Muhammad Afif Amrulloh
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia

Published : 46 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Analisis Perubahan Morfologis Pembentukan Ta’rib dan Pembelajaran Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Tadris : Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1068.313 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v2i2.2064


The birth of a variety of new vocabulary or term in the Arabic language that originated in a foreign language is a form of a modern linguistic phenomenon that emerged at this time. The reality shows that Arabic continues to evolve following the times that certainly gives its own difficulties for speakers of the Arab nation as well as from outside the Arab nation. However, this article will discuss the changes that occur in the morphological process of Arabization. This research used the qualitative research, including the types of research studies library or library research that takes a data source in the library. While the methods used i.e. linguistic analysis methods on morphology to produce conclusions as for the basis for the formation of Arabization. The results of this research show that there is at least some form of absorption process of morphological changes in the words used in the process of Arabization, i.e. tarib or morfemis/afiksasi process with the form sirkumfiks, the suffix, and prefix. Some forms of these processes contribute to the understanding of the application of some rules of Arabization to ease the Arab language learners and speakers from outside the Arab nation in learning, understanding and generate new vocabulary needed in communications globally. Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang perubahan morfologis yang terjadi dalam proses arabisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, termasuk penelitian studi pustaka atau library research yang mengambil sumber data secara kepustakaan. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode analisis kebahasaan pada morfologi untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan untuk menjadi dasar pembentukan arabisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setidaknya ada beberapa bentuk penyerapan kata dalam proses perubahan morfologis yang digunakan dalam proses ta’rib atau arabisasi, yaitu proses  morfemis/afiksasi dengan bentuk sirkumfiks, sufiks dan prefiks. Beberapa bentuk proses tersebut memberikan kontribusi terhadap pemahaman penerapan beberapa kaidah arabisasi sehingga memudahkan para pembelajar bahasa Arab dan penutur dari luar bangsa Arab dalam mempelajari, memahami dan menghasilkan kosa kata baru yang dibutuhkan dalam komunikasi secara global yang lebih luas.
Fonologi Bahasa Arab (Tinjauan Deskriptif Fonem Bahasa Arab) Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.169 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v8i1.353


Language as an object of linguistics studies has an important role in human life. Language and life is a phenomenon that can’t be released like two sides of a coin. Language is a symbol of sounds system arbitrarily used by humans to communicate between each other. As a system, the language has a systematic nature (berkaedah) and systemic (bersubsistem). One of the subsystems is phonology. Phonology as one field or level of study in linguistics were discussed related to everything about language sounds. The language sounds are categorized into two, namely phonetic and phonemic. Phonetics as a branch of phonology discusses relevant language sounds without affecting the meaning, while discussing about the sounds of language phonemes that affect meaning. This paper would like to study about the Arabic language phonology, in particular on phonemic. This study included within the scope of the al-Aswa> t, which is the science deals with the narrative of the language sounds, movement and acceptance. Before studying how to prepare the structure of a language and its meaning and so on, then it must first be familiar with the sounds of the language in it. Sounds of language that are must be known in advance for language learners (Arabic learners). Therefore, phonology becomes important to study in learning and language acquisition (foreign language). Thus, it becomes very important to understand the study of phonology or al-Aswa> t, in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding associated Arabic language sounds, which certainly every sound has its own meaning
Taghyir Fonemat al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah al-Mustaarah fi al-Lughah al-Jawiyah Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (987.75 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v8i2.365


نحن على وعي أن اللغة العربية قد انتشرت انتشارا عظيما وتطورت بتطور الزمان. فالباحث في حاجة إلى بحث اللغة العربية، خصوصا في تغيير الفونيمات للكلمات العربية المستعارة في اللغة الجوية. وهذه الفونيمات تهتم بوظيفة الصوت في تحديد المعنى وعلاقتها بالأصوات الأخرى. وعلى هذا التغيير للفونيمات يتكون من ثلاثة أنواع، وهيasimilasiوdisimilasi وmetatesis. إذن يتمتحليلالبياناتفيهذهالدراسةباستخدام طريقةpadanintralingual، أيمن حيث علاقتهابالعناصراللغويةفيلغةواحدةأولغةمختلفة،بمساواتهوتمييزيه. وهذا يمكن أنيكونأوجهالتشابهوالاختلافبينفونيمينفي اللغتين.وأصبح بعض الكلمات العربية متغيرفونيماتها بدخول الأصوات الأخر من ناحية اللغة الجوية
Sistem Penilaian dalam Pembelajaran Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 7, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (85.563 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v7i2.350


