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Eksistensi Potensi Lokal dalam Fenomena Glokalisasi: Belajar dari Batik Kayu Krebet Marlina, Neny
GOVERNMENT : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Volume 8 Nomor 2, Juli 2015
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Fisip Unhas

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Abstract: Globalization has an impact on the creation of national economic climate, and also impact on the local economy. Decentralization demanding regional autonomy has led to the birth of local potentials were able to exploit the opportunities of globalization to indicate its local flavor in the overseas. Glocalization phenomenon is understood as globalization becomes significant with local flavor answer the challenge of the global market. Local economic development (LED) becomes inseparable from the role of the public who wish to maximize the local potential through a global approach to the value chain and upgrading into the survival strategies of local products on an international level. Keywords: globalization, glocalization, Local Economic Development                                                                                           Abstrak: Globalisasi telah memberikan dampak bagi terciptanya iklim perekonomian nasional yang juga berimbas pada ekonomi lokal. Era desentralisasi yang menuntut kemandirian daerah telah mendorong lahirnya potensi-potensi lokal yang mampu memanfaatkan peluang globalisasi untuk menunjukkan cita rasa lokalnya di kancah mancanegara. Fenomena glokalisasi yang dimaknai sebagai globalization with local flavour menjadi signifikan menjawab tantangan pasar global. Pengembangan ekonomi lokal (LED) menjadi tidak terlepas dari peran masyarakat yang ingin memaksimalkan potensi lokalnya melalui pendekatan global value chain dan upgrading menjadi strategi bertahannya produk lokal di level internasional. Kata kunci: globalisasi, glokalisasi, pengembangan ekonomi lokal
kemunculan identitas kelompok dalam industri kaos dablongan banyumasan marlina, neny
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea Vol 8 No 1 (2017): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.409 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.jili.2017.8.1.195


The title of the research is “the emergence of collective identity in Dablongan Banyumasan shirt industry.” The location of the research was in Banyumas Regency of Central Java Province, with the objective of descripting the emergence of collective identity through local shirt industry particularly Banyumasan special shirt of Dablongan. The politic of identity in the research would not be seen as threat, but on the contrary it is considered as opportunity in social harmonization as well as the chance to display the products of creative industries. The method of research is qualitative research method and the informan withdrawal is based on purposing sampling. The data are coming from primary data and secondary data. Data primer are gained from depth interview and observation, while secondary data are collected from documentation. The emergence of raising cultural identity through language, picture, and other designs local shirt to resurface the basic local characteristic gives positive impacts as well as the negatives. The resurgence of collective identity who are proud of their local culture gives positives influence on the existence of the local cultures in Indonesia. Nevertheless, if the sense of locality is too much, it will create contested identity with other local identities along with the forsaking of the idea that local identities are actually parts of national identity. Creative industry needs three primary actors, government, business, and intellectuals to drive the industry stay in its lane. Government needs to give guidelines and appreciation toward creative industry which able to compete to the foreign culture. The business is needed to manage the fiscal as well as the marketing of creative industry, and the intellectuals are needed to give deeper understanding on the local culture which become business opportunity but do not threat the existence of other local cultures.
Analisis Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Kandri Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang isnaningtyas, yuliana; ., fitriyah; Marlina, Neny
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Kandri, in Gunungpati subdistrict, is one of the the three village, that was decided as the tour villages, as stated in the decree of Semarang Mayor in 2012. The establishment of the Kandri tour village is aimed to improve the potency of people in Kandri to create the economic independence through tourism sector. This research is aimed to analyze the parthnership in the management of the Kandri tour village in Gunungpati subdistrict.The research method used is a qualitative approach, and the data collection techniques used are documentation, observation and interview. The source of the research are Department of culture and tourism of Semarang, Kandri village, Pandanaran and Sukomakmur tourism awareness group and people in Kandri.The result of the research shows that the Pandanaran tourism awareness group is the one which has responsibility of the managemanet of the tour village. It is the actor which has the center role in creating the improvement of the Kandri tour village. All the involved elements have done their duty and function well so that the people gain the benefit directly and indirectly. The partnership in Kandri tour village is a psudeo parthnership that is appropriate to the condition in the village. Yet, the parthnership is usual and not sustainable. Most of the partnership is done through CSR given by the private institution to the people in Kandri through group of torism awareness. It also involves the government, acadmy and society.Keywords : Tour village, management, parthnership
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 04 (2016): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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issue of gender is an issue that since the agreement had been made both in Indonesia andin other countries, in essence the issue of gender is an issue that demands for equal rightsbetween men and women, gender is a dominant aspect in politics, in relation class, age group orethnicity. Since 2002 the issue of increasing the number of women to become involved in thepolitical world has begun socialized until finally in the 2004 elections the representation ofwomen in politics has begun to be increased to 30% in Parliament until now.The methodology used in this study is a qualitative research methodology. In thisresearch, data collection techniques used were interviews with sources and literature that supportto this research. The location of research undertaken is at the secretariat office PDI P Cirebon,PDI-P faction Office of Cirebon, and at the homes of volunteers.In this study include two discussion is to see how the role of women in the managementand see how the legislative nomination process that took place whether or not gender responsive.Discussion on the role of women include the level of the role of women in the management cadreof the party, while the discussion on legislative nomination process includes female cadresnomination process flow from the bottom to the top.The conclusion of this study, the first formulation of the vision and mission of theIndonesian Democratic Party of Struggle in general very focused on women because there is nodifference between men and women, the second in response to the policy of affirmative DPPissued a decree mandating the nomination process must include 30% representation of women,this shows that the party is very responsive to the policy, the third in performing its role in worldpolitics cadre of women experience some psychological barriers such as barriers, culturalbarriers, and economic barriers.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 04 (2019): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.919 KB)


Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, Kabupaten Banyuwangi menunjukan adanya peningkatan yangsignifikan dari segi pembangunan daerah melalui strategi investasi. Investasi yang ada, dikelola untukdapat dialokasikan kedalam kebutuhan daerah seperti pembuatan lapangan pekerjaan baru,peningkatan PAD, dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan analisa melaui teori yang dipakai, maka diperolehhasil penelitian yaitu, pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi sukses dalam mengelola investasi yangada di Kabupaten Banyuwangi akan tetapi kurang optimal dalam melakukan pembangunan daerah.Hal ini dibuktikan dengan masih minimnya peran swasta dalam memberikan kontribusi bagi daerahdan masyarakat. Meskipun demikan dalam hal lain pembangunan daerah juga dapat dikataka berhasildengan bukti pengangguran berturun secara drastis, angka kesempatan kerja dalam kurun waktu 5tahun terakhir stabil pada angka diatas 90%, dan murahnya biaya hidup. Dengan demikian penelitian ini mendapatkan kesimpulan, strategi investasi mempunyai peran dalampembangunan daerah. Melalui strategi investasi, daerah mampu memasarkan daerahnya secara efektifdan efisien agar investor tertarik untuk berinvestasi ke daerah tersebut. Setelah investasi masuk, makadapat dikelola sebagai modal dalam pembangunan daerah. Akan tetapi bisa jadi daerah menemuikendala dalam pembangunan daerah apabila pemerintah daerah tersebut tidak memiliki fokus danketegasan dalam pembangunan daerah.