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Analysis of Postponement Practice in Cement Supply Chain: A Case Study Fauzan Romadlon; Hadi Kurniawan; Ridho Ananda
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 19, No. 02, December 2020
Publisher : Department of Industrial Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v19i2.11343


This research focuses on assessing implementing postponement in a cement industry especially for OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) in Indonesia. The company offers three postponement points; Ciawi and Kampung Rambutan, and Jatiwarna. This research has been done with observational method to map customer condition. Moreover, implementing linear programming model is used to gain optimal solution for allocated truck. The results are, highest proportion of OPC customer is in Jakarta, followed Karawang, and Bogor. The result from linear programming model simulation, Ciawi point is assigned to serve Jakarta and Bogor’ customers, Kampung Rambutan point is assigned for Jakarta and Kawarang’ customers, and Jatiwarna point is prepared for Jakarta, Karawang, Bekasi, Lampung, Pekalongan, Tangerang, and Serang’ customers. So, implementing postponement can increase customer satisfaction without adding higher cost such as investment cost. The cement industry encounter effectiveness and responsiveness even tough, some problem shall be taken such as double administration process (manual and computerized).
A English Famila Dwi Winati; Fauzan Romadlon
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 20 No. 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2021.20.3.1


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of the alternative public transportations in urban areas, which has begun to be implemented in some cities of Indonesia. By finding out the effectiveness of BRT as a mass transportation system, it is necessary to study the expectations of users and non-users of the Trans Jateng Purwokerto-Purbalingga BRT regarding the perceived social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study uses the text Clustering method to group public opinion based on similarities so that it can be analyzed further for policymaking. As a result, the majority of the community gave positive expectations of BRT implementation’s perceived social, economic, and environmental benefits. On the other hand, public opinion on the presence of BRT is not always positive and has a significant impact. Improvements are needed in several aspects that are considered not to meet public expectations to maximize the function of BRT as a substitute for public transportation for private vehicles.
Kajian Pra-Implementasi Aplikasi Layanan pada Bus Rapid Transit Purwokerto-Purbalingga: Perspektif Penumpang Wanita Fauzan Romadlon; Ratna Dwi Lestari; Firdhayanti Lestiana; Nuansa Aita Putri
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 32, No 2 (2020): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v32i2.1318


Operasional Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Purwokerto-Purbalingga didominasi oleh wanita. Wanita mempunyai karakteristik perjalanan yang berbeda dengan pria, dimana mereka lebih sering menggunakan transportasi umum sehingga dibutuhkan peningkatan pelayanan BRT. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat diimplementasikan adalah dengan aplikasi layanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perspektif penumpang wanita dalam kaitannya dengan ketiga aspek pelayanan, yaitu financing, kenyamanan, dan traceability. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan observasi langsung ke penumpang wanita BRT di Purwokerto dan Purbalingga. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah pada aspek financing, faktor signifikansi dipengaruhi oleh jenis pekerjaan penumpang wanita. Sedangkan aspek kenyamanan dan traceability dipengaruhi faktor rasio umur, domisili, dan kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi penumpang wanita BRT. Ketiga aspek ini dapat diterapkan dengan sebuah aplikasi layanan yang berfokus pada e-payment, BRT location tracking, dan bus capacity information demi mendukung keamanan dan kenyamanan penumpang wanita BRT.Kata kunci: Aplikasi Layanan, Perspektif, Penumpang Wanita, Bus Rapid Transit, Purwokerto-Purbalingga. AbstractPre-implementing Study of Service Application on Purwokerto-Purbalingga Bus Rapid Transit: Perspective of Female Passengers: The operations of Purwokerto-Purbalingga Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) are dominated by women. Women have different travel characteristics than men, where they use public transportation more often, so an increase in BRT services is needed. One approach that can be implemented is a service application. This study was conducted to determine the perspective of female passengers in terms of three aspects of services, including financing, comfort, and traceability. The method used was a survey and direct observation of BRT female passengers in Purwokerto and Purbalingga. The obtained results in the aspect of the financing were that the significant factor was affected by the type of work of female passengers. Meanwhile, the comfort and traceability aspects were affected by the ratio of age, residence, and ownership of private vehicles. These three aspects can be applied with a service application that focuses on e-payment, BRT location tracking, and bus capacity information to support the safety and comfort of BRT female passengers.Keywords: Service Application, Perspective, Female Passengers, Bus Rapid Transit, Purwokerto-Purbalingga.
Layanan Bus Rapid Transit Purwokerto-Purbalingga pada Pengguna Wanita Menuju Kesiapan Dimensi Smart Mobility Fauzan Romadlon
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 33, No 1 (2021): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v33i1.1480