All professional teachers should conduct a certain assessment in the end of every learning process. Assessing students’ learning process is an integral part of whole learning process. The kinds of test may take in various forms: oral test, written test, performance, product or portfolio. The test instruments can be in the forms of multiple choice, objective and non-objective essays, short answers or matching the choices
Al-Tarib fi al-Asr al-Hadist fi Majalah Majma al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah (Dirasah Takhliliyyah Funulujiyyah) Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (782.491 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v7i1.376


Fenomena perkembangan bahasa terjadi secara alami dan terus menerus sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan tersebut sebagai akibat adanya interaksi atau pergaulan antar bangsa serta kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Demikian pula dalam perkembangan bahasa Arab yang terjadi selama terjalin interaksi antar bangsa. Perkembangan bahasa Arab dapat berupa adanya perubahan pengucapan kosa kata maupun pemunculan istilah baru. Fenomena ini disebut pula dengan arabisasi atau ta’rib.Tulisan ini akan  membahas tentang hasil arabisasi pada majallatu majma’ al-lughah al-arabiyah al-malakiy juz yang ketiga yang diterbitkan di Kairo. Bagaimana proses pembentukan istilah bahasa Arab sebagai hasil dari arabisasi dan perubahan apa saja yang terjadi di dalamnya. Pembahasan tersebut dengan menggunakan analisis kebahasaan pada fonologi guna menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai dasar pembentukan kata arabisasi.Salah satu contoh kata hasil dari arabisasi dalam majalah tersebut yaitu kata dari bahasa Inggris Franciscans menjadi dalam bahasa Arab الفرنسسكيون . Pada kata tersebut terjadi proses asimilasi fonemik di beberapa huruf, yaitu dari F menjadi ف, C menjadi س  dan ك. Selain itu pula terdapat sufiks pada huruf akhir yang dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan huruf s menunjukkan makna jamak, dalam bahasa Arab berupa ون. Penambahan lain dalam proses arabisasi tersebut yaitu berupa afiks yang menunjukkan isim ma’rifah berupa ال. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa cara atau metode yang digunakan dalam proses arabisasi yaitu dengan menyesuaikan pengucapan lisan bangsa Arab serta menambahkan beberapa huruf akhiran atau awalan yang sesuai dengan kaidah dalam bahasa Arab. Kata Kunci:            Ta’rib, phonemic assimilation, foneik, fonetik
Kesamaan Bunyi pada Sajak (Kajian Fonologi al-Qur’an dalam Surat al ‘Asar) Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Jurnal Al Bayan Vol.9 No.1 Th.2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.451 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1082


Abstract: The existence of the verse in the Quran are reflected through the similarity of the sound at each end of the paragraph that included part of the beauty of the Quran. The beauty of the Quran not only on the aspects of sound, but also on aspects of writing. Therefore conducted the study of beauty lafazh on phonology, namely rhyme. Using the research library or library research, the data obtained based on the literature. The data presented and analyzed systematically. Surat al-‘asra becomes the object of the material. Based on the results of research that the paragraph on how the letter showed the same pattern of verse in the form of the sound of the consonants as well as vocals. The letters or the same vocal found a total of 11 vocal /a/ , vocal sound with five /u/, and three vocal sound of/i/. Most patterns of vocal it is located at the end of paragraph or the end of a Word using the same vocal sound that is /i/. Whereas the same vocal sound at the end of the word in the form of sound /u/. As for the pattern of most consonants is found in the same consonant /r/ that is numbered six the same consonant pattern and other form of consonant /l/ there are three consonants. While the consonant /w/,/s/,/t/,/m/,/ a/ as much as two consonants. The identification of similarities that sound more and give space to the existence of balaghah and aswat are important and can not be separated in the study of al-Quan. Keywords:: fonologi, sajak, bunyi
Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab Pesantren Muadalah (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al-Kausar Genteng Banyuwangi) Himmah, Rofat Hizmatul; Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Jurnal Al Bayan Vol.9 No.2 Th.2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.442 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i2.2240


Abstract: Pesantren curriculum as a Muadalah between the curriculum at educational institutions using the book and the quality criteria that have been set out in a fair and open. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out an overview of the planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum development of Arabic at pesantren Al C. This study uses qualitative research methods, descriptive data collection techniques in the form of observation, interview and documentation as well as the use of trainggulasi resources to check the validity of the data. Based on this study, it was found that the Arabic curriculum planning at the boarding school places emphasis on the achievement of language proficiency in the aspects of speaking and reading. This is because diplomas issued synchronised with the Middle East. The book, which provided the material for the study using the book the classic form of Jurumiyah and Imrity for the Nahwu lessons. The direct method of the form sorogan. As for the evaluation of the system using the midle of the semester and semester. Thus, this study is very important to realize service and organization of education boarding schools better through the development of the curriculum based on evaluation and the development needs of the community. Keywords: Kurikulum, pesantren, mu’adalah
Kesamaan Bunyi pada Sajak (Kajian Fonologi al-Qur’an dalam Surat al ‘Asar) Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Al Bayan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.451 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1082


Abstract: The existence of the verse in the Qur'an are reflected through the similarity of the sound at each end of the paragraph that included part of the beauty of the Qur'an. The beauty of the Qur'an not only on the aspects of sound, but also on aspects of writing. Therefore conducted the study of beauty lafazh on phonology, namely rhyme. Using the research library or library research, the data obtained based on the literature. The data presented and analyzed systematically. Surat al-‘asra becomes the object of the material. Based on the results of research that the paragraph on how the letter showed the same pattern of verse in the form of the sound of the consonants as well as vocals. The letters or the same vocal found a total of 11 vocal /a/ , vocal sound with five /u/, and three vocal sound of/i/. Most patterns of vocal it is located at the end of paragraph or the end of a Word using the same vocal sound that is /i/. Whereas the same vocal sound at the end of the word in the form of sound /u/. As for the pattern of most consonants is found in the same consonant /r/ that is numbered six the same consonant pattern and other form of consonant /l/ there are three consonants. While the consonant /w/,/s/,/t/,/m/,/' a/ as much as two consonants. The identification of similarities that sound more and give space to the existence of balaghah and aswat are important and can not be separated in the study of al-Qu'an. Keywords:: fonologi, sajak, bunyi
Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab Pesantren Mu'adalah (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al-Kausar Genteng Banyuwangi) Himmah, Ro'fat Hizmatul; Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Al Bayan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.442 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i2.2240


Abstract: Pesantren curriculum as a Mu'adalah between the curriculum at educational institutions using the book and the quality criteria that have been set out in a fair and open. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out an overview of the planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum development of Arabic at pesantren Al C. This study uses qualitative research methods, descriptive data collection techniques in the form of observation, interview and documentation as well as the use of trainggulasi resources to check the validity of the data. Based on this study, it was found that the Arabic curriculum planning at the boarding school places emphasis on the achievement of language proficiency in the aspects of speaking and reading. This is because diplomas issued synchronised with the Middle East. The book, which provided the material for the study using the book the classic form of Jurumiyah and Imrity for the Nahwu lessons. The direct method of the form sorogan. As for the evaluation of the system using the midle of the semester and semester. Thus, this study is very important to realize service and organization of education boarding schools better through the development of the curriculum based on evaluation and the development needs of the community. Keywords: Kurikulum, pesantren, mu’adalah
Kesamaan Bunyi pada Sajak (Kajian Fonologi al-Qur’an dalam Surat al ‘Asar) Amrulloh, Muhammad Afif
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.451 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1082


Abstract: The existence of the verse in the Qur'an are reflected through the similarity of the sound at each end of the paragraph that included part of the beauty of the Qur'an. The beauty of the Qur'an not only on the aspects of sound, but also on aspects of writing. Therefore conducted the study of beauty lafazh on phonology, namely rhyme. Using the research library or library research, the data obtained based on the literature. The data presented and analyzed systematically. Surat al-‘asra becomes the object of the material. Based on the results of research that the paragraph on how the letter showed the same pattern of verse in the form of the sound of the consonants as well as vocals. The letters or the same vocal found a total of 11 vocal /a/ , vocal sound with five /u/, and three vocal sound of/i/. Most patterns of vocal it is located at the end of paragraph or the end of a Word using the same vocal sound that is /i/. Whereas the same vocal sound at the end of the word in the form of sound /u/. As for the pattern of most consonants is found in the same consonant /r/ that is numbered six the same consonant pattern and other form of consonant /l/ there are three consonants. While the consonant /w/,/s/,/t/,/m/,/' a/ as much as two consonants. The identification of similarities that sound more and give space to the existence of balaghah and aswat are important and can not be separated in the study of al-Qu'an. Keywords:: fonologi, sajak, bunyi