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Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2014.5.2.768


Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) has been growing rapidly in Indonesia from year to year. However, its development has still not been followed by the legal rules. Some of them follow the legal system of Cooperatives, that are Act No. 25 of 1992 and Decree of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, No. 91 /KEP/M.KUKM/IX/2004 about the Implementation Guidelines for Cooperative Operations of Islamic Financial Services (KJKS). However, after Act No. 1 of 2013 about Micro-finance Institutions had been issued, the legal institutional status of BMT and its supervision has become a problem for the existence of BMT. Therefore, this study met the issues of how the legal status and supervision of BMT before and after the issued Act No. 1 of 2013 about micro-finance institutions. This study was an empirical law rechtdogmatik against Act No. 1 of 2013 about Micro-finance Institutions. It used primary legal materials, namely the Micro-finance Institutions Act; the result of interviews; and documentation that were analyzed qualitatively. The result analysis showed that before the Law of Microfinance Institutions was issued, there were 3 groups of BMT, namely: BMT with the Cooperative legal entity and being supervised by the State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs; BMT that were formed under the foundations legal entity; and BMT that were formed under Non Governmental Organisation. However, after Act No. 1 of 2013 had been issued, Microfinance Institutions should only have legal status, either as a cooperative or an incorporated company (PT). In addition, the supervision should be conducted by the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK) coordinated with both the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Nevertheless, the competence of supervision has still not been clearly regulated in the Microfinance Institutions Act, because the new law might effectively run two years after being enacted while the implemention is also still not regulated yet. Thus, it should be recommended to make clear implementation rules in the legal status of Microfinance Institutions, especially for those not have legal entities as well as those should transform. Similarly, in terms of supervision, there should be a clear competence of supervision performed by the FSA and the two mentioned Ministry above. So, there might not be either overlapping or loose supervision.
DIALEKTIKA PLURALISME HUKUM: Upaya Penyelesaian Masalah Ancaman Keberagaman dan Keberagamaan di Indonesia Masyithoh, Novita Dewi
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 24, No 2 (2016): Agama, Politik dan Kebangsaan
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.24.2.1289


Conflict resolution on SARA requires pluralistic approaches. Hence, the presence of legal pluralism becomes a new approach to resolve the problem. This study is a qualitative research that convey three dimensions of legal pluralism, namely natural law, state law and society law. The study used secondary data, with primary and secondary legal materials obtained by documentation resources. Data were analyzed inductively, used the contemporary theories to produce more conceptual and general propositions for conclusions and recommendations. The result shows that there have been 8 cases on SARA conflict in Indonesia during the last three years. To solve these problems, religious leaders can use natural law approach to re-internalize religious values and tolerance. In addition, the government also should understand that those conflicts were a form of society law owing to discreditable law society and religious diversity. Therefore, non penal policy with persuasive appeals is needed to reduce the problems. However, penal policy through law enforcement should also be implemented as a form of state positivism law. In other words, state positivism law should go hand in hand with natural law and society law in order to reach the best decision based on moral and religious ethics as well as social values.***Penyelesaian konflik SARA membutuhkan pendekatan-pendekatan yang plural. Oleh karena itu pluralisme hukum hadir sebagai pendekatan baru untuk menyelesaikan tersebut Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum dengan tradisi kualitatif yang berusaha mendialektikakan 3 dimensi dari legal pluralism, yaitu natural law, state law dan law society. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder, dengan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh dengan teknik dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara induktif dengan menggunakan teori-teori yang ada untuk mem­produksi suatu proposisi yang umum, sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi 8 konflik SARA di Indonesia dalam 3 tahun terakhir. Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut, para pemuka agama menggunakan pendekatan natural law untuk reinternaliasasi nilai-nilai keluhuran atas agama dan toleransi. Pemerintah seharusnya me­mahami bahwa konflik tersebut adalah bentuk society law karena tercederainya keragaman dan keberagamaan. Perlu kebijakan non penal dengan seruan-seruan persuasif agar persoalan serupa tidak lagi terjadi. Di sisi lain, kebijakan penal melalui penegakan hukum juga harus dilakukan, sebagai bentuk state positivism law. State positivism law harus mampu menggandeng natural law dan law society, agar diperoleh putusan terbaik yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai moral ethic religion dan nilai-nilai sosial kemasyarakatan.
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.083 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2020.2.1.5555


