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Pengembangan Modul Tutorial Gambar Teknik dan Listrik Hamdani, Hamdani; Pulungan, Ali Basrah; Maulana, Ricky; Hidayat, Rahmat
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.353 KB)


Pelaksanaan mata kuliah Gambar Teknik dan Listrik menggunakan bahan ajar yang sudah lama dan kurang memadai. Hal ini menjadi kendala tersendiri karena bahan ajar sudah tidak layak dengan kemajuan zaman. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengembangan bahan ajar yang dapat memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran yaitu modul tutorial AutoCAD yang praktis. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D). Penelitian ini dibatasi pada tahap pemakaian untuk melihat kepraktisan dalam pengembangan modul tutorial AutoCAD. Instrument yang digunakan dalam pengujian praktikalitas adalah angket yang diberikan kepada subjek penelitian sebanyak 34 mahasiswa. Data yang didapatkan diolah menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan menghitung persentase pencapaian pada setiap aspek. Hasil uji praktikalitas modul tutorial AutoCAD praktis digunakan sebagai bahan ajar dalam mata kuliah Gambar Teknik dan Listrik
Aplikasi IoT untuk Kendali Beban Listrik Asnil Asnil; Krismadinata Krismadinata; Fivia Eliza; Irma Husnaini; Ricky Maulana
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2020): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v1i2.78


Internet of thing (IoT) is a system that will change the order of human life and industrial operations. In the future, objects that are operated daily with human interaction will be equipped with internet connectivity which is equipped with various sensors so that they are able to communicate and act on the information obtained without human intervention. The problem is that the ecosystem has not been fully developed as well as from the world of education which will prepare its human resources. Apart from that, the industrial sector which is predicted to be the largest user is still considering various things such as cost, security, non-conformity with the existing system and the ability of its resources. The system created is an effort to develop knowledge in the IoT field as an effort to bridge the need for human resources, especially at the Vocational High School (SMK) level. This IoT application for electrical load control is designed and built using the main components of NodeMcu V3, 4 channel relay, and Android with the Blynk application installed. Electrical load control commands are given using the Blynk application via Android and delivered to the NodeMcu V3 module using a Wifi intermediary and from NodeMcu V3 forwarded to 4 channel relays to control electrical loads in the form of ON and OFF. The results of the test show that the system built can operate properly in controlling electrical loads
Validitas Modul Tutorial Gambar Teknik dan Listrik dengan Autocad Hamdani Hamdani; Doni Tri Putra Yanto; Ricky Maulana
invotek Vol 19 No 2 (2019): INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi, Vokasional, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1394.978 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/invotek.v19i2.491


Gambar Teknik dan Listrik merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib yang harus dipelajari oleh mahasiswa . Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata kuliah ini masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu menggunakan pensil dan kertas gambar. Namun era komputerisasi sekarang pembelajaran Gambar Teknik dan Listrik perlu diimbangi dengan kemajuan zaman. Salah satunya menggunakan software AutoCAD dalam menyelesaikan materi gambar yang ada. Oleh karena itu, butuh pengembangan bahan ajar modul dengan tutorial bisa membantu untuk memahami penggunaan software dalam menyelesaikan materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas modul tutorial Gambar dan Teknik dengan AutoCAD yang telah dikembangkan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari analisis angket uji validitas oleh validator yang terdiri 2 orang ahli materi dan media. Hasil uji validitas modul tutorial AutoCAD yang dinilai validator memperoleh nilai rata –rata 111 untuk ahli materi pada kategori valid sedangkan untuk ahli media mencapai nilai rata rata skor 120 dengan kategori sangat valid.
Program Aliran Daya Untuk Analisis Sistem Distribusi Dengan Penambahan Photovoltaic Model Syafii .; Ricky Maulana
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.715 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v1n1.65.2012


Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat memicu kebutuhan akan energi, terutama energi listrik. Kondisi tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa listrik telah menjadi bagian yang sangat penting bagi umat manusia. Di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, idealnya pertumbuhan listrik 2-2,5 kali lipat dibandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kenyataannya, saat ini pertumbuhan listrik per tahun hanya 7-8 persen. Penambahan pembangkit dengan energi yang dapat terbarukan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kebutuhan akan listrik. Seperti dengan penambahan pembangkit listrik dengan tenaga matahari atau photovoltaic. Dalam artikel ini, perhitungan aliran daya menggunakan metoda fast decoupled dengan model photvltaic yang terhubung ke jaringan distribusi. Program aliran daya dibangun menggunakan Microsoft visual studio 2010 dengan Bahasa Pemograman C++.Penambahan  variasi jumlah dan ukuran photvoltaic pada sistem distribusi akan mengurangi rugi-rugi daya dan jatuh tegangan. Kata Kunci :Kebutuhan listrik, Photovltaic, Microsoft visual studio 2010, Rugi-rugi daya, Jatuh tegangan
Estimating Fault Location Based on Fault Current in 20 kV Distribution System Ricky Maulana; Syarif Hidayat
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): October
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v4.i2.116


The growth of the electric power system is currently taking place rapidly, causing an increase in the number and length of line to provide consumer services. In the line, there are often fault caused by lightning, storms, breakdown insulation, and short circuit caused by birds and other objects. Detection and location determination will speed up the repair process and can avoid more severe damage. Most studies refer to the fault location on the transmission line. But lately the determination of fault location in distribution system has begun to become a concern of researchers for the improvement of the quality of electricity services to consumers. This study discusses the determination of fault locations based on fault currents and the types of disturbances using data from the assumed distribution system model. The estimated fault location by ignoring the fault resistance has the largest error obtained 0.74% and estimated fault location by including fault resistance will cause a very large error, but the error can be reduced by changing the algorithm of the fault resistance assumption. The result for to ground fault error has reached 1.238% and double line to ground error has reached 88.167%.Keywords: distribution system, fault current, fault location, fault resistance.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Pemuda melalui Pelatihan Pemasangan dan Pemeliharaan Instalasi Listrik Rumah Sederhana Doni Tri Putra Yanto; Mukhlidi Muskhir; Erita Astrid; Ricky Maulana
JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) Vol 7, No 2 (2021): JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.251 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jtev.v7i2.114872


This study reveals the improvement of community competence, especially youth after participating in the Installation and Maintenance training program for Simple House Installations in Padang City. The competence in question is the ability in the field of installation and maintenance of simple house installations at the household level in the community. The increase in the ability of the training participants is measured using a research instrument in the form of a Performance Assessment Rubric that has gone through a validation process. The research data were analyzed by percentage analysis and interpreted with an improvement table to get the level of improvement achieved. The research subjects were as many as 15 trainees who were representatives of members of the youth organizations of each sub-district in the city of Padang. The results showed that the average participants experienced an increase in the installation and maintenance of simple home electrical installations after participating in training activities where the increase was at a very high level (total average = 83.32). Thus, it can be concluded that the training program held was able to improve the competence of youth youth organizations in the city of Padang in the field of installation and maintenance of simple house installations.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Guru melalui Pelatihan Kendali Motor Listrik berbasis Variable Speed Drive Doni Tri Putra Yanto; Mukhlidi Muskhir; Ricky Maulana
JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) Vol 8, No 2 (2022): JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtev.v8i2.119577


The Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Sumatera Barat is one of the vocational high schools that has several skill competencies. One of them is the competence of Electrical Installation Engineering expertise which has the aim of producing graduates who are ready to work and competent in the field of electrical power installation. SMKN 1 Sumatera Barat certainly wants a good and optimal learning implementation so that it can support the school in achieving its goal of producing graduates who are ready to work and competent in their fields. However, in the competence of Electrical Power Engineering expertise, there are several learning processes that are not optimal. One of them is the learning process of Electric Motor Installation. Based on the latest curriculum, there is additional new material in the learning process of Electric Motor Installation, namely motor control using a speed drive device. However, schools do not yet have adequate special practicum equipment in the laboratory to support these learning materials. In addition, the competence of teachers in the field of controlling electric motors using the Varible Speed Drive device is also still low. This is one of the causes of the implementation of learning to be not optimal. Based on these problems, several actions were taken, namely making a VSD-based electric motor control trainer and carrying out training activities to increase teacher competence in the field of electric motor control using VSD. This activity is carried out in 4 stages of implementation, namely: (1) Planning stage; (2) Preparation Phase; (3) Implementation stage; (4) Evaluation and reporting stage. With this action, there is an increase in teacher competence in the field of electric motor control using VSD.
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Berorientasi Konstruktivisme pada Mata Diklat Merawat Alat Listrik Rumah Tangga (MALRT) Rahmat Hidayat; Ricky Maulana; Nevi Faradina; Maulani Meutia Rani
JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtev.v9i1.122684


This development research aims to produce modules that are constructively oriented in training courses on caring for household electrical equipment, especially electrical installation techniques that are attractive and appropriate for use in learning, and to determine the effectiveness of the module in improving student learning outcomes. The advantages of this constructivism-oriented module are that it gives opportunities to students to be more active and independent in learning and building their knowledge, and can increase students' interest in participating in the learning process. The research and development design (Research and Development / R&D) with the 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely, Define, Design , Develop and Disseminate. Based on the findings of this study it was concluded that this module is valid, practical, and effective to be used as a learning medium in MALRT training courses for maintaining household electrical equipment majoring in electrical installation engineering at Vocational School, which can increase student motivation, activity, creativity and understanding so that it can have an impact increasing student learning outcomes. The implication of this research is that the module can provide input to the electrical engineering expertise program to continuously improve student competency.
Implementasi HMI NB7W-TW00B Pemilah Barang Logam dan Non Logam Gozy Hermana; Ricky Maulana; Risfendra Risfendra; Juli Sardi
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2023): JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtein.v4i1.382


This study aims to facilitate the process of sorting objects made of metal and non-metal so that they can be sorted based on these criteria to the place provided based on a Programmable Logic Controller using the Human Machine Interface as the control center of the tool. Where the Human Machine Interface can be used as a controller and monitor the sorting of objects which is done with two automatic and manual selection methods. Inappropriate program design and use of conventional actuators. The pneumatic system acts as an actuator for sorting goods, namely a double acting cylinder which is installed to push metal and non metal goods towards the conveyor based on what is detected by the capacitive proximity sensor, the cylinder which is installed on the inductive proximity sensor is used to sort metal objects towards storage. If the object is metal, the sensor will detect it and the conveyor will stop and the cylinder will sort the metal object to the metal storage. Non-metal objects will be passed by the sensor to non-metal storage.
Sistem Telemetri Akusisi Data Injeksi Plastik Menggunakan Xbee Pro S2C Irwanto Zarma Putra; Yopie Manurung; Illa Aryeni; Vivin Octowinandi; Erita Astrid; Citra Dewi; Ricky Maulana
Journal of Applied Electrical Engineering Vol 7 No 1 (2023): JAEE, June 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaee.v7i1.5312


Plastic injection machine is a plastic product making machine with an injection molding process. Plastic injection machines at PT Shimano Batam currently cannot be monitored automatically. Therefore, a system is needed that monitors and stores all data about the performance of the plastic injection machine automatically. In this system Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller of the plastic injection machine signal and the Xbee Pro S2C module is used as a sender and receiver of data packets from the plastic injection machine, the data is processed and then displayed on a PC and stored on the server. The test results of this system show that the machine status data matches the data displayed on the PC. From the results of testing the engine cycle time as much as 11 times, there is the largest difference in processing time, which is 1.20 seconds. From the results of reliability testing, packet loss was obtained by 0.006%. Xbee Pro S2C communication testing with a distance of 1 meter to 60 meters was successful without any data packets lost, when testing Xbee Pro S2C communication with a distance of 85 meters to 110 meters there were 30 data packets lost.