AbstrakPengoperasian Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Purwokerto-Purbalingga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan bagi para penggunanya. Faktanya, 70% pengguna BRT adalah wanita sehingga dibutuhkan keterlibatan wanita demi menunjang keberlangsungan pembangunan kota, khususnya pada layanan transportasi umum. Di sisi lain, Purwokerto dan Purbalingga merupakan wilayah yang telah berorientasi smart city. Pada Garuda Smart City Model, yaitu sebuah model smart city initiative, terdapat smart economy di mana klaster layanannya adalah smart mobility dan bagian penting dari smart mobility adalah layanan transportasi umum. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan sosio-ekonomi meliputi demografi dan pengalaman pengguna wanita dengan preferensinya terhadap layanan BRT. Selain itu, kesiapan kedua wilayah dalam penerapan smart city terutama smart mobility juga perlu diukur. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif meliputi statistika deskriptif dan uji Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), sedangkan metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis indikator kesiapan smart mobility. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa preferensi pada kriteria ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan memiliki respons yang signifikan terhadap sosio-ekonomi. Berdasarkan indikator kesiapan smart mobility, operasional BRT baru siap terhadap indikator aksesibilitas BRT. Indikator lain seperti akses multimoda transportasi, akses transportasi internasional, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) untuk mendukung mobilitas, dan transportasi berkelanjutan dapat dikatakan belum siap. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kajian yang komprehensif dan kebijakan yang mendukung dalam menuju kesiapan smart mobility, sehingga BRT mampu menjadi transportasi andalan yang nyaman, aman, dan profesional.Kata kunci: Layanan, Preferensi Wanita, Bus Rapid Transit, Smart Mobility.AbstractThe Service of Bus Rapid Transit of Purwokerto-Purbalingga for Female Users towards Readiness of Smart Mobility Dimension: Operating Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) of Purwokerto-Purbalingga aims to improve services for its users. In fact, 70% of BRT users are women, so it requires the involvement of female users to support the sustainability of urban development, especially in public transportation services. On the other hand, Purwokerto and Purbalingga are areas that have been smart city-oriented. In the Garuda Smart City Model, which is a smart city initiative model, there is a smart economy where the service cluster is smart mobility and its main part is public transportation service. This research is conducted to determine the socio-economic correlation of demographics and experience of female users of BRT with their preferences toward the services. In addition, the readiness of the two regions in the application of the smart city, especially smart mobility, also needs to be measured. The methods used were quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative methods include descriptive and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test, while qualitative methods were used to analyze indicators of smart mobility readiness. The results obtained show that preferences for economic, social, and environmental criteria have a significant response to socioeconomic. Based on smart mobility readiness indicators, BRT operations are only ready on the indicator of BRT accessibility. Other indicators such as multimodal transportation access, international transportation access, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support mobility, and sustainable transportation are not ready yet. Therefore, comprehensive studies and policies that support smart mobility are needed so that BRT can become a reliable, safe, and professional transportation.Keywords:  Service, Women’s Preference, Bus Rapid Transit, Smart Mobility.
Preferensi Pengguna terhadap Layanan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Purwokerto-Purbalingga Fauzan Romadlon; Yudha Saintika
Jurnal Manajemen Transportasi & Logistik (JMTRANSLOG) Vol 7, No 2 (2020): JULI
Publisher : Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54324/j.mtl.v7i2.359


