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Keragaman genetik ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) di wilayah perairan Indonesia I Gusti Ayu Diah Hendiari; Aida Sartimbul; I Wayan Arthana; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 7: No. 1 (April, 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v7i1.2405


Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) merupakan komoditas perikanan pelagis yang sangat bernilai ekonomis dikalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan Lemuru memiliki kelebihan yaitu keberadaannya yang berlimpah di perairan lau Indonesia, harganya yang sangat murah serta kandungan omega-3 yang sangat baik untuk tubuh. Kebutuhan akan ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) yang tinggi menyebabkan tingginya angka penangkapan komoditas ini di perairain, sehingga dapat menyebabkan resiko penurunan jumlah populasi dialam. Pengelolaan yang tepat pada komoditas ini tentunya diperlukan akan dapat meminimalisir resiko yang dapat terjadi. Pengelolaan akan dapat terlaksana dengan tepat apabila berdasarkan atas data informasi yang memadai, salah satunya adalah informasi mengenai keragaman genetiknya. Kajian ini mengumpulkan pustaka dari penelitian terdahulu mengenai keragaman genetik ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai keragaman Ikan Lemuru dari segi genetiknya. Nilai keragaman genetik dilihat dari nilai keragaman haplotipe (Hd) karena keduanya memiliki kolerasi yang positif untuk menggambarkan keragaman genetik dari suatu komoditas. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan nilai keragaman genetik ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia memiliki nilai yang termasuk kategori tinggi. Hasil ini menggambarkan bahwa ditengah tingginya kegiatan penangkapan, ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) secara genetik masih memiliki keragaman yang tinggi sehingga dimungkinkan komoditas Ikan Lemuru memiliki adaptasi yang tinggi terhadap kondisi lingkungan.Kata kunci: Sardinella lemuru, keragaman genetik, keragaman haplotipe Sardinella lemuru is pelagic commodities that have economic values for the Indonesian. S. lemuru has some of the major advantages, such as much population on Indonesian marine, low price, and has Omega-3 for the human body. The high demands of Lemuru Fish cause a high rate of cached, that can cause the risk of population degradation. Proper management of these commodities are needed to decrease the risk impact, that can be done rightly based on the equal value of information, and one of them is genetic diversity. This research compiles the recent researches about the genetic diversity of the Sardinella lemuru in Indonesian to get the explanation about Lemuru Fish diversity. The value of genetic diversity observed is based on the diversity value of Haplotype (Hd), because these two values have a positive correlation to make a whole representation from a commodity. The results of this review show that the genetic diversity of Lemuru Fish on Indonesian marine territorial has the high-value category. These results explain that in the high activities of fishing, Lemuru Fish genetically still have a high diversity that leads to the conclusion Lemuru Fish commodities has a high-level ability to adapt from environmental conditions.Keywords: Sardinella lemuru; genetic diversity; haplotype diversity 
VARIAN GENETIK Sardinella lemuru DI PERAIRAN SELAT BALI Gde Raka Angga Kartika; Aida Sartimbul; W Widodo
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 10, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v10i1.1615


