Ricky Irawan
Program Studi Musik, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Published : 14 Documents Claim Missing Document
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MELIHAT ULANG KONTRIBUSI PENDIDIKAN SENI BAGI KEHIDUPAN ANAK : Survey Laporan Kaori Iwai dalam „The Contribution of Arts Education to Children’s Live“ Irawan, Ricky -
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Dipresentasikan pada konferensi UNESCO untuk regional Eropa, Kanada dan Amerika Serikat di tahun 2003, makalah Kaori Iwai yang berjudul  „The Contribution of Arts Education to Children’s Live“ merangkum landasan-landasan rasional terhadap arti penting pendidikan seni bagi kehidupan anak-anak. Makalah yang merupakan laporan penelitan di bawah proyek internasional untuk mempromosikan pendidikan seni di lingkungan sekolah ini, memperlihatkan sisi lain konstribusi seni bagi anak-anak di luar pandangan  stereotype, yakni seni untuk mengembangkan nilai estetis semata. Tulisan ini hendak memaparkan lima kontribusi seni yang ditunjukan Iwai dalam laporan penelitian tersebut dan diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan konseptual bagi elemen-elemen terkait dalam menyusun arah, metode dan strategi penerapan seni di lingkungan sekolah. 
BENTUK DAN MAKNA LAGU IDA SANG SUJATI KARYA I KOMANG DARMAYUDA Syahrian, Alfin; Irawan, Ricky; Aryanto, Agustinus Sani
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (962.268 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/jomsti.v2i2.867


The Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati  (2016) performed by Bali Kumara singers was inspired by a moment when its composer I Komang Darmayuda was appointed as a music judge at Pesta Kesenian Bali (PKB) which located at Ardha Candra Open Stage. He was stunned by the idea of ??the parade and the venue for the event which was being made for the governor of Bali  Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra who served in 1978-1988. The problems of this research are (1) the musical form of the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati by I Komang Darmayuda, (2) the process of making the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati  by I Komang Darmayuda, (3) the musical meaning contained in the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati  by I Komang Darmayuda. The method that being used for this research is qualitative, with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, documentation. The theory used to explore the problem is the theory of song form and structure analysis and the theory of meaning. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews and observations. Secondary data were obtained from books, journals, and internet sources
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

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This Article aims to review the expansion of the meaning of gambus in three categories. It is, firstly, the gambus as a musical instrument; secondly, gambus as a music performance format; and thirdly, stringed as a musical style. This categorization helps to understand the context in which the term gambus is used. Thus, the discussion about gambus can be understood more clearly. It was found that, initially, the term gambus is used to refer to a stringed musical instrument from the Middle East that came together with trading activities and the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. But in its development, gambus is also used to refer to a format of musical performances such as orkes gambus, gambus Melayu, gambus tunggal and others. Later, gambus was used also to refer to musical styles associated with Islamic musical arts such as gambus dzikir, gambus sholawat, gambus qasidah. Seeing the various uses, it is difficult to interpret it only as the name of a musical instrument, but must also accommodate the expansion of its meaning at this time.  
Bentuk dan Makna Lagu Ida Sang Sujati Karya I Komang Darmayuda Alfin Syahrian; Ricky Irawan; Agustinus Sani Aryanto
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (962.268 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/jomsti.v2i2.867


The Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati (2016) performed by Bali Kumara singers was inspired by a moment when its composer I Komang Darmayuda was appointed as a music judge at Pesta Kesenian Bali (PKB) which located at Ardha Candra Open Stage. He was stunned by the idea of ​​the parade and the venue for the event which was being made for the governor of Bali Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra who served in 1978-1988. The problems of this research are (1) the musical form of the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati by I Komang Darmayuda, (2) the process of making the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati by I Komang Darmayuda, (3) the musical meaning contained in the Balinese song Ida Sang Sujati by I Komang Darmayuda. The method that being used for this research is qualitative, with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, documentation. The theory used to explore the problem is the theory of song form and structure analysis and the theory of meaning. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews and observations. Secondary data were obtained from books, journals, and internet sources
Terminologi Gambus dalam Spektrum Musik di Indonesia Ricky Irawan
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (925.562 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/jomsti.v3i1.961


This Article aims to review the expansion of the meaning of gambus in three categories. It is, firstly, the gambus as a musical instrument; secondly, gambus as a music performance format; and thirdly, stringed as a musical style. This categorization helps to understand the context in which the term gambus is used. Thus, the discussion about gambus can be understood more clearly. It was found that, initially, the term gambus is used to refer to a stringed musical instrument from the Middle East that came together with trading activities and the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. But in its development, gambus is also used to refer to a format of musical performances such as orkes gambus, gambus Melayu, gambus tunggal and others. Later, gambus was used also to refer to musical styles associated with Islamic musical arts such as gambus dzikir, gambus sholawat, gambus qasidah. Seeing the various uses, it is difficult to interpret it only as the name of a musical instrument, but must also accommodate the expansion of its meaning at this time.
Musik Popular Bali 1950-1965 dalam Dinamika Kebudayaan Nasional Ni Wayan Ardini; I Komang Darmayuda; Ricky Irawan
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.959 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/jomsti.v3i2.1154


