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Integration and Harmonization Strategy in Multicultural Society at Palu City Haslinda B. Anriani
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 21, No 3 (2018): March
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.837 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jsp.27391


This research reveals the strategy of the people in Palu City in realizing the integration and harmonization among those with diverse cultural backgrounds. This research has an important position considering the conflict that had taken place in Palu City. Therefore, qualitative research was conducted via in-depth interviews in Palu City community, selecting the main informants from the two major ethnic groups, namely Kaili ethnic as indigenous ethnic and Buginese ethnic as ethnic migrants. The informants asked several questions about the social interaction between the local ethnic and the ethnic migrants and their socio economic and political lives. This interview technique was supported by observation and literature studies related to this research problem. The data was then analyzed descriptively qualitative. The result of the research shows: (1) Palu City community is open to multiculturalism, (2) integration strategy is done in the form of joint activities at Rukun Tetangga (RT, neighbourhood, is the lowest administrative division of Indonesia under Rukun Warga/RW)/Rukun Warga (RW, hamlet) level such as Cleaning Saturday, Sport and Art Contest in RT/RW level, RT/RW gathering, (3) the government cooperates with society to realize social harmony in Palu City.
Indigenous Elite and Modern Democracy: Case Study of Legislator at Gowa Regency Haslinda B Anriani; Ansar Arifin; Rasyidah Zainuddin
The Politics : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin Vol 1 No 2 (2015): Juli
Publisher : Magister Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin

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Abstract: This paper aims to reveal ’lunge’ indigenous elite that took place in a modern democratic society in Gowa, especially when the on going process of organizing elections out 2009. Some legislator selected 2009-2014 Gowa who had a background in traditional elite became evident how important power political bargaining in Gowa. Three of the members of parliament of the indigenous elite serve as the primary data source through in-depth interviews. The findings obtained are: indigenous elites who hav ea sound base large masses have strong political bargaining for gaining seats in parliament Gowa. Most of the indigenous elite who involved as a candidate does not have the capacity of education and political experience. Interestingly, they still dorationality political status attached to him.Keywords: Traditional Elite, Parliament, Legislators, Modern Democracy
Corporate Social Responsibility Dilemma of Tiaka Oil and Gas Mining Ilyas Lampe; Haslinda B. Anriani; Andi Mascunra Amir
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 35, No. 2, Year 2019 [Accredited Sinta 2] No 10/E/KPT/2019]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.625 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v35i2.5143


The implementation of CSR programs of Tiaka refinery is based on financial, goods assistance, and several empowerment programs. However, the community’s response is negative. The community’s disappointment and dissatisfaction are accompanied by threats to the Tiaka refinery. This study uses a case study approach on Kolo Bawah, Baturube, and Tanasumpu to understand PT. Joint Operation Body (JOB) Pertamina Medco Tomori Sulawesi impacts on the loss of livelihood of the Bajo ethnic community in Kolo Bawah. The results show that the Bajo communities in Kolo Bawah are excluded from their living and cultural space because of the refinery. CSR activities and community empowerment are unable to reduce the economic and social burden of Bajo communities. CSR activities are not transparent, partial, and not accompanied by a needs assessment. CSR/CD activities remain as a source of mutual suspicion between regions, community and ethnic groups.
Stereotipe, Prasangka dan Dinamika Antaretnik Ilyas Lampe; Haslinda B. Anriani
Jurnal Penelitian Pers dan Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol 20 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Penelitian Pers dan Komunikasi Pembangunan
Publisher : Balai Pengembangan SDM dan Penelitian Komunikasi dan Informatika (BPSDMP Kominfo) Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.891 KB) | DOI: 10.46426/jp2kp.v20i1.42


Ethnic identity is a differentiator that is primordial that is often used to establish an association to a particular group, as ingroup or outgroup that in the local context the plural is called the "Kitorang" or "kamorang". Ethnic identity is a true socio-cultural construction, which can be changed, uncertain and impermanent. Ethnicity is an expression of past products, the rise of the same origin, social relations, and similarities in cultural values ​​and traits such as language and religion. However, despite ethnic identity can change it may cause birth stereotypes and prejudices even turn into violent conflict. This research is to unravel the relationship between ethnic Kaili (native) and ethnic Bugis (entrants) in the city of Palu. This study used a qualitative method with informants selected from academia (anthropologist), students and community leaders Kaili and Bugis. The results showed that the various stereotypes that appear in both ethnically both positive and negative. Meanwhile there are also prejudices that accompany the relationship and communication between the two ethnic groups, although there has been a culturals and economic interconnections since hundreds of years ago. Even since the 1990s until recent year violent conflicts ethnic background, whose roots are suspected due to economic disparities between Kaili and Bugis ethnic population, such as the conflict in the Market Masomba and Inpres Market. Keywords: Prejudice, Stereotype, Ethnic Identity, Intercultural Communication. ABSTRAK Identitas etnik merupakan pembeda yang bersifat primordial yang seringkali digunakan untuk menetapkan asosiasi pada kelompok tertentu, sebagai ingroup atau outgroup yang dalam konteks lokal jamak disebut dengan istilah “kitorang” atau “kamorang”. Identitas etnik sejatinya merupakan konstruksi sosial budaya, yang dapat berubah, tidak pasti dan tidak kekal. Etnisitas merupakan ekspresi dari produk masa lalu, kebangkitan asal-usul yang sama, hubungan sosial, dan kesamaan dalam nilai-nilai budaya dan ciri-ciri seperti bahasa dan agama. Namun identitas etnik kendati dapat berubah ia dapat menyebabkan lahirnya stereotipe dan prasangka bahkan berubah menjadi konflik kekerasan. Penelitian ini mengurai relasi antara etnik Kaili (pribumi) dan Etnik Bugis (pendatang) di Kota Palu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan informan yang dipilih dari kalangan akademisi (antropolog), mahasiswa dan tokoh masyarakat Kaili dan Bugis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beragam sterotipe yang muncul pada kedua etnik baik yang positif maupun negatif. Sementara itu masih terdapat pula prasangka yang menyertai relasi dan komunikasi antar kedua etnik, kendati telah terjadi persinggungan budaya dan ekonomi sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu. Bahkan sejak tahun 1990 an hingga beberapa tahun terakhir terjadi konflik kekerasan berlatarbelakang etnik, yang akarnya ditengarai akibat ketimpangan ekonomi antara penduduk etnik Kaili dan Bugis, misalnya saja konflik di Pasar Masomba dan Pasar Inpres. Kata kunci: Prasangka, Stereotipe, Identitas Etnik, Komunikasi Antarbudaya
Penerapan Metode Iqra Dalam Pembelajaran Al-qur'an: Application of the Iqra Method in Learning the Qur'an Abdul Malik Iskandar; Syamsu K; Haslinda B. Anriani; Muhammad Masdar
Publisher : ADPERTISI