The objectives of BRT are divided into three aspects; environment, social, and economics  Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Purwokerto and Purbalingga is new mass transportation. The route of BRT is from Bulupitu Bus Station to Bukateja Bus Station round trip. Unfortunately, the operation of the BRT is not fully supported by the community, especially ridership. Ridership involvement is very important to support sustainability transportation service. Data collection was carried out from 163 BRT ridership. The method used is descriptive statistics, including ridership demographics and experience. Moreover, parametric statistics are used to determine the level of significance of the relationship between demographic aspects and experience with ridership preferences. The results are in economics preferences, age range and travel time of ridership to the BRT stop are significant. Social preferences are influenced by routine of using BRT, ridership residential, travel time, and ridership waiting time at BRT stops. As environmental preferences criteria are influenced by work and the ridership age range. As a recommendation, BRT operators should improve the quality and quantity of services so that BRT becomes mass transportation that is environmentally friendly and able to meet the needs of the people in these two regions
Persepsi Komunikasi Visual Terhadap Media Promosi BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Trans Jateng Koridor Purwokerto - Purbalingga Fauzan Romadlon; Pungky Febi Arifianto; Nofrizaldi Nofrizaldi
ULTIMART Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol 14 No 1 (2021): Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31937/ultimart.v14i1.1996


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of public transportation modes in Purwokerto-Purbalingga that has a visual communication element as form as transit ads for a tourism promotion media. This study aims to analyze public perceptions in terms of the effectiveness of visual communication of the promotional media. This study uses a Likert scale to assess and ANOVA to analyze the results. The results of the study indicate that the perception criteria are based on demographic factors, especially gender and job type. Men and women have different perspectives regarding the visual communication design that is applied in BRT. This study also illustrates that the expected promotion of the community as general is increasingly diverse. Promotion is expected not to be limited to tourism promotion, it is also possible to promote culinary, batik promotion, and invitations to use public transportation to campaign to prevent corrupt behavior. Keywords: perception; promotion media; visual communication; bus rapid transit; Purwokerto-Purbalingga.
Antisipasi Kekhawatiran Penumpang Terhadap Proses Layanan Bandar Udara di Yogyakarta di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Nuansa Aita Putri; Fauzan Romadlon
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 34, No 1 (2022): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v34i1.1748


Peningkatan kasus pasien positif COVID-19 di Indonesia khususnya di Yogyakarta menjadikan adanya penurunan jumlah pengguna jasa bandara khususnya penumpang. Hal ini karena adanya pemberhentian sementara transportasi umum dan adanya kekhawatiran masyarakat tertular COVID-19. Pada situasi new reality, transportasi bandara sudah mulai kembali beroperasi seperti operasional Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta (YIA) dan Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (JOG). Akan tetapi, pengguna jasa bandara masih merasa khawatir untuk bepergian, sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon tingkat kekhawatiran pengguna jasa khususnya penumpang Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta (YIA) dan Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (JOG) di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan observasi langsung ke penumpang atau pengguna jasa layanan bandara di yogyakarta. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa penumpang memiliki kekhawatiran yang tinggi terhadap proses layanan di bandara saat menyentuh tray ketika pemeriksaan, penggunaan toilet bandara, mengambil atau menyentuh bagasi, dan mengantri saat check in atau ketika boarding. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, penumpang wanita memiliki kekhawatiran yang lebih tinggi terhadap beberapa aktivitas layanan tersebut. Beberapa tawaran yang diajukan oleh penumpang untuk atau penjaminan keamanannya adalah screening COVID-19 untuk semua penumpang saat keberangkatan, pemakaian masker di bandara, tersedia teknologi touchless di bandara, dan surat bebas COVID-19 bagi setiap penumpang. Harapannya dengan peningkatan proses pelayanan bandara, maka kekhawatiran penumpang untuk menggunakan transportasi udara dapat berkurang dan keamanan tetap terjamin.
Studi Pendahuluan Komparasi Kapasitas Produksi Pada UKM Batu Bata Berbasis Family Business Fauzan Romadlon; Alya Farahdina Alfiani; Nuansa Aita Putri; Wahyu Bagas Laksana
JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems) Vol 14, No 1 (2021): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/jiems.v14i1.2347