Sardinella lemuru merupakan salah satu spesies ikan yang mendominasi di perairan Selat Bali. Identifikasi Sardinella lemuru dengan sardinella lain di perairan Selat Bali hanya dibedakan berdasarkan secara morfologi, sedangkan identifikasi genetik belum pernah dilakukan dan variasi gentetik juga belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan memastikan jenis Sardinella lemuru di perairan Selat Bali dan mengetahui variasi genetik dan kekerabatannya berdasarkan  gen Cythocrome oxidase sub unit 1 (COI). Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengisolasi DNA dari organ tubuh ikan lemuru dan hasilnya diamplifikasi dengan gen COI, kemudian dilakukan skuensing untuk mendapatkan sekuen data ikan  lemuru perairan Selat Bali dan urutan basa hasil skuensing dianalisis menggunakan program MEGA 5.2. Hasil menunjukan bahwa ikan lemuru di Selat Bali termasuk kedalam spesies Sardinella lemuru dengan tingkat kesamaan analisis BLAST adalah sebesar 98-100%. 11 sampel skuen ikan lemuru membentuk 2 kelompok besar. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa spesies Sardinella lemuru dan Sardinella longiceps merupakan speies ikan yang berbeda dengan jarak genetik 0,019Kata Kunci: COI, Sardinella lemuru, Selat BaliGENETIC VARIANCE OF Sardinela lemuru IN THE BALI STRAIT WATERSSardinella lemuru is one of the fish species that dominate in the Bali Strait. identification Sardinella lemuru with the others Sardinella in the Strait of Bali is based on morphological characteristics, whereas genetic identification of Sardinella lemuru in bali strait has not been done and variations genetic also unknown. This research aims to ascertain the type of sardinella lemuru in the bali strait and Determine genetic variation and kinship based on cytochrome oxidase subunit  (COI)  gene. The method is performed by isolating DNA from fish organs and the results are amplified by the COI gene skuensing then performed to obtain the data sequence of Sardinella lemuru Bali Strait and analyzed using the program MEGA 5.2. Results showed that lemuru in Bali Strait is sardinella lemuru species with the degree of similarity BLAST analysis of 98-100%. 11 samples skuen lemuru forming two large clad. The results also showed that the species Sardinella lemuru and Sardinella longiceps  different speies with genetic distance 0,019.Keywords: COI, Sardinella lemuru, Bali Straits
Potensi Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) Sebagai Penghambat Bakteri Vibrio harveyi Gde Raka Angga Kartika; Sri Andayani; Soelistyowati Soelistyowati
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1043.995 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2016.v2.i02.49-53


Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) is a plant that can treat various kinds of diseases, because this plant has a high antioxidant content and as an antibacterial and antiviral. Vibriosis disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio harveyi is a serious problem in marine and brackish culture, this disease can cause death for shrimp and fish that farmed in marine or brackish. This study aims to determine the potential of using leaf extract Binahong with different concentrations as Vibrio harveyi inhibiting bacterial growth in vitro. The method used is to test the Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to determine minimum levels inhibit the growth of Vibrio harveyi and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) using paper disc. The results showed the use of leaf extract Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) with different concentrations significant effect on the growth of Vibrio harveyi in vitro. Binahong leaf extract (Anredera cordifolia) with a concentration of 3%, 5%, 7%, 9%, 11% and 13% is only bacteriostatic which inhibits the growth of bacteria Vibrio harveyi with the best concentration obtained is equal to 13%.
The Competition among Fish Species Based on Types of Food in Buyan Lake, Bali, Indonesia Shanti Paramita Jayanti; Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 6 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2020.v06.i01.p14


Buyan Lake is located in Bali Province, this lake has a variety of fish species which several of those species are introduced species that called as alien fish. The relationship interaction between native fish and introduced fish can be described based on the study of food habit and competition of food types. The study was conducted from January to March 2018. Types of fish caught in Buyan Lake during the study were 7 species of fish namely Oreochromis niloticus, Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Osteochilus vittatus, Cyprinus carpio, Xiphophorus hellerii var. 1, Xiphophorus hellerii var. 2, and Rasbora lateristriata. The results showed that the fish with the highest ISC value was Amatitlania nigrofasciata, while the fish with the lowest ISC (Index of Stomach Content) value was Xiphophorus hellerii var. 1. The standard deviation range of almost all fish species is close to zero, so it is suspected that the contents of the stomach are nearly similiar. Amatitlania nigrofasciata with the highest standard deviation values are thought to have a variety of gastric contents. Based on the analysis of the contents of the stomach content, Oreochromis niloticus, Osteochilus vittatus, and Xiphophorus hellerii var. 2 are belonging to herbivorous fish. While Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Cyprinus carpio, Xiphophorus hellerii var. 1, and Rasbora lateristriata are belonging to omnivorous fish, which are tending to herbivores. The competition of food type is quite strict, there is similarity of food among species of fish in Buyan Lake, which is mean that they are fighting over the same food resources.
Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Tongkol Abu-Abu (Thunnus tonggol Bleeker, 1851) Yang Tertangkap Di Perairan Selat Bali Made Ayu Pratiwi; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 7 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2021.v07.i01.p07


