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Potensi Pantai Panrangluhung di Bira Kabupaten Bulukumba sebagai Destinasi Wisata Musawantoro, Muhammad; Ridwan, Masri
Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (924.844 KB) | DOI: 10.34013/jk.v3i1.27


This study aims to identify the characteristics of tourism in Panrangluhung Beach, Bira Village, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Data collection techniques by survey, documentation and observation. This study employs spatial analysis and snowball sampling to analyze and collect data on the distribution of accommodation, attractions and tourist attractions at the study site. As for data visualization, geographic information system analysis is then performed with the existing data overlay method. The results show that the Panrangluhung beach area as a typology of marine tourism attraction with a coastline of 1,650 meters and cultural tourism at the center of phinisi shipbuilding. Recommendations from this study are to revitalize the 45-meter long coastal area in the southern part of the study site, including: the installation of a sign system and directing beach cleanliness.
Mengukur tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan program studi manajemen divisi kamar politeknik pariwisata makassar Ab, Ahmad; Ridwan, Masri
Jurnal Kepariwisataan dan Hospitalitas Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Vol.3,No.2,2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (576.228 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JKH.2019.v03.i02.p010


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan program studi Manajemen Divisi Kamar di Politehnik Pariwisata Makassar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitiannya dengan survei deskriptif, menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Kuesioner yang digunakan berupa kepuasan terhadap kualitas layanan program studi Manajemen Divisi Kamar. Kuesioner kepuasan terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu proses administrasi dan fasilitas, pelayanan proses belajar mengajar dan praktikum. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner sebanyak 95 sampel. Setelah dilakukan entri data menggunakan program komputer excel, dilakukan teknik perhitungan frekuensi untuk menggambarkan pengaruh antara variabel kualitas layanan jasa dengan tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif kemudian dikonversi dan disimpulkan ke dalam kesimpulan kualitatif. Tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap fasilitas, layanan, proses belajar mengajar dan praktikum secara keseluruhan berada pada skor 17.523 yang mana skor ini berada pada interval nilai 17.157-20.425 dengan kategori sangat baik. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan untuk memasukkan indikator tingkat partisipan atau keaktifan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan. Kata kunci: kepuasan, mahasiswa, kualitas layanan
“Erong” as Supplementary Learning Materials for Tourism Geography of Toraja Tribe in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Suni, Muhadjir; Ridwan, Masri
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 10 No. 6 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Richtmann Publishing

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'Erong' in Toraja Tribe is a funeral tradition which is potentially used as a learning source for Tourism Geography. The research aimed at discovering the use of ‘erong’ in funeral tradition of Toraja. The concerns of this research were the history of 'erong’, its the development process, and the optimalization of 'erong' as supplementary learning materials on the topic of potential attraction on the Tourism Geography course in Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar. This ethnographic study employed observation and in-depth interview in collecting the data. The collected data applied was based on their category and chronology then simultaneously checked and coded. The data verification strategy used triangulation, member checking, and audit trial. This research revealed the history underlying the tradition of ‘erong’ including the belief in Aluk Sanda Pitunna (Rule 7777) which was originated from the teachings of the ancestors (Aluk Todolo). ‘Erong’ as Austronesian culture came through the transformation into Pata'ne. Nowadays the uniqueness of Toraja's culture makes it popular as destination for both local and international tourists. In optimizing the integration of this tradition into curriculum of Tourism Geography within the scope of Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar, the result of this research will become supplementary textbook. Further study is recommended to conduct in-depth research on the potential of other local tourism destinations in Toraja such as Rambu Solo ceremony (funeral), Rambu Tuka (thanksgiving), traditional house Tongkonan, and Passiliran (baby grave).
Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Gunung Nona Kecamatan Anggeraja Kabupaten Enrekang, Indonesia Jasman, Jasman; Ridwan, Masri
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Februari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (974.959 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lageografia.v18i2.11853


