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Effectiveness of Online Zakat during the Covid-19 Pandemic by Amil Zakat Institutions in Boyolali, Indonesia Lukmanul Hakim; Anggara Indra Setyaningsih
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol8.iss2.art6


Zakat is the third pillar of Islam that should be fulfilled for Muslims and has a high worship value in Allah SWT. The existence of this zakat can alleviate poverty and increase state income if a country can optimize the collection of zakat funds. One way to optimize the collection is to use digital technology. At this time, the amil zakat institution has harnessed the complexity of digital technology to collect zakat funds online. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online zakat and which amil zakat institution is more efficient in using online zakat, specifically at the amil zakat institutions: BAZNAS Boyolali, LAZISMU Boyolali, and LAZ Harapan Umat Boyolali. The research used is a type of qualitative research. The data is derived from primary sources such as interviews and documentation and secondary sources such as scientific articles. The results of this study show that online zakat is quite effective to use, as evidenced by the percentage increase in funds from 2019-2021. BAZNAS Boyolali increased by 15.9%, LAZISMU Boyolali increased by 118%, and LAZ Harapan Umat Boyolali increased by 91%. Additionally, it can be demonstrated by the fewest flaws and complaints about Online zakat. It can provide convenience for muzakki to pay zakat wherever and whenever. The most popular online zakat payment option is WhatsApp for individuals and payroll for ASN or other private employees.
Takaful Industrial Research Developments: A Bibliometric Analysis On The Scopus Database Lukmanul Hakim; Muhklis Sirotul Munir
IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita Vol 12 No 1 (2023): IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita - June
Publisher : LPPM Publishing & Printing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46367/iqtishaduna.v12i1.1020


This study aims to describe research development in the takaful industry from 2013 to 2022. This study used bibliometric analysis research methods. The data used is only sourced from research in the takaful industry field indexed by Scopus. There were 261 articles analyzed using Vosviewer software. This research shows that Malaysia is the most significant contributor to research in the takaful industry. Salman is the most prolific writer, with 18 articles. Moreover, the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research became the most popular journal with the most contribution in publishing articles in the takaful industry. Potential future topics are deposit insurance, takaful insurance, and Sharia governance associated with Islamic banking. The contribution of this research can be used as a consideration for discussion topics in research in this field.
Zakat Literacy Level of Residents and Muhammadiyah Sympathists in Krajan Village Lukmanul Hakim; Ikhwan Adriansyah
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 10, No 1 (2023): Moderation of Religion and Islamic Law
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v10i1.5916


Krajan Village is a village with a majority Muhammadiyah population located in Banyumas Regency, however one of the institutions under the auspices of Muhammadiyah namely LazisMu Krajan Village is claimed to be in a passive condition, even though LazisMu Krajan Village as an institutional structure is under the auspices of LazisMu Banyumas Regency which is LazisMu with a myriad of achievements, starting from 2018 to 2022 Lazismu Banyumas Regency won several awards as the best amil zakat infak and shodaqoh institution at provincial to national levels. This phenomenon prompted researchers to measure the zakat literacy level of residents and Muhammadiyah sympathizers in Krajan Village and to measure the phenomena that affect the level of zakat literacy. The scope of this research lies in the residents of Krajan Village, Banyumas Regency, the majority of whom are Muhammadiyah sympathizers and members. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with primary data obtained from interviews with Krajan Village residents who are classified as Muhammadiyah members and sympathizers regarding matters related to zakat literacy. The results of this study indicate that the level of literacy among Muhammadiyah residents and sympathizers in Krajan Village is still classified as poor in terms of knowledge and practice of zakat, this phenomenon is inseparable from the poor condition of LazisMu in Krajan Village, as evidenced by the poor management of the institution, to the minimal realization of the program. which then significantly affects the literacy quality of the citizens and Muhammadiyah sympathizers. The results of this study can be used as a general description of the literacy quality of the Krajan Village community to be used as a reference in improving professional institutional governance, and increasing the realization of programs for collecting, utilizing, and distributing zakat for LazisMu Krajan Village.
Comparative Analysis Of The Thoughts Of Umer Chapra And Dawam Rahardjo In Syariah Banking lukmanul hakim; A.M. Fadli Dzil Jalal Dzil Jalal
JURNAL LENTERA : Kajian Keagamaan, Keilmuan dan Teknologi Vol 22 No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : LP2M STAI Miftahul 'Ula (STAIM) Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/lentera.v22i2.1042


This research aims to compare two Islamic economists, namely Umer Chapra and Dawam Rahardjo, regarding Islamic banking, which includes its goals, principles, and systems. The method used in this research is the literature study method; besides that, this research also uses a comparison method between two Islamic economists, namely Umer Chapra and Dawam Rahardjo. The results of this study indicate differences and principles of thought between Umer Chapra and Dawam Rahardjo; Umer Chapra disapproves of the use of riba in the banking process because there is a legal basis for prohibiting riba in the Qur'an. This is different from Dawam Rahardjo's view in principle; several conditions allow excess borrowing of money or riba due to a decrease in the value of the currency so that the value in the past is not comparable to the value of money in the future (inflation theory) so that additional funds are needed to cover losses arising from the decline in the value of money. Regarding the principles of Islamic economic development, these two figures have the same thoughts related to recommended economic development cooperation, such as using the zakat, alms, and waqf methods, and have the same thoughts regarding Islamic banking in terms of management. Also, there is support related to implementing sharia-based banking in Indonesia.