The aimed of this study was to determine the reproductive biology aspects of longtail tuna, namely the gonad maturity level, gonadal maturity index, fecundity and length of first maturity. Fish samples were obtained from the catches of fishermen in the Bali Strait which landed at PPP Muncar from December 2018 to February 2019. Gonad maturity level of longtail tuna in December 2018 was mostly found in immature conditions (TKG I). TKG III and IV are most commonly found in February. The highest IKG value was found in February 2019 (0.017). This can be interpreted that lontail tuna experienced peak spawning and was actively reproducing in February. The sex ratio of gray tuna is dominated by male. Fecundity at TKG III ranged from 18,800 to 33,200 grains and at TKG IV of 154,000 grains. The length of first maturity of longtail tuna was 495 mmFL (male) and was 487 mmFL (female).
Keanekaragaman Vegetasi Akuatik di Peraian Danau Batur, Kintamani, Bangli I Made Hendy Wesha Suryawan; Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2020.v06.i02.p16


Batur lake is an aquatic natural resource that has a very important value in terms of ecological functions and economic functions. Batur lake gets pressure due to discharges of various types of waste generated from plantation activities, community settlements, cultivated feed residues in floating net cages, tourism activities and water transportation waste. It can cause ecosystems disruption in Batur lake, especially on the aquatic vegetation. This study aims to determine the species diversity and the influence of community activities on aquatic vegetation in Batur lake. This research was conducted from February to March 2017 at Batur Lake using quantitative descriptive method. Sampling was conducted at five stations by taking data and samples of aquatic vegetation, measuring water quality (temperature, pH, DO, clarity and turbidity) and water samples for testing nitrate, phosphate and sulfide acid content. The aquatic vegetation species that found were seven types, namely Alternanthera philoxeroides, Persicria decipiens, Phragmites australis, Eicchornia crassipes, Ceratophyllum demersum, Pistia stratiotes and Azolla pinnata. The value of diversity is in the low category. Uniformity of aquatic vegetation in Lake Batur waters ranged from 0.62257 - 0.874. The dominant value ranges from 0.22435 - 0.61563. The highest density values were found in species of Alternanthera philoxeroides at station II with 880 ind/m2 and 40 ind/m2 of Persicaria decipiens as the lowest density species. The water quality parameters give a significant influence on the growth of aquatic vegetation in Batur lake waters.
Kandidat Probiotik Ramah Lingkungan Dari Batang Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca) Untuk Peningkatan Produksi Ikan Nila (Orechromis niloticus) Gde Raka Angga Kartika; Endang Wulandari Suryaningtyas
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 7 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2021.v07.i01.p05


One treatment to increase the productivity of tilapia fish farming is by administering probiotics. Natural probiotics, besides it is safe for consumers, it is also very environmentally friendly because it is obtained from natural. The stem of banana (Musa paradisiaca) is organic waste that is commonly found in Indonesia. In the banana stems, they contain carbohydrates, protein, water, and essential minerals that can be used by microorganisms (bacteria) to evolve. Research conducted explorative research, by identifying lactic acid bacteria (BAL) potentially isolated from the banana stem probiotics (Musa paradisiaca) In specific media MRSA BCP and the addition of probiotics banana stems on Tilapia fish feed to see the effectiveness of the use of probiotics in tilapia culture. The result showed the density of lactic acid bacteria probiotic banana stems on the first day 0, day three: 1.63 x 107, the seventh day: 3:20 x 107, and the fourteenth day: 0. Results of testing the addition of probiotics in the feed of tilapia showed that tilapia given feed with probiotics that had specific growth rate and absolute growth is higher than the tilapia fed without probiotics.
Struktur Komunitas Zooplankton di Bendungan Telaga Tunjung, Kabupaten Tabanan-Bali Ni Wayan Desy Wahyudiati; I Wayan Arthana; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Vol 3 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.533 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/jmas.2017.v3.i01.115-122