The aim study was to identify the development strategy of the Mount Nona area of Tanete Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Although it is located in a strategic location that connects Makassar and the Toraja Destinations, this region faces several challenges, so efforts are needed to uncover the development of a sustainable tourism industry. The approach used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection by field survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with stakeholders. The results showed that the Mount Nona Region was in quadrant I, which is a rapid growth strategy. Quality improvement is important, optimizing land use and developing innovative and up-to-date promotional brands. The strategy used to achieve this is with Ecotourism and the preparation of tour packages. It is expected that the findings of this study will be followed up by stakeholders in order to optimize the tourism industry in the Mount Nona tourism area.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Vol.1, No.1, Januari 2016
Publisher : Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (749.318 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jp.v1i1.6601


This research focused on the tourism potential of North Toraja based on local wisdom. The method of this study implemented qualitative using ethnography approach. The results showed that (1) the tourism objects in North Toraja are potential in the aspect of culture, nature and history (2) the tourism areas in North Toraja must be under supervised and controlled by Foundations, Farmers, Local Government, and family. (3) Development of tourism objects in the basis of local wisdom supports the continuation of tourism in North Toraja. (4) Tourism in North Toraja based on local wisdom can be used as a source of learning materials for Tourism Geography courses in the Department of Geography, State University of Makassar. The implication of this study will be used a source of support materials Tourism Geography subjects particularly in Tourism Potential Local Content.Penelitian tentang potensi obyek wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal. Hasil dari penelitian digunakan sebagai sumber materi pendukung matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, bertujuan menghasilkan laporan etnografi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) kawasan obyek wisata Toraja Utara memiliki potensi wisata budaya, alam dan sejarah (2) Pengelola kawasan wisata Toraja Utara diantaranya: Yayasan, Petani, Pemda, dan Keluarga. (3) Pengembangan Objek wisata berbasis kearifan lokal setempat mendukung kelangsungan wisata di Toraja Utara. (4)  Wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi belajar M.k Geografi Pariwisata Jurusan Geografi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar yakni Materi Potensi Wisata lokal.               
Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografi dalam Menerapkan Pariwisata Cerdas di Kawasan Gunung Nona Jasman Jasman; Masri Ridwan; Fuad Guntara
Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47608/jki.v15i12021.36-48


This study is to uncover the spatial potential that includes landscaping and areas in the Mount Nona Tourism Spasial, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data collection methods by field survey, literature review and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, processed using Arcgis 10.5. The results showed that the Mount Nona Tourism Area has fulfilled aspects of 4A tourism products, namely Attractiveness, Amenity, Accommodation and Comfort. While the potential for landscaping is located in the area of ​​5,219 ha which is administratively located in the Tanete, Mindante, Batu Noni, Bambapuang and Rosoan villages. The topography starts with a minimum height of 140 masl and a maximum of 1,540 masl. Villa Bambapuang, Dante Pine, Buttu Macca, Mandu Site, Goa Japan and Outbond Bambapuang. The movement of tourists throughout 2018-2019 are in all tourist attractions in the Mount Nona Region, with the highest hotspots. This study discusses the Regional Government for the Gunung Nona Tourism District District in the Provincial and National Tourism Development Strategic Plan.
JAMBURA GEO EDUCATION JOURNAL Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Jambura Geo Education Journal (JGEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jgej.v1i2.5232


The importance of this research is a description of the maximum capacity of a tourist area, to sustain the urban forest which has many functions for urban communities, seeing an increase in the population of 3.7% and activities around the urban forest area in Makassar, it is necessary to study the maximum capacity, the study was conducted with a qualitative method with a survey approach, the results of the study explained that the urban forest was known as the Macan Park assuming operating hours for 8 hours, then for urban forest or tiger park, Makassar City is PCC = 4,900 m2 / 65 m2 x 4. Then the maximum number of visitors can be obtained per day is + 302 people with the number of needs per person long enjoying a 2-hour visit. The conclusion of the importance of the application of a maximum capacitance in an area is to support the sustainability of the area with a conservation approach
Adapting Culinary Business Model as a Source of Teaching Material in Hospitality Business Course Muhadjir Suni; Muh. Taufik S; Masri Ridwan
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.867 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i3.1369


