Hygienitas (kebersihan) kuku merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam mempertahankan perawatan diri karena kuman dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui kuku, sehingga kuku seharusnya tetap dalam keadaan sehat dan bersih. Personal hygiene dapat ditingkatkan dengan memberikan stimulasi kepada anak. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh metode storytelling terhadap perilaku hygienitas kuku anak usia prasekolah di PAUD Mawar Tlogomas Malang. Jenis penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pre test and post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia prasekolah di PAUD Mawar Tlogomas Malang sebanyak 27 orang, dan teknik sampling menggunakan sampling jenuh. Metode analisa data yang digunakan yaitu Uji Marginal Homogeneity Test dengan menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa hygienitas kuku responden sebelum perlakuan storytelling, hampir setengah responden dikategorikan cukup yaitu sebanyak 48,1% anak. Hygienitas kuku setelah perlakuan storytelling, hampir seluruh responden dikategorikan baik yaitu sebanyak 77,8% anak. Hasil analisis didapatkan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 (p value ≤ 0,05) dan nilai thitung ≥ ttabel (6,288 ≥ 1,703), dengan demikian data dinyatakan sangat signifikan dan H1 diterima, artinya ada pengaruh metode storytelling terhadap perilaku hygienitas kuku anak usia prasekolah di PAUD Mawar Tlogomas Malang. Disarankan guru dapat memperhatikan metode pembelajaran yang mudah dipahami oleh siswa/siswi terlebih menggunakan metode pembelajaran storytelling hal ini dimaksudkan supaya murid dapat dilibatkan dalam proses belajar mengajar dan dapat dipraktekan dalam melakukan kebersihan diri (personal hygiene) terutama kebersihan kuku, dengan demikian murid dapat mengingat dan memahami apa yang telah dilakukannya. ABSTRACT Nail hygiene is one of the important aspects in maintaining self-care because germs can enter the body through the nails, so the nails should remain healthy and clean. Personal hygiene can improve by giving stimulation to children. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of storytelling method on nail hygiene of preschoolers Children.This of research used pre-experimental with one group approach pre test and post test. The population in this study were 27 preschoolers in Mawar Tlogomas Malang PAUD as many as 27 people, and sampling techniques using saturated sampling. Data analyzed by Marginal Homogeneity Test using SPSS. The results of the study proved that the respondents' nail hygiene before storytelling treatment, almost half of the respondents were categorized as sufficient, namely people 48.1%. Nail hygiene after storytelling treatment, almost all respondents were categorized as good, namely people 77.8%. The results of the analysis obtained a significant value of 0.000 (p value ≤ 0.05) and the value of t count ≥ t table (6.288 ≥ 1.703). So, it means very significant, and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is an effect of storytelling method on the behavior of nail hygiene preschoolers children. So, the teacher can pay attention to learning methods that are easily understood by students especially using learning methods storytelling so that students can be involved in the teaching and learning process and can be practiced in doingpersonal hygiene, especially nail cleaning, so students can remember and understand what he has done. Keywords: Preschool children; nail hygienic; storytelling.