Zooplankton are the heterotroph aquatic organisms and has a week swimming. Zooplankton acts as the first consumer in the waters, which utilize phytoplankton as their food. This research located in Telaga Tunjung reservoir, Timpag Village, Kerambitan Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency. The reservoir is used for industry, irrigation and tourism development. The aim of the research was to determine the community structure of zooplankton in Telaga Tunjung reservoir. This research was conducted from January to February 2016. Water sampling was conducted twice with a sampling interval of 2 weeks in 4 stations. There was a total of 23 species of zooplankton found, consisting of 6 classes: Eurotatoria (8 genera), Ciliatea (1 genera), Branchiopoda (4 genera), Monogononta (1 genera), Tubulinea (1 genera) and Maxillopoda (3 genera). The most common species of zooplankton found in the sampling station were Polyarthra vulgaris (3.04 ind/l), Anuraeopsis coelata (1.28 ind/l), Keratella valga (0.43 ind/l), Vorticella sp. (0.49 ind/l), Diaphanosoma brachyurum (0.28 ind/l), Nauplius sp. (0.16 ind/l) and Megacyclops viridis (1.16 ind/l). The average abundance of zooplankton was 9.38 ind/l. Based on the abundance of zooplankton, the trophic status of Telaga Tunjung reservoir is mesotrophic.
Pemanfaatan Ikan Red Devil (Amphilophus sp.) Sebagai Pakan Alternatif dalam Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) I Kadek Mega Mega Dhyana Putra; Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 22 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2022.v22.i01.p04


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelulushidupan serta perbedaan rasio konversi pakan ikan nila yang diberikan pakan rucahan ikan red devil dengan persentase berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada kurun waktu 56 hari, menggunakan tiga perlakuan yakni A (kontrol) pemberian pakan 100% pelet, perlakuan B pemberian pakan rucah ikan red devil 100%, dan perlakuan C pemberian pakan pelet 50% + rucahan ikan 50%. Padat tebar ikan dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 ekor/50 liter air dengan ukuran ikan 4-6 cm yang diperoleh dari petani pendederan di daerah Bangli. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah pengukuran panjang ikan, laju pertmbuhan spesifik, kelulushidupan, rasio konversi pakan dan kualitas air. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan C memberi hasil yang tertinggi dan berbeda nyata secara stastistik (P<0.05) pada pertumbuhan panjang mutlak dan kelangsungan hidup ikan. Hasil pengukuran parameter kualitas air selama penelitian menunjukkan suhu berkisar 23.80-24.18oC, nilai pH rata-rata 7.03 dan DO pada kisaran 5.82-6.13 mg/L. Nilai kualitas air ini masih berada dalam rentang optimum untuk pemeliharaan ikan nila. Kata Kunci: Ikan Nila; Ikan red devil; Laju Pertumbuhan
Analisis Kelayakan Potensi Ekowisata Pantai Pandan, Kecamatan Pandan Tapanuli Tengah Sumatera Utara. Wenny Aberti Manurung; I Wayan Restu; Gde Raka Angga Kartika
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 22 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2022.v22.i01.p01


Abstract This study was conducted in Pandan Beach, Pandan District, Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra which aims to know the supporting factors of coastal tourism feasibility from the limiting factors of tourism conformity index value and to know the tourism conformity index (IKW). This research was conducted for 1 Month, namely in early March to early April 2021. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative method. Determination of the location of research based on the representation of the area is located with the consideration that in the area is often carried out tourist activities such as point 1 waterspot activities, point 2 is swimming activity and point 3 ship activity that carries passengers around the island. parameters measured in the Index of Tourism Conformity Category Of Beach Tourism namely depth, tipe beach, beach width, water base material, beach slope, current speed, brightness, closure of coastal land, hazardous biota, and availability of fresh water. Based on the observation of the potential of Pandan Beach is the white sand, the waves are not too besar. The results showed the value of tourist conformity index of the three stations, namely at station 1 has a value of 2,695, while at stations II and III has the same value of 2,795. It shows that pandanus beach falls into the category of very appropriate (SI) with a conformity index value of >2.5. Hal showed that Pandan Beach Tapanuli Central North Sumatra has a very good potential to be a location for recreational beach tourism activities. Keywords: Potential; Tourism Conformity Index; Pandan Beach.