This preliminary study aims to compare production capacity at the family business of bricks at Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. The majority of the businesses are done traditionally with family business managerial-based norms. The method used is the cost estimation analysis and the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method to calculate the statistical significance of production among SMEs. In addition, based on statistical analysis there are significant differences among the three bricks SMEs for production capacity. The implications of these calculations can be used as an initial step to consider in general determining the logistics conditions, sales strategies, and the role of succession in the family business. In practice, increasing production capacity, reducing production costs, and product innovation can be achieved if the involvement of family members were optimal to ensure and enhance the business’s sustainability.
JUTI UNISI Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Industri (JUTI) UNISI
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/juti.v5i1.1706


Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan suatu usaha yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau badan usaha yang memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam Undang-undang dan peraturan turunanya. UMKM dewasa ini, juga menjadi salah satu tulang punggung ekonomi Indonesia. Keberadaan UMKM saat ini telah menyebar dihampir semua kota/kabupaten di Indonesia, Purwokerto merupakan salah satu kota di Indonesia yang memiliki umkm yang cukup banyak, diantaranya adalah bergerak pada produksi telur asin. Telur asin adalah jenis makanan yang cukup diminati masyarakat di Purwokerto, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya beberapa pengrajin telur asin di Purwokerto. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah UMKM Telur Asin yaitu UMKM Telur Asin Bebek Mas, UMKM Telur Asin Lebak Jaya dan UMKM Telur Asin milik Bu Nafsiah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan data biaya produksi, biaya tenaga kerja dan biaya overhead. Data tersebut diolah menggunakan analisis dan estimasi biaya untuk mengetahui harga pokok prodiksinya dan untuk membandingkan produktivitas peneliti menggunakan metode One-Way ANOVA dengan menggunakan software Minitab 16. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui harga pokok produksi dan membandingkan produktivitas antar ketiga UMKM Telur Asin yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Harga pokok produksi UMKM Telur Asin Bebek Mas sebesar Rp2018,13 per butir, Telur Asin Lebak Jaya sebesar Rp1863,46, dan Telur Asin Bu Nafsiah sebesar Rp1556,54. 2) Rata-rata kapasitas produksi per bulan UMKM Telur Asin Bebek Mas adalah 1600 butir telur asin, Telur Asin Lebak Jaya adalah 800 butir, dan Telur Asin Bu Nafsiah adalah 1000 butir. 3) Hasil analisis statistika didapatkan bahwa produktivitas UMKM Telur Asin Bebek Mas paling besar, Telur Asin Bu Nafsiah yang kedua dan yang paling rendah adalah UMKM Telur Asin Lebak Jaya.
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Shopping Lifestyle, dan Visual Merchandising Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Produk Eiger) Vicalina Trinatalia Pasaribu; Achmad Zaky Yamani; Fauzan Romadlon
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v7i2.709


Competition for fashion brand trends between companies that are increasingly stringent has an impact on consumer needs for quality and varied products. This is due to decreased consumer interest in the superiority of goods that are not in accordance with the lifestyle of consumers. This study aims to identify the influence of product quality, shopping lifestyle, and visual merchandising on purchasing decisions for Eiger products in Purwokerto. This study uses quantitative methods. The collected data was tested statistically using multiple regressions. This study shows that the demographic factors of respondents have a significant assessment of purchasing decisions. The demographic factors are gender, age, college origin, pocket money and products used. The results of this study indicate that the variables of product quality, shopping lifestyle, and visual merchandising simultaneously affect the purchasing decisions of Eiger products. While partially, the results of product quality have no significant effect, so it still requires evaluation of product improvements. The better the quality of the product, the more attractive the consumer's attraction to buying the product.