Pedvin Ratna Meikawati, Pedvin Ratna
Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Vol 9, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STIKES Widya Husada Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.715 KB) | DOI: 10.33666/jitk.v9i1.61


Salah satu prinsip dasar PAUD memberikan rangsangan pendidikan mencakup semua aspek perkembangan anak termasuk perkembangan kemandirian anak.Salah satu hal penting dalam perkembangan anak umur 3-5 tahun adalah perkembangan sikap sosialnya.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat sosialisasi anak prasekolah (3-5 tahun) yang mengikuti PAUD dan tidak mengikuti PAUD.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah 164 anak usia prasekolah (3-5 tahun) di Kelurahan Medono Kota Pekalongan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling untuk 40 anak prasekolah yang mengikuti PAUD dan quota sampling untuk 40 anak prasekolah yang tidak mengikuti PAUD. Analisis univariat menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi dari setiap variabel, sedangkan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik kruskal wallis untuk menguji hipotesis komparatif dua sampel independen.Hasil penelitian tingkat kemandirian anak yang mengikuti PAUD sebagian besar dalam kategori sedang (62,5 %) dan tidak mengikuti PAUD sebagian besar dalam kategori sedang (82,5 %) dan kurang (10 %). Melalui uji independent kruskal wallis didapatkan p value = 0,000 < ? (0,05), sehingga disimpulkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan tingkat sosialisasi anak prasekolah yang mengikuti PAUD dan tidak mengikuti PAUD.Kata Kunci : Kemandirian, Anak Prasekolah, PAUDOne of the basic principles of early childhood education provides educational stimulation covering all aspects of child development including the development of child self-reliance. One important thing in the development of children aged 3-5 years is the development of social attitudes. The purpose of this study to determine the difference in the level of socialization of preschoolers (3-5 years ) who follow PAUD and do not follow PAUD.The research used descriptive comparative research design with cross sectional approach. The population is 164 preschoolers (3-5 years old) in Medono Urban Pekalongan City. Sampling technique with simple random sampling for 40 preschool children who follow PAUD and quota sampling for 40 preschool children who do not follow PAUD. The univariate analysis used the frequency distribution table of each variable, while the bivariate analysis used a crucial wallist statistic test to test the comparative hypothesis of two independent samples.The results of the research on the independence level of children following the early childhood education were mostly in the medium category (62.5%) and did not follow the PAUD mostly in the medium category (82.5%) and less (10%). Through independent test kruskal wallis obtained p value = 0,000 <? (0,05), so it is concluded there is significant difference of level of socialization of preschool children who follow early childhood and not follow PAUD.Keywords: Independence, preschool children, PAUD
Analisis Deskriptif Pengetahuan Tentang Perubahan Fisik Pubertas Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren Alfalah Sofaniyah Kecamatan Songgom Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2024 Utami, Suci; Meikawati, Pedvin Ratna; Fajriyah, Laeli Fitrokhatun
JURNAL KESEHATAN TERAPAN Vol 11 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Kesehatan Terapan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54816/jk.v11i1.755


Puberty imarks ithe itransition ifrom ichildhood ito iadolescence iaccompanied iby ia iseries iof icomplex iphysical, icognitiveiand ipsychological idevelopmental iprocesses. iThere iare istill imany iyoung iwomen iwho ido inot iknow ithe idevelopment iofipuberty. iLack iof iknowledge iabout ipuberty ican ihave ia inegative iimpact ion ithe idevelopment iof iadolescent igirls. iThisitype iof iresearch iuses iquantitative idescriptive ianalysis imethods. The data collection process uses a questionnaire method with a Guttman scale. From the results of research on 39 research samples of adolescent girls at the Al Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School, the results showed that 25 girls (64%) had knowledge of puberty in the "Good" category. 11 children (28%) had knowledge of puberty in the "Enough" category. 3 children (8%) had knowledge of puberty in the "Poor" category. With these data it can be concluded that the majority of young women at the Al Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School have good knowledge about puberty.
Hubungan Usia Menarche Dengan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Fitriliana, Dea Riskha; Meikawati, Pedvin Ratna
JURNAL KESEHATAN TERAPAN Vol 11 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Kesehatan Terapan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54816/jk.v11i1.775


Menarche is defined as the first menstruation, namely the discharge of blood from a woman's genitals in the form of the shedding of the inner wall lining of the uterus which contains many blood vessels. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the age of menarche and the behavior of young women at the Al-Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School. Method: The research method used is analytical observation, with a cross sectional research design. This research was carried out at the Al - Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School in 2023. The population of this research was located at the Al - Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School, namely all 38 teenagers. The sample from this research was 24 teenagers from the Al-Falah Sofwaniyah Jatirokeh Islamic Boarding School who had reached menarche. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Results: that respondents aged 11 years at menarche and who had bad behavior in dealing with menstruation were 2 people (9%) and those who had good behavior were 22 people (91%) of the total respondents. There were 12 respondents (50%) who had menarche aged 12 years and who had good behavior in dealing with menstruation and 2 people (9%) of the total respondents who had bad behavior. Respondents aged 13 years at menarche had good behavior in dealing with menstruation, namely 10 people (41%). The results of the Pearson correlation test obtained a P value = 0.001 < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the age of menarche and the personal hygiene behavior of adolescents. The older a person is at menarche, the more likely they are to have good behavior in dealing with menstruation. On the other hand, the younger a person's age at menarche, the more likely they are to have bad behavior when dealing with menstruation.