mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy
Universitas Negri Semarang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

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Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui pelaksanaan konseling kelompok dan tingkat self efficacy siswa di SMP N 1 Babat Toman, (2) menghasilkan model layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik Relaksasi berbasis musik Intrumental, (3) mengetahui keefektifan model konseling kelompok dengan teknik relaksasi berbasis musik intrumental untuk meningkatkan self efficacy siswa SMP Negeri 1 Babat Toman Musi Banyuasin. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian reseach and development (RnD) dengan langkah-langkah: (1) persiapan pengembangan model, (2) merumuskan model hipotetik, (3) uji kelayakan model hipotetik, (4) perbaikan model hipotetik, (5) hasil akhir produk, (6). uji lapangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah model konseling kelompok dengan teknik relaksasi berbasis musik intrumental untuk meningkatkan self efficacy siswa. Penelitian ini melibatkan 10 siswa sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan hasil uji lapangan, tingkat self efficacy siswa mengalami peningkatan setelah mengikuti kegiatan konseling kelompok dengan teknik relaksasi yang ditunjukkan dengan perubahan tingkat self efficacy siswa yang sangat signifikan sebelum diberikan perlakuan (evaluasi awal) dan sesudah (evaluasi akhir) sebesar 147 poin atau 99 %. Dengan demikian, layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik relaksasi berbasis musik intrumental efektif untuk meningkatkan self efficacy siswa. The aims of this study were: (1) to find out the implementation of group counceling and the levels of self efficacy of the students of; (2) to produce a service model of group counceling by using music-based relaxation technique; (3) to know the effectiveness of group counceling model by using music-based relaxation technique to improve self efficacy of students of SMP Negeri 1 Babat Toman Muba South Sumatera. This study implemented the research and development (RnD) design within several steps: (1) the model development planning, (2) the formulation of hypothetical model (3) the try out of hypothetical model, (4) the revision of hypothetical model, (5) final product, and (6) field test. This study involved 10 students as sample. Result of the field test showed that levels of students’ self efficacy were significantly improved after they joined group counceling model by using music-based relaxation technique. The students’ levels self efficacy improvement before treatment (initial evaluation) and after treatment (final evaluation) was 147 points or 99%. Findings of this study can be concluded that the implementation of group counceling model by using music-based relaxation technique effectively improved students’ self efficacy.
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) Menganalisis gambaran umum pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan kelompok dan Kondisi kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus; (2) Menghasilkan pengembangan model layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role play berbasis pendekatan BCCT untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus; dan (3) Mengetahui tingkat keefektifan model pengembangan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role play berbasis pendekatan BCCT untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus. Metode penelitian ini adalah Reseach and Development dengan prosedur pengembangan yang meliputi 3 tahap yaitu: tahap perencanaan, tahap penyusunan produk pengembangan dan tahap uji keefektifan produk pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba keefektifan pada kelompok terbatas, tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal siswa mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan perubahan tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal siswa pada saat pre test dan post test, yang mengalami peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal anak sebesar 47,82%. The purposes of this study were: (1) to analyze the implementation of the general picture of group guidance services and condition of students' interpersonal intelligence Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus; (2) to generate a model of group guidance services with role play technique based on BCCT approach to improve students' interpersonal intelligence in Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus; and (3) to determine the effectiveness of the development model of group guidance services with role play technique based BCCT approach to improve students' interpersonal intelligence in Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus. Methods of this study was Reseach and Development which was implemented within three phases: planning phase, preparation stage of product depvelopment, and test phase of product development effectiveness. The results of present study showed that the levels of students’ interpersonal intelligence increased for 47,82% between pre-test and post-test.
Model Konseling Kelompok Teknik Self Instruction untuk Meningkatkan Self Confidence Siswa SMP Habiba, Ardhaneswari; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Japar, Muhammad
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan layanan konseling kelompok SMP Negeri 5 Cepu; (2) Memperoleh gambar tingkat self confidence siswa SMP Negeri 5 Cepu; (3) Menghasilkan model layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik self instruction untuk meningkatkan self confidence siswa; and (4) Mengetahui keefektifan model layanan konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik self instruction untuk meningkatkan self confidence siswa SMP Negeri 5 Cepu. Penelitian ini menggunakan research and development dengan melibatkan 187 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Cepu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) layanan konseling kelompok sudah dilaksankan di SMP Negeri 5 Cepu namun masih terfokus pada siswa yang mengalami masalah dan teknik yang digunakan hanya teknik diskusi; (2) Tingkat self confidence siswa mayoritas dalam kategori self confidence yang sedang (38,96%) dan kurang (45,45%); (3) Dihasilkan model konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik self instruction untuk meningkatkan self confidence siswa; dan (4) Model yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan self confidence.The purposes of this research were to: (1) Describe and analyze the implemention of group counseling services in SMP Negeri 5 Cepu, (2) Obtain an overview of the level of confidence of the students of SMP Negeri 5 Cepu, (3) Produces a model of group counselling services with self instruction technique to improve students’ self confidence; and (4) Identifying the effectiveness of group counselling service model with self instruction technique to improve students’ self confidence in SMP Negeri 5 Cepu. This study applied a reseach and development design with involving 187 students of Grade VIII from SMP Negeri 5 Cepu. The results indicated that (1) Group counselling services had implemented at SMP Negeri 5 Cepu, but it still focused on the students who have problems and the techniques were only discussions; (2) The majority students’ self confidence were in category medium (38,96%) and low (45,45%); (3) Group counselling models with self instruction technique to improve students’ self-confidence have been produced in this study; and (4) The model was effective to increase students’ self confidence.
Model Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Sosiodrama untuk Meningkatkan Empati Siswa SMP Haryati, Asti; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Mulawarman, Mulawarman
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menguji model bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik sosiodrama dalam meningkatkan empat siswa SMP. Metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Research and Development) diaplikasikan guna mendapatkan model yang teruji secara empiris. Siswa kelas VII yang berjumlah 150 siswa terlibat dalam survey, 8 siswa terlibat dalam uji coba mode dan sampel pada uji efektifitas berjumlah 15 siswa. Hasil penelitian yaitu menghasilkan model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan teknik sosiodrama yang mana secara umum telah memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan standar produk yang terdiri dari empat aspek, yaitu: kebermanfaatan, keakuratan, kepatutan dan kemudahan. Hasil implementasi model menunjukkan bahwa model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan teknik sosiodrama terbukti efektif meningkatkan empati siswa (z = -3,298, p < 0,01). Profil empati siswa menunjukan adanya peningkatan 7,20%. Disarankan bagi guru bimbingan dan konseling untuk perlu memperhatikan dan mengembangkan komponen empati siswa terutama pada komponen afektif dan komponen kognitif terutama dalam setting interpersonal.This study aimed to develop and test the model of group guidance with sociodrama technique to increase students’ empathy. A model of educational research and development was applied to attain the research goal. Subject development consists of students of grade VII total of 150 students. Sample test consists of 8 students and experiment samples was 15 students. The result of research in the final products sociodrama technique group guidance model development which is in general has been qualified in accordance with the standards of the product consists of four aspects, specifically: usefulness, accuracy, appropriateness and ease. The results showed that sociodrama technique group guidance model is effective in improving students’ empathy (z = -3,298, p < 0,01). Profile empathy students show an increase 7,20 Suggestions for school counselors are to pay attention and develop the components of empathy students especially on the components afektif and components cognitive especially in setting interpersonal.
Konseling Behavioral menggunakan Teknik Kontrak Perilaku dengan Students’ Logbook untuk Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Siswa Muslih, Yuyun Nuriyah; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Purwanto, Edy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan konseling behavioral di sekolah, menganalisis kondisi minat membaca siswa, menghasilkana model dan menemukan keefektifan model. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelaksanaan konseling behavioral sudah terlaksana di SMAN Kota Tasikmalaya, namun dalam pelaksanaannya masih belum efektif, dikarenakan kurangnya wawasan dan keterampilan guru BK terutama dalam menggunakan teknik- teknik dalam konseling; (2) kondisi minat membaca siswa sebelum diberikannya perlakuan menunjukan pada kategori kurang sedangkan setelah diberi perlakuan berubah menjadi sedang; (3) model yang dihasilkan diperoleh melalui validasi pakar dan praktisi yaitu berupa model konseling behavioral menggunakan teknik kontrak perilaku dengan students’ logbook yang memiliki aspek kemanfaatan, keakuratan dan kemenarikan untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa; (4) model konseling behavioral menggunakan teknik kontrak perilaku dengan students’ logbook terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa.The purpose of the research is to analyze the implantation of behavioral counseling in schools, the condition of students’ reading interest, produce models and found the level of effectiveness of the model. Type of this research method is Research and Development (R & D). The result of the research showed that (1) implementation of behavioral counseling has been implemented et a high school in the town of Tasikmalaya, but in practice not been effective, due to a lack of knowledge and skills of counselor especially in using the techniques in counseling; (2) the condition of students’ reading interests before the treatment with model given to show the poor but after being given treatment into middle category; (3) the resulting model obtained through validation by experts and practitioners that is behavioral counseling models using techniques behavior contract with the students’ logbook that have the aspect of usefulness, accuracy and independence to students’ improve interest in reading; (4) behavioral counseling models using techniques behavior contract with the students’ logbook proven effective to students’ improve interest in reading.
Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Self-Efficacy dan Harapan Hasil (Outcome Expectations) Karir Siswa Ana, Aliqol; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Wagimin, Wagimin
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji efek bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role playing terhadap self efficacy dan outcome expectations. Jenis penelitian quasi eksprerimental dengan design pre-test post-test control group design diaplikasikan melibatkan 20 siswa yang memiliki skor total dari self-efficacy dan harapan hasil rendah yang dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen berjumlah 10 siswa dan kelompok kontrol berjumlah 10 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan bimbingan kelompok teknik role playing efektif untuk meningkatan self-efficacy karir dan harapan hasil (outcome expectation) siswa. Pembahasan dan saran terkait hasil penelitian ini dikaji dalam artikel ini.This research was intended to test the effect of group guidance service with role playing technique on students’ self efficacy and outcome expectation. A design of pre-test and post-test control group design was implemented with involving 20 students who have a total score of self-efficacy and low outcome expectations. They were divided two groups, namely: the experimental group of 10 students and control groups of 10 students. The data analysis technique used was MANOVA test with significance level of 5%. The results showed thatthe implementation of group counseling techniques by using role playing was effective in improving the students’ career self-efficacy and their outcome expectations. Discussion and recommendation based on thi findings were presented in this study.
Model Bimbingan Kelompok menggunakan Games untuk Meningkatkan Hubungan Interpersonal Siswa Purwanto, Edy; Loban, Maria Natalia; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok,     (2) menganalisis tingkat hubungan interpersonal siswa di SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang, (3)  menghasilkan model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan games untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa (4) mengetahui efektivitas model bimbingan kelompok yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang yang berjumlah 256 orang, sedangkan jumlah sampel  sebanyak 10 siswa dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) bimbingan kelompok sudah dilaksanakan namun, belum menggunakan teknik tertentu dalam pelaksanaannya; (2) hasil penyebaran skala hubungan interpersonal pada 62 siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang diketahui bahwa 45,16% siswa berada pada kategori kurang;  (3) dihasilkan model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan games untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa, (4) model bimbingan kelompok efektif untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa.This study aimed to: (1) investigate the implementation of group guidance, (2) analyze the level of student interpersonal relationships, (3) produce model of group guidance using games to improve students' interpersonal relationships, (4) determine the effectiveness of the group guidance model. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R & D). The population in this study were the entire nine grade students totaling 256 people, whereas the total sample was 10 students selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that: (1) the group guidance has been implemented, however they have not used certain techniques in practice, (2) the results of scale deployment of interpersonal relationships in 62 students of class IX known that 45,16% of students are in the low category, (3) produce a model of group guidance using games to increase students interpersonal relationships, (4) the model  of group guidance using games is effective to improve students’s interpersonal relationships.
Model Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Modeling untuk Meningkatkan Kematangan Karir Siswa Perada Korohama, Katharina Edeltrudis; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Tadjri, Imam
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok di SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (2) mendeskripsikan tingkat kematangan karir siswa di SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (3) menghasilkan model bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik modeling untuk meningkatkan kematangan karir siswa SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, dan    (4) menganalisis keefektifan model. Desain yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). Sebanyak 10 siswa terlibat sebagai  sampel penelitian yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa: (1) layanan bimbingan kelompok sudah dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri  Kota Kupang, namun belum optimal, (2) tingkat kematangan karir siswa SMK Negeri  Kota Kupang  sebesar 31% (kategori sedang), (3) dihasilkan model bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik modeling untuk meningkatkan kematangan karir siswa SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (4) model layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik modeling efektif untuk meningkatkan kematangan karir. Peningkatan tersebut terjadi pada semua aspek kematangan karir. Ini berarti model bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik modeling efektif untuk meningkatkan kematangan karir siswa.The objectives of this research were: (1) to analyze the implementation of group guidance in SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (2) to describe and classify the level of career maturity of students in SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (3) to produce a model of group guidance with modeling techniques to enhance the career maturity of students SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, (4) to analyze the effectiveness of the model. A research design of Research and Development (R & D) was applied ini present study with involving a total sample of 10 students selected using purposive sampling. The results showed that: (1) the group guidance service has been implemented in SMK Negeri Kota Kupang, but still has an misperception in the concept and practice of group guidance. (2) the careers maturity level of SMK Negeri Kota Kupang students were 31% (medium category). (3) this study produce the group guidance models with modeling techniques to enhance the career maturity of SMK Negeri Kota Kupang students, (4) the model was implemented in an experiment session and the results showed that every aspect of career maturity has increased significantly and the model fo group guidance services with modeling techniques is effective to increase the career maturity.
Pengembangan Model Layanan Informasi Karir Berbantuan Web tentang Studi Lanjut ke Perguruan Tinggi Setyawan, Ibnu; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) menganalisis layanan informasi karir tentang studi lanjut ke perguruan tinggi siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Boja, (2) merumuskan model layanan informasi karir berbantuan web tentang studi lanjut ke perguruan tinggi siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Boja, (3) mengkaji kelayakan model layanan informasi karir berbantuan webtentang studi lanjut ke perguruan tinggi bagi siswa kelas XII SMA di Kecamatan Boja. Penelitian ini menggunakan reseach and development (RnD) dengan langkah-langkah: 1) persiapan pengembangan model, 2) merumuskan model hipotetik, 3) uji kelayakan model hipotetik, 4) perbaikan model hipotetik, 5) uji lapangan, 6) hasil akhir produk. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penilaian dari guru dan siswa untuk model yang dikembangkan berada dalam kategori baik dan sangat baik, sehingga model yang dikembangkan layak digunakan untuk siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Boja.   The purposes of this research were to: (1) analyze the implementation of career information service about higher education for grade XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Boja, (2) formulate a model of career information services based on web about further studies to higher education for grade XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Boja, and (3) test the feasibility of the model of career information service based on web about further studies to higher education for grade XII students of SMAN 1 Boja. This research applied a reseach and development (RnD) design in several steps, namely: 1) preparing the model development, 2) formulating the hypothetic model, 3) the feasibility test of the hypothetic model, 4) revising the hypothetic model 5) field test, and 6) revising the model as a final model. The field test results showed that the teacher and students judged the model in good and very good category, so the model was worthfull to be applied for grade XII students of SMA in Boja District.
The Development of Discipline Character in Taruna Nusantara Senior High School (SMA Taruna Nusantara) Panuntun, Jontas Gayuh; Sutoyo, Anwar; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 7 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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The study of the development of discipline character took place in Taruna Nusantara Senior High School (SMA Taruna Nusantara). It was aimed at knowing what, how and why the discipline character development was conducted in SMA Taruna Nusantara. Moreover, the method used was qualitative by utilizing interview, observation and document analysis as the research instruments. Once the data collected by the instruments and furtherly analyzed, it was found that the character development conducted in SMA Taruna Nusantara covered tiered stages. The first stage was instillation. In this stage, the values of courtesy were instilled in students to become their habit. The values were realized in the way the students formed a line and gave respect to elder by raising hand. The second stage was growth stage. It was realized in any guidance given to students during their activities. The third stage was development stage. In this stage, students were given tasks such as tasks given to students' council (OSIS), class representatives, school cooperative, the committees of national days commemoration. The last stage was consolidation. This stage dealt with the responsibility of students to do any activities which were directly associated with society life. Lastly, such behavior habituation processes in social engineering are done continuously and consistently by all citizens of SMA Taruna Nusantara.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Rifai Afra Hasna, Afra Afriwilda, Mayang T Agus Wahyudin Aisah, Farida Nurul Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati Ali Murtadho Ana, Aliqol Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anwar Sutoyo Aris Munandar Arizona, Arizona Astuti, Kurnia Dwi Aulia Ika Sadewi, Aulia Ika Awalya Awalya, Awalya Ayuningtyas, Ira Palupi Inayah Bulantika, Siti Zahra Cahyani, Anugrah Intan Catharina Tri Anni, Catharina Tri Chandra, Evi Kartika Dewantari, Kartini Dewi, Eka Riyana Dian Novitasari Dicky Novriansyah, Dicky Dinia Ulfa, Dinia Djoko Widodo Dwi Astuti Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Dwi Yuwono Puji DYP Sugiharto, DYP Edy Purwanto Edy Purwanto, Edy Purwanto eka kurniadi, eka Eko Nusantoro Elfida Putri, Mela Emansi Saliha, Era Annisa Fauzi Purwoko, Muhammad Fitriyah Fitriyah Gustanti, Ira Habiba, Ardhaneswari Handayani, Dwi Asih Kumala Handayani, Dwi Asih Kumala Hani, Haris Yuftika Hardiyanti, Dwi Hardiyanti, Dwi Hartati, Maria Theresia S Hartati, Maria Theresia S Haryati, Asti Haryono Haryono Heru Mugiarso Hidayati, Nurul Wahyu Ikha Idfikhoda, Ikha Imam Ariffudin Imam Tadjri Ipung Hananto Isnaeni, Nurlaeli Isnaeni, Nurlaeli Jermias Hartes Van Harling, Jermias Hartes JT. Lobby Loekmono Karamoy, Yurike Kinanthy Kartikawati, Dwiana Kartikawati, Dwiana Katharina Edeltrudis Perada Korohama Kusuma, Rudy Hadi Lailani, Terra Lailani, Terra Lalu, Siprianus Lita Listianah, Lestari Listiyani, Nurul Loban, Maria Natalia Madoni, Ely Roy Mafirja, Sulma Maharani, Elsa G. Prasetya Maharani, Elsa G. Prasetya Makhmudah, Aida Nisviatul Laeli Maranata, Phina Mardianingsih, Agustin Yahya Maspupatun, Imas Mayang Setiawati, Mayang Miftakhus Syahidurrachman, Miftakhus Mugi Lestari, Mugi Muhammad Jafar, Muhammad Muhammad Japar, Purwati, Muhammad Mulawarman Mulawarman Muslih, Yuyun Nuriyah Muttakhidatul Hikmah, Muttakhidatul Muzamil, Ahmad Naini, Rohmatus Niga, Maria Julianti Niken Bintari Dyaningpratiwi, Niken Bintari Ningtias, Desi Ari Shandi Ayu Ninik Setyowani Nisa, Khoerotun Novi Nurfitasari, Novi Nugraheni, Edwindha Prafitra Nurdiyanti, Isro’ah Dwi Nurtiffany, Tara Gheasanti Nurtiffany, Tara Gheasanti NURUL AZIZAH Pangestuti, Riana Wibi Panuntun, Jontas Gayuh Pernama, Ayu Pertiwi, Rizka Eliza Pratama, Yousy Sischa Puspitasari, Yeny Sukma Dian Putra, Azis Andika Qudsiyah, Ummi Rahayu Lestari Rahmaningrum, Asri Rasmani, Upik Elok Endang Restika, Vika Nandhya Rika, Ardiyanti Rika, Ardiyanti Rimonda, Rubi Riyadah, Riyadah Rostiana, Dewi Sa'adah, Sa'adah Safitri, Indah Salau, Triati Lestari Salimah, Hanum Samsudi . Saragih, Meli Susanti Br Setyawan, Ibnu Setyorini, Wiji Wahyu Shafie, Amin Al Haadi bin Situmorang, Dominikus David Biondi Sri Murniasih Sugiyo Sugiyo, Sugiyo Suharto Linuwih Sunawan Sunawan Supriyo Supriyo Susanti, Putri Dwi Susilawati, Susilawati Sutarno Sutarno Taharani, Anissah Fadila Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Ujang Candra, Ujang Victor Ganap Vivi Yuniar Fitriani, Vivi Yuniar Wagimin Wagimin, Wagimin Wahyuningtyas, Titik Angereni Wijayanti, Arni Yuliyanawati, Ida zakki nurul amin, zakki nurul