Hakiki Rikza Irnaini Al Badri
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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Analisis Sintaksis Kesalahan Penerjemahan Teks Bahasa Indonesia Ke Bahasa Arab Melalui Google Translate Alfan Sujefri; Hakiki Rikza Irnaini Al Badri; Zakiya Arifah; Abdul Basid
Al-Muyassar: Journal of Arabic Education Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Al-Muyassar: Journal of Arabic Education
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.36 KB) | DOI: 10.31000/al-muyassar.v1i2.6476


AbstrakSalah satu mesin penerjemah yang sering digunakan oleh kalangan masyarakat yaitu Google Translate. Akan tetapi menerjemahkan teks melalui alat itu masih banyak ditemukan kesalahan-kesalahan entah itu dari sisi kaidah kebahasaan atau dari sisi makna. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesalahan sintaksis teks bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Arab melalui Google Translate. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif  deskriptif (descriptive qualitative research). Kemudian teknik pengumpulan data primer yang dilakukan peneliti yaitu dengan dokumentasi dan pengumpulan data sekunder berupa survei. Adapun Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UIN Malang yang sedang menerjemahkan teks skripsi bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Arab dengan menggunakan Google Translate. Berdasarkan hasil penerjemahan teks bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Arab melalui Google Translate, peneliti menemukan beberapa kesalahan dalam aspek pemilihan kata, tata baca, harakat, dan kaidah. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan bahasa sumber tidak sesuai dengan makna bahasa sasaran yang diterjemahkan serta  menimbulkan kesalahpahaman arti oleh pembaca hasil terjemah tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya tindak lanjut pengkoreksian secara menyeluruh dalam sebuah teks di dalam bahasa sasaran oleh penerjemah yang sudah menguasai kaidah-kaidah bahasa Arab dengan baik dan benar.Kata Kunci : Google Translate, Kesalahan Sintaksis, Penerjemahan, Terjemah OnlineAbstractOne of the machine translations that are often used by the public is Google Translate. However, translating texts through the tool still found many errors, whether it was in terms of linguistic rules or in terms of meaning. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the syntax errors of Indonesian to Arabic texts through Google Translate. The method used by the researcher is descriptive qualitative research method, while the approach used in this research is the Applied Linguistics approach. Then the primary data collection techniques carried out by researchers are documentation and secondary data collection in the form of surveys. The data sources in this study were final year students majoring in Arabic Language Education at UIN Malang who were translating the Indonesian thesis text into Arabic using Google Translate. Based on the results of translating Indonesian text into Arabic through Google Translate, the researchers found several errors in aspects of word selection, reading, pronunciation, and rules. This results in the source language not in accordance with the meaning of the target language being translated and causes misunderstanding of the meaning by the reader of the translation results. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up a thorough correction in a text in the target language by a translator who has mastered the rules of Arabic properly and correctly.Keywords : Google Translate, Syntax Errors, Translation, Online Translation
Study of Class IV Arabic Textbooks at Madrasah Ibtidaiah: Curriculum and Content Perspectives Hakiki Rikza Irnaini Al Badri; Afifah Shofia Faradisa; Muhammad Farhan; Slamet Daroini
Kitaba Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Kitaba
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/kitaba.v1i2.22464


In a research study that researchers carried out regarding the study of Arabic textbooks for class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiah by "Jauhar Ali" from the perspective of curriculum and content. This study uses a literature method with a qualitative descriptive approach because, in this research, the researcher will explain in depth the content analysis of the Arabic language textbook for class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiah by Jauhar Ali. The results of the study demonstrate that the textbook was very much in line with KMA 183 in 2019; this is evidenced by the suitability of the objectives of Arabic subjects in KMA 183 in 2019 with the contents of the Arabic language textbook for class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiah by Jauhar Ali. The contents of the Arabic language textbook for class IV MI are very in line with socio-cultural aspects, psychological aspects, as well as linguistic and educational aspects; this can be seen from the contents of the textbooks, be it dialog (hiwar), (reading) qiraah texts or others that contain values—social and culture of the local community as well as the religion of Islam. In addition, the Arabic language textbook for grade IV Madrasah Ibtidaiah is very suitable for use by children who are in grade IV or aged ten years because it is very well designed and attractive, and the materials in the Arabic textbook for grade IV Madrasah Ibtidaiah begin from easy to more difficult themes.
القلق اللغوي في تعلم مهارة الكلام لدى الطالبات الجديدات بمعهد الكوثر العصري الإسلامي بانيووانجي Hakiki Rikza Irnaini Al Badri
Maharaat Lughawiyyat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Maharaat Lughawiyyat
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jpba.v1i2.1732


Arabic language learning as a foreign language in Indonesia has big appeal, especially the language learning. However the succeed in learning arabic at educational institutions of course it can’t be separated from problematics. One of the problem is the problem that occur at Al-Kautsar Modern Boarding School Banyuwangi. The language anxiety in learning speaking skills of Arabic happened there. This article aims to (1) Knowing the level of language anxiety in speaking skills learning, (2) Knowing the forms of language anxiety in speaking skills learning, (3) Knowing how to overcome language anxiety in speaking skills learning overcome. This research is a type of mixed method using research design (sequential mixed methods). The data collection technique used in this study is a questionnaire that refers to the HARS anxiety scale, interviews, and observations. For data analysis techniques used by researchers, namely descriptive analysis techniques for quantitative data and triangulation analysis techniques for qualitative data. After the data Analysed, can be concluded that from 25 new student, there is 52% new student who is feels anxiety at medium level and 48% other feels anxiety at low level. And from 25 new student who fill the qustionnaire, there are 12 kinds of anxiety experienced by new student while learning speaking skills of arabic. Besides that the result of qustionnaire there are two ways how to overcome the anxiety of linguistic : the external ways which is given by a teacher and internal ways comes from the new students. This External ways is related to the situational factor during learning and the Internal ways is related to psychologycal, like self perception, self conception and confidence. Keywords: Language Anxiety ; Speaking Skill ; New Students