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This article aims to describe the iqra method in learning the Koran at a TPA in Makassar city. The Iqra method is a very easy reading method and attracts the interest of many teachers to apply it in the santri group. This dedication method is to apply the method in teaching and see the speed at which students know letters compared to other methods. The results of this service are obtained as follows: this iqra method makes students read the Koran faster than other methods because students learn more while singing and reading is still good according to the name. The recommendation for this service is that the Iqra method is more suitable for the beginner age of children learning the Koran which is full of games and enjoys doing it.
Working relationship between local fishermen and migrant fishermen in Palu Bay Haslinda Baji Anriani; Harifuddin Harifuddin; Suparman Abdullah
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v7i2.23493


This study aims to analyze: (1) Patterns of cooperation and profit sharing as a form of reciprocal relations between local fishermen and migrant fishermen, (2) The level of welfare of local fishermen as a consequence of these reciprocal relations. To answer this question, a study was held in Lere Village, Palu Bay. This research is qualitative with sampling techniques using Purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out with in-depth interviews and engaged observations and literature studies. Data analysis uses a three-step technique, namely data reduction, data categorization, conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Patterns of cooperation and profit sharing as a form of reciprocal relations between local fishermen and migrant fishermen include: labor deployment, profit sharing rules, fish marketing with pattern rules. (2) The level of welfare of local fishermen as a consequence of mutual relations before cooperating and after cooperation includes: Ownership of more modern means of production, increased income, better home conditions, more varied ownership of household appliances, and ownership of more transportation facilities than before. The conclusion of this study is that the presence of migrant fishermen is very large for improving the welfare of local traditional fishermen in Palu bay
The Influence of Social Capital and Fear of Covid-19 on the Participation of Coastal Communities During the Pandemic in Palu City Haslinda Badji Anriani; Muhammad Ahsan Samad; Muhammad Alfian
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Development and Election
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v8i1.40846


The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has engendered multifaceted repercussions encompassing the economic, social, and psychological dimensions of coastal towns. In response, a proactive and concerted effort is imperative to cultivate a resilient society capable of withstanding the adversities posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. This necessitates the systematic integration of coastal communities through a scientific approach. This research elucidates the intricate interplay between social capital, apprehensions regarding Covid-19, and their combined influence on the determinants of community engagement. By means of an online survey, a cohort of 303 urban communities residing in the coastal regions of Palu-Donggala actively partook in this investigation. The outcomes of this study underscore the discernible impacts of both social capital and Covid-19-related concerns on the level of participation exhibited by coastal communities. The empirical insights gleaned from this study are poised to serve as a foundational resource for diverse stakeholders engaged in formulating interventions and policies aimed at augmenting community involvement within coastal enclaves. It is essential to acknowledge that further research endeavors are warranted to comprehensively discern the array of predictors underpinning and the far-reaching consequences of participatory behavior within coastal communities.
Rational Actions of Widows Post Earthquake Disaster in Palu City Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan; Haslinda B. Anriani; Moh. Nutfa; Krisdaryadi Ponco Nugroho; Nurul Chudawiah Sidin; Akbar Akbar
Devotion : Journal of Research and Community Service Vol. 4 No. 9 (2023): Devotion: Journal of Research and Community Service
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/devotion.v4i9.571


Earthquakes not only affect material losses, but also affect the socioeconomic lives of widowed women forcing them to act rationally to survive and avoid the threat of poverty. The study aims to analyze the impact of earthquake natural disasters with rational actions of widowed women after the earthquake disaster in Palu City. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out through limited observation, in-depth interviews, FGDs and document studies so as to obtain primary and secondary data. Informants were purposively selected as many as 6 people. The data is analyzed interpretively. The validity of the data is done through triangulation. The results showed that in the face of poor post-disaster socioeconomic conditions, there are five models of strategies or rational survival actions carried out by widowed women, namely, borrowing business capital, building an entrepreneurial career, finding a new job, becoming a daily freelancer, and getting married. The forms of rational action carried out by widows are instrumental rational actions, value rationality actions and effective rational actions. It suggested the importance of socio-economic empowerment of widowed women appropriately and sustainably.