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Optimization and monitoring of solar power plant as a hybrid energy for tea leaf dryer based on SCADA system Syahid Syahid; Pangestuningtyas Diah Larasati; Adeguna Ridlo Pramurti; Mochamad Muqorrobin; Aji Hari Riyadi
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 22, No 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v22i2.4607


Previous research has discussed tea drying machines with energy sources from PLN. Tea drying machines with refrigerant systems require large electrical energy costs. The electrical energy produced by a tea drying machine is proportional to its performance and cost. This research designed a 400 WP solar cell (PLTS) as a power supply for drying tea leaves. PLTS was combined with a PLN electricity source. Hybrid energy from PLTS and PLN was designed to maximize the use of electrical energy used by drying tea leaves. PLC and SCADA were used to monitor input current, output voltage, and output power. PLC and SCADA can optimize load requirements. When the solar radiation received by the solar panels was not optimal, PLN was able to back up load requirements. The average voltage produced by hybrid energy was 232.4 V. Hybrid energy was able to save power usage of 108.92 W or 12.8% of the load power requirements
Automatic Tobacco Dryer Refrigeration System Optimization Using PLC and SCADA Syahid Syahid; Mochamad Muqorrobin; Yusnan Badruzzaman; Aggie Brenda Vernandez; Akhmad Jamaah
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i1.3188


In many cases, tobacco leaves are still dried using conventional methods, which relies merely on sunlight, thus making it difficult for farmers to dry them in the rainy season. Tobacco leaves rot easily, so alternative drying methods that are not weather dependent are required. Our research offers a solution by making a tobacco leaf drying machine with a refrigeration system. This tool can accommodate 5 kg of tobacco and can be controlled by a PLC and monitored using SCADA. The drying test was carried out at a temperature setting of 40°C–50°C and a humidity of around 25%–55%. The first test was drying 1 kg of tobacco leaves with a moisture content of 30%, which required a drying time of up to 2 hours and 40 minutes. After the drying process, the average weight of tobacco leaves became 287.8 g with a moisture content of 12%. The second test was the drying of 5 kg of tobacco leaves with a moisture content of 30%, which required a drying time of up to 4 hours and 15 minutes. After the drying process, the weight of the tobacco leaves was 880 g and the moisture content was 11.5%. The test results show that tobacco leaves can be dried without changing their original color and shape, even though they had experienced a decrease in mass and water content.