Candra Setiawan
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

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Journal : Jurnal Informatika Global

Sistem Informasi Problem Report Technical Support Pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan Dan Bangka Belitung Berbasis Website Agustina Heryati; Darmawan Susilo; Iski Zaliman; Mulyati Mulyati; A Taqwa Martadinata; Candra Setiawan; Terttiaavini Terttiaavini
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global Vol. 13 No. 3

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jiig.v13i3.2694


PT Bank Sumsel Babel is one of the most developed regional banks in the archipelago. Bank Sumsel Babel also provides a variety of investment products, such as Depati, Demang, Telepathy, Pesirah Savings (Local Potential Activator), money transfers with Western Union, Debit Cards, export-import transactions, and ATM services. This research aims to help PT. Bank Sumsel Babel in dealing with technical support report problems. The current problem is that technical support reports independently and manually, causing delays and scattered reports. This reporting is the most important thing because the data is used for internal and external audit purposes and seeing the team's performance in solving the many problems that come in are all summarized in a monthly and annual report. Website problem report technical support is the best solution so that there are no delays in reporting and logs of solving problems that have been resolved can also be used by personal teams in solving new problems so that they can save time solving problems and a list of problem positions in open positions can be monitored by managers, administrators and the leader of the file section reports needed in audit requirements can be provided quickly.Keywords: Problem Report, Website, PT Bank Sumsel Babel
The Average Value Algorithm from The Distance Matrix for Traveling Salesman Problem Candra Setiawan; Bagus Aditya; Agustina Heryati
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global Vol. 14 No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jiig.v14i1.3014


The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a popular problem, but until now there is no algorithm that has the same search results as brute force with a fast search time. Many algorithms have been made previously related to solving this problem with the aim of finding the shortest route through a number of nodes to finally return to the initial node. The purpose of this research is to create an algorithm that can optimize the search for the shortest route with a fast search time. The approach taken is to find the average value of the distance matrix and look for routes with links that have values below the average value. Each route that has been passed will be marked and compared so that it can facilitate the search with a shorter processing time. In this paper the best and effective routes are limited to 12 nodes. The results obtained show that the Average Score Algorithm provides a relatively stable processing time from node 4 to node 12. The proposed algorithm has a tendency of decreasing processing capacity with increasing number of nodes.