The purpose of this study is to measure legal protection and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities who work in various companies in the city of Semarang, Central Java. As is known, the right to work for citizens is regulated in Article 27 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, which mandates the right of citizens to get a decent job and life. Every citizen has the same rights and the state (government) has regulated these rights in terms of obtaining employment without exception, including persons with disabilities. This study uses a juridical-empirical (non-doctrinal) approach, which examines how employment opportunities and legal protection of persons with disabilities in the city of Semarang, especially in PT. Samwon Clothing Indonesia. Primary data sources were obtained from PT. Samwon Busana Indonesia through interviews, secondary data in the form of legal material. Data Collection Method with Interview and Documentation methods, Data Analysis is done by a descriptive method. The results showed that employment opportunities for workers with disabilities in the city of Semarang, especially in PT Samwon Busana Indonesia had fulfilled one percent of the total employees. The total disability workers at the company are 14 out of a total of 1317 employees. In terms of legal protection, all employees both with disabilities and do not get the same rights and opportunities to be treated fairly. In addition, fulfillment of the rights of workers with disabilities is also fulfilled without discrimination.
Criminal Policy for Users Ofservices Prostitution to Achieve Substantial Justice Chumairo, Maryamul; Masyithoh, Novita Dewi; Adila, Arina Hukmu
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2021.3.1.9074


Prostitution is a form of sexual deviation and disease of society and also against Indonesian morality. Therefore, its existence is a problem for the Indonesian nation. One of the causes is that criminal formulation policies are set within KUHP specifically article 296 jo. article 506 only discussing about criminal responsibility for a pimp. The other parties involved in such prostitution as prostitutes (sex workers) and client of prostitutes are not convicted unless one or both are committed in marriage, so it can be convicted under article 284 which qualifies for a felony in adultery. Based on these issues, this research aims to learn and analyze criminal policy for client of prostitutes in positive laws in Indonesia and criminal policy for client of prostitutes to realize substantial justice. The results of this research show that criminal policy for client of prostitutes in positive laws is not optimal. The arrangement of prostitution in particular article 296 jo. 506 KUHP only disscuss about criminal resonsibility for a pimp, so there is a legal vacuum in Indonesia's penal formulation policy that regulates prostitution. The government's policy to close brothels in Indonesia still raises problems as it is not followed by reformulation of criminal laws that regulate prostitution crimes. Thus, it has been necessary for criminal policy either by penal or non-penal efforts to realize the laws expected by society and to attain substantial justice (the perfect justice). The author's recommendation would be to include new legal norms governing prostitution crimes and encourage governments to legitimize RUU KUHP and RUU PKS.[]Praktik prostitusi ini menjadi problematika tersendiri bagi bangsa Indonesia. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah rumusan pemidanaan yang diatur dalam KUHP khususnya Pasal 296 jo. Pasal 506 hanya berkaitan dengan pertanggungjawaban pidana muncikari. Pihak lain seperti pekerja seks komersial dan pengguna jasa prostitusi tidak dimintai pertangungjawaban, kecuali bila salah satu terikat hubungan perkawinan (Pasal 284 KUHP). Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis mengenai kebijakan kriminal bagi pengguna jasa prostitusi dalam hukum positif di Indonesia dan kebijakan kriminal bagi pengguna jasa prostitusi yang berkeadilan substansial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa criminal bagi pengguna jasa prostitusi dalam hukum positif Indonesia belum optimal. Pengaturan mengenai prostitusi khususnya dalam Pasal 296 jo. Pasal 506 KUHP hanya berkaitan dengan pertanggungjawaban pidana bagi muncikari (hal ini didasarkan karena KUHP/WvS masih dipengaruhi budaya hukum Belanda dan Prancis), sehingga menimbulkan adanya kekosongan hukum dalam kebijakan formulasi hukum pidana di Indonesia yang mengatur terkait praktik prostitusi. Upaya non penal melalui penutupan lokalisasi juga masih menyisakan permasalahan karena tidak diikuti dengan reformulasi hukum pidana yang mengatur terkait kejahatan prostitusi. Oleh karenanya, dibutuhkan kebijakan kriminal baik melalui pendekatan penal maupun non penal yang berkeadilan substansial untuk mewujudkan keadilan yang dicita-citakan masyarakat. Adapun rekomendasi penulis adalah dengan memasukkan norma hukum baru yang mengatur mengenai kejahatan prostitusi dan mendorong pengesahan RUU KUHP dan RUU PKS.Â