Purpose: This research discusses the development of popular music in Bali and its relation to national cultural issues in the 1950-1965 period. Research methods: This research uses the theoretical framework of historical ethnomusicology and emphasizes the verstehen method to understand the meaning of music. Beside the documentary study, the collecting technique of this research uses some interviews with the musical practitioner, historian, and cultural expert. Results and discussion: Keroncong, which popular during that period, was not only an aesthetic expression in the realm of music but it is also a manifesto of Indonesianess, that they are part of Indonesian society. Implication: How to become Indonesian in the realm of music was interpreted differently in that period.
"Bali-Kang": A Minimalist Music with Western, Balinese, and Chinese Elements Ni Putu Verenita Sintya Devi; Ni Wayan Ardini; Wahyu Sri Wiyati; Ricky Irawan
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

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Purpose: This paper is to remind the Balinese folklore of the legendary love story of King Jaya Pangus Harkajalancana and Paduka Sri Cacangkaja Cihna (Kang Cing Wie) in Dalem Balingkang by composing a minimalist music with Western, Balinese, and Chinese elements. Research methods: The musical work is done by referring to the exploration stage, the experimental (improvisation) stage, and the forming stage. The three stages are applied as a reference in the process of cultivating the “Bali-Kang”. Results and discussion: The “Bali-Kang” composition consists of three parts with a different interpretation but is still in one unity. This work uses minimalist music techniques and kotekan techniques, which last for about 14 minutes. Implication: Such a music must always be made update according to newest and actual situation so that the legendary love story can be remembered by all generations, at least in Bali.
Proses Produksi Program Podcast Berbasis Audio-Visual sebagai Media Penyebaran Informasi Proses Kreatif Musisi Pop Bali Irene Nyoman Esterina Pregie Angga Dewi; Ricky Irawan; I Komang Darmayuda; Wahyu Sri Wiyati
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.791 KB)


Purpose: This research is to understand the production process of audio-visual-based podcast programs as a media for disseminating information on the creative process of Balinese pop musicians. Research Methods: In this internship program for the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program, the authors and partner i.g. Bali TV want to produce a podcast program with the aim of preserving Balinese Pop Music culture which is currently experiencing global challenges in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. Results and Discussion: The presence of podcasts is a form of development from conventional radio media which previously would have been one of the most popular media. Currently, podcasts are in great demand because podcasts have various advantages compared to radio, namely podcasts are on demand (the control of the podcast is on its listener). The convenience and advantages offered by podcasts provide a new platform for the dissemination of information widely. Implication: Music programs that exist today are considered only able to fulfill the purpose of being an entertainment and promotion. For this reason, a podcast program that presents speakers who are engaged in their fields and also provides information about the creative process of Bali Pop musicians is considered to be a form of preserving Bali Pop Music from now onwards.
Aktor Lokal, Industri Rekaman Musik, dan Musik Daerah: Peran dan Kontribusi Hila Hambala pada Gitar dan Gambus Tunggal Lampung Pesisir Ricky Irawan
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

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Purpose: This article aims to examine the progress of music recording technology in cassette form and the role of local actors, encouraging the development and giving shape to the toponymy of Lampung regional music today. Research Method: through a diachronic perspective, the author focuses on Hila Hambala, a musician, composer of Lampung-language songs, who is also widely known as an important figure in the development of guitar and gambus tunggal Lampung Pesisir, and Lampung dangdut. Several issues will be discussed, including: the learning process, the music environment, and Hila Hambala's involvement in music recording (in Jakarta and Lampung) since the early 80's which resulted in recordings of her works in the form of audiocassettes and video compact discs. Results and Discussion: Hila Hambala's involvement since the 80s in regional music and popular music from the Lampung region has not only boosted the popularity of his name and works, but in turn has also helped to define and shape the landscape of local music in Lampung, namely guitar and gambus tunggal of coastal Lampung. Implication: This research contributes to the discourse on the role and implications of modernity through advances in music recording technology having an impact on regional music.
Melihat Ulang Kontribusi Pendidikan Seni Bagi Kehidupan Anak (Survei Laporan Kaori Iwai ‘The Contribution of Arts Education to Children’s Live’) Ricky Irawan; Anggil Viyantini Kuswanto
Al-Athfaal: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Al-Athfaal: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.35 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajipaud.v3i2.7513


Dipresentasikan pada konferensi UNESCO untuk regional Eropa, Kanada dan Amerika Serikat di tahun 2003, makalah Kaori Iwai yang berjudul „The Contribution of Arts Education to Children’s Live“ merangkum berbagai landasan rasional arti penting pendidikan seni bagi kehidupan anak. Makalah yang merupakan laporan penelitan di bawah proyek internasional untuk mempromosikan pendidikan seni di lingkungan sekolah ini, memperlihatkan sisi lain konstribusi seni bagi anak-anak di luar stereotype, yakni seni sebagai media pengembangan estetis dan keterampilan seni  semata. Menggunakan metode studi literatur, tulisan ini hendak mendiskusikan berbagai kontribusi seni yang ditunjukan Iwai dalam laporan penelitiannya tersebut, sekaligus momotret konteks dunia pendidikan yang melatarbelakangi penelitian Iwai tersebut. Meski laporan tersebut telah berselang 17 tahun, artikel diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber ide, landasan konseptual bagi stakeholder dan elemen-elemen dalam dunia pendidikan dalam menyusun arah, metode dan strategi penerapan seni di lingkungan sekolah.