Pawit M. Yusup, Pawit M.
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Rintisan Penyelenggaraan Perpustakaan Masjid Sebagai Sarana Kegiatan Membaca Bagi Para Jamaah Yusup, Pawit M.; Resfiantika, Evi
Edulib Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v5i2.4391


Abstract. In the context of the mosque as a place of worship widely, one of which is a mosque used as a place for education and training activities of the people. This research aims to pioneer the implementation of the library as a means of reading and studying in the library of the mosque. The method used is the technique of PRA (Participatory Research Appraisal), with the steps: (1) conduct a discussion and shared learning about the mosque's congregation of reading and its implications for the intellectual development  of Muslims in general; (2) provides a means of learning and reading in the form of a number of books on general science and religion; (3) perform activities of assistance to pilgrims in learning and reading according to specialization. Results of the study show that, since the library of the mosque, indirectly, learning activities and reading in the mosque, began to awaken. This activity in practice to be a part of the functioning of the mosque library attendance among the people.Keywords: Mosque Library, learning activity, reading Habit.Abstrak. Dalam konteks masjid sebagai tempat ibadah secara luas, salah satu fungsinya adalah masjid dijadikan tempat kegiatan untuk pendidikan dan pembinaan umat. Penelitian ini bertujuan merintis penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sebagai sarana kegiatan membaca dan belajar di Perpustakaan Masjid. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik PRA (Participatory Research Appraisal), dengan langkah-langkah: (1) melakukan kegiatan diskusi dan pembelajaran bersama jamaah masjid mengenai membaca dan implikasinya bagi perkembangan intelektual umat islam pada umumnya; (2) menyediakan sarana belajar dan membaca berupa sejumlah buku tentang ilmu pengetahuan umum dan keagamaan; (3) melakukan kegiatan pendampingan kepada jamaah dalam belajar dan membaca sesuai dengan  peminatan. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa, sejak adanya perpustakaanmasjid, secara tidak langsung kegiatan belajar dan membaca di lingkungan masjid, mulai terbangun. Kegiatan ini pada prakteknya menjadi bagian dari berfungsinya kehadiran perpustakaan masjid di tengah umat.Kata kunci: Perpustakaan Masjid, kegiatan belajar, Membaca
Komunikasi budaya masyarakat Pandai Sikek dalam melakukan transformasi pengetahuan lokal Erza, Elfitri Kurnia; Yusup, Pawit M.; Erwina, Wina
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 5, No 2 (2017): 2017
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.887 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v5i2.10716


The ‘Pandai Sikek’ weaving activity is a form of cultural communication through the maternal line (matrilineality) which upholds values and norms. Values and norms of the ‘songket’ culture are governed by the people’s belief that there was an ancestral sacred oath. The local people make information fosters the development of knowledge. This promotes the transformation of knowledge as a form of local knowledge development of the Pandai Sikek community which is fully supported by the community and by the use of media as well. The purpose of this study was to look at the communication pattern of the weaver, employer and government in the transformation process of local knowledge. The research method used was qualitative with ethnographic approach. The main data were collected by unstructured interview, observation and documentation study. The communication pattern among weavers was circular, involving experience, information sharing, application, knowledge, and innovation. Study results indicated the existence of a pattern by the weaver’s community, were experiences shared through information sharing, and then applied to create knowledge. The use of knowledge would result in innovation and then became an experience again.  Entrepreneurs became the bridge for cooperation to support the economy of society. The government issued a policy of protection and knowledge preservation through HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights). In conclusion, the transformation of knowledge continues to develop the socio-economic life of society containing values, norms, and beliefs, which has been performed from generation to generation.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.619 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v1i1.9607