The purpose of this research is to describe the strategy of culinary business adaptation and integration of culinary business adaptation into the teaching materials of hospitality business study programs in the city of Pare-Pare during the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach of this type of case study, Researchers sought to uncover the reality of the meaning that occurred in the field about the form of culinary business adaptation in the city of Pare-Pare during the covid-19 pandemic as material for medical business courses (BHO). In this case, the researcher conducts interviews, observations and documentation to get information about the main theme of studies. The analysis of the data is carried out circularly, starting from the presentation of data, reduction of data and conclusions. The results of his research are: 1) Social commitment characterized by new activities and ways of life that refer to "happy business, happy worker, happy customer"; 2) Innovation of business digitization one of them is switching to non-cash transactions, making online sales, the emergence of creativity and innovation in the use of technology to raise the value of kuline products 3) The development of culinary business in the city of Pare-pare can be used as one of the references for the source of hospitality business teaching materials.  This research also provides a recommendation in writing a teaching book about the management of culinary businesses in the city of Pare-Pare as a guideline for the development of creative economy-based businesses in optimizing business potential in the New Normal Period.
Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial (JPDS) Vol. 4, No. 2, Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um032v4i2p69-78


Trend Pariwisata saat ini adalah eksplorasi potensi lokal yang unik. Jenis dan model yang diarahkan berupa pengalaman autentik dengan pembelajaran partisifatif melalui budaya, seni dan kuliner. “Karampuang” sebagai cerminan sosial dari budaya masyarakat Kabupaten Sinjai memadukan pengaruh agama Islam yang khas serata selaras dengan lingkungan. Orang Bugis adalah suku yang tergolong ke dalam suku-suku Melayu Deutero. Selain itu, terapkan sistem proto-demokrasi sejak pra-Hindu dengan kepadatan adat untuk menentukan hal-hal penting dan legal. Kawasan adat Karampuangmelalui penelitian ini digunakan sebagai daya tarik wisata sehingga dapat mewujudkan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Strategi yang dilakukan adalah dengan internalisasi nilai-nilai “Karampuang” melalui mata kuliah Ragam Budaya Lokal di Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan melakukan survei dan Focused Group Diskusi (FGD) untuk mendokumentasikan, merekam, memvisualisasikan dan menyebar untuk mengungkap sebagai keunikan. Diharapkan penelitian ini mewujudkan mewujudkan yang berkelanjutan, kearifan lokal yang diterjemahkan ke dalam suplemen sebagai bahan ajar sehingga mendukung pariwisata berkelanjutan yang mengusung kearifan lokal.
Analysis The Malino Beautiful Festival On Management Strategy Of Tourist Visits In Gowa Regency I Nyoman Siryayasa; Masri Ridwan; Aris Baharuddin
PINISI Discretion Review Volume 5, Issue 2, March 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pdr.v5i2.33008


This research is to answer the management strategy for visits tourists as well as f -factors which required for increasing the implementation of the Beautiful Malino Festival as a Tourist Attraction a. Surveys and documentation were carried out before and during the Beautiful Malino festival which took place in September in Malino, Tinggimincong District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. The research approach uses descriptive qualitative , data collection through the distribution of questionnaires, interviews and literature study. The implementation of the Beautiful Malino Festival was able to attract an increase in the number of tourist visits to Malino since 2017 the number of tourists reached 20,000 people, in 2018 it reached 20,000 people. 50,000 people and in 2019 up 300% or reaching 80,000 people . The results of the study revealed that the strategy adopted in increasing tourist visits was due to the development of tourist destinations through offering affordable tour packages , collaboration with relevant agencies through funding and sponsorship assistance and promotions carried out regularly by the Gowa district government through social media, attracting influencers, banners, billboards, and print media. This study recommends improving the accessibility of tourist movements in Malino destinations and providing accommodation facilities that can accommodate large numbers of tourists.