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Legality : Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Vol 26, No 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.427 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jihl.v26i1.6612


The four principles of freedom (four freedoms) include freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion and belief, freedom from want, and freedom from fear, are basic principles recognized by countries and translated into many more specific forms of human rights fulfillment human. The fulfillment and protection of human rights is one indicator of the progress of a country. The scope of fulfilling human rights that covers a very broad field, from education, health, to law enforcement, is a challenge. The UN Security Council 2017 Universal Periodical Review (UPR) session provides recommendations for strengthening human rights in Indonesia, including the ratification of international human rights instruments, the continued cooperation of UN human rights, the abolition of the death penalty, matters related to sexual orientation and efforts to protect tolerance and diversity. The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) 2017 records 84 cases of violence and human rights violations that occurred. The issue of interpreting different human rights standards is one of the causes of this high problem in Indonesia. Many different interpretations are caused by the running of different political systems of state administration, causing the implementation of human rights fulfillment to be different. This paper looks at and compares the practices of human rights enforcement covering the four principles of freedom in Indonesia. This paper will compare the implementation of human rights standards and norms in national domestic practices based on international human rights principles and norms.
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 1 No 01 (2018): Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Legal Community Engagem
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.789 KB)


Sederet kasus bisa menjadi contoh peristiwa kelam dalam dunia pendidikan seperti Nurmayani di Bentaeng Sulawesi Selatan, Samhudi di Sidoharjo dan Judi Santoso di Blitar yang harus berurusan dengan yang berwajib karena dilaporkan oleh orang tua muridnya lantaran tidak terima anaknya dikenakan ?penertiban?. Tidak hanya berhadapan dengan hukum, guru juga sering menjadi sasaran penganiayaan oleh orang tua siswa/murid hanya karena persoalan yang sepele. MGMP PKn selaku wadah komunikasi guru juga berkepentingan atas perlindungan guru-guru, khususnya dalam tugas pengajaran di sekolah. Untuk itulah perlu dilakukan upaya penguatan pemahaman guru MGMP PKn Kabupaten Rembang terkait perlindungan hukum yang dimilikinya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membekali anggota MGMP PKn Kabupaten Rembang terkait kepastian hukum dalam pendisiplinan anak didik pada proses belajar mengajar; dan memperkuat pemahaman terkait perlindungan guru MGMP PKn Kabupaten Rembang dalam menjalankan tugas belajar mengajar. Adapun luaran yang akan dihasilkan adalah (1) tumbuhnya pemahaman terkait perlindungan guru MGMP PKn Kabupaten Rembang dalam menjalankan tugas belajar mengajar; dan (2) menghasilkan artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ilmiah tidak terakreditasi nasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan adalah metode ceramah dan dialog, serta diskusi terfokus. Selain itu, metode brainstorming ?pengumpulan pendapat- dari para audiens juga akan digunakan, sebagai upaya penggalian awal pengetahuan mereka tentang perlindungan hukum terhadap guru. Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan tumbuh pemahaman perlindungan guru dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Peran Khutbah Jum’at dalam Mengantisipasi Radikalisme Beragama Masyhar, Ali; Rasdi, Rasdi; Harmoko, Fendi Setyo
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.835 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v1i2.28578