This study aims to map out the scope of information the livelihoods of the rural poor, which include: the type of major need, the search pattern related information specific type of job, the variety of information livelihoods are looking for, the relationship between the rural poor, sources of information, channel information, and the nature of sources and channels of information in question. By using qualitative methods, especially the tradition of phenomenology of Schutz, the result that: (1) the type of the primary needs of the rural poor consist of food, clothing, shelter, health, and education are very simple; (2) a variety of livelihood information sought by the rural poor who work odd nature, derived from the interpersonal sources that are informal, with a limited scope, ie, neighbors, relatives, customers, and the kind of fellow workers; (3) the source and drain are derived from official media and technology based, hardly ever used; and (4) The formal elements that come from the government side, barely touched the interests of the rural poor.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan lingkup informasi penghidupan orang miskin pedesaan, yang meliputi: jenis kebutuhan utama, pola pencarian informasi terkait jenis pekerjaan spesifik, ragam informasi penghidupan yang dicari, hubungan antar orang miskin pedesaan, sumber-sumber informasi, saluran informasi, dan sifat dari sumber dan saluran informasi dimaksud. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif khususnya tradisi fenomenologi dari Schutz, diperoleh hasil bahwa: (1) jenis kebutuhan utama orang miskin pedesaan terdiri atas kebutuhan pangan, sandang, papan, kesehatan, dan pendidikan yang sangat sederhana; (2) beragam informasi penghidupan yang dicari oleh orang miskin pedesaan yang sifat pekerjaannya serabutan, berasal dari sumber orang secara interpersonal yang bersifat informal, dengan lingkup yang terbatas, yakni tetangga, kerabat, pelanggan, dan sesama pekerja sejenis; (3) sumber dan saluran yang berasal dari media resmi dan yang berbasis teknologi, hampir tidak pernah digunakan; dan (4) unsur-unsur formal yang datangnya dari sisi pemerintah, hampir tidak menyentuh kepentingan orang-orang miskin pedesaan.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.84 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v4i2.8426


Research on the subject of rural poor has always had a strategic value in the constellation of Indonesia human development, especially development oriented poverty reduction efforts. This research aims to study further aspects of rural poor experience related to their work, especially in terms of information behavior. The research method used was qualitative, with data collection through observation and depth interviews with 22 informants categorized as poor in the rural southern part of West Java. The research result shows that: (1) the involvement of the information seeking and used in connection with the work of the rural poor, are generally embedded and embodied in the form of odd jobs; (2) the scope of the types and sources of information seeking and used by rural poor people, is very limited, namely about the neighbors, close relatives, and others similar work.Penelitian dengan subjek penduduk miskin pedesaan selalu memiliki nilai strategis dalam konstelasi pembangunan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya, utamanya pembangunan yang berorientasi pada upaya pengurangan angka kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai aspek pengalaman penduduk miskin pedesaan terkait pekerjaan mereka, terutama dilihat dari sisi perilaku informasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 22 orang informan berkategori miskin di pedesaan Jawa Barat Bagian Selatan. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa: (1) keterlibatan informasi yang dicari dan digunakan terkait pekerjaan orang miskin di pedesaan, umumnya melekat dan mewujud dalam bentuk pekerjaan serabutan; (2) ruang lingkup dari jenis dan sumber-sumber informasi yang dicari dan digunakan oleh orang miskin pedesaan, amat terbatas, yakni seputar tetangga, kerabat dekat, dan sesama pekerjaan sejenis.
PROSES PENDALAMAN INFORMASI BERBASIS INFORMASI AWAL LINE@ BEM FIKOM UNPAD (Studi Fenomenologi Proses Pendalaman Informasi Akademik dan Non Akademik Berbasis Informasi Awal LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad Oleh Mahasiswa Fikom Unpad) Permana, Ashri Nooraida; Yusup, Pawit M.; Kurniasih, Nuning
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.364 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v4i1.11627


The purpose of this study is to disscussed about how students in Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran (FIKOM UNPAD) doing the process of deepening on information in academic and non academic fields based on the first information source, which is LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad. This research used a qualitative method with phenomenological tradition. The data accumulation was done by in-depth interview, observation, and by literature study. The informants are nine students from various departments in FIKOM UNPAD, who have been accessing LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad for obtained infor information. The results of this study indicate that all informants doing deepening on the information that received from LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad to various sources of information, whether it is using technology based communication and information media or discussion with their colleagues.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran (FIKOM UNPAD) dalam melakukan proses pendalaman terhadap informasi yang telah mereka peroleh dari sumber informasi awal, yaitu LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan tradisi fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Informan merupakan sembilan orang mahasiswa dari berbagai jurusan yang ada di Fikom Unpad, yang aktif dalam mengakses LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad untuk mendapatkan informasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua informan melakukan pendalaman atas informasi yang mereka peroleh dari LINE@ BEM Fikom Unpad kepada berbagai sumber informasi lainnya, baik itu dengan menggunakan media berbasis teknologi komunikasi dan informasi maupun dengan melakukan forum diskusi bersama rekan sejawat dikampusnya.
Hubungan perilaku pencarian informasi guru militer dengan hasil pembelajaran pembekalan angkutan TNI AD Cimahi Purnama, Sita; Yusup, Pawit M.; Kurniasih, Nuning
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 5, No 2 (2017): 2017
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.018 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v5i2.12337


