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PENINGKATAN KESADARAN DAN PENGETAHUAN SISWA MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMASANGAN CCTV Syaiful Bahri; Maitri Ramadhani; Edi Suprayetno; Ahmad Indra Harahap; Harry Pratama Figna
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): JPKM

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This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of CCTV installation training in increasing students' awareness and knowledge about security. The results showed that the training was effective in increasing students' awareness of school safety and their knowledge of CCTV installation. The long-term impact of this training includes students' active role in maintaining school safety and improving the overall quality of education. Implementation recommendations include comprehensive training planning, collaboration with related parties, evaluation and coaching, as well as further counseling. Although this research has limitations, such as the limited number of samples, the results make an important contribution to the development of innovative and effective learning methods
The Students' Grammatical Mistakes in Writing Narrative Text Maitri Ramadhani; Windy Mutiara Ananda
The Seall Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): April 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55263/the seal.v1i1.425


Students made errors in writing narrative text. Two reasons why students made errors were because less grammar mastery and confuses to differentiate the verb. This writing is to find out the grammatical errors. The method of research is descriptive quantitative. The process of data is analyzed by reading students’ writing first, identifying, classification, tabulating, describing, and taking conclusion about the errors. After analyzing the data, it was found that students made errors in omission, addition, misformation, and misordering categories. The highest frequency of item error was in using a verb tense with a total of 61 errors. Meanwhile, the lowest frequency of item errors was in using adverbs and adjective with a total of 6 errors. The total of the errors was 204. Keywords: Conjunction; Article; To be; Verb Tense; Pronoun.