Khutbah Jum’at dapat digunakan sebagai sarana ampuh dalam menangkal tumbuh berkembangnya ideologi/paham radikalisme di masyarakat. Kalisegoro yang secara basis masyarakatnya merupakan masyarakat pedesaan (rural), mengalami kegagapan saat banyaknya serbuan modernisme dan heterogenitas masyarakat yang datang dari latar belakang budaya. Kondisi demikian bisa dimanfaatkan oleh kalangan tertentu untuk menanamkan paham radikalisme yang bisa berujung pada tindakan terorisme. berbagai Aksi teror selalu saja diawali dengan menjalarnya paham/aliran radikalisme. Untuk itulah perlu dilakukan upaya preventif dalam menghadang penyebaran aliran-aliran radikalisme tersebut. Upaya preventif ini harus dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya adalah dengan penguatan/upgrading konten khutbah Jum’at. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberi solusi (1) menyusun materi khutbah jum’at antiradikalisme guna mewujudkan Islam yang Rohmatan Lil Alamin, dengan prinsip tawasuth (tengah-tengah), tasamuh (toleransi), tawazun (seimbang) dan i’tidal (tegak lurus); (2) memberi modal dasar/upgrading bagi Khotib dalam menyajikan materi antiradikalisme; dan (3) Pelaksanaan Khutbah Jumat antiradikalisme di Masjid Kelurahan Kalisegoro. Adapun luaran yang hendak dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah dihasilkannya: (1) Materi Khutbah Jum’at Antiradikalisme; (2) Penguatan dan Upgrading Khotib agar menyampaikan materi Khutbah Jum’at yang Rohmatan Lil Alamin, dengan prinsip tawasuth (tengah-tengah), tasamuh (toleransi), tawazun (seimbang) dan i’tidal (tegak lurus); dan (3). Menghasilkan artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ilmiah.
Penguatan Kapasitas Hukum Bagi Orang Tua Siswa dan Guru di Desa Kalisegoro Semarang dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kesadaran Tanggungjawab Pendidikan Bersama (Sebuah Pengabdian Pendekatan Hak Asasi Manusia Arifin, Ridwan; Widyawati, Anis; Rasdi, Rasdi; Wicaksono, Sonny Saptoajie; Maskur, Muhammad Azil
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.594 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v1i2.28637


Education is a fundamental right that is included in the human rights paradigm (right to education). Education is also one of the indicators of human development (human development index), so education has an important position in people’s lives. One of the problems in the field of education, especially in Indonesia is the awareness of the importance of the implementation of education not only for teachers and students but also parents of students. Many cases of teacher reporting on disciplining students at school become a separate problem, especially for teachers. On the one hand the teacher applies its own learning method which is often disliked by students, even some methods are considered as a form of hard learning, which ends with teacher reporting by parents of students. Another problem is the ignorance and lack of understanding of parents of students on the responsibility of shared education. Kalisegoro Village itself has strategic education access. However, these educational problems still occur, so the need for strengthening legal capacity for parents of students and teachers in dealing with educational problems. Through a program of strengthening legal capacity for students and teachers in the village of Kalisegoro Semarang in order to increase awareness of the responsibility of shared education, it is expected to increase parents' participation in educational assistance for their children, as well as increase teacher understanding regarding various potential problems that may arise and how to solve it. This program is a Criminal Law Service Program, using a human rights approach, where education is an important part of human rights (right to education). This program will involve the Fatayat Nahdhatul Ulama organization Kalisegoro Village and Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University. This program will be addressed to teachers and parents of TPQ students An-Nur Kalisegoro and Fayatat Nahdhatul Ulama Kalisegoro Semarang.
Diversi Sebagai Perlindungan Hak Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum Rasdi, Rasdi
Seminar Nasional Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Kesiapan Sistem Hukum Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Era Masyaraka
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/snhunnes.v1i1.484


Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis produk hukum yang digunakan oleh Kepolisian Resort Rembang terkait penerapan diversi dalam penyelesaian perkara anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. Selain itu, jugga uuntuk mengetahui model atau bentuk diversi yang diterapkan oleh Kepolisian Resort Rembang, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana penyelesaian perkaran anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum untuk mencapai kesejahteraan, dan untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dan solusinya.
Diversion as Protection of the Rights of Children in Conflict with Law Rasdi, Rasdi
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 1 No 3 (2015): L. Research Rev. Q. (August 2015) "Legal Aspects in ASEAN Economic Community Part
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/snh.v1i01.21478


The purpose of this research is to find out the type of legal products used by the Rembang Resort Police regarding the application of diversion in the settlement of cases of children in conflict with the law. In addition, also to know the diversion model or form applied by the Rembang Resort Police, so that it can be used as a means of resolving the cases of children in conflict with the law to achieve welfare, and to find out the obstacles and solutions.
Efektifitas Metode Musyawarah Mufakat Diversi terhadap Penyelesaian Perkara Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum Rasdi, Rasdi; Arifin, Saru
Pandecta Research Law Journal Vol 15, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/pandecta.v15i1.23011


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metode musyawarah mufakat sebagai implementasi diversi dalam penyelesaian kasus anak berkonflik dengan hukum. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa metode musyawarah mufakat lebih efektif digunakan sebagai metode diversi dalam menyelesaikan kasus anak pelaku kejahatan. Metode musyawarah mufakat memberikan solusi yang tepat dan biaya yang ringan serta mampu memberikan keadilan seimbang karena proses/prosedur pelaksanaannya tidak serumit model institusional hukum formal yang ditentukan dalam peraturan diversi dalam Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan Anak. Model diversi yang diatur dalam ini lebih rigid, formal dan kurang akomodatif terhadap keinginan para pihak. Metode musyawarah mufakat lebih memberikan keadilan subtantif dibandingkan dengan model diversi secara institusional yang cenderung memberikan keadilan formal prosedural. This study aims to analyze the consensus method as a practical implementation in the use of diversion in the resolution of cases of children who are dealing with the law. This article argues that the consensus method is more effectively used as a diversion method in resolving cases of crime-harassed children. The consensus agreement method provides the right solution and low cost and is able to provide balanced justice because the process / procedure for its implementation is not as complex as the formal legal institutional model specified in the diversionary rules in the Juvenile Justice System Law. The diversion model regulated in this law is more rigid, formal and less accommodating to the wishes of the parties. In addition, the consensus method of giving more substantive justice than the institutional diversion model which tends to provide procedural formal justice.
Police Intervention in Corruption Prevention: Police and Community Synergy in Improving the Anti-Corruption Character of Students at Tlogodepok Mirit Kebumen Surip, Surip; Arifin, Ridwan; Widyawati, Anis; Rasdi, Rasdi; Adiyatma, Septhian Eka
Advances in Police Science Research Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): January, Advances in Police Science Research Journal
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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Brain versus Reality: How Should Law Students Think? Widyawati, Anis; Arifin, Ridwan; Rasdi, Rasdi
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Advocacy and Legal Strengthening to Improve Community Social Welfare
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v3i1.42290


Law students are expected to have special abilities in the field of legal science, either in oral or oral. But in fact, the analytical skills of law students are not comparable to other abilities. Based on preliminary research conducted by the Proposer Team, it shows that out of 200 law students surveyed (Students of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University), only 10 have written and conducted scientific publications in both national and international journals. Meanwhile, of the 200 people stated that students' critical abilities and analytical thinking are important, 184 people said that discussion forums are mandatory for law students, but in fact, of these 184 people, only 2 people followed up on the results of the discussion. . In other words, discussions conducted by students were not followed up in various forms of scientific studies and publications that could be read by many people. This program provides facilities for law students in in-depth critical analysis studies and criminal case studies related to human rights. In this program, students are expected to be able to have good analytical skills both in oral and verbal forms. Partners in this program are the law student community at Semarang State University. This program is expected to be able to solve partners' problems in the lack of critical analytical skills and case studies of criminal law as well as scientific publication of legal research results. The output of this program is expected to create a sustainable and sustainable activity related to critical analysis and legal case studies.
Covid-19 and Human Rights: The Capture of the Fulfilment of Rights During the Covid Outbreaks Widyawati, Anis; Rasdi, Rasdi; Arifin, Ridwan; Adiyatma, Septhian Eka
Unnes Law Journal: Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Unnes L.J. (October, 2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ulj.v6i2.42289


Fulfilment and protection of human rights in all aspects is a form of Constitutional Rights for Citizens that must be fulfilled by the State. Basic human rights also under no circumstances can be reduced even deprived. However, the fact is, human rights regulated in various laws and regulations in Indonesia have not been maximally implemented. The fulfilment and protection of human rights also faces its own challenges in implementing it in certain cases, for example disasters such as Pandemic Covid-19. Various legal instruments, both central and regional, were created to deal with and resolve the Covid-19 Pandemic problem. This study aims to examine the implementation of the fulfilment and protection of human rights in special situations such as Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is limited to the Semarang City area. This study wanted to find out and analyze various aspects of law and human rights in the implementation of various policies related to Covid-19 in the City of Semarang. This study seeks to find challenges and problems in the protection and fulfilment of human rights in the city of Semarang in the Covid-19 Pandemic. The method in this study uses empirical research, where researchers directly go to the field. The planned data was obtained from various related agencies in the city of Semarang, the community, and related NGOs. This research will assist the government in mapping human rights fulfilment policies in national disaster situations in this case the Covid-19 Pandemic.