Information needs are necessary for humans to answer questions that are in the mind, in order to enhance their professions or main activities. The needs of each person are influenced by different situations, cognitions and physiological backgrounds. All aspects of human life require information which is expected to continuously support the improvement of life patterns toward increasing complexities. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the relationship of information seeking behavior by military instructors with the learning outcomes of transportation briefing of the Indonesian Army in Cimahi. This study used the correlational research method with the Spearman rank statistical test; study results showed: 1) a positive relationship between the information seeking behavior of the initiation phase and learning outcomes of transportation briefing; 2) a positive relationship between the information seeking behavior of the selection phase and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing; 3) a positive relationship between the information retrieval behavior of the exploration stage and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing; 4) a positive relationship between the information seeking behavior of the formulation stage and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing; 5) a positive relationship between the information collection stage collection behavior and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing; and 6) a positive relationship between the information seeking behavior of the presentation stage and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing. In conclusion, there is a positive relationship between information seeking behavior by military instructors and the learning outcomes of transportation briefing.
Koleksi buku cerita bergambar (picture storybooks) di Perpustakaan Desa Sukamukti Yusup, Pawit M.; Rachmawati, Tine Silvana; Damayani, Ninis Agustini; Rukmana, Evi Nursanti
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bip.v16i1.151


Introduction. The teachers at Kelompok Belajar Islam Terpadu (KBIT) Sukamukti village have used picture storybooks from the Library of Sukamukti village and reading them in a story telling session to their students. Two of this activities as a basic in the pre-reading activity to early childhood, so that the purpose this reaserch is to understand how the teachers use the picture storybooks, reading technique, and storytelling. Data Collection Method. This paper used a qualitative perspective with phenomenology by using observations, interviews, focus group discussions, and literature study. Analysis Data. Data from interviews were transcribed for further analysis Results and Discussion. The teachers at KBIT Sukamukti village used the picture of storybooks with fables. The teachers also discussed plot, animal activities, themes and morality based on the story. The language in the story is easy to understand by the children, book illustrations explain the reality of the character in the forest. Activities read aloud by introducing the identity of the book used, and storytelling activities through self-assement, stories, sounds, expressions, gestures, and other abilities. Conclusion. The teachers read and tell stories to educate young children in alphabet, vocabularies, and creativity. This helps early children in the process of learning pre-reading.
Pelestarian pengetahuan lokal melalui transfer pengetahuan di Rurukan Adat “Nabawadatala” Sumedang Waty, Windi Widia; Yusup, Pawit M.; Yanto, Andri
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 16 No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bip.v16i2.384


Introduction. The research aims to examine knowledge transfer by a local community Rurukan Adat "Nabawadatala" in preserving local knowledge ion Citengah village – Sumedang, West Java. Data Collection Method. This research used qualitative approach with a case study method. Data Analysis. Qualitative data analysis was conducted iteratively and continuously until reach the data saturation. The three steps of data analysis were conducted, including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Results and Discussion. Pattern transfer occurred in the study includes three processes, namely the preparation of sustainable work plan; the concept of learning and knowledge sharing; and the creation of knowledge to form a tourist area-based education. Conclusion. A cultural centre established by the Citengah village community leaders to support knowledge transfer is very useful, not only for people inside of the community, but also for people around the community.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish-undiksha.v9i2.17731


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wirausaha yang pernah dan sedang dilakukan oleh para ibu rumah tangga di Desa Sukamukti Kecamatan Ciamis. Langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seleksi, provokasi, rekaman dan decoding. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa para ibu rumah tangga yang berkumpul dalam membentuk kelompok usaha, dimuali dari memiliki  motivasi dan minat yang sama dalam membantu ekonomi keluarga. Salah satu hal yang dilakukan adalah menerima pesanan masakan lokal, membuat kue, membuat makanan ringan untuk anak-anak, dan sebagainya. Hal yang menarik dari kelompok usaha tersebut adalah para ibu rumah tangga mendapatkan inspirasi, informasi dan pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan melalui internet dengan media handphone. Informasi yang paling sering dicari dan dibaca adalah mengenai resep, kisah sukses pengusaha, dan teori pemasaran baik offline atau online. Kesimpulannya bahwa pengalaman wirausaha para ibu rumah tangga melalui kelompok usaha "Dewi Catering" berkaitan dengan membaca melalui media handphone yang menggunakan jaringan internet (membaca online). Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari membaca online adalah ibu rumah tangga dapat memperkuat motivasi berwirausaha, dapat meningkatkan keterampilan memasak dan dapat memiliki keterampilan untuk memasarkan produk mereka.