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Journal : SAINTEK

Sifat Fisik Batako dengan Penambahan Limbah Styrofoam Herol Herol; Dea Fauziah Larasati; Isria Miharti Maherni Putri; Alma Nastasya
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Increasing population growth and changes in people's consumption methods have resulted in a higher amount of waste. Styrofoam is one of the most common types of waste. Styrofoam is included in the category of inorganic waste that is dangerous both from health and the environment, it is necessary to process styrofoam waste, one of which is by making styrofoam as a building block material. Styrofoam which has a light weight is expected to make the weight of the bricks lighter. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical properties of the bricks with the addition of Styrofoam. The addition of styrofoam will replace sand with levels of 0%, 10%, 25%, and 50%. Visual observation of the bricks with the addition of styrofoam has white spots, gray color. The more styrofoam added, the harder it will be to get a perfect angle on the bricks. Testing the density and specific gravity of the bricks with the addition of styrofoam, it can be concluded that the higher the content of styrofoam as a substitute for sand, the smaller the density and specific gravity of the bricks because the unit weight of the styrofoam is very light. testing the water absorption of the bricks with the addition of styrofoam resulted in the absorption of water in the bricks will be smaller as more and more levels of styrofoam are added, that's due to the watertight nature of styrofoam. Brick Styrofoam content of 0%, 10%, 25%, and 50% included in the quality I according to SNI 03-0349-1989 which is smaller than 25%. Quality I is brick used for load bearing construction, usually used for unprotected construction (outside the roof). Keywords: Batako, Berat Jenis, Penyerapan Air, Styrofoam
Studi Transformasi Gelombang di daerah Pantai Malalayang Raymond Jacson Georgen; Isria Miharti Maherni Putri; Muhamad Lukman Subangi; Herol Herol; Retno Fitri Astuti
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Malalayang coast has become one of the favorite tourist destinations in the province of north sulawesi. According to the observation, malayang coast has undergone physical changes (damage) in the coast area. Therefore, it is necessary to study the waves characteristics in malalayang coast by using physical modeling, in order to discover the dynamics process that causes erosion or changes in the coastline. However, physical modeling is very expensive and requires a large area of space. To answer these problems, one method that can be used to calculate and to visualize the wave characteristics close to real conditions is to use SMS software, especially by using the CGWAVE module. This study aimed to attain information about the wave transformation process that occurs in the coast of malalayang, so that the results can be used to develop and to secure the coast area. The research methods used in this study were using the CGWAVE module software and also using the manual method (analytically and graphically) as a validation technique. The results of this research indicates that the simulation wave propagation with north direction as the dominant direction, at a significant wave height H=0.26m and the period T=3.2s, produces waves with a height between 0.016m to 1.46m. Afterward, the results of waves direction visualization in all segments has produce the same pattern, that is north direction, especially in the deep sea area. However, the waves direction changed (turns) when the depth changes or passes obstacles, specifically when the waves pass through shallow waters. Keywords: Wave, Refraction, Diffraction, CGWAVE, Malalayang Coast
Analisis Kuat Tekan Bata Beton terhadap Penambahan Limbah Styrofoam Isria Miharti Maherni Putri; Herol Herol; Muhammad Arief Almahdi
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Indonesia is a country with a high earthquake rate, that's because Indonesia is geographically located. So that in the development of the construction world, materials are needed that can minimize damage due to earthquakes. One indicator of a material that is able to withstand earthquake forces is its light weight but is able to withstand earthquake forces. The existence of styrofoam as waste can be used as an additional material for making materials because it has a light weight. Styrofoam is a material that is not easily decomposed by nature and the manufacture of styrofoam as a hazardous waste is the 5th largest in the world. The purpose of the study was to determine the compressive strength of concrete bricks with the addition of styrofoam. This study added styrofoam waste as a substitute for fine aggregate with a percentage of 0%, 20%, 40% and 60%. The test object was made the size of a brick, namely 23cm x 11cm x 5cm. The results of the study show that the greater the addition of styrofoam as a substitute for fine aggregate, the weight of the concrete brick is reduced and the greater the percentage of the addition of styrofoam causes the compressive strength of the concrete brick to decrease for a percentage of 60% of the concrete brick entering class 100 requirements based on SNI 15-2094-2000 with a minimum average strength of 100 kg/cm2. Keywords: Concrete Brick, Styrofoam, Compressive Strength
Perancangan Gedung Fakutas Kedokteran Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang dengan Penerapan Konsep Arsitektur Kontekstual Retno Astuti; Isria Miharti Maherni Putri; Andi Juliyas Sugiyanto
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 2 - Februari 2023
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Kabupaten Karawang saat ini sudah menjadi salah satu kota industri terbesar di Indonesia, begitu pun industri pada bidang kesehatan, banyak sekali apotek, klinik dan rumah sakit yang baru dibangun dan yang sudah beroprasi, meningkatnya industri pada bidang ini sejalan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk yang ada di Kabupaten Karawang namun tidak diimbangi dengan kesadaran akan pola hidup sehat. Melihat potensi ini penulis melihat adanya kekurangan pada lingkup tersebut yaitu belum adanya sekolah kedokteran di Kabupaten Karawang sehingga pemahaman tentang kesehatan belum begitu diprioritaskan. Kasus virus pandemik menyadarkan kita perlu adanya pihak akademisi dari bidang kesehatan sehingga diharapkan bisa meneliti kasus tersebut dengan cepat dan bisa mempercepat proses pencegahan maupun proses penyembuhan pada masyarakat yang sudah terjangkit. Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang adalah Universitas Swasta yang baru dibangun sekitar tahun 2015, namun demikian Universitas tersebut sudah memiliki sekitar 8469 mahasiswa dan 205 tenaga pendidik, dengan dibangunnya gedung Fakultas Kedokteran pada Universitas tersebut diharapkan bisa menjadi nilai tambah pada Universitas tersebut dan bisa mendukung tentang pemahaman akan kesehatan pada wilayah tersebut. Perancangan gedung ini menggunakan konsep Arsitektur Konstektual agar tidak merubah nilai – nilai yang ada pada lingkungan kampus tersebut selama ini berlatih dan bertanding hanya di lapangan stadion krida bhakti dan juga menjadi langkah awal tentang kemajuan sepakbola di Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah.