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Architectural design of IoT-cloud computing integration platform Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Dany Primanita Kartikasari; Kasyful Amron; Ocki Bagus Pratama; Moch. Wildan Habibi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 17, No 3: June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v17i3.11786


An integration between the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing can potentially leverage the utilization of both sides. As the IoT based system is mostly composed by the interconnection of pervasive and constrained devices, it can take a benefit of virtually unlimited resources of cloud entity i.e storage and computation services to store and process its sensed data. On the other hand, the cloud computing system may get benefit from IoT by broadening its reach to real world environment applications. In order to incarnate this idea, a cloud software platform is needed to provide an integration layer between the IoT and cloud computing taking into account the heterogenity of network communication protocols as well as the security and data management issues. In this study, an architectural design of IoT-cloud platform for IoT and cloud computing integration is presented. The proposed software platform can be decomposed into five main components namely cloud-to-device interface, authentication, data management, and cloud-to-user interface component. In general, the cloud-to-device interface acts as a data transmission endpoint between the whole cloud platform system and its IoT devices counterpart. Before a session of data transmission established, the communication interface contact the authentication component to make sure that the corresponding IoT device is legitimate before it allowed for sending the sensor data to cloud environment. Notice that a valid IoT device can be registered to the cloud system through web console component. The received sensor data are then collected in data storage component. Any stored data can be further analyzed by data processing component. User or any developed applications can then retrieve collected data, either raw or processed data, through API data access and web console.
Cloud-based middleware for supporting batch and stream access over smart healthcare wearable device Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Satria Adi Kharisma; Bagus Jati Santoso; Dany Primanita Kartikasari; Annisa Puspa Kirana
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 9, No 5: October 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2477.186 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v9i5.1978


In IoT-based smart healthcare services, the heterogeneity of connected wearable sensing devices open up a wide opportunity to develop various healthcare services. However, it also poses an interoperability challenge since each sensing device and application may have different communication mechanisms. Considering that challenge, web platform can be seen as a promising candidate for providing an interoperability layer as we can abstract various devices as single representation i.e. web resource. In this paper, we propose the design of middleware for enabling efficient web of things access over healthcare wearable devices. The proposed middleware consists of three components: gateway-to-cloud device, messaging service and data access interface. The gateway-to-cloud device has a role to perform low level sensor data collection from various wearable sensing device through bluetooth low energy (BLE) communication protocol. Collected data are then relayed to the cloud IoT platform using a lightweight MQTT messaging protocol. In order to provide device abstraction along with access to the stored data, the system offers two kind of interfaces: the Restful HTTP identified by unique universal resource locator (URL) for batch access and MQTT websocket interface identified by unique topic to accommodate access on sensing data in near real time stream manner.
Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Platform Using MQTT End-to-Cloud Architecture Fariz Andri Bakhtiar; Moh. Wildan Habibi; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Achmad Basuki
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 6 No. 3: December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1215.922 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jitecs.202163319


IoT devices are constrained in computation and storage, therefore cannot store all long-term obtained data or perform complex computations. Shifting those jobs to cloud platform are feasible, yet rising heterogeneity and security issues. This study proposes an IoT cloud platform to facilitate communication among heterogeneous devices and the cloud while ensuring devices’ validity. It uses publish/subscribe paradigm with an end-to-cloud architecture and HTTP-based auth server. The proposed system has successfully addressed heterogeneity and security issues. Performance tests conclude that the fewer publishers publish data simultaneously, the smaller the delay. Moreover, the system performs better at up to 250 publishers as the average delay is under 1000 ms, compared to 500 publishers that has average delay above 1000 ms. On its scalability, in 250-concurrent-publishers experiment, the system affords 191 publishers responded in under one second with 100% success rate. In 500-concurrent-publishers one, 187 responded in under one second with 99% rate.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Indonesia: Cases Overview and Daily Data Time Series using Naïve Forecast Method Annisa Puspa Kirana; Adhitya Bhawiyuga
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 3 No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v3i1.1


At the end of December 2019, the virus emerges from Wuhan, China, and resulted in a severe outbreak in many cities in China and expanding globally, including Indonesia. Indonesia is the fourth most populated country globally. As of February 2021, Indonesia in the first rank of positive cases of COVID-19 in Southeast Asia, number 4 in Asia, and number 19 in the world. Our paper aims to provide detailed reporting and analysis of the COVID-19 case overview and forecasting that have hit Indonesia. Our time-series dataset from March 2020 to January 2021. Summary of cases studied included the number of positive cases and deaths due to COVID-19 on a daily or monthly basis. We use time series and forecasting analysis using the Naïve Forecast method. The prediction is daily case prediction for six months starting from February 1, 2021, to June 30, 2021, using active cases daily COVID-19 data in all provinces in Indonesia. The highest monthly average case prediction is in June, which is 35,662 cases. Our COVID-19 prediction study has a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) score of 15.85%.
Penerapan Mekanisme Komunikasi Multi-hop pada Bluetooth Low Energy Agung Setia Budi; Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 2: April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022925684


Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, perkembangan teknologi akan semakin pesat, begitu pun teknologi dalam bidang wireless communication atau komunikasi tanpa kabel. Salah satu teknologi wireless yang sudah ada cukup lama adalah Bluetooth, adapun pengembangan dari teknologi Bluetooth adalah Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Tujuan dikembangkannya BLE adalah agar sumber daya yang digunakan saat proses transmisi data lebih rendah dari Bluetooth yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Adapun terdapat beberapa batasan yang ada pada Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), salah satunya adalah hanya dapat berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lainnya dalam jarak yang dekat dikarenakan adanya keterbatasan sumber daya. Berdasarkan dari permasalahan tersebut, pada penelitian ini dirancang mekanisme komunikasi multi-hop pada BLE untuk mengatasi permasalahan jarak yang terbatas. Pada penelitian ini, topologi yang digunakan adalah topologi tree, dan hardware yang digunakan adalah ESP32. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan mekanisme komunikasi multi-hop pada BLE yang dirancang dapat diterapkan dengan sukses. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pengiriman data dari sebuah Sensor Node ke Sink Node yang melewati dua Relay Node (3-hop) membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 1846,4 ms.AbstractTechnology has been being developed very fast in the last couple years. One of that technology is wireless communication. There are so many wirelees communication technologies arround us nowadays, such as Wi-Fi, LoRa, Zigbee,and Bluetooth. The recent update of Bluetooth technology is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The purpose of developing BLE is to decrease the energy used during the data transmission process. But there are some limitations in BLE. One of them is that we can only communicate with each other in a short distance due to resources limitation. Based on these problem, in this research we want to implement the multi-hop communication mechanism on BLE to overcome short distance communication problem. In this research, we use tree topology and ESP32 as the hardware. The results of this research shows that the mechanism of multi-hop communication on BLE can be applied successfully. The experiment result shows that the transmissionof data from a Sensor Node to a Sink Node through two Relay Nodes (3-hops) needs the average time of 1846,4 ms.
Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air Kolam Budidaya Menggunakan Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Berbasis Protokol LoRa Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Widhi Yahya
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6, No 1: Februari 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3026.173 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2019611292


Salah satu faktor penting yang berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan perikanan budidaya adalah aspek kualitas air kolam yang tergambar pada beberapa parameter fisik antara lain suhu, derajat keasaman (pH), oksigen terlarut maupun kekeruhan air. Sebagai tempat hidup ikan, perubahan parameter fisik tersebut dapat berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap pertumbuhan dan daya tahan ikan budidaya. Oleh karena itu, peternak perlu melakukan pengamatan berkala terhadap kondisi air kolam budidaya untuk kemudian memberikan perlakuan tertentu agar kondisi air tetap sesuai dengan prasyarat tumbuh kembang ikan yang dibudidayakan. Peternak ikan dapat melakukan pengamatan kondisi air dengan mengambil sampel air kolam untuk kemudian diamati di laboratorium atau menggunakan peralatan sensor. Mekanisme tersebut memerlukan kehadiran peternak secara periodik pada kolam budidaya. Hal ini tentu dapat menyulitkan peternak apalagi jika ukuran kolam budidaya cukup luas. Lebih jauh lagi, kondisi fisik air dapat berubah dalam waktu yang relatif cepat, terutama karena adanya polutan baik  polutan eksternal maupun internal. Pada penelitian ini dibangun sebuah sistem pemantauan kualitas air kolam budidaya ikan secara real time menggunakan jaringan sensor nirkabel. Sistem yang diusulkan terdiri atas tiga bagian, yaitu : kumpulan perangkat node sensor, perangkat gateway dan data center. Secara periodik perangkat node sensor   mengukur parameter  fisik air menggunakan sensor dan mengirimkannya ke perangkat gateway. Perangkat gateway kemudian mengirimkan data tersebut ke data center untuk kemudian disimpan dan diolah.  Peternak dapat mengamati kondisi air kolam budidaya secara real time dari sebuah aplikasi berbasis web. Untuk melakukan validasi terhadap sistem yang dibangun, pengujian fungsionalitas dan kinerja dilakukan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sistem mampu merespons perubahan pada kondisi air seperti, tingkat kejernihan, pH, O2 terlarut dan temperatur. Sedangkan pada pengujian kinerja diperoleh hasil terbaik pada jarak 40 meter dengan besar paket 82 byte yang memberikan nilai hasil pengujian sebesar 189,4ms untuk delay dan 7,8% packetloss.Abstract The water physical condition including water temperature, acidity level (pH) and dissolved oxygen level play an important role in the success of aquaculture. As the habitat of the fish, the changes of physical parameter in water gives a direct impact to the growth and vitality of the fish. Therefore, fish farmer needs to periodically observe that water condition and takes an immediate action upon any changes. At present, the fish farmer can perform a water monitoring by taking a water sample and observe it in laboratory. However, this method can be inefficient since the water condition can be changed rapidly due to the polutant intervention either from external or internal. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a real time aquaculture water monitoring system using wireless sensor network. The proposed system can be composed into three main components : node sensors, gateway device and data center. Periodically, each node sensor measure the physical parameter of water using its sensing device and send those data to the gateway using LoRa communication module. The gateway then relays the sensor data to the datacenter using Restful Webservice protocol. Based on the functional evaluation the proposed system can give the proper response on the changes of the water quality in term of turbidity, acidity level, dissolved oxygen and temperature. Furthermore, from the network performance testing, we observe that the delay is 189.4ms and the packetloss is 7.8%.
A Store-forward Method for Biosignal Acquisition in Smart Health Care System using Wearable IoT Device Dany P Kartikasari; Apriyanto Tobing; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Ari Kusyanti; Nuretha Hevy Purwaningtyas
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v6i1.1154


Smart Health Care System has been developed massively in the last decade. Internet of Things implementation has accelerated the development of smart health technology. Now people have realized the importance of doing independent health monitoring. Supported by more affordable e-health tools, motivation in using the smart health system is increasing. The availability of cloud as storage services triggers demands to always be connected to the Internet. However, there are times when interference occurs so the measurement results cannot be stored in the cloud database properly. The idea of using a store-forward mechanism to overcome the problem of disconnected smart healthcare system is proposed in this paper. From the test results, the data can be sent properly eventhough disconnected status occurs for 30 minutes. Smartwatch’s memory usage has increase 30 percent during temporary storage occupied.
Implementation of Oxygen Saturation Sensor Data Acquisition Based on Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Muhammad Fahmi Ali Fikri; Dany Primanita Kartikasari; Adhitya Bhawiyuga
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vo. 6, No. 3, August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v6i3.1305


Sensor data acquisition is used to obtain sensor data from IoT devices that already provide the required sensor data. To acquire sensor data, we can use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol. This data acquisition aims to process further data which will later be sent to the server. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has an architecture consisting of sensors, gateways, and data centers, but with this architecture, there are several weaknesses, namely the failure when sending data to the data center due to not being connected to internet network and data redundancy at the time of data delivery is done. The proposed solution to solve this problem is to create a system that can acquire sensor data using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol with use a store and forward mechanism and checking data redundancy. The proposed system will be implemented using sensors from IoT devices, the gateway used is Android devices, and using the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol to acquire data from sensors. Then the data will be sent to the cloud or server. The results of the test give the results of the system being successfully implemented and IoT devices can be connected to the gateway with a maximum distance of 10 meters. Then when the system stores, for every minute there is an increase in data of 4 kb. Then there is no data redundancy in the system.
Penerapan Mekanisme Continuous Deployment dalam Pengembangan dan Pembaruan Perangkat Lunak Sistem Benam Berbasis Internet of Things Yohanna Fransiska Aladina; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Reza Andria Siregar; Primantara Hari Trisnawan
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 3: Juni 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022935750


Sebuah sistem berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) umumnya terdiri atas perangkat sistem benam yang saling terhubung antara satu dengan lainnya melalui jaringan internet. Jumlah perangkat IoT selalu bertambah. Namun selama ini, proses pembaruan perangkat IoT memiliki permasalahan yang serius terkait biaya dan waktu, yaitu ketika hendak melakukan pembaruan software, manusia harus datang secara langsung ke lokasi di mana perangkat IoT tersebut berada. Dari permasalahan tersebut, maka dibuatlah penelitian ini mengenai pembaruan software pada perangkat IoT menggunakan continuous deployment yang dilakukan di cloud. Continuous deployment adalah proses penyebaran berkelanjutan pada software yang memanfaatkan proses otomatisasi yang dilakukan dari awal hingga akhir berjalan secara otomatis tanpa adanya campur tangan manusia. Proses ini memberikan dampak positif yang signifikan karena hanya dengan menjalankan automated script, lalu semuanya bisa berjalan dengan lancar sesuai apa yang diharapkan. Implementasinya dilakukan menggunakan text editor yaitu Visual Studio Code, code repository yaitu GitHub, layanan cloud bernama Amazon Web Services (AWS), tiga buah ESP32 sebagai perangkat IoT, dan Jenkins sebagai tools untuk continuous deployment yang menjadi penghubung pada pendistrubusian code dari GitHub ke layanan-layanan yang dipilih di AWS untuk mendukung proses continuous deployment. Hasil dari pengujiannya menunjukkan bahwa layanan-layanan pada AWS dapat saling terhubung serta dapat terintegrasi dengan Jenkins dan ESP32, sehingga dapat melakukan pembaruan code dari GitHub ke tiga buah ESP32 dengan proses otomatisasi sepenuhnya. Waktu rata-rata yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pembaruan hanyalah 63.5 detik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, solusi ini dapat menjadi jawaban dari permasalahan pembaruan software perangkat IoT yang selama ini masih dilakukan secara manual.AbstractAn Internet of Things (IoT)-based system generally consists of embedded system devices connected through the internet network. The number of IoT devices is always growing. But so far, the process of updating IoT devices has serious problems related to cost and time, namely, when they want to update software, humans must come directly to the location where the IoT device is located. This research on software updates on IoT devices using continuous deployment is carried out in the cloud from these problems. Continuous deployment is a continuous deployment process on software that utilizes an automation process carried out from start to finish running automatically without any human intervention. This process has a significant positive impact because only by running the automated script, then can everything run smoothly as expected. The implementation is carried out using a text editor, namely Visual Studio Code, a code repository, namely GitHub, a cloud service called Amazon Web Services (AWS), three ESP32s as IoT devices, and Jenkins as tools for continuous deployment that serve as a liaison for code distribution from GitHub to other services. Services selected on AWS to support the continuous deployment process. The test results show that services on AWS can be interconnected and integrated with Jenkins and ESP32 so that they can update code from GitHub to three ESP32s with a fully automated process. The average time it takes to perform an update is only 63.5 seconds. Based on the results of these tests, this solution can answer the problem of updating IoT device software which is still done manually.
Sistem Berbasis Private Blockchain sebagai Penyedia Layanan Autentikasi Publisher-Broker-Subscriber Pada Protokol Message Queue Telemetry Transport Muhammad Naufal Dzakie; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Achmad Basuki
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 4: Agustus 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022945752


Protokol MQTT pada umumnya menggunakan username dan password untuk memvalidasi klien yang terhubung ke broker. Salah satu cara yang biasa dilakukan untuk melakukan hal ini adalah dengan membuat dedicated server yang berfungsi untuk memvalidasi klien yang terhubung pada broker. Akan tetapi hal ini membuat proses validasi klien bergantung pada entitas yang umumnya dibuat terpusat (centralized). Sistem yang terpusat rentan mengalami kegagalan yang dapat menyebabkan sistem kehilangan data dan ketersediaan yang rendah ketika ingin digunakan. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengusulkan penggunaan Ethereum blockchain sebagai pengganti dari authentication server. Blockchain merupakan teknologi penyimpanan data terdistribusi secara peer to peer yang dapat mencegah perubahan data tanpa izin. Selain itu platform Ethereum blockchain mempunyai teknologi smart contract, dengan teknologi ini pengguna dapat mengunggah program kecil pada blockchain. Pada penelitian ini, smart contract akan dijadikan pengganti dari authentication server yang biasanya digunakan pada broker MQTT. Penulis berharap terciptanya authentication server yang terdistribusi guna membantu broker MQTT dalam memvalidasi klien setelah menerapkan teknologi blockchain dan smart contract pada MQTT authentication server. Hasil dari pengujian fungsional yang didapat bahwa implementasi MQTT authentication server pada platform blockchain sudah dapat berjalan sesuai dengan fungsinya dalam melakukan authentication dan authorization pada klien. Hasil dari pengujian non fungsional menunjukkan bahwa distribusi data sudah dapat dijaga konsistensi nya pada tiap – tiap node. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi permasalahan MQTT authentication server yang terpusat.AbstractNormally MQTT protocol uses username and password for klien validation with broker. One of many ways to this is to have a dedicated server that functions wholly on handling klien validation with broker. However, there were draw backs to this, as centralized server has a higher chance of failure, which can cause data loss. Therefore, in this study, we will propose a solution using Ethereum blockchain as a substitute for the authentication server. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer data storage technology that is distributed and immutable. With Ethereum blockchain user can upload a smart contract to the blockchain that acts as a mini program. Because of this the writer propose to make a smart contract that functions as an authentication server. If implemented correctly, the writer hopes to create a distributed authentication server that helps MQTT broker to validate kliens. The result of functional testing shows that the authentication server is running by its function to authenticate and authorize kliens that connects to the broker. While the result of non-functional testing shows that the system distributed function can maintain data consistency. Therefore, based on these results, this system can be a solution for a centralized MQTT authentication server.
Co-Authors Achmad Basuki Achmad Bazuki Achmad Brahmantyo Arundaya Subianto Agi Putra Kharisma Agung Setia Budi Ahmad Aji Santoso Ahmad Nasrul Illahi Alan Maulana Hamid Alfian Rizky Susanto Alldo Raafi'ilman Ammar Waliyuddin Jannah Andhika Dwitama Putra Andri Warda Pratama Putra Annisa Puspa Kirana Annisa Puspa Kirana Annisa Widuri Murti Utami Apriyanto J.P.L Tobing Apriyanto Tobing Ardhian Rizki Ramadhani Ardi Rahmad Hermanto ari kusyanti Aria Tanzila Harfad Aris Nur Amrozi Arya Wardhana Budi Utomo Aswin Suharsono Bagos Wahyu Suprayugi Baiq Findiarin Billyan Candra Bella Vista Dany P Kartikasari Dany prima Kartikasari Dany Primanita Kartikasari Dany Primanita Kartikasari Dany Primanita Kartikasari Dedy Andrean Ardiansyah Delarta Tok Adin Dhiza Wahyu Firmansyah Donny Kurniawan Dwiyan Ramadhan Dharmanzah Dyah Ayu Ocky Mawardani Dyah Ayu Prabandari Edita Rosana Widasari Ekky Pramudito Setiawan Fabiansyah Raam Pontoh Fadhlan Muhammad Fahmi Syahrulah Fajar Hamid Embutara Ratuloli Fanny Aulia Rifki Farah Nabilla Putri Irzan Fariz Andri Bakhtiar Fariz Andri Bakhtiar Fariz Andri Bakhtiar Fathan Muhammad Fatkhurrozi Fatkhurrozi Fauzan Pahlawan Ferra Adelinna Wibowo Putri Fidia Rosianti Firman Budi Safrizal Friska Anggia Nurlita Sari Haidar Arijuddin Harun Ulum Fajar Hendra Danu Laksana I Gede Wahyu Sanjaya Iskar Maulana Islamiawan Teguh Pribadi Jodi Chris Jordan Sihombing Jogi Oliver Yohanes Tampubolon Kasyful Amron Kasyful Amron Kevin Jonathan Harnanta Khabban Sayyidi Razin Surya Kusnul Aeni Labib Imam Hidayat Lius Alviando Mahendra Data Mercury Fluorida Fibrianda Moch. Wildan Habibi Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Moh Wildan Habibi Moh. Afif Ma'ruf Moh. Wildan Habibi Mohammad Harits Mohammad Zulfikar Muhammad Abdul Aziz Muhammad Aji Guna Darmawan Muhammad Chalif Nurfaizi Muhammad Fahmi Ali Fikri Muhammad Fauzi Muhammad Gigih Wicaksono Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy Muhammad Irfan Syafi'i Muhammad Misbahul Munir Muhammad Naufal Dzakie Muhammad Rafi Fauzan Fathin Mungki Astiningrum Nico F. Sitorus Nimas Raya Ahsy Nur Fauzi Nuretha Hevy Purwaningtyas Ocki Bagus Pratama Ocki Bagus Pratama Pramukantoro, Eko Sakti Primantara Hari Trisnawan Rakhmadhany Primananda Refri Rifwan Daharmi Regita Yustania Esyaganitha Rembulan Suci Fii Jannatin Reza Andria Siregar Richad Gilang Wisduanto Riski Ananda Rizal Bayu Aji Pradana Rizky Haryandi Rahman Rizky Putra Pratama Sabit Ihsan Maulana Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar Santoso, Bagus Jati Sapta Oryza Putra Sara Yosephina Satria Adhi Kharisma Satria Adi Kharisma Sofyan Ainurrachman Sukma Alamsyah Budianto Tsany Afif Wian Virgi Widhi Yahya Yohanna Fransiska Aladina Yosef Hesekiel Partogi