utamanya. Pendapat para orientalis yang salah itu sebagaian besar dikarenakan oleh fakta; bahwa kebaikan sejati dapat diketahui secara rasional dan hukum harus ditentukan oleh kebutuhan-kebutuhan sosial, sedangkan semua kebutuhan telah disediakan dalam hukum Tuhan yang mengetahui apa yang benar-benar baik bagi umat manusia. Hukum  Islam sempurna dalam bentuk sepanjang masa. Bahwa kebutuhan sosial harus ditentukan oleh hukum, bukan sebaliknya, dengan demikian tidak ada konflik dan ketegangan dalam Syari’ah.
Al AHKAM: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah Vol 5, No 2 (2015): Al-Ahkam
Publisher : Al AHKAM: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah

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Type methodic law find or method even implement sentence in islamic law (istinbathal hukm) and law implement (tathbiq al hukm), in real islamic law not far in contrast to findmethod sentences and law implement that utilized by common law practitioner. Such too withmethod that diberlakukan in a state terminologicals islamic law already dikemukan by JurisIslam (fuqaha), as understanding as law which exists deep text sentence to be assessed byhermeneutikas method and also of its language facet the so called Ushul Fiqh. In knowledgeUshul Fiqh formulated by method understands islamic law and understand law theorems, withthat theorem law what do come into the world according to common sense (a. reasionableassumption) .
PALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2016): PALITA
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v1i2.95


AbstractAccording to the law, Islamic Law Compilation (KHI) is a written law that used as specificguidelines for Muslims in resolving all legal issues including on the status of an adopted child.Therefore, this study aims to: 1). Knowing the position of adopted children with KHI and CivilLaw, 2). Knowing the position of adopted children and their legacy rights. 3). Knowing theposition adopted child and the adoptive parents, their legacy and guardian of the marriage.
MENYOROTI HAK DAN KEWAJIBAN ASASI MANUSIA DALAM ASPEK EKONOMI (Sebagai Ciri Negara Kesejahteraan (Welfare State) Amir, Rahma
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Publisher : Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/alw.v1i2.205


In Islamic view, common well-being management may not go against syariat Islam. To it, it is not possible in state that setting to terminological syariat Islam, E.g. do floozie localization as arena do adultery or concedes nauseating liquor sell or concedes gambling, since that conduct are prohibited conducts that prohibitted by Syariat Islam.   In Islamic view, people is entitled to welfare, and honor bound advance common welfare, smartening up people life, even active deep all life aspect towards well-being all its citizen its state. Maybe no one state even at world it that dont memprogramkan prosperity in economic area for its citizen. All politician make poverty remove as  issue  sentral, well while campaign term, and also after as president or governance head. For state already go forward, well-being increasing problem its citizen, must not miss from its parent plan, beside approaching on another areas. But such, trick that sailed through by it can variably at each state
MENYOROTI HAK DAN KEWAJIBAN ASASI MANUSIA DALAM ASPEK EKONOMI (Sebagai Ciri Negara Kesejahteraan (Welfare State)) Amir, Rahma
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 2, No 2 (2017): AL-AMWAL : JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ECONOMIC LAW
Publisher : Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/alw.v2i2.609


In Islamic view, common well-being management may not go against syariat Islam. To it, it is not possible in state that setting to terminological syariat Islam, E.g. do floozie localization as arena do adultery or concedes nauseating liquor sell or concedes gambling, since that conduct are prohibited conducts that prohibitted by Syariat Islam.   In Islamic view, people is entitled to welfare, and honor bound advance common welfare, smartening up people life, even active deep all life aspect towards well-being all its citizen its state. Maybe no one state even at world it that don't program prosperity in economic area for its citizen. All politician make poverty remove as  central issue well while campaign term, and also after as president or governance head. For state already go forward, well-being increasing problem its citizen, must not miss from its parent plan, beside approaching on another areas. But such, trick that sailed through